In case there was anyone wondering the answer to this, turns out
there's an "htmlResponse" option that if you set to false, will turn
off auto-updating of the element.  Oddly, it wasn't listed in any of
the wiki entries....

On Dec 11, 6:54 pm, Warren <> wrote:
> It seems like the Ajax.InPlaceCollectionEditor will automatically
> update the element with whatever the server response is.  Is there any
> way to override this behavior?  For example, let's say the response
> from the server is "foo", but I want to update the element with the
> response value with the current date/time appended.
> I defined the "onComplete" option to set the element to the value that
> I want... however, I still see that the element first gets updated to
> the server response ("foo"), and then a split second later, my
> onComplete gets executed which updates the element again to what I
> want ("foo" + date/time).  How do I prevent the default behavior from
> happening?
> Thanks!
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