Re: HTML 5 Database Storage Does Not Enable Chaining Transactions

2009-06-03 Thread Ian Hickson
On Sat, 4 Apr 2009, Doug Reeder wrote:

 The scenario where I need to use HTML 5 Database storage requires 
 storing a tree of data.  Each item has a unique id, generated by the 
 database.  Child nodes have a parentId field which points to their 
 parent ID.  Creating the records for a new tree in the database requires 
 multiple transactions. First, the root item must be created.  When the 
 callback returns, the children of the root item can be created, because 
 the id of the root item is now known.  For each child, when the 
 appropriate callback returns, the children of the child can be created, 
 because their parent IDs are now known, and so forth.
 Minimizing the number of transactions (and thus the overall time to 
 create a database) requires there be multiple transactions outstanding 
 at any given time.  Thus, when a callback function is called, it needs 
 to determine _which_ transaction has completed.  The current version of 
 the HTML 5 Database storage spec does not make this easy. It is 
 straightforward for my app to generate a unique ID for each transaction, 
 but the spec provides no way to pass this to the callbacks.  In 
 JavaScript, I can add an id field to the transaction object, but then 
 the _same_ id gets passed to each statement callback, and the 
 transaction object is not passed _at all_ to the transaction success 
 I'm sure there are other scenarios where it would be useful for a 
 statement callback to know which statement has completed, and for a 
 transaction callback to know which transaction has just completed.

Don't closures do what you want? Instead of always using the same function 
as the callback, create a new function each time, with that function 
having the identifier in question, as in:

   function getCallback(id) {
 return function (transaction) {
   // ... the callback ...

   //... n is some identifier

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

[widgets] PC LC comments on I18N/L10N

2009-06-03 Thread Jere.Kapyaho
Marcos, all,

here's a bunch of comments related to the I18N/L10N related parts of the
Widgets 1.0: Packaging and Configuration spec (Last Call i.e. Working Draft
28 May 2009).

/1/ Order of material

From an editorial standpoint, I think that the 7.2 Examples subsection
should really be the last one in this section.

Information about element-based localization, which now is 8.15, should
appear in section 7, because the concepts are used in Section 8 before they
are even defined. It would be good to have all related info in the same

My suggestion for the organization of the material is:

7 Internationalization and localization
7.1 Localization guidelines
7.2 Folder-based localization (used to be 7.3)
7.3 Element-based localization (used to be 8.15)
7.4 Localization examples (used to be 7.2 Examples, note new name)

This would make the material flow better and have all the concepts defined
before they are used.

Also, the whole of Section 7 should actually appear right before the
processing steps (i.e., after the current Section 8).

/2/ Content of examples

The localization examples are non-normative, but many developers are going
to study them closely, so it pays to fine-tune them a little (and fix a few

In the simple example, the second file /sp/index.html should be labeled
/locales/es/index.html. Similarly, in the complex example, /locales/sp/
should be /locales/es.

The complex example refers to several files which really have the same
purpose. I think they should also have the same name, otherwise they cannot
be found by the same reference. That is, /locales/es/gatos.html should be
called /locales/es/cats.html. Or is it intentional?

In Fallback Behaviour Example, first paragraph, last sentence should read:
The purpose of this 'fallback' model is to reduce the number of files that
need to be created in order to achieve localization of a widget package.
(remove 'n' from 'then', add 'in order')

/3/ Folder-based localization

Suggested addition to the authoring guideline: A Conformance Checker (CC)
SHOULD issue a warning if there are empty locale folders in the widget

This statement in the authoring guideline is puzzling: '[That is,] authors
cannot simply put shared files into a language level folder, but need to put
all files needed into the language level folder for the widget to work (for
example, having a.gif in both /locales/zh-Hans/ folder and
locales/zh).' Isn't this the opposite of what is supposed to happen in the
fallback model? If the same a.gif is good for both zh-Hans and zh, it
should be possible for the author to include it just once in /locales/zh.
If the user's language list includes 'zh-Hans', it will also include 'zh',
as per Step 5. So a.gif will be found eventually.

Replace 'shared1.gif, shared2.gif' with 'shared1.gif and shared2.gif'.

Priority is probably a bad term to use with regard to localized folders.

/4/ The xml:lang attribute

Does the XML specification state that the values of xml:lang attributes must
be unique across instances of the same element? If yes, it is probably
redundant to repeat that in the context of all the elements in the
configuration document. If not, the statement about uniqueness could still
be factored out, for example to section 8.4, to avoid repetition.

