[Proto-Scripty] Re: Using a prototype function in dynamic content.

2009-08-01 Thread Drum

Ah, now, that's interesting. I did try to use evalScripts, but I
couldn't find any clear examples of how or where to apply it. I tried
putting it in the places it seemed logical, but without effect.

So, ok, I have an HTML page includes an onclick to fetch some content
which will include scripts. The JS functions to handle this are in an
external file. Do I put the evalScripts() in

onclick="getStuff(param, param).evalScipts();

or do I apply it to the returned text before putting it in innerHTML

var thereturn = http_request.responseText.evalScripts();
document.getElementById(div).innerHTML = thereturn;

I tried both, but couldn't get either to work.


On 31 July, 11:13, "T.J. Crowder"  wrote:
> Hi,
> You're using the evalScripts option in your ajax call?  Can you
> produce a small, self-contained example[1]?
> [1]http://proto-scripty.wikidot.com/self-contained-test-page
> -- T.J. :-)
> On Jul 31, 1:22 am, Drum  wrote:
> > P.S. I tried with both delete eds[id];  and eds[id] = undefined.
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[Proto-Scripty] how can i implement rails' link_to_remote :submit options using Ajax.updater?

2009-08-01 Thread serenobs


<%= link_to_remote 'click here', :update=>'some_div', :url=>
{:action=>'some'}, :submit=>'group' %>
is what I want to implement using  Ajax.updater.

To do this I coded ( it is invoked when I clicked some link or button,
whatever )
new Ajax.Updater('some_div', url(:action=>'some'),
  { parameters: $('group').serialize(true), method: 'get'} );

group div looks like below:

  <%= radio_button_tag(:myvalue, 1 %>
  <%= radio_button_tag(:myvalue, 2 %>

on the controller's 'some' looks like below
def some
   if params[:myvalue] == blah blah

if i use link_to_remote with submit options, it worked properly.
but in case of my code using Ajax.updater, params[:myvalue] is not set

What's wrong with me?
Somebody help me.


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Escaping Input

2009-08-01 Thread T.J. Crowder


I'm surprised by the POST data you quoted, but it doesn't matter, I'm
pretty sure I know what's wrong.

I was hurrying too much when posting my reply.  You don't have to URL-
encode the JSON string if you're going to give Ajax.Request a
parameters *object* rather than parameters *string*, because Prototype
will do it for you -- which is half the point of using an object.  So
drop the encodeURIComponent bit:

// Using an object:
entry = Object.toJSON($('busCalForm').serialize(true));
new Ajax.Request(
"modules/buscal/processes/saveBooking.php", {
parameters: {
year: year,
recnum: busmstr_id,
json: entry
onSuccess: busCal.gotEntry.bind(this),
onFailure: busCal.gotFailure.bind(this)

// Using a string (not recommended, data gets transformed to an object
// and then back again -- but it demonstrates using the
// encodeURIComponent function
entry = Object.toJSON($('busCalForm').serialize(true));
new Ajax.Request(
"modules/buscal/processes/saveBooking.php", {
"year=" + encodeURIComponent(year) +
"&recnum=" + encodeURIComponent(busmstr_id) +
"&json=" + encodeURIComponent(entry),
onSuccess: busCal.gotEntry.bind(this),
onFailure: busCal.gotFailure.bind(this)

Note that I'm escaping all of the components, although if you *know*
year and busmstr_id won't include any characters that are special in
URLs, you can skip it.  Again, though, best to use the object feature
of Ajax.Request and let it handle URL-encoding.

Sorry for the bum steer earlier, rushing too much.  "Do less, better"
should be my motto. ;-)
T.J. Crowder
tj / crowder software / com
Independent Software Engineer, consulting services available

