Gord, Kevin and I spent a lot of time playing with the MIDI processing dialogs, 
like quantize, all the way back in 8.04, and couldn't get any of the additional 
parameters other than the ghrid to work. As far as I know, it isn't possible 
for you to adjust the swing, the strength, limit quantizing to notes with a 
certain velocity level, etc.

Another annoying limitation in the MIDI department.


On Dec 20, 2011, at 1:07 AM, Gordon Kent wrote:

Has anybody had any success using the midi quantize settings dialog?  I can 
quantize a selection but I haven’t figured out how to adjust the amount of 
swing.  I see two fields next to the swing button that say 0 and 100.  Are we 
supposed to drag some sort of arrow in betweenthose values to get a value like 
30 or so to get a subtle swing feel?

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