/5/ Processing steps

Step 3: the concept of localized config doc appears in the Configuration
Defaults table, but that doesn't seem to exist anymore. (See also Step 6.)

Step 5: replace unprocessed locales lists with unprocessed locales list

Consider replacing user agent's locales with user agent locales
throughout the spec.

In the first example of Step 5, why would en and en-au be swapped around
when decomposed? Would 'canonicalization' be a more suitable term here than

/6/ Runtime resolution of localized resources

What specification should describe how a reference to a resource (which
could be in a localized folder) is resolved at runtime, based on the user's
language range? That is not quite in the domain of the packaging
specification, given that it is runtime behavior. This functionality is
sketched in the fallback behavior example, but it is non-normative.

Thanks for considering these comments.

Best regards,
Jere @ Nokia

RE: [widgets] What does it mean to have an unavailable API

2009-06-03 Thread Marcin Hanclik
Hi Scott,

I can see the UC for requestFeature, though its not something we'd
ever expect to use - we'd stick to just static feature declarations,
as we have no way of injecting scripts into instances after they've
already launched.
There is an ongoing debate about requestFeature().
BONDI spec is approaching both widgets and websites and basically 
requestFeature() is planned to be primarily used only by websites.
requestFeature() is present in general WebIDL, we may need some prose in case 
its use is constrained.
The next debate on this topic in BONDI is planned to happen soon.
The output will definitely by provided to this mailing list asap, I assume.


Kind regards,

Marcin Hanclik
ACCESS Systems Germany GmbH
Tel: +49-208-8290-6452  |  Fax: +49-208-8290-6465
Mobile: +49-163-8290-646

-Original Message-
From: Scott Wilson []
Sent: Tuesday, June 02, 2009 5:41 PM
To: Marcin Hanclik
Cc: Henri Sivonen; public-webapps
Subject: Re: [widgets] What does it mean to have an unavailable API

Hi Marcin,

Yes, on (1); the Google example I was referring to does the same. So,
for example, analytics is the feature name, but this means the whole
module, which includes a couple of JS libs and a range of functions.

For hasFeature() the only UC I can see is if your Widget declares a
Feature, but doesn't require it (REQUIRED=false), but can make use of
it for added functionality if it is available.  (Sorry Marcos, just
remembered this one - don't get rid of hasFeature() yet!)

I can see the UC for requestFeature, though its not something we'd
ever expect to use - we'd stick to just static feature declarations,
as we have no way of injecting scripts into instances after they've
already launched.


On 2 Jun 2009, at 15:28, Marcin Hanclik wrote:

 Hi Scott,

 In BONDI we have discussed the (has/request)Feature() for some time.
 , section 4.3

 A few points for further discussion:
 1. feature (at least in BONDI) is an abstract thing, not just one
 function. So hasFeature() is simply optimized checking procedure. If
 you check for a feature and discover that it is available, you may/
 should/must assume that a set of functions is available. Otherwise,
 you have to check each function individually and basically you
 cannot assume that if one functions is available, then the other is
 as well.

 2. requestFeature() adds dynamism to the Website content. Widgets
 express their dependency statically by feature.
  B.2 specifies more details.


 Kind regards,

 Marcin Hanclik
 ACCESS Systems Germany GmbH
 Tel: +49-208-8290-6452  |  Fax: +49-208-8290-6465
 Mobile: +49-163-8290-646

 -Original Message-
 From: [
 ] On Behalf Of Scott Wilson
 Sent: Tuesday, June 02, 2009 3:18 PM
 To: Henri Sivonen
 Cc: public-webapps
 Subject: Re: [widgets] What does it mean to have an unavailable API

 I think in such a case the UA should not be expected to make frob()
 available, and the Widget should not expect frob() to be present.

 For example, in the Shindig opensocial runtime, client JS is injected
 based on the require elements of the gadget. If it isn't declared,
 it isn't injected, and if you try calling those functions they just
 aren't there.

 What this does make less clear for me is in W:AE why you'd ever want
 to call hasFeature()?


 On 2 Jun 2009, at 13:51, Henri Sivonen wrote:

 Ok. I see what you mean. Widget.hasFeature has slightly different
 semantics (in widgets, it means did that feature I requested load
 and become available?

 Which brings up the issue that it's unclear what it means for an API
 to have latent support but not having been activated with feature.

 If a widget UA has an implementation for window.frob() and frob()
 requires feature activation, what should happen when frob() hasn't
 been activated with feature? Should there be no function object
 for frob()? Or should it be there but throw upon calling? Or
 something else.

