[Proto-Scripty] Re: Close Div when click outside

2009-01-21 Thread Dave L

Wow, this looks promising. I will take a look, thanks for helping me

On Jan 21, 7:56 am, freshteapot  wrote:
> Hi Dave  L,
> copy and paste below the line, you might need to make adjustments for
> google groups wrapping the posts.
> Otherwise download it from.
> http://www.freshteapot.net/resources/661f1291214063dd.zip
> 661f1291214063dd.zip
> includes:
> 661f1291214063dd.html ( this relates to the thread id on google
> groups )
> prototype- ( courtesy of prototypejs.org of course )
> Hope that helps with your little problem.
> --
> http://www.w3.org/
> TR/html4/strict.dtd">
>                 freshteapot.net | Close Div when click outside
>                  script>

>         This page demonstrates how to use observe, > stopObserving and keep track of when an event ( in this case a click ) > happens outside of a trigger area. Potentially, this could lead to a > nice class. >


>         For more information, please visit http://groups.google.com/ > group/prototype-scriptaculous/browse_thread/thread/ > 661f1291214063dd">Google Groups - Prototype & script.aculo.us - Close > Div when click outside. Please note clicking this link will take > you to the page. Even if you have started the experiment. >


>         Outside of the trigger area >


Show Menu



>         >

>         Outside of the trigger area >
