Set a flag that prevents the function from executing if the fade/
appear action is already running.

var running = 0

function fadeMe() {
    if(running==1) {
    running = 1
    new Effect.Fade('something',afterFinish:function(){running=0})


On Oct 26, 12:34 am, Ngan Pham <> wrote:
> Hi everyone, I have quick question:
> I which to make a div appears (Effect.Appear) and disappears (Effect.Fade)
> when the mouse is moved over and out of a div.  Problem is the effect would
> collide with each other if the mouse goes over, out, over, out too quickly.
>  What is the best way to stop the effect midway and reverse it so that it
> won't flicker.
> Currently I'm doing this:  I keep an "var effect = Effect.Appear"...If
> effect exists and is running when the mouse goes over, I effect.cancel() it
> and get the opacity and call Fade on it passing in "from" argument.  I'm not
> using queues or anything.  Is this the best/only way?
> Or is there a absolutely better/best way of doing this?
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