 Please specify this.

 Henri Sivonen


 Access Systems Germany GmbH
 Essener Strasse 5  |  D-46047 Oberhausen
 HRB 13548 Amtsgericht Duisburg
 Geschaeftsfuehrer: Michel Piquemal, Tomonori Watanabe, Yusuke Kanda

 This e-mail and any attachments hereto may contain information that
 is privileged or confidential, and is intended for use only by the
 individual or entity to which it is addressed. Any disclosure,
 copying or distribution of the information by anyone else is
 strictly prohibited.
 If you have received this document in error, please notify us

RE: [widgets] What does it mean to have an unavailable API

2009-06-03 Thread Marcin Hanclik
Hi Jonas,

requestFeature() is mainly (still debated, though) for websites, i.e. online 
content where the feature is not present.
feature is for packaged widgets only.

However this does not seem to be true
if the exploited code could simply call requestFeature() first, and
then use the feature.
Calling requestFeature() does not mean that the security aspects are omitted.
The check against the security policy happens when requestFeature() is called.


Kind regards,

Marcin Hanclik
ACCESS Systems Germany GmbH
Tel: +49-208-8290-6452  |  Fax: +49-208-8290-6465
Mobile: +49-163-8290-646
-Original Message-
From: Jonas Sicking []
Sent: Tuesday, June 02, 2009 7:19 PM
To: Marcin Hanclik
Cc: Scott Wilson; Henri Sivonen; public-webapps
Subject: Re: [widgets] What does it mean to have an unavailable API

On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 7:28 AM, Marcin Hanclik wrote:
 Hi Scott,

 In BONDI we have discussed the (has/request)Feature() for some time., 
 section 4.3

 A few points for further discussion:
 1. feature (at least in BONDI) is an abstract thing, not just one function. 
 So hasFeature() is simply optimized checking procedure. If you check for a 
 feature and discover that it is available, you may/should/must assume that a 
 set of functions is available. Otherwise, you have to check each function 
 individually and basically you cannot assume that if one functions is 
 available, then the other is as well.

 2. requestFeature() adds dynamism to the Website content. Widgets express 
 their dependency statically by feature.
  B.2 specifies more details.

Doesn't the requestFeature() make at least the security benefits of
feature moot? In Another thread Marcos stated that one of the
benefits of feature was that if a widget gets exploited, the
exploited code couldn't get access to any features that the widget
hadn't enabled using feature. However this does not seem to be true
if the exploited code could simply call requestFeature() first, and
then use the feature.

/ Jonas

Access Systems Germany GmbH
Essener Strasse 5  |  D-46047 Oberhausen
HRB 13548 Amtsgericht Duisburg
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Michel Piquemal, Tomonori Watanabe, Yusuke Kanda

This e-mail and any attachments hereto may contain information that is 
privileged or confidential, and is intended for use only by the
individual or entity to which it is addressed. Any disclosure, copying or 
distribution of the information by anyone else is strictly prohibited.
If you have received this document in error, please notify us promptly by 
responding to this e-mail. Thank you.

RE: [widgets] What does it mean to have an unavailable API

2009-06-03 Thread Marcin Hanclik
Hi Marcos,

requestFeature() from BONDI 1.0 is an asynchronous API that follows API design 
requestFeature() is described in detail in:
section 4.3.2

A call to the successCallback Function signifies that the request has been 
satisfied and that the corresponding JavaScript API is immediately available.

It means basically that you can directly use the requested API if the request 
to have it was successful.
You do not have to perform any further checks and there is actually a bunch of 
interfaces that are available, not just a single object.


Kind regards,

Marcin Hanclik
ACCESS Systems Germany GmbH
Tel: +49-208-8290-6452  |  Fax: +49-208-8290-6465
Mobile: +49-163-8290-646

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of 
Marcos Caceres
Sent: Tuesday, June 02, 2009 7:50 PM
To: Jonas Sicking
Cc: Marcin Hanclik; Scott Wilson; Henri Sivonen; public-webapps
Subject: Re: [widgets] What does it mean to have an unavailable API

On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 7:19 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
 On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 7:28 AM, Marcin Hanclik wrote:
 Hi Scott,

 In BONDI we have discussed the (has/request)Feature() for some time., 
 section 4.3

 A few points for further discussion:
 1. feature (at least in BONDI) is an abstract thing, not just one function. 
 So hasFeature() is simply optimized checking procedure. If you check for a 
 feature and discover that it is available, you may/should/must assume that a 
 set of functions is available. Otherwise, you have to check each function 
 individually and basically you cannot assume that if one functions is 
 available, then the other is as well.

