Via Google search, I found this answer today here:

I have it "half" working. What I mean is, my response text comes back
and updates my div perfectly with the HTML when evalScripts: false,
however the scripts within the HTML are of course not executed. When I
set evalScripts: true, then the ONLY thing that executes is the
scripts and it outputs it directly to the page instead of loading it
into the div.

I think the problem is that the scripts I am trying to execute are
likely document.writes generated by the Maani charts (http:// and so instead of loading text into
the div, the executed scripts just write themselves out to the

Any ideas on how I can fix this? Here's my Prototype code:

function runCalcs() {
var request = new Ajax.Updater
        method: "get",
        evalScripts: true,
        onSuccess: function () {
            document.getElementById("loading").className = "clsHide";

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