I've assigned a handle on my sortable and it works fine in Firefox but
not at all in IE.   In IE you can use any of the elements in the LI to
reorder the list.  I would like to only be able to use the "REORDER"
element to reorder the list.  Any suggestions?

<div id="dragDrop">
<ul class="sortlist" id="list_to_sort">
<li id="item_1" class="sortlist">Item Name - Date - Detail - <span

 <script language="JavaScript">
Sortable.create("list_to_sort", {
elements:$$('#list_to_sort li.sortlist'),
handles:$$('#list_to_sort #thehandle'),
onUpdate: function() {
new Ajax.Request("updateRowOrder.cfm", {
method: "post",
parameters: { data: Sortable.serialize("list_to_sort") }
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