 2. requestFeature() adds dynamism to the Website content. Widgets express 
 their dependency statically by feature.
  B.2 specifies more details.

 Doesn't the requestFeature() make at least the security benefits of
 feature moot? In Another thread Marcos stated that one of the
 benefits of feature was that if a widget gets exploited, the
 exploited code couldn't get access to any features that the widget
 hadn't enabled using feature. However this does not seem to be true
 if the exploited code could simply call requestFeature() first, and
 then use the feature.

I don't know what the BONDI doc says, but this is certainly not what
should happen (unless something changed since I stopped working with
Bondi on this). The idea with getFeature, IIRC, is that you first
declare a feature, e.g., feature name=foo:bar, and then you can
ask for an pointer to it at runtime:

var foobarator =  Bondi.getFeature(foo:bar);

var barfoo  = Bondi.getFeature(bar:foo);
barfoo === underfined; // true

Marcos Caceres

Access Systems Germany GmbH
Essener Strasse 5  |  D-46047 Oberhausen
HRB 13548 Amtsgericht Duisburg
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Michel Piquemal, Tomonori Watanabe, Yusuke Kanda

This e-mail and any attachments hereto may contain information that is 
privileged or confidential, and is intended for use only by the
individual or entity to which it is addressed. Any disclosure, copying or 
distribution of the information by anyone else is strictly prohibited.
If you have received this document in error, please notify us promptly by 
responding to this e-mail. Thank you.

[widgets] PC LC, general comments

2009-06-03 Thread Jere.Kapyaho
Marcos, all,

some more review comments for Widgets 1.0 Packaging and Configuration LC
(Working Draft 28 May 2009), this time of a more general nature (not so much

/1/ RFC 2119 keyword usage

In writing specs, the work split between MAY and SHOULD is sometimes
problematic. I tend to use MAY when there is something that is slightly out
of line but permissible in some cases, and SHOULD when it is generally a
very good idea or almost mandatory to do something, but it can be skipped
given enough reasons.

This is why I reacted to this statement in section 3.1:
A user agent MAY support the [Widgets-DigSig] specification ...
And would have written it as:
A user agent SHOULD support ...

The same goes for section 3.2. I would say: a user agent SHOULD support the
its:span element and the its:dir attribute, and MAY support other ITS
elements and attributes. Also, the right name for ITS is
Internationalization Tag Set (ation vs. ed).

4 Conformance Checker
Last sentence in the section: CCs are NOT REQUIRED to display all messages
at once. Here, NOT REQUIRED is not valid RFC 2119 keyword usage. Suggest
to remove this sentence altogether, and change the preceding sentence to
say: The wording and presentation of the advisory messages are

5 Zip Archive
It would be enough to say: The packaging format for the files of a widget
is the Zip archive format as defined in the [ZIP] file format

For conformance (last paragraph in section before note) I suggest, for
clarity: To conform to this specification, a Zip archive MUST contain one
or more file entries and MUST be a valid Zip archive. (c.f MUST NOT be

5.2 Version of Zip
For Zip version 2.0 features, the MAYs should not be marked up as keywords.

8.5 The widget element, definition of width attribute: Which view modes
SHOULD honor the value of this attribute is defined in the the
[Widgets-Views] specification. This is invalid keyword usage, suggest to
replace with: The view modes that honor the value of this attribute are
defined in the [Widgets-Views] specification.

/2/ UTF-8 encoding

So, we still can't mandate the use of UTF-8 as the path encoding? Of course,
RECOMMENDED is fairly strong, but I would prefer MUST. As soon as you move
out of US-ASCII range, the bytes CP437 and UTF-8 will be different even for
the limited number of non-US-ASCII chacters that CP437 can represent.

Marcin has already commented on the ABNF of utf8-chars, I'll participate in
that discussion if necessary.

5.4 Reserved Characters: suggest to reverse the order of the glyph and
character columns.

8.11 The content element, definition of charset attribute:
- Despite widespread use, the name charset is not good. A more accurate
name would be encoding.
- Suggest to replace (a user agent are REQUIRED to support [UTF-8]) with
User agents MUST support [UTF-8].

/3/ JPEG icons

This may have been beaten to death before, but I wondered why a JPEG file is
not allowed as the default icon.

