I have googled for Ajax Request Timeout, but i didn't finde a good
working solution.

These both are for most people the best solutions.


But these solutions just work half, it worked under IE8 but not under

I tried to fix it my self, so i fixed the problem that under firefox,
always the onSuccess comes, even if the server is

---- prototype.js   line: 1494 ------------------------------
  success: function() {
    var status = this.getStatus();
    return !status || (status >= 200 && status < 300);
<---------------- maby the problem

---- prototype.js   line: 1494 changed ------------------
  success: function() {
    var status = this.getStatus();
    return (status >= 200 && status < 300 && status != 0); <--------
works got a onFailure event, if server is down

after this fix i have a correct onFailure event in FF, IE and Opera.

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