You can control whether the vector is empty or not: you can reserve memory
for the vector based on the descriptor size, or reuse a vector previously
passed to ListFields - calling vector::clear() does not delete the
allocated memory.

Admittedly, the reflection code is not heavily optimized. But any choice of
container is likely to run into some issues; there just hasn't been much
effort into picking these tradeoffs. In general messages are encouraged to
be small so that the allocation size for the output vector should not be
that significant.

On Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 2:54 AM, jaycee <> wrote:

> When using protobuf , there comes the performance bottleneck.
> Then I found the hot point is focus on
> GeneratedMessageReflection::ListFields (which costs 30%+ CPU idle) by
> gprofiler,  which indicates that there is too much "new" and "delete" .
> ------------------------API of ListFields---------------------------------
> void
> GeneratedMessageReflection::ListFields(
>     const Message&
> message,
>     vector<const FieldDescriptor*>* output) const;
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> As the function called, the second arg : "output" is always a empty
> vector. So it will cause new/delete for many times in case of plenty fields
> So as title mentioned, Why don't we use deque or other container to avoid
> too much new/delte, instead of using vector.
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