Re: [widgets] Security Model call on May 18 @ 13:00 Paris time

2009-05-18 Thread Arthur Barstow

The passcode for this meeting is 83261# ; the channel is #wam.

On May 15, 2009, at 7:32 AM, Barstow Art (Nokia-CIC/Boston) wrote:

To facilitate discussions about the PC's access element and
related security considerations, we will have a 1-hour call starting
at 13:00 Paris time on Monday May 18.

For some more information on the agenda, see this brief discussion we
had during the May 14 widgets call:

and the May 12 IRC discussion on this topic:

We will use the #webapps channel and the Zakim bridge
(+1.617.761.6200). I will send out the PIN as soon as I get one.

-Regards, Art Barstow

[widgets] Draft Minutes from 18 May 2009 Widgets Security VC

2009-05-18 Thread Arthur Barstow
The draft minutes from the May 18 Widgets Security voice conference  
are available at the following and copied below:

WG Members - if you have any comments, corrections, etc., please send
them to the public-webapps mail list before 21 May 2009 (the next
Widgets voice conference); otherwise these minutes will be considered

-Regards, Art Barstow



   - DRAFT -

   Widgets Security Model Voice Conf

18 May 2009



   See also: [3]IRC log



  Art, Arve, Marcos, Thomas




 * [4]Topics
 * [5]Summary of Action Items

   ArtB Date: 18 May 2009

   ArtB ScribeNick: ArtB

   tlr +1 to Art not scribing

   scribe Scribe: Robin

   scribe ScribeNick: darobin

   AB: agenda a bit vague, but has pointers to previous discussions
   ... we don't have consensus yet, we need it for LC
   ... this is the last piece that we need to get nailed down, we're
   under time pressure to get this out for people to start implementing
   ... ideally at the end of this meeting we will have consensus about
   what it is we need to do to get LC out this week

   MC: the first thing we need consensus on is whether we want the
   HTML5 model
   ... if we are going to use the HTML5 model we need some kind of
   opt-in or it should be on by default

   TLR: It think there is a more nuanced question to ask: which part of
   that model we need
   ... it governs access to cookies, frames, network (XHR and inline),
   and storage + other APIs

   MC: right

   TLR: I think the discussion is largely around network access,
   possibly storage
   ... haven't seen much discussion about the others, but they will
   materialise once access is given
   ... the quesiton is largely around network access

   Arve: I don't think it's possible to separate network access as a
   boolean from the general model and how you compute origin

   TLR: why?

   Arve: because in terms of context for an extended permission model
   which we have already allowed in existing implementations, you run
   into the case where resolving a URI in itself and trying to request
   it is alreay a source of information leakage

   TLR: what I was saying was that as far as communication and access
   within the WRT the only thing I see on the table is the html5
   security model
   ... I think that Opera has a separate model to grant access to URI,
   but I haven't heard you saying that you are deviating from the HTML5
   security model

   Arve: the background is that Opera's implementation used to treat
   inlines as they did in HTML4
   ... however that's not an acceptable model when allowing access to a
   phone's address book
   ... because you have potential information leakage

   TLR: that is a fundamental point for the DAP WG's charter
   ... the quesiton is what is the scope of the question
   ... can we solve this and reach decision without solving the DAP
   WG's problem

   Arve: what I'm saying is that you can't make a decisin on one
   without making a decision on both
   ... security is intertwined with the Device API
   ... I think we should be gathering requirements and use cases, and
   figure out where we can go

   TLR: do you think it is possible for P+C to enter LC with a minimal
   security model that another WG can build on within the timeframe of
   a few weeks

   Arve: if you do that I think you'll end up with conforming but not

   TLR: so is Opera saying that P+C shouldn't enter LC before DAP has

   Arve: no, I think this is hard to answer
   ... I don't think we can ship widgets without a security model

   TLR: I agree on your meta-meta point that it would have been nice to
   do this earlier, but it hasn't happened
   ... but is there a minimal piece of model that a) needs to be
   specified, and b) can be specified without solving DAP, and c) can
   be done in a very short time?

   Arve: I don't think it's possible
   ... it can be done in a short time, but I don't think we can skim
   ... if the P+C has syntax that doesn't match the security, it is

   MC, TLR: agree

   MC: the specs are broken apart for editorial, not technical reasons
   ... we could say as we do for window modes, these are the correct
   ... we could have an origin attribute with html5, any, etc and given
   that have enough to go on

   TLR: you want to specify an origin where the value of that
   element/attribute would not be bound by anything to the widget — I
   think that would be a disaster

   MC: why?

   TLR: because if the framework is the html5 model, 

Re: [widgets] Draft Minutes from 14 May 2009 Voice Conference

2009-05-18 Thread Arthur Barstow


On May 14, 2009, at 10:05 AM, Barstow Art (Nokia-CIC/Boston) wrote:

PC spec: Status of completing L10N model

AB: MC, when can you have the edits completed?

MC: by May 15 can have first set of edits in
... but Robin and I need to work together on that

AB: is there some review Jere could do now that would be helpful?

MC: yes; Step 5

AB: Marcos, when you have completed your edits, will you send a
notification to the list?

MC: yes

What is the status of the PC's L10N model?

It appears you've made some progress since the May 14 call:

Are you blocked on anyone else's inputs/actions?

-Regards, Art Barstow

Re: WebStorage feedback

2009-05-18 Thread João Eiras

 How is this different from making two mutations per mutation event, or
 calling postMessage() twice for each invokation of the 'message' event, or
 loading two new iframes every time an iframe's 'load' event fires?

It's quite different because in those cases, the events or actions are all 
limited to one single runtime, which means all these actions are queued.
A sane user agent can share a part of its cpu time between all the active 
runtimes, and keeping the other documents usable while one fork bombs itself 
with events, being the leftover problem the amount of memory needed.

With storage events, the user agent must send events to unrelated runtimes, 
which can escalate immensely, therefore filling all the other runtimes' event 
queues with the superfluous events.
If the user agent has no protection against this, then the user will be forced 
to close the whole browser, and not just the webpage that is misbehaving.

Re: WebStorage feedback

2009-05-18 Thread Anne van Kesteren

On Tue, 19 May 2009 00:59:03 +0200, João Eiras wrote:
If the user agent has no protection against this, then the user will be  
forced to close the whole browser, and not just the webpage that is  

Well, just the Web pages that are same-origin and are misbehaving,  

Anne van Kesteren