Hey All,
I was planning on making some tweaks to the JavaScript binding - in particular changing the package name from "qpid-proton" to "qpid-proton-messenger". I think that the latter is better because we'll likely want "qpid-proton-reactor" IDC and it would be a bit bloaty to put both APIs in one package.

Anyway, I did an update to the proton trunk latest and a vanilla build environment and "imagine my surprise" :-) when send.js barfed.

It looks like some change in the ws WebSocket library in npm central has broken something. From what I've been able to ascertain it was the change between 0.5.0 and 0.6.0 where the issue lies (sometime around 5th December by the looks of it).

TBH I probably should have been a bit more explicit with versions of dependencies, but I'm kind of learning with npm and rather making up as I go :-D but I've now pushed a change to trunk https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf?p=qpid-proton.git that pins the ws version to 0.5.0 for now.

If you get bitten by this and don't want to update to the latest proton in trunk just yet it's fairly easy to sort out, the following should do the trick:

cd <proton-root>
rm -rf node_modules/ws
npm install ws@0.5.0

It'll clearly be good to work out what has actually changed, but I'll need a bit of quality time to do more digging, it might be something in the binding code, but it *could* be something in the emscripten network code that has been borked, for now pinning the ws version seems the best approach.


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