
  Imaxino que alguns de vos recibistesdes este mail. Eu non podo agora meterme
a traducir nada. Nos proximos dous meses, estarei off-line pq mudome a outra
cidade e non terei conexion a Internet nen tempo libre.

  Mando a menxase a lista para ver se entre os que estamos en debian e os que
non podemos facer algo para traducilo instalador.

Un Saudo.

---------- Forwarded Message -----------
From: Christian Perrier <bubu...@debian.org>
To: Sergio Rua <s...@debian.org>
Sent: Mon, 1 Mar 2004 17:27:53 +0100
Subject: Galician translation of Debian Installer?


Your name is mentioned as translator for some packages templates
in Galician language.

I write this to you as I'm the Debian Installer translation
coordinator ("de facto" position, I must say....).

The Debian Linux installation program is currently planned to be
translated in up to 29 languages as one cas see on

The Debian Installer consists of several packages, which all need
translations for a language being fully supported.

So, I'm trying to find some volunteer for working on Debian Installer
translations for the Galician language.

If you're interested, I suggest you to read the documentation file for

As some Galician files already exist, a Galician status page may be used at

You can then contact me for further elements (don't worry if you don't
get any reply in the next days as I'll be away for a few days).

You can also use the debian-b...@lists.debian.org mailing list.

Please feel free to redirect me on other people or mailing lists if,
for any reason, you cannot work on this project, of course.

------- End of Forwarded Message -------


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