On Jul 31, 5:49 pm, infringer  wrote:
> This method works well in FF 3.5, but FF 3.0.12 doesn't like it...  I
> really would like to keep the from coming in a separate variable, but
> realize I may have to change that.
> 3.0.12's POST (truncated) just for info:
> %7Bstartdate%3A%202009-04-23%2C%20
> 3.5's POST (truncated):
> %7B%22startdate%22%3A%20%222009-04-23%22%2C%
> As you can see 3.5 has extra characters...
> I'm sending this to PHP, and my processing script receives the JSON
> variable as such
> $json_string = (isset($_POST['json']) ? rawurldecode($_POST['json']) :
> "");
> $json = json_decode($json_string, true);
> if (($json == '') || empty($json) || ($json == null)) {
>         $result['valid_result'] = 2;
>         $result['reason'] = rawurlencode("Unknown error, Administrator has
> been notified.  Please try again later");
>         $result = json_encode($result);
>         header("Content-Type: application/json");
>         print $result;
>         exit(0);
> }
> so when users are using 3.0.xx they always receive this error message,
> because the PHP script doesn't see it as valid JSON.
> but 3.5 users (myself only) can perform the saves/deletes, etc
> This is for an internal application, we only allow FF to be used.
> Thanks for the help!
> -David
> On Jul 30, 4:00 pm, "T.J. Crowder"  wrote:
> > Sorry, I got my wires crossed half-way through the first one of
> > those.  You can't use String#toJSON, it's not a string!  Doh.
> > Correcting my first example:
> > entry = encodeURIComponent(Object.toJSON($('busCalForm').serialize
> > (true)));
> > new Ajax.Request(
> >     "modules/buscal/processes/saveBooking.php", {
> >     parameters: {
> >         year: year,
> >         recnum: busmstr_id,
> >         json: entry
> >     },
> >     onSuccess: busCal.gotEntry.bind(this),
> >     onFailure: busCal.gotFailure.bind(this)
> > });
> > Sorry 'bout that.
> > -- T.J. :-)
> > On Jul 30, 8:55 pm, "T.J. Crowder"  wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > You're sending an unencoded string (which happens to be in JSON
> > > format) as part of your parameters string, which is meant to be URL-
> > > encoded data.  A # sign is the least of your problems. ;-)  You'll
> > > want to encode that with JavaScript's encodeURIComponent function[1].
> > > Somewhat OT, but as of 1.6 (at least), the preferred way to provide
> > > options to Ajax.Request is as an object.  If you give it a string,
> > > that string will be converted to an object, and then later converted
> > > back into a string.  Yes, really. :-)  Also, String has a toJSON
> > > function you can use instead of JSON.stringify (not that it matters).
> > > So:
> > > entry = encodeURIComponent($('busCalForm').serialize(true).toJSON());
> > > new Ajax.Request(
> > >     "modules/buscal/processes/saveBooking.php", {
> > >     parameters: {
> > >         year: year,
> > >         recnum: busmstr_id,
> > >         json: entry
> > >     },
> > >     onSuccess: busCal.gotEntry.bind(this),
> > >     onFailure: busCal.gotFailure.bind(this)
> > > });
> > > > How can I effectively escape an entire form, without
> > > > having to get the value and escape them individually?  Is there a
> > > > command I'm missing?
> > > That's not

[Proto-Scripty] Re: IE, attachEvent to div

2009-08-01 Thread T.J. Crowder

Hi Jake,

I know you said to cancel your post (it had already been posted), so
you're not expecting an answer, but:

>  element = Element('div')  // Doesn't work when created this way.

It's "new Element(...)", not "Element(...)".  (See [1], scroll down to
"Element as a constructor").

>  element.attachEvent('onclick', function(evt) {alert('hello')} ); //

If you're using Prototype, why not use Prototype?[2]

[1] http://prototypejs.org/api/element
[2] http://prototypejs.org/api/element/observe

T.J. Crowder
tj / crowder software / com
Independent Software Engineer, consulting services available

On Jul 31, 7:56 pm, Jake  wrote:
> I am using prototype and IE8.  Although I think the same
> problem occurred in IE7. Why do the following lines of code give
> errors?
>  element = Element('div')  // Doesn't work when created this way.
>  element.attachEvent('onclick', function(evt) {alert('hello')} ); //
> can't attach event.
> This doesn't work either:
>   element = Element('div')
>   Event.observe(element, 'click', function(evt) {alert('hello')});
> However, when I do not use prototype to create the div element, both
> of these do not generate errors:
>  element = document.createElement('div');
>  element.attachEvent('onclick', function(evt) {alert('hello')} );
>  element = document.createElement('div');
>  Event.observe(element, 'click', function(evt) {alert('hello')});
> I was thinking that a div created with
>   element = Element('div')
> can do everything that a div created with
>  element = document.createElement('div');
> can do, but it will not allow me to attach an event for some reason.
> Any ideas as far as why the first two don't work?
> Thanks.
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[Proto-Scripty] Simple Yes/No prompt inside a layer with timeout

2009-08-01 Thread Steve Moyer

I'm looking for a simple (Yes/NO) prompt with a timeout and fade away
function so it can "live" on the screen, accept "Y" or "N" or enter or
escape, with "N" as the default, and Escape as cancel.
It should live within a layer and disappear after a set number of

Any leads?

Steve Moyer

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[Proto-Scripty] cancel post

2009-08-01 Thread Jake


Cancel my last post please. solves my problem. Thought that's
what I was using, but guess I wasn't

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[Proto-Scripty] IE, attachEvent to div

2009-08-01 Thread Jake

I am using prototype and IE8.  Although I think the same
problem occurred in IE7. Why do the following lines of code give

 element = Element('div')  // Doesn't work when created this way.
 element.attachEvent('onclick', function(evt) {alert('hello')} ); //
can't attach event.

This doesn't work either:

  element = Element('div')
  Event.observe(element, 'click', function(evt) {alert('hello')});

However, when I do not use prototype to create the div element, both
of these do not generate errors:

 element = document.createElement('div');
 element.attachEvent('onclick', function(evt) {alert('hello')} );

 element = document.createElement('div');
 Event.observe(element, 'click', function(evt) {alert('hello')});

I was thinking that a div created with
  element = Element('div')
can do everything that a div created with
 element = document.createElement('div');
can do, but it will not allow me to attach an event for some reason.

Any ideas as far as why the first two don't work?


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