[protobuf] Re: Python3 Protobufs

2013-08-22 Thread Dale Peterson
On Thursday, August 22, 2013 2:36:07 PM UTC-7, Charles Law wrote:

 I'd be interested in getting this done.  I do want it merged in at some 
 point  this will only make it easier.  Since I did some of the translation 
 at work I'm talking to legal about getting the contributor license 
 agreement signed.  Free time is very rare though.

 It might (not for sure, but just might) make sense to take the latest svn 
 branch and merge my code into that.  It took a couple iterations to get it 
 right so there are some commits that don't add anything in the end.  The 
 hardest thing I think was finding all the places strings should be bytes. 
  I might have the time to do this in the next month or 2.

It would be great to have Python3 support. A couple other projects I am 
involved with have recently switch to a single code base (to avoid the need 
to do the 2to3 dance), and they have reported very positively about their 
experience. If you are interested, here is an excellent summary of how the 
SymPy project handles things (they dropped support for Python = 2.5 
though, not sure how possible that is for protbuf).


I believe the numpy, scipy, ipython, and matplotlib folks are also doing 
this, or are very close to having it done. One of the SymPy maintainers 
worked for Continuum over the summer and posted about this here as well:


Anyway, if you want me to review any patches, ping me and I'll try to do so.


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[protobuf] Re: Protocol Buffers on an embedded system

2013-08-22 Thread Dale Peterson

On Thursday, August 22, 2013 6:27:08 AM UTC-7, Trepi Dacious wrote:

 1) I'm guessing the STM32F4 MCU? In that case yes, I've used protobuf in 
 an identical environment (chibios, etc.).

You guessed it. Yeah, Olimex STM32-H407, ChibiOS/RT, fatfs, and nanopb. It 
was *extremely* helpful to be able to log intermediate data as optional 
fields without breaking backwards compatibility. 

 2) Yes, I've used nanopb extensively, and it works very well. I've only 
 run into one issue with inter-operation with the Java version of protobuf 
 (and also protoc) - nanopb perfectly reasonably doesn't check that the enum 
 values you use are actually in the enum, whereas some other implementations 
 do. The result of this is not terrible - if you encode with nanopb and 
 decode with such an implementation, the decoder will just ignore the 
 invalid enum values, possibly adding them as unknown fields. In addition 
 you might want to validate your own enums on the MCU before encoding and 
 after decoding, if the results of an invalid value are bad...

 In general it's really no harder to use nanopb on the firmware and GPB on 
 the PC than to use the same on both ends, since they both follow the 
 protobuf spec., although it's a little different for me since I'm using 
 Java on the PC so I'm automatically not using the same libraries. I've also 
 tried with a ruby protobuf library, which was also happy talking to nanopb.

Yeah, I agree. I've been looking at the nanopb+stm32+fatfs generated data 
on my PC using the C++ Google protobuf library. Works very well. I 
originally implemented things in Python, but it is silly slow compare to 
C++. I could just be doing something stupid but I saw 100x speedups by 
using the C++ API directly.

 As a general protobuf point, I've found it very helpful to stick with the 
 standard delimited form for multiple messages, where the data has a 
 varint encoded length for each message in the data. The Google Java 
 protobuf library supports reading this directly, and encoding it with 
 nanopb is also pretty easy.

I will probably do this next time. What I ended up doing was writing 2-byte 
(LSB, then MSB) message size delimiters prior to each message. In my case, 
it probably wasn't worth the extra work and I should have gone with the 
varint apprach. The nice thing about my approach is that I only had to 
encode the data once and it gets encoded directly into the memory buffer, 
so there is no double encoding or copying of the message after it is 
encoded. On the flip side, I had to make my buffers a bit bigger and handle 
the case where the message overflows, and copy the overflowing bytes into 
the next buffer. You can check it out here in case you are interested:


Such optimizing was probably not necessary for my application, but if you 
were trying to push the hardware harder, it might be.


 I actually found this post looking for anyone with some code to wrap a 
 fatfs file as a nanopb stream, I'll continue my search!

Let me know if you find something like that, it would be really cool to 


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[protobuf] Re: Python3 Protobufs

2013-04-22 Thread Dale Peterson
  Thanks for taking the time to do this!  Is it possible to make your 
github repo be based off of the latest svn checkout of GPB?  I have used 
the instructions here [0] to do this for other projects where I wanted to 
use git but the official code was managed with svn (as in this case).  The 
nice thing about this is then hopefully your work could be merged into GPB 
down the road since it would be based off the most recent commit and the 
merge conflicts would be eliminated.

It looks like your initial svn checkout of the  GPB repos was a year ago so 
all the python3 tests you've got are based on version 2.4.1.

I've already set up git svn clone of the official google protobuf svn repo 

If you were to clone this and see if you could apply all your patches to 
the latest svn checkout, then hopefully the maintainers of GPB would be 
more willing to get the ball rolling on Python3.

Let me know if I can help at all, I am using GPB in a project where 
everything else is Python 3 but I have to also make sure Python 2 is 
available and it would be nice if GBP supported both.


[0] -- 

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[protobuf] Re: Is it possible to statically link protobuf without using pthread?

2013-04-18 Thread Dale Peterson
I'm also trying to do the same thing, specifically for an embedded ARM 
Cortex-M4 processor.  I am using the GCC ARM Embedded [0] toolchain.  Did 
you have any luck with this?


[0] -- https://launchpad.net/gcc-arm-embedded

On Tuesday, January 15, 2013 4:00:05 AM UTC-8, hash code wrote:

 I can link protobuf statically with pthread:

 g++ -g -Wall example.pb.cc example.cc -o example -static -lprotobuf 

 However I am going to use protobuf on the real time OS where pthread 
 library is not available. Is it possible to configure protobuf that way?

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[protobuf] Protocol Buffers on an embedded system

2013-04-18 Thread Dale Peterson
I am collecting data from sensors with an ARM Cortex-M4 running and RTOS, 
and logging the data in binary format to an micro SD card, which is then 
periodically transferred to a PC for analysis.  I am using the FatFS [0] 
FAT32 filesystem library along with the ChibiOS RTOS [1].  After a few 
revisions of my data format, I realized that this problem is directly 
solved by Google Protocol Buffers and that I should be using something like 
it to manage the serialization/deserialization of my data.  However, it 
seems there are some challenges to get my firmware to build.  The two 
issues I'm facing are:

1) pthreads isn't available for my target.
2) Target device is an ARM Cortex-M4 with the armv7m-e instruction set.
3) ostream does not work out of the box in the embedded environment (though 
I might be able to serialize to a string)

Here are my questions:
1) Has anybody successfully used protocol buffers in an identical or very 
similar environment?  If so, can you point me to your code so I can see how 
you made it work, or offer any advice on what is needed?
2) I am tempted to use another project called nanopb [2] because it seems 
like it might be easier to get working on my embedded system.  Has anybody 
here used it who can report on how well it worked when inter-operating with 
GPB?  nanopb should be compatible with GPB but I just want to make sure the 
process is actually smooth sailing.  All my embedded code is in C++ so I 
would prefer to use GPB over nanopb if possible, but if it is too much to 
make GPB work on the embedded system then I guess I would have to use both 
(nanopb on firmware and GPB on PC that decodes data from the SD card).

Thank you for any insights or thoughts.


[0] -- http://elm-chan.org/fsw/ff/00index_e.html
[1] -- http://chibios.org/dokuwiki/doku.php
[2] -- http://koti.kapsi.fi/jpa/nanopb/

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