Re: Best Practices for Converting CSV into LOD?

2010-08-09 Thread Axel Rauschmayer
I gave this a shot in a previous version of Hyena. By prepending one or more 
special rows, one could control how the columns were converted: what predicate 
to use, how to convert the content. If a column specification was missing, 
defaults were used. There were several options: If a cell value was similar to 
a tag, resources could be auto-created (the cell value became the resource 
label, existing resources were looked up via their labels). One could also 
split a cell value prior to processing it (to account for multiple values per 

Creating meaningful URIs for predicates and rows (resources) is especially 
important, but tricky. Ideally, import would work bi-directionally (and 
idempotently): Changes you make in RDF can be written back to the spreadsheet, 
changes in the spreadsheet can be reimported without causing chaos.

Even though my solution worked OK and I do not see how it could be done better, 
I was not completely happy with it, because writing this kind of CSV/RDF 
mapping is beyond the capabilities of normal end users. One could automatically 
create URIs for predicates from column titles, but as for reliable URIs 
(primary keys), I am at a loss. So it seems like one is stuck with letting an 
expert write an import specification and hiding it from end users. Then my 
solution of embedding such a spec in the spreadsheet should be re-thought. And 
it seems like a simple script might be a better solution than a complex 
specification language that can handle all the special cases. For example, I 
hadn’t even thought about two cells contributing to the same literal. Maybe a 
JVM-hosted scripting language (such as Jython) could be used, but even raw Java 
is not so bad and has the advantage of superior tool support.

This is important stuff, as many people have all kinds of lists in 
Excel---which would make great LOD data. It also shows that spreadsheets are 
hard to beat when it comes to getting started quickly: You just enter your 
data. Should someone come up with a simpler way of translating CSV data then 
that might translate to general usability improvements for entering LOD data.

On Aug 9, 2010, at 18:37 , Wood, Jamey wrote:

 Are there any established best practices for converting CSV data into 
 LOD-friendly RDF?  For example, I would like to produce an LOD-friendly RDF 
 version of the 2001 - Present Net Generation by State by Type of Producer by 
 Energy Source CSV data at:
 I'm attaching a sample of a first stab at this.  Questions I'm running into 
 include the following:
 1.  Should one try to convert primitive data types (particularly strings) 
 into URI references?  Or just leave them as primitives?  Or perhaps provide 
 both (with separate predicate names)?  For example, the  sample EIA data I 
 reference has two-letter state abbreviations in one column.  Should those be 
 left alone or converted into URIs?
 2.  Should one merge separate columns from the original data in order to 
 align to well-known RDF types?  For example, the sample EIA data has separate 
 Year and Month columns.  Should those be merged in the RDF version so 
 that an xs:gYearMonth type can be used?
 3.  Should one attempt to introduce some sort of hierarchical structure (to 
 make the LOD more browseable)?  The skos:related triples in the attached 
 sample are an initial attempt to do that.  Is this a good idea?  If so, is 
 that a reasonable predicate to use?  If it is a reasonable thing to do, we 
 would presumably craft these triples so that one could navigate through the 
 entire LOD (e.g. state - state/year - state/year/month - 
 state/year/month/typeOfProducer - 
 4.  Any other considerations that I'm overlooking?

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
### Hyena: organize your ideas, free at

An interactive shell for teaching RDF

2010-07-24 Thread Axel Rauschmayer
I wanted a hands-on session for my lecture on RDF, so I added an interactive 
shell to Hyena:

I'd be interested to know what others use to teach RDF (in a tutorial style).


Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
### Hyena: connected information manager, free at

Re: Subjects as Literals, [was Re: The Ordered List Ontology]

2010-07-05 Thread Axel Rauschmayer
 I use RDF like a next-generation relational database and think that RDF 
 could be sold to many people this way (there is possibly are larger audience 
 for this than for ontologies, reasoning, etc.). Especially considering how 
 No-SQL is currently taking off. This part needs some love and seems to 
 suffer from the almost exclusive focus on semantics.
 Fair enough. I guess Im not sure how this next-generation-RDB usage fits with 
 the RDF semantics, but I'd be interested in pursuing this further. Does this 
 RDF/RDB++ vision provide any guidance towards what RDF is supposed to, like, 
 mean? Pointers?

