
One of the big issues I rand into was the way different browsers 
> handle scrolling the results window, and how the window controls is 
> treated as a loss of focus in some browsers. 
Do you can describe this with more words? I cannot remember such problem, 
at least as the "big issue".

I implemented the code Craig posted in this thread from 2/2009: 
> http://groups.google.com/group/prototype-scriptaculous/browse_thread/thread/ee29de995b4e000d
> ... but that introduced some other aberrant behavior, such as the 
> results box not going away after selection.

selection by mouse click or key press?

> Would love to see how other people have solved some of these issues.

1. Replaced some of deprecated Position.xxx methods
2. Wrapped update.clonePosition in try-catch - source of frequent IE errors 
with Prototype < 1.7
3. Replaced bindAsEventListener() with bind()
4. Modified keyboard observers: keypress for ENTER/ESC in IE, keydown for 
ESC in WebKit and keydown for the rest of keys
5. iframe shim only for IE6, not for IE7+
6. Proper z-index for iframe
7. Fixed bug in getEntry() for empty this.update
8. Added scrollIntoView() in updateChoices()
9. Fixed bug with invalid cached tokenBounds in getTokenBounds()

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