[protobuf] Serialize message in C++, parse using Java

2010-10-27 Thread Jun8
I've Google for a day now and could not find full information on the
following problem.

I want to serialize protobuf messages in C++, send them to a JMS
(using activemq-cpp API) and parse in my Java server. Based on what I
found in my searches, here's my C++ function that serializes the

 *  Serialize given protobuf message and send to Active MQ JMS using
the producer.
void MessageProducer::send( const diva::messaging::Message&
proto_mesg )
using namespace google::protobuf::io;

long bufLength = proto_mesg.ByteSize() +
CodedOutputStream::VarintSize32( proto_mesg.ByteSize() );
unsigned char buf[bufLength];

ZeroCopyOutputStream* raw_output = new ArrayOutputStream( buf,
bufLength );
CodedOutputStream* coded_output = new CodedOutputStream(raw_output);

// Prepend the message size to wire message.
coded_output->WriteVarint32( proto_mesg.ByteSize() );


// Create an ACtive JMS message and insert task & module information
in header.
cms::BytesMessage* message = m_session->createBytesMessage();

// Write serialized protobuf message to the JMS message and send.
message->writeBytes( buf, 0, bufLength );
m_producer->send( message );

delete message;
delete coded_output;
delete raw_output;

And here's the part in Java that parses teh received messages from

// Create a byte array for received message.
BytesMessage receivedMessage = 
logger.info("received message in NAC");
byte[] mesg_bytes = new 
int num_read = receivedMessage.readBytes(mesg_bytes);
if ( num_read != receivedMessage.getBodyLength() ) {
throw new Exception("Error reading message into 
byte array");

// Create registry for all possible DIVA messages.
ExtensionRegistry er = ExtensionRegistry.newInstance();

// Parse the received message.
diva.messaging.DivaBase.Message m =
diva.messaging.DivaBase.Message.parseFrom( mesg_bytes, er );

Currently, I get

Problem parsing message received in NAC:
com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException: Protocol message
end-group tag did not match expected tag.
Problem parsing message received in NAC: java.lang.ClassCastException:
org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQTextMessage cannot be cast to

errors for each message and cannot see what I'm doing wrong.

Thanks for any comments on the code and/or pointers you might provide.

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[protobuf] Re: beginner question about extensions

2010-08-11 Thread Jun8
Duh, the solution was simple, I was confused with the repeated entry

On Aug 11, 5:25 pm, Jun8  wrote:
>         myevents::Event e;
>         e.set_task_id( taskID );
>         e.set_module_name( moduleName );
>         // Create a status event
>         myevents::StatusEvent* se = e.AddExtension( myevents::status_event );

Should be

myevents::StatusEvent* se =

Now, I can send the event. To test my reception I do

myevents::Event e;
std::cout << "Received event: " << std::endl << e.DebugString() <<

However, this produces

libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse
message of type "myevents.Event" because it is missing required
fields: task_id, module_name
Received event:

Received event:
task_id: 1
module_name: "face_detector"
[diva.events.status_event] {
  data {
key: "keyframe_width"
value: "360"

I couldn't figure out the error message, the fields are clearly there.

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[protobuf] beginner question about extensions

2010-08-11 Thread Jun8

I want to implement a hierarchy of events using protobuf.
Specifically, I have a main Event message type. These Events currently
can be either be a StatusEvent or a DetectionEvent. Here's the proto
definitions I came up with:

// A general event, can be thought as base Event class for other event
message Event {
  required int64 task_id = 1;
  required string module_name = 2;  // module that sent the event

  extensions 100 to 199;

// Extend the base Event with additional types of events.
extend Event {
  optional StatusEvent status_event = 100;
  optional DetectionEvent detection_event = 101;

// A bounding box detected in a frame representing a region of
message DetectionEvent {
  optional int64 frame = 1; // frame number (starting at 1) where
  optional int64 time = 2;
  optional string label = 3;

// Change of status in current module.
message StatusEvent {
  enum EventType {
  required EventType type = 1;

  // Optional key-value pairs for data to be passed on.
  message Data {
required string key = 1;
required string value = 2;
  repeated Data data = 2;

This compiles with protoc. My problem is, after I create an Event, e,
I don't know how to add an extension event. I though the way to go was

myevents::Event e;
e.set_task_id( taskID );
e.set_module_name( moduleName );

// Create a status event
myevents::StatusEvent* se = e.AddExtension( myevents::status_event );
se->set_type( myevents::StatusEvent::MODULE_START );
myevents::StatusEvent::Data *data = se->add_data();
data->set_key( "frame_width" );
data->set_value( 100 );

When I do this, I get the following compilation error on my protobuf
header file:

‘Add’ is not a member of

so clearly this is not the way to go. What is the correct way to do
this? Any help would be much appreciated.


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