Does it have to mean anything? I’ve always found tuple calculus and relational 
algebra quite intuitive, but as far as I remember, it is very light on 
semantics, everything is just data. URIs as symbols are useful, but I would 
not know how to express the concepts they represent formally. What else is 
needed? A simple schema language, which should probably assume a closed world 
and unique names (unless specified otherwise). I’m surprised how something that 
is trivial (and common!) for relational databases is very hard for SPARQL (for 
example, letting SPARQL return a table where each row is a resource [1]).

Additionally, it would be useful if SPARQL allowed one to do backward-chaining 
via rules (some RIF implementations seem to do this). I can only come up with a 
few use-cases (sub-properties, transitive properties), but those would 
definitely help.


There might not be anything in it, scientifically, but it would help to sell 
RDF to a community that is largely orthogonal to the one that is after RDF + 

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
### Hyena: connected information manager, free at

Re: Subjects as Literals

2010-07-01 Thread Axel Rauschmayer
How about internationalization? If the subject is a literal, how would 
translations be associated?

On Jul 1, 2010, at 5:14 , Pat Hayes wrote:

 On Jun 30, 2010, at 8:14 PM, Ross Singer wrote:
 I suppose my questions here would be:
 1) What's the use case of a literal as subject statement (besides
 being an academic exercise)?
 A few off the top of my head.
 1. Titles of books, music and other works might have properties such as the 
 date they were registered, who owns them, etc..
 2. Dates may have significant properties such as being the day that someone 
 was shot or when war broke out.
 3. Dates represented as character strings in some known date format other 
 than XSD can be asserted to be the same as a 'real' date by writing things 
 01-02-1481 sameDateAs 01022010^^xsd:date .
 01-02-1481 isDateIn :MuslimCalendar .
 I am sure that you can think of many more. In general, allowing strings as 
 subjects opens the door to a wide range of uses of RDF to 'attach'  
 information to pieces of text. Another example which occurs to me: this piece 
 of text is the French translation of that piece of text, expressed as a 
 single RDF triple with two literals.
 4. It has been noted that one can map datatyping into RDF itself by treating 
 the datatypes as properties, and there are several use cases for this. The 
 natural way to do it involves having literals as subject, since the dataype 
 map goes from the string to the value:
 23 xsd:number 23^^xsd:number .
 5. Also, allowing this purely academically has the notable advantage of 
 simplifying RDF(S) inferencing, including making the forward-chaining rules 
 simpler. Right now, there is a strange oddity involving blank node 
 instantiations. One can say things like 'the number of my children is prime 
 by using an blank node:
 :PatHayes hasNumberOfKids _:x .
 _:x :a :PrimeNumber .
 But this legal RDF can't be instantiated in the obvious way:
 :PatHayes hasNumberOfKids 3^^xsd:number .
 3^^xsd:number :a PrimeNumber .   
 This trips up RDFS reasoners, which can often produce inferences by a kind of 
 sneaky use-a-bnode-instead maneuver even when the obvious conclusion cannot 
 be stated because of the restriction. (There are a few examples in the RDF 
 semantics document.) Removing the restriction would enable reasoners to work 
 more efficiently with a smaller set of rules. (I gather that at least some of 
 the RDFS rule engines out there already do this, internally.)
 2) Does literal as subject make sense in linked data (I ask mainly
 from a follow your nose perspective) if blank nodes are considered
 Seems to me that from the linked data POV, anything that can be an object 
 should also be useable as a subject. Of course, that does allow for the view 
 that both of them should only ever be IRIs, I guess.
 Pat Hayes