/4/ Configuration document

It is not currently an error to have a file called 'config.xml' anywhere
inside the widget's folder structure. The only one that matters is the one
in the root folder. Maybe the CC should warn about the presence of multiple
config.xml documents?

In 8.2 Proprietary Extensions, first para, last sentence: For the sake of
interoperability, extensions to the configuration document are NOT
RECOMMENDED. Two problems: 1) NOT RECOMMENDED is not valid keyword usage;
2) it is OK to extend the configuration document because there is a
well-defined mechanism that uses namespaces. Suggestion: remove this

Version attribute: in the ABNF, doesn't 1*2DIGIT mean that a version
number like 123 would be invalid? Especially build numbers are often three
or four digits long. Of course, this is only a guideline, but still...

Numeric attribute: apparently all numeric attributes are non-negative. Isn't
there any use case for negative numbers, ever? Also, non-Western numerals
are not acceptable by this definition, but that might not be a showstopper
in this case.

Keyword attribute: Is the set of allowable characters inherited straight
from the XML spec? Is it self-evident that keywords can't contain spaces
because it is the keyword list separator? Couldn't comma also be used as a

Boolean attribute: it is stated that only true and false are valid
values, but that if the value is something else, the default is false. That
seems like a contradiction. Are values other than literal true and false
supposed to be actual errors, or are they silently coerced into false? (If I
accidentally type required=rue it would come out as false...)

/5/ Rule for Parsing a Non-negative Integer

Couldn't we just refer to some well-established definition, if there is one
handy? Seems like this must have been done many times before. And what about
those negative numbers, then? Not needed? :-)

Hope this helps,
Jere @ Nokia

[widgets] Draft Agenda for 4 June 2009 Voice Conference

2009-06-03 Thread Arthur Barstow

Below is the draft agenda for the June 4 Widgets Voice Conference (VC).

Inputs and discussion before the meeting on all of the agenda topics  
via public-webapps is encouraged (as it can result in a shortened  


   Time: 22:00 Tokyo; 16:00 Helsinki; 15:00 Paris; 14:00 London;  
09:00 Boston; 06:00 Seattle

   Duration = 90 minutes (maximum)
   Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, conference 9231 (WAF1)
   IRC channel = #wam;
   Confidentiality of minutes = Public


1. Review and tweak agenda

2. Announcements

3. Widgets Digital Signature spec

a. Agree on candidate exit criteria: 

b. Proposal to publish Candidate Recommendation

c. Dependency on XML Sig 1.1: how far can this spec go, etc. - led by  
Mike or Thomas

4. Prepare for June 9-11 f2f meeting

a. Draft agenda: comments, priorities, etc.: 

b. Open Actions: please address Open actions before the f2f meeting:

5. Access Requests spec

a. Action 347 - Submit requirements for WAR spec to public-webapps

b. Call for Use Cases and Requirements 

6. AOB

[widgets] PC Last Call comments, viewmodes, referencing other specs, guarantee of consistency

2009-06-03 Thread Marcin Hanclik
Hi Marcos, All,

General comment to the below details:
It is possible that some of the referenced specs will change considerably and 
may break some ideas from the current PC.
As you know PC is referenced by some other specs (e.g. BONDI).
Could we somehow ensure the stability of the PC references?
Below issues seem to only be symptoms of the problems we may have in the near 
It is not only about Views, I think.

Formal view:
Call announcement must:

 1.  specify the deadline for review comments;
 2.  identify known dependencies and solicit review from all dependent Working 
 3.  solicit public review. Consequently, a Last Call Working Draft must be a 
public document.
I am not sure whether the item 3 is satisfied.
MQE is marked as unpublished and we have (in my opinion) stability issues with 
the normative references.

1.   PC on one hand specifies viewmodes in RelaxNG (non-normatively):
attribute viewmodes {
list {
  ( application
  | floating
  | fullscreen
  | mini
  | all )*

and on the other hand PC directs the reader to another spec (Widgets-Views) 
where the said modes are not specified.

2.   Parts of this document reproduce text and behavior from the 
[HTML5] specification and from the 
XBL 2.0 specification (as permitted by both 
specifications by their copyright statements).

Questions for 1. And 2.:

Does the spec have to reproduce the text from other specs?

Could we have one (maybe a master) definition of the terms, just for 
consistency reasons?

3.  [Widgets-Views]
Widgets 1.0: Media Query 
Extensions A. 
Bersvendsen and M. Caceres. Unpublished editors' draft.

Is this the correct reference in terms of the naming (views vs. MQE)?

