
> Basically I'm just wondering if there is a quick and easy way for
> scriptaculous effects to work well onmouseover and onmouseout. Thanks!

script.aculo.us is working fine with the events, it's just that the
events aren't doing what you expect them to do.  Read up on mouseover
and mouseout and you'll understand why; in particular, mouseout fires
whenever the mouse leaves any element *within* the element you're
watching it on (because it bubbles).

Prototype 1.6.1 adds support for the mouseenter and mouseleave events
to all browsers (IE has had them forever) which are probably more
appropriate to what you want.

T.J. Crowder
tj / crowder software / com

On Sep 18, 7:05 am, Matt Johnson <mobyjohn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So I'm creating a light-weight expanding and collapsing menu. I am
> using the morph property to expand and contract the height of the list
> items in the menu onmouseover. I am running into issues however where
> (once I've expanded the list) every time I rollover an item within the
> expanded list item, it re-triggers the morph effect.
> Basically I'm just wondering if there is a quick and easy way for
> scriptaculous effects to work well onmouseover and onmouseout. Thanks!
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