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
:: Hyena: connected information manager, free at ::

Re: Subjects as Literals, [was Re: The Ordered List Ontology]

2010-06-30 Thread Axel Rauschmayer
Intuitively, I would expect each subject literal to have a unique identity. For 
example, I would want to annotate a particular instance of abc and not all 
literals abc. Wouldn't the latter treatment make literals-as-subjects less 

Re. the DL police: I use RDF like a next-generation relational database and 
think that RDF could be sold to many people this way (there is possibly are 
larger audience for this than for ontologies, reasoning, etc.). Especially 
considering how No-SQL is currently taking off. This part needs some love and 
seems to suffer from the almost exclusive focus on semantics.


On Jun 30, 2010, at 21:52 , David Booth wrote:

 On Wed, 2010-06-30 at 14:09 -0500, Pat Hayes wrote:
 On Jun 30, 2010, at 11:50 AM, Nathan wrote:
 [ . . . ]
 Surely all of the subjects as literals arguments can be countered  
 with 'walk round it', and further good practise could be aided by a  
 few simple notes on best practise for linked data etc.
 I wholly agree. Allowing literals in subject position in RDF is a no- 
 I agree, but at the W3C RDF Next Steps workshop over the weekend, I was
 surprised to find that there was substantial sentiment *against* having
 literals as subjects.  A straw poll showed that of those at the
 workshop, this is how people felt about having an RDF working group
 charter include literals as subjects:
  Charter MUST include:  0
  Charter SHOULD include:1
  Charter MAY include:   6
  Charter MUST NOT include: 12
 Readers, please note that this was a non-binding, informative STRAW POLL
 ONLY -- not a vote.
 Pat, I wish you had been there.  ;)
 (BTW, it would also immediately solve the 'bugs in the RDF  
 rules' problem.) These arguments against it are nonsensical. The REAL  
 argument against it is that it will mess up OWL-DL, or at any rate it  
 *might* mess up OWL-DL.
 The Description Logic police are still in charge:-)
 IHMC (850)434 8903 or (650)494 3973
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 David Booth, Ph.D.
 Cleveland Clinic (contractor)
 Opinions expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily
 reflect those of Cleveland Clinic.

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
:: Hyena: connected information manager, free at ::

SPARQL: sorting resources by label?

2010-03-12 Thread Axel Rauschmayer
The closest I get is the following SPARQL query:

 SELECT DISTINCT ?subj ?label
 GRAPH ?graph {
 ?subj ?pred ?obj .
 ?subj ?labelPred ?label .
 (?labelPred = # 
 FILTER( isLiteral(?label) )
 FILTER (?graph =
 ORDER BY ?label ?subj


- This solution also works for multiple label predicates (i.e., if there are 
subproperties of rdfs:label), then the unary disjunction (1) has more 

- ?graph is necessary, because Sesame does not support datasets and I want to 
restrict the query to all graphs that are currently visible.

- This query returns unlabeled resources first (?label is unbound), then 
labeled resources. Better would be to show labeled resources first. Best would 
be to mix them, where unlabeled resources are sorted according to their qname.

Can this be improved?

Thanks for any comments or suggestions...



Re: SPARQL: sorting resources by label?

2010-03-12 Thread Axel Rauschmayer
I have a GUI data structure that is a pair (resource, label). The label is used 
for humans, the resource is used to process RDF.

If I want SPARQL to produce list of these pairs ordered by label, this is the 
simplest query that I can think of.

This is but a start, I will later insert more FILTERs (for faceted navigation 


On Mar 13, 2010, at 4:51 , Danny Ayers wrote:

 On 13 March 2010 04:16, Axel Rauschmayer wrote:
 Thanks for any comments or suggestions...
 I'm a little perturbed that you have to use something so convoluted to
 get labels
 Why not something just like (whatever graph)  SELECT ?o WHERE { ?s
 rdfs:label ?o } , or at worse an OPTIONAL on maybe dc:label or
 - are the objects of any labels resources?
 Can you please clarify what you are looking for, and explain further -
 I honestly hope you are missing something there.
 If there is something wrong with the material, the problems should be
 surfaced and fixed (and no doubt will be for the next rev, if need be)


Re: SPARQL: sorting resources by label?