I think everything a

Marcin Hanclik
ACCESS Systems Germany GmbH
Tel: +49-208-8290-6452  |  Fax: +49-208-8290-6465
Mobile: +49-163-8290-646

Access Systems Germany GmbH
Essener Strasse 5 | D-46047 Oberhausen
HRB 13548 Amtsgericht Duisburg
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Michel Piquemal, Tomonori Watanabe, Yusuke Kanda

This e-mail and any attachments hereto may contain information that is 
privileged or confidential, and is intended for use only by the
individual or entity to which it is addressed. Any disclosure, copying or 
distribution of the information by anyone else is strictly prohibited.
If you have received this document in error, please notify us promptly by 
responding to this e-mail. Thank you.

Re: [widgets] PC LC, general comments

2009-06-03 Thread Marcos Caceres
On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 12:50 PM, wrote:
 Marcos, all,

 some more review comments for Widgets 1.0 Packaging and Configuration LC
 (Working Draft 28 May 2009), this time of a more general nature (not so much

 /1/ RFC 2119 keyword usage

 In writing specs, the work split between MAY and SHOULD is sometimes
 problematic. I tend to use MAY when there is something that is slightly out
 of line but permissible in some cases, and SHOULD when it is generally a
 very good idea or almost mandatory to do something, but it can be skipped
 given enough reasons.


 This is why I reacted to this statement in section 3.1:
 A user agent MAY support the [Widgets-DigSig] specification ...
 And would have written it as:
 A user agent SHOULD support ...

The point of it being a MAY is that all the user agents are
independent. The architecture of each spec is designed to work
independently of each other where possible.

 The same goes for section 3.2. I would say: a user agent SHOULD support the
 its:span element and the its:dir attribute, and MAY support other ITS
 elements and attributes. Also, the right name for ITS is
 Internationalization Tag Set (ation vs. ed).

Woops, fixed :) This is now a MAY.

 4 Conformance Checker
 Last sentence in the section: CCs are NOT REQUIRED to display all messages
 at once. Here, NOT REQUIRED is not valid RFC 2119 keyword usage. Suggest
 to remove this sentence altogether, and change the preceding sentence to
 say: The wording and presentation of the advisory messages are

I changed it to:  It is OPTIONAL for a CC to display all messages at once.

 5 Zip Archive
 It would be enough to say: The packaging format for the files of a widget
 is the Zip archive format as defined in the [ZIP] file format

Yes, that is better (I had a bunch of things linking to the various
parts of the original statement, but I'll fix that up).

 For conformance (last paragraph in section before note) I suggest, for
 clarity: To conform to this specification, a Zip archive MUST contain one
 or more file entries and MUST be a valid Zip archive. (c.f MUST NOT be

Used your text.

 5.2 Version of Zip
 For Zip version 2.0 features, the MAYs should not be marked up as keywords.


 8.5 The widget element, definition of width attribute: Which view modes
 SHOULD honor the value of this attribute is defined in the the
 [Widgets-Views] specification. This is invalid keyword usage, suggest to
 replace with: The view modes that honor the value of this attribute are
 defined in the [Widgets-Views] specification.

Nice! Fixed for both width and height.

 /2/ UTF-8 encoding

 So, we still can't mandate the use of UTF-8 as the path encoding? Of course,
 RECOMMENDED is fairly strong, but I would prefer MUST.

We can, but it would be a waste of time. I don't know any zip
implementation that supports this properly.

 As soon as you move
 out of US-ASCII range, the bytes CP437 and UTF-8 will be different even for
 the limited number of non-US-ASCII chacters that CP437 can represent.


 Marcin has already commented on the ABNF of utf8-chars, I'll participate in
 that discussion if necessary.

I updated the draft by using the UTF-8 ranges defined in the IRI spec
(but extended it to cover %x80 and beyond). I also relaxed language
tag requirement.

 5.4 Reserved Characters: suggest to reverse the order of the glyph and
 character columns.


 8.11 The content element, definition of charset attribute:
 - Despite widespread use, the name charset is not good. A more accurate
 name would be encoding.
 - Suggest to replace (a user agent are REQUIRED to support [UTF-8]) with
 User agents MUST support [UTF-8].

changed globally.

 /3/ JPEG icons

 This may have been beaten to death before, but I wondered why a JPEG file is
 not allowed as the default icon.

Oh wwhosss, how did I miss that one!?! In there now!

 /4/ Configuration document

 It is not currently an error to have a file called 'config.xml' anywhere
 inside the widget's folder structure. The only one that matters is the one
 in the root folder. Maybe the CC should warn about the presence of multiple
 config.xml documents?

