New PO file for `parted-1.4.10'

2001-05-10 Conversa Translation Project Robot
Hello, members of the Galician team at `'.
This is a message from the Translation Project robot.  I`m happy to
announce that a new file, available as:

has been integrated in the central PO archives, and is now kept with
all other accepted Galician translations.  The file should soon be made
available in mirror sites as:

All its 256 messages have been translated, and this PO file has been
submitted to the maintainer of `parted', hoping s/he will include
it in a future release of programs using this textual domain.

Let me thank you for all users of the Galician language.

The following HTML pages should also be updated by tomorrow.

The Translation Project robot, in the
name of your kind translation coordinator.

P.S. - You may find a copy (maybe not official) of the distribution as:
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New PO file for `wget-1.6'

2001-05-10 Conversa Translation Project Robot
Hello, members of the Galician team at `'.
This is a message from the Translation Project robot.  I`m happy to
announce that a new file, available as:

has been integrated in the central PO archives, and is now kept with
all other accepted Galician translations.  The file should soon be made
available in mirror sites as:

All its 169 messages have been translated, and this PO file has been
submitted to the maintainer of `wget', hoping s/he will include
it in a future release of programs using this textual domain.

Let me thank you for all users of the Galician language.

The following HTML pages should also be updated by tomorrow.

The Translation Project robot, in the
name of your kind translation coordinator.

P.S. - You may find a copy (maybe not official) of the distribution as:
Para sair desta lista, manda un mail a
poñendo unsubscribe na mesaxe

Re: Somo-los mellores :D

2001-05-10 Conversa Fco. X. Vázquez Grandal
Jacobo Tarrio wrote:
 - Forwarded message from -
 Galician! It's the language of the week, and Jacobo Tarrio updated the translation.
Esto esta ben (supoño) pero, con esto poñenlle o teu nome á proxima
debian ¿non?, vas ter que buscar traballo en Toy Story 3.

Saudos :D

P.D: Como lle decia a CrEqUe non poden chegar mensaxes e que ninguen
   () .:Francisco X.Vázquez
 ^ (o___   
 | /)\c{} Parece que anda O ','.R.A.S.N.O pola casa
 `-V__)_ (_,
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Re: Traducción do mailman

2001-05-10 Conversa Fco. X. Vázquez Grandal
Santiago Garcia Mantinan wrote:
 con mais razón, xa que ó termos dominio propio, non estaría mal termos a
 lista no dominio e a ser posible pois en galego, que carallo.

Sen dubida. Dime unha cousa, eso do mailman permiteche configura-las
opcions da lista por web ¿non?

 Así que estou preparado para poñerme a traducir o mailman, ainda que vendo a
 traducción que lle fixen o outro día a Jacobo (que estaba totalmente mal) un
 se pregunta se non será mellor que a faga outro que non que a faga este
 inculto e logo a teñan que correxir (refacer de todo). Por iso se algén con
 mais experiencia nisto a quere traducir, que mo diga, eu lle pasaría o que
 hai que traducir, e iso si, probaría logo a traducción :-) Se non, pois
 nada, tentareino traducir eu e que deus nos pille confesados X-)
   Como non dis as liñas que son en total creo que debo pensa-lo peor.
Deberias dar mais detalles, se é moi longo, se hai que ter
extraordinarios coñecementos da ferramenta para traducila,...
   Se a cousa non é moi grande e tal igual me animo, se non atopaches a
alguen xa, pero se non ha ser maís dificil que poida. De calquera xeito
eu tampouco son un traductor excepcional, asi que tampouco hai que
agardar marabillas.

Saudos ;-)

P.D: Como lle decia a CrEqUe non poden chegar mensaxes e que ninguen
   () .:Francisco X.Vázquez
 ^ (o___   
 | /)\c{} Parece que anda O ','.R.A.S.N.O pola casa
 `-V__)_ (_,
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