2010-03-12 Thread Axel Rauschmayer

If one wants to produce a table

| URI | label | types |

SPARQL becomes even more unwieldy. Just think  of sorting the type column by 
the label of the types. Or even of producing a Java object for each row. The 
problem is that SPARQL does not support query rows in NFNF. Maybe DESCRIBE can 
be used in the future for this?


On Mar 13, 2010, at 4:51 , Danny Ayers wrote:

 On 13 March 2010 04:16, Axel Rauschmayer wrote:
 Thanks for any comments or suggestions...
 I'm a little perturbed that you have to use something so convoluted to
 get labels
 Why not something just like (whatever graph)  SELECT ?o WHERE { ?s
 rdfs:label ?o } , or at worse an OPTIONAL on maybe dc:label or
 - are the objects of any labels resources?
 Can you please clarify what you are looking for, and explain further -
 I honestly hope you are missing something there.
 If there is something wrong with the material, the problems should be
 surfaced and fixed (and no doubt will be for the next rev, if need be)


Re: Why are RDF containers (rdf:Seq etc.) so little appreciated?

2010-02-14 Thread Axel Rauschmayer
 Im not sure what you  mean by 'stable identity',

It's a slightly (possibly unorthodox) viewpoint I take during RDF editing: With 
a container, you can say I will edit the sequence at URI X and be sure that X 
stays the same, no matter how you change the elements. With a collection, the 
anchor changes whenever one goes from 0 elements to 1 or more elements (or 
vice versa). Giving a collection a stable identity seems to have been one of 
the motivations behind skos:OrderedCollection.

 but the chief problem with containers is the fact that there is no way to 
 'close' them. If I say that FOO is a container and A, B and C are in it, 
 there is no way to say that this is *all* that is in it. This makes them 
 useless for encoding structures, eg OWL syntax. Collections' overcome this 
 difficulty. So the collection notion is widely used to layer higher-level 
 notations onto RDF, which is probably why toolkits have special provision for 

I see the point, but it seems like one could achieve the same effect by adding 
an additional nil element (at the end) to a container.

 This does not stop you using the containers, of course. They are simple 
 enough that you hardly need syntactic sugar, right?



Why are RDF containers (rdf:Seq etc.) so little appreciated?

2010-02-13 Thread Axel Rauschmayer
In contrast to RDF collections (rdf:List), they have a stable identity and 
don't use nested resources (=easy to remove). Furthermore, standard RDFS 
inferencing can be used to infer membership as the property rdfs:member.

Yet, most RDF vocabularies that I know of use collections and syntaxes such as 
Turtle have syntactic sugar for collections, but not for containers. Why is 



Re: [fresnel] Fresnel: State of the Art?

2010-02-03 Thread Axel Rauschmayer
 Our goal with the first release of the Fresnel vocabulary in 2006 was to have 
 more people (beyond us) play with it in different contexts and get feedback 
 so that the language could be enhanced iteratively. Maybe it is now time to 
 do such an iteration?

I am working on my own Fresnel 2. The spec should be finished in the coming 3 
months. It strips Fresnel to what features I consider minimal and adds other 
things that I've found useful, including editing features. If anyone is 
interested, I can make this spec public once it is finished and then everyone 
can comment on it. If someone thinks that I've left out an important feature, 
we now have the advantage of concrete use cases when adding it back in. That 
way, we should arrive at a streamlined new Fresnel. I would argue in favor of 
breaking compatibility, for the sake of simplicity. A script could be used to 
translate F1 to F2.