I don't think this is relevant, as a config file in a folder has no
special meaning. Also, if in the future we migrate to the using
multiple config files for localization, then this might not be
desirable. Is that ok?

 In 8.2 Proprietary Extensions, first para, last sentence: For the sake of
 interoperability, extensions to the configuration document are NOT
 RECOMMENDED. Two problems: 1) NOT RECOMMENDED is not valid keyword usage;

Argh, true.

 2) it is OK to extend the configuration document because there is a
 well-defined mechanism that uses namespaces. Suggestion: remove this

Ok, I think it has served it's purpose already :) I've removed it.

 Version attribute: in the ABNF, doesn't 1*2DIGIT mean that a version

RE: [widgets] PC Last Call comments, viewmodes, referencing other specs, guarantee of consistency

2009-06-03 Thread Marcin Hanclik
Hi Marcos,

 I am not sure whether the item 3 is satisfied.
What do you mean?
For example:
A keyword list attribute that denotes the view modes supported the widget. 
The value SHOULD be one or more of the following valid view modes as defined in 
the [Widgets-Views] specification: application, floating, fullscreen, mini, or 
all. ...

The question is: which spec is more normative here? PC or non-existing 
As a WUA vendor I would like to support all possible values.
As a widget developer I am interesting in knowing all the options I have.

PC will be stable, and the other specs in the widget family will need
to adapt to it.
I take this as your personal guarantee.
I assume, though, that there is or could be some better process to make it 

Marcin, there is only a limited number of editors. We are doing the
best we can to pump out specs. But there is only so many hours in the
I can help you. Shall I answer formally to:

I'm going to assume a is awesome :)
I am sorry for this. My problem.

Marcin Hanclik
ACCESS Systems Germany GmbH
Tel: +49-208-8290-6452  |  Fax: +49-208-8290-6465
Mobile: +49-163-8290-646

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of 
Marcos Caceres
Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2009 5:38 PM
To: Marcin Hanclik
Cc: public-webapps
Subject: Re: [widgets] PC Last Call comments, viewmodes, referencing other 
specs, guarantee of consistency

On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 4:51 PM, Marcin Hanclik wrote:
 Hi Marcos, All,

 General comment to the below details:

 It is possible that some of the referenced specs will change considerably
 and may break some ideas from the current PC.

PC will be stable, and the other specs in the widget family will need
to adapt to it.

 As you know PC is referenced by some other specs (e.g. BONDI).

 Could we somehow ensure the stability of the PC references?

Only the ones in the Widget Family of Specs, but not others. However,
PC does not reference many other working drafts in any significant

 Below issues seem to only be symptoms of the problems we may have in the
 near future.

 It is not only about Views, I think.

 Formal view:


 “Call announcement must:

 specify the deadline for review comments;
 identify known dependencies and solicit review from all dependent Working
 solicit public review. Consequently, a Last Call Working Draft must be a
 public document.”

 I am not sure whether the item 3 is satisfied.

What do you mean?

 MQE is marked as unpublished and we have (in my opinion) stability issues
 with the normative references.

 1.   PC on one hand specifies viewmodes in RelaxNG (non-normatively):

 attribute viewmodes {

 list {

   ( application

   | floating

   | fullscreen

   | mini

   | all )*



 and on the other hand PC directs the reader to another spec
 (“Widgets-Views”) where the said modes are not specified.

Marcin, there is only a limited number of editors. We are doing the
best we can to pump out specs. But there is only so many hours in the

 2.   “Parts of this document reproduce text and behavior from the
 [HTML5] specification and from the XBL 2.0 specification (as permitted by
 both specifications by their copyright statements).”

 Questions for 1. And 2.:

 Does the spec have to reproduce the text from other specs?


 Could we have one (maybe a “master”) definition of the terms, just for
 consistency reasons?

Maybe, but that is just more work. That is the reason I am editor of
all the specs, so I can keep consistency across all of them. So,
unless I die in a unforeseen accident, I think we should be ok.

 3.  [Widgets-Views]

 Widgets 1.0: Media Query Extensions. A. Bersvendsen and M. Caceres.
 Unpublished editors' draft.

 Is this the correct reference in terms of the naming (views vs. MQE)?

It's ok for now... we will sort out that mess in the next few weeks.
It's really nothing to worry about.

