[Prototype-core] javascript performance/ optimization

2008-03-09 Thread Thierry


Im trying to improve the speed of a js app. After reading some
articles i'm considering a few things.
- Does it make sense to replace binding events with the old fashioned
- When not using the javascript on the page, is there still a
performance hit from parsing the script; and how large is this effect

Tips and links regarding articles on js performance would be
appreciated :)
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[Prototype-core] Re: Implementing Cross site Ajax support for prototype

2007-10-22 Thread Thierry

Looks like i can do the readyStates though, which fortunately is all i

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[Prototype-core] Re: Implementing Cross site Ajax support for prototype

2007-10-22 Thread Thierry

Ok here a first start of the work, most of it is ok, but still need to
translate IE support and Safari:

Change in prototype.js ajax.request initialize to:
  initialize: function(url, options) {
this.transport = (!this.options.crosssite) ? Ajax.getTransport() :
new MyXajaxTransportClass;

Now when specifying your javascript, go like this:

function ajaxTest() {
new Ajax.Request('/frontend_dev.php/comment/giveratingjs', {
  method: 'GET',
  crosssite: true,
  parameters: { theorder: '1', down: '1', threadid: '5' },
  onLoading: function() {
  onSuccess: function(transport) {
  onFailure: function(transport) {

The magic happens in the MyXajaxTransportClass (ill rename it soon),
have a look at the current version:
Still need to improve some things

MyXajaxTransportClass = Class.create();
//modeled after XmlHttpRequest http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XMLHttpRequest
//functions open, send (setRequestHeader) - variable readyState,
//* 0 = uninitialized - open() has not yet been called.
//* 1 = open - send() has not yet been called.
//* 2 = sent - send() has been called, headers and status are
//* 3 = receiving - Downloading, responseText holds partial data.
//* 4 = loaded - Finished.

//Implementation for indicating Failure
//Delayed removal of script nodes

//-- initialize, open and send
MyXajaxTransportClass.prototype.initialize = function() {
this.readyState = 0;

MyXajaxTransportClass.prototype.open = function(method, url,
asynchronous) {
if(method != 'GET') alert('Method should be set to GET when using
cross site ajax');
this.readyState = 1;
this.url = url;
this.userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();

MyXajaxTransportClass.prototype.send = function(body) {
this.readyState = 2;

//-- actually do the request: setBrowser,
prepareGetScriptXS, callback, getScriptXS --

// Figure out what browser is being used, is this good practise?
MyXajaxTransportClass.prototype.setBrowser = function(body) {
MyXajaxTransportClass.prototype.browser = {
version: (this.userAgent.match(/.+(?:rv|it|ra|ie)[\/: ]([\d.]+)/) ||
safari: /webkit/.test(this.userAgent),
opera: /opera/.test(this.userAgent),
msie: /msie/.test(this.userAgent)  !/opera/.test(this.userAgent),
mozilla: /mozilla/.test(this.userAgent)  !/(compatible|
konqueror: this.userAgent.match(/konqueror/i)

MyXajaxTransportClass.prototype.prepareGetScriptXS = function () {
if (this.browser.safari || this.browser.konqueror) {
this._xsajax$node = [];
this._xsajax$nodes = 0;

//node helper for safari needs fixing

MyXajaxTransportClass.prototype.callback = function () {
this.readyState = 4;
//TODO, timed cleanup


MyXajaxTransportClass.prototype.getScriptXS = function () {
/* determine arguments */
var arg = {
'url':  null
if (typeof arguments[0] == string) {
/* simple usage, is all we need */
arg.url = arguments[0];

/* generate script node */
this.node = document.createElement('SCRIPT');
this.node.type = 'text/javascript';
this.node.src = arg.url;

/* optionally apply event handler to script node for
   garbage collecting script node after loading and/or
   calling a custom callback function */
var node_helper = null;

if (this.browser.msie) {
/* MSIE doesn't support the onload event on
   script nodes, but it at least supports an
   onreadystatechange event instead. But notice:
   according to the MSDN documentation we would have
   to look for the state complete, but in practice
   for script the state transitions from loading
   to loaded. So, we check for both here... */
try{this.node.get(this[0]).onreadystatechange = function () {
if (this.readyState == complete || this.readyState ==
};} catch(e) {dump(e)}
else if (this.browser.safari || this.browser.konqueror) {
/* Safari/WebKit and Konqueror/KHTML do not emit
   _any_ events at all, but we can exploit the fact
   that dynamically generated script DOM nodes
   are executed in sequence (although the scripts
   theirself are still loaded in parallel) */
var helper =
'var ctx = jQuery._xsajax$node[' + this._xsajax$nodes +
'];' +
'ctx.callback.call(ctx.node);' +
'setTimeout(function () {' +
'jQuery(ctx.node_helper).remove();' +
'}, 100);';

[Prototype-core] Implementing Cross site Ajax support for prototype

2007-10-21 Thread Thierry

I am looking for cross site ajax support for prototype.

Currently this does not seem to be supported. I think I will rewrite
the code of other libraries to be useful for prototype.

The best functionality out there, which i found so far, are:


Suggestions and help would be appreciated off course :)

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[Prototype-core] Re: Implementing Cross site Ajax support for prototype

2007-10-21 Thread Thierry

What did google come up with?

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[Prototype-core] Re: Implementing Cross site Ajax support for prototype

2007-10-21 Thread Thierry

Does anyone know if it possible to get the header response code, when
using the script technique?


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