I do not want to impose and if what I do proves too controversial, I can always 

If there is to be a version 2 of Fresnel, a small group of people (5 max) 
should have the final word, to avoid design by committee, where one tries to 
fulfill all wishes, but ends up fulfilling none. All this after carefully 
considering all community input, obviously.




Re: [fresnel] Fresnel: State of the Art?

2010-02-01 Thread Axel Rauschmayer
I think, it would make sense at some point in time to work on Fresnel 2.

My experiences (while implementing editing extensions for Fresnel for Hyena 
[1]) were as follows:

- Fresnel works great for editing, with a few extensions. I've found some 
things to be too complicated (mainly formats and the rules for applying them) 
for my taste, so I would simplify those for Fresnel 2.

- For HTML *display*, I now prefer templating (with ideas similar to JSP). It 
gives you more control and is conceptually very simple. RDF templating would 
benefit from standardizing,  too; I've just recently seen a paper somewhere 
that describes (yet another...) RDF templating mechanism.

- Fresnel is still useful for editing and for targetting multiple display 
architectures (e.g. HTML and PDF, e.g. via iText). It is perfect when a form is 
all you need.


Does this make sense? Does anyone (dis)agree (possibly vehemently ;-) ?


On Feb 1, 2010, at 14:44 , Aldo Bucchi wrote:

 I was looking at the current JFresnel codebase and the project seems
 to have little movement. I was wondering if this is the state of the
 art regarding Declarative Presentation Knowledge for RDF or have
 efforts moved elsewhere and I have missed it?
 Aldo Bucchi
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 addressed and may contain information that is privileged and confidential. If
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 return e-mail.


Re: Context Tags, Context Sets and Beyond Named Graphs...

2010-01-18 Thread Axel Rauschmayer
This description reminds me of NRL, maybe it is closer to what you need.


On Jan 18, 2010, at 21:47 , Leigh Dodds wrote:

 Hi Jeni,
 2010/1/18 Jeni Tennison
 Do you think that is sufficient for
 describing the relationships between graphs (for these purposes) and if not,
 what do you think needs adding?
 No I don't think its sufficient, certainly not for the kinds of use
 cases that Paul was describing. The RDFG schema only has two
 properties defining equivalency and a sub-set relationship.
 I was thinking more along the lines of a means to describe the process
 of constructing a graph by operations on a set of other graphs, where
 those operations would include basic algrebra operators.
 Leigh Dodds
 Programme Manager, Talis Platform


Re: Distributed versioning for RDF?

2009-07-30 Thread Axel Rauschmayer
Looks nice, but only works for keeping a history, not for selectively  
accessing older versions (right?).

On Jul 30, 2009, at 15:21 , Ian Davis wrote:

Have you looked into changesets which is used by the Talis Platform?

See and


On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 2:37 PM, Axel  
Offhand, I see the following requirements for many (mostly social)  


- text indexing
- text diff for versioning
- distributed versioning and synchronization.
- provenance: author, data source (which might have named graphs)

Open Anzo [1] and OpenLink Data Spaces [2] come pretty close, but,  
as far as

I can tell, don't offer distributed versioning.

Is there anything else out there that I might have missed?




Axel Rauschmayer


Re: Distributed versioning for RDF?

2009-07-30 Thread Axel Rauschmayer
Yes. I meant (and want) live access, but would never expect an RDF  
schema to provide this. ;-)

Changesets seem very useful for exporting histories.


On Jul 30, 2009, at 15:45 , Ian Davis wrote:

On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 2:41 PM, Axel  

Looks nice, but only works for keeping a history, not for selectively
accessing older versions (right?).

It's a linked changelog so older versions are reconstructable



Re: Alternatives to OWL for linked data?

