[Proto-Scripty] Re: Getting the value of a selected option

2009-07-09 Thread ColinFine

Incidentally, (not answering your question, which TJ has done)

                                 if (elem.selected) alert(elem.text + ' ' + 


while valid, is almost always wrong. It says give me a list of all
the elements with id 'something'. But by definition there can be only
one such element, so it is simpler to replace your code with

elem = $(''theme_choice');
if (elem.selected) ...

If you are using this because you have multiple entities with the same
id, then your page is not valid HTML, and browsers may not behave
identically with it.

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Getting the value of a selected option

2009-07-08 Thread T.J. Crowder


 I've found the following script online, but it isn't popping up an
 alert when a selection is made:

You're not asking it to. :-)  You're asking it to pop up an alert if
something is selected at the moment you're calling that code; you
haven't hooked up an event handler.  To make it happen when something
is selected, you'll need to observe the 'change' event (probably).
You probably also want $('theme_choice') rather than $$
('#theme_choice')[1][2].  More here[3][4].

[1] http://prototypejs.org/api/utility/dollar
[2] http://prototypejs.org/api/utility/dollar-dollar
[3] http://prototypejs.org/api/element/observe
[4] http://prototypejs.org/api/event/observe

T.J. Crowder
tj / crowder software / com
Independent Software Engineer, consulting services available

On Jul 8, 3:44 am, skunkbad iamsen...@gmail.com wrote:
 I've got a standard select box with options, and the select box has an
 id of theme_choice

 I've found the following script online, but it isn't popping up an
 alert when a selection is made:

                                 if (elem.selected) alert(elem.text + ' ' + 

 Prototype is called just before this in the head area of the page. I'm
 using the latest version RC3.

 This is for a theme changer script on my website. I have a current
 theme changer script, but I'm trying to play around with prototype.

 I don't know if it is spam to put a link to my website or reference
 it, so I won't, but the select box with options is really just a
 standard form element. Nothing special.

 Thanks for your help.
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