[Proto-Scripty] Re: Drag and Drop between Lists

2008-09-13 Thread Chrigu

Hello David

Thanks a lot for your help. I will try your hints and let you know the
The Templates looking interesting. I will try them.


On 12 Sep., 13:57, david <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Chrigu,
> > 1) I use 3 lists. I can drag and drop items from every list to the
> > others or within the list. This ist just perfect for list 1 and 2. But
> > list 3 sholud always stay the same. Even if i drag a item out of the
> > list, the item should stay in the list and a copy of the item should
> > be placed in one of the other lists. Is there a easy way for doing
> > this?
> I think yopu could try to clone the object depending if droppable was
> activated (because then it is no more in the global list) and re-
> insert it in those list.
> > 2) I like to get a clicked event only when teh element is not draged.
> > When i click to a list element i like to open another window or
> > something like a lightbox with more informations. How can i detect the
> > Click?
> with the event.observe(), a simple exemple depending of your code:
> $R(1,20).each(function(_n){$('po_'+_n).observe('click',function()
> {alert('clicked on id po_'+_n);});});
> > Thank you for your help
> > Chrigu
> Just one remark, go and see the template api 
> (http://www.prototypejs.org/api/template
> ), for generating the list inside the list3.
> --
> david
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: dragging a draggable into a sortable

2008-09-12 Thread Chrigu

is there already a solution on this topic?
I have a similar problem, but i use three sortable lists. After
dragging a item from list 3 to one of the others, the item sould stay
in list 3. I have a sample on http://www.i-cons.ch/sample/list/


On 19 Aug., 00:51, Georgie Porgie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yeah, that would be nice. It is weird that this isn't an option in
> scriptaculous. Perhaps just have an "accepts:" option that accepts
> draggables into it. Currently, you can drag items into asortablelist
> using the "containment" option. However, that requires that the
> draggables be part of anothersortablelist(which isn't what I want to
> do). Again, I think many people want to have this "trivial"
> functionality.
> On Jul 29, 2:47 pm, pkaeding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Would that allow the items in theSortableto move around, giving the
> > visual indication of where the new element is going to go?
> > It seems to me that this might be a pretty common thing for people to
> > want to do withSortablelists, and perhaps it should be a part of
> > Scriptaculous.  Perhaps we could add a 'feeder' option, or something,
> > to specify a container of dropppables that would 'feed' thesortable.
> > I would propose doing something like how I overrodeSortable.onHover
> > in my first post above, but in a more general, customizable form.
> > I feel like I could take this on, and submit a patch if you guys think
> > this is the right direction to go.
> > Thoughts?
> > Thanks,
> > Patrick
> > On Jul 17, 5:16 pm, Diodeus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I understand what you're trying to do.
> > > You could set a "lastHover" variable and attach your own mouseover
> > > events to the elements insortablethat set this variable to their
> > >sortindex value. Then at the end of the drop function you could use
> > > setSequence to place the newly created element at the location of
> > > "lastHover". At least that's the theory.
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[Proto-Scripty] Drag and Drop between Lists

2008-09-11 Thread Chrigu


I just created a small sample with sortable list. The Sample can be
found at: http://www.i-cons.ch/sample/list/

Based on this sample I have two questions. I hope you are able to help

1) I use 3 lists. I can drag and drop items from every list to the
others or within the list. This ist just perfect for list 1 and 2. But
list 3 sholud always stay the same. Even if i drag a item out of the
list, the item should stay in the list and a copy of the item should
be placed in one of the other lists. Is there a easy way for doing

2) I like to get a clicked event only when teh element is not draged.
When i click to a list element i like to open another window or
something like a lightbox with more informations. How can i detect the

Thank you for your help

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