2009-07-27 Thread Axel Rauschmayer

You were asking about description logic programming; well, OWL 2 RL:

is exactly that: it is a manifestation of DLP. It has a Direct  
'side', compatible with OWL 2 DL, and a rule based 'side', described  

the rule set:

This rule set can be used for a forward or backward chaining approach
(or a combination thereof) that you describe. I have heard rumours
and/or statements on implementations coming up from various vendors. I
have, actually, a purely proof-of-concept-stupid-simple implementation
doing brute force forward chaining:

Just to show what happens. And I am sure other implementations will  

to the fore that I do not yet about.

Cool stuff. How would backward chaining work? Would it be invoked via  
SPARQL? Is listing all properties of a given resource still possible?



Alternatives to OWL for linked data?

2009-07-24 Thread Axel Rauschmayer
I'm currently reading Hendler's brilliant book Semantic Web for the  
Working Ontologist. It really drove home the point that OWL is not a  
good fit when using RDF for *data* (names are generally not unique,  
open world assumption, ...).

But what is the alternative? For my applications, I have the following  

- Properties: transitivity, inverse, sub-properties.
- Resources, classes: equivalence. For my purposes, equivalence is a  
way of implementing the topic merging in topic maps [1].

- Constraints for integrity checking.
- Schema declaration: partially overlaps with constraints, serves for  
documentation and for providing default values for properties.
- Computed property values: for example, one property value being the  
concatenation of two other property values etc.

The difficulty seems to me to find something universal that fulfills  
these requirements and is still easy to understand. Inference, when  
used for transitivity and equivalence, is simple, but when it comes to  
editing RDF, they can confound the user: Why can some triples be  
replaced, others not? Why do I have to replace the triples of a  
different instance if I want to replace the triples in my instance?

While it's not necessarily easier to understand for end users, I've  
always found Prolog easy to understand, where OWL is more of a  

So what solutions are out there? I would prefer description logic  
programming to OWL. Does Prolog-like backward-chaining make sense for  
RDF? If so, how would it be combined with SPARQL; or would it replace  
it? Or maybe something frame-based?

Am I making sense? I would appreciate any pointers, hints and insights.




Re: Alternatives to OWL for linked data?

2009-07-24 Thread Axel Rauschmayer

Thanks, looks interesting. I've also found related work:

But there does not seem to be a library one can use with, say, Sesame.

On Jul 24, 2009, at 15:43 , Martin Hepp (UniBW) wrote:

Did you look at SPIN?

That should allow you do do a lot with data without leaving the now  
mainstream Semantic Web technology stack (as long as a small  
fragment of OWL is sufficient for you).


Axel Rauschmayer wrote:
I'm currently reading Hendler's brilliant book Semantic Web for  
the Working Ontologist. It really drove home the point that OWL is  
not a good fit when using RDF for *data* (names are generally not  
unique, open world assumption, ...).

But what is the alternative? For my applications, I have the  
following requirements:

- Properties: transitivity, inverse, sub-properties.
- Resources, classes: equivalence. For my purposes, equivalence is  
a way of implementing the topic merging in topic maps [1].

- Constraints for integrity checking.
- Schema declaration: partially overlaps with constraints, serves  
for documentation and for providing default values for properties.
- Computed property values: for example, one property value being  
the concatenation of two other property values etc.

The difficulty seems to me to find something universal that  
fulfills these requirements and is still easy to understand.  
Inference, when used for transitivity and equivalence, is simple,  
but when it comes to editing RDF, they can confound the user: Why  
can some triples be replaced, others not? Why do I have to replace  
the triples of a different instance if I want to replace the  
triples in my instance?

While it's not necessarily easier to understand for end users, I've  
always found Prolog easy to understand, where OWL is more of a  

So what solutions are out there? I would prefer description logic  
programming to OWL. Does Prolog-like backward-chaining make sense  
for RDF? If so, how would it be combined with SPARQL; or would it  
replace it? Or maybe something frame-based?

Am I making sense? I would appreciate any pointers, hints and  



martin hepp
e-business  web science research group
universitaet der bundeswehr muenchen

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