 I think everything a

I'm going to assume a is awesome :)

Marcos Caceres

Access Systems Germany GmbH
Essener Strasse 5  |  D-46047 Oberhausen
HRB 13548 Amtsgericht Duisburg
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Michel Piquemal, Tomonori Watanabe, Yusuke Kanda

This e-mail and any attachments hereto may contain information that is 
privileged or confidential, and is intended for use only by the
individual or entity to which it is addressed. Any disclosure, copying or 
distribution of the information by anyone else is strictly prohibited.
If you have received this document in error, 

Re: [widgets] PC Last Call comments, viewmodes, referencing other specs, guarantee of consistency

2009-06-03 Thread Marcos Caceres

On 6/3/09 5:54 PM, Marcin Hanclik wrote:

Hi Marcos,

I am not sure whether the item 3 is satisfied.

What do you mean?

For example:
 A keyword list attribute that denotes the view modes supported the widget. The 
value SHOULD be one or more of the following valid view modes as defined in the 
[Widgets-Views] specification: application, floating, fullscreen, mini, or all. 

The question is: which spec is more normative here? PC or non-existing 
As a WUA vendor I would like to support all possible values.
As a widget developer I am interesting in knowing all the options I have.

I understand. Like I said, we are working as quickly as we can. There is 
nothing we can do about this. The values are settled on; but they need 
to be spec'ed properly.

PC will be stable, and the other specs in the widget family will need
to adapt to it.

I take this as your personal guarantee.

You got it.

I assume, though, that there is or could be some better process to make it 

Yes, our process is a bit screwy but we get by.

Marcin, there is only a limited number of editors. We are doing the
best we can to pump out specs. But there is only so many hours in the

I can help you. Shall I answer formally to:

We already have editors for the specs; it's just that the editors are 
caught up over editing. What we need is reviewers. The more reviews we 
get, the quicker we move. If you want to really help, keep reviewing 
what we already have. Your review of PC has been very helpful.

I'm going to assume a is awesome :)

I am sorry for this. My problem.

Marcin Hanclik
ACCESS Systems Germany GmbH
Tel: +49-208-8290-6452  |  Fax: +49-208-8290-6465
Mobile: +49-163-8290-646

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of 
Marcos Caceres
Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2009 5:38 PM
To: Marcin Hanclik
Cc: public-webapps
Subject: Re: [widgets] PC Last Call comments, viewmodes, referencing other 
specs, guarantee of consistency

On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 4:51 PM, Marcin Hanclik  wrote:

Hi Marcos, All,

General comment to the below details:

It is possible that some of the referenced specs will change considerably
and may break some ideas from the current PC.

PC will be stable, and the other specs in the widget family will need
to adapt to it.

As you know PC is referenced by some other specs (e.g. BONDI).

Could we somehow ensure the stability of the PC references?

Only the ones in the Widget Family of Specs, but not others. However,
PC does not reference many other working drafts in any significant

Below issues seem to only be symptoms of the problems we may have in the
near future.

It is not only about Views, I think.

Formal view:


“Call announcement must:

specify the deadline for review comments;
identify known dependencies and solicit review from all dependent Working
solicit public review. Consequently, a Last Call Working Draft must be a
public document.”

I am not sure whether the item 3 is satisfied.

What do you mean?

MQE is marked as unpublished and we have (in my opinion) stability issues
with the normative references.

1.   PC on one hand specifies viewmodes in RelaxNG (non-normatively):

attribute viewmodes {

 list {

   ( application

   | floating

   | fullscreen

   | mini

   | all )*



and on the other hand PC directs the reader to another spec
(“Widgets-Views”) where the said modes are not specified.

Marcin, there is only a limited number of editors. We are doing the
best we can to pump out specs. But there is only so many hours in the

2.   “Parts of this document reproduce text and behavior from the
[HTML5] specification and from the XBL 2.0 specification (as permitted by
both specifications by their copyright statements).”

Questions for 1. And 2.:

Does the spec have to reproduce the text from other specs?


Could we have one (maybe a “master”) definition of the terms, just for
consistency reasons?

Maybe, but that is just more work. That is the reason I am editor of
all the specs, so I can keep consistency across all of them. So,
unless I die in a unforeseen accident, I think we should be ok.

3.  [Widgets-Views]

Widgets 1.0: Media Query Extensions. A. Bersvendsen and M. Caceres.
Unpublished editors' draft.

Is this the correct reference in terms of the naming (views vs. MQE)?

It's ok for now... we will sort out that mess in the next few weeks.
It's really nothing to worry about.

I think everything a

I'm going to assume a is awesome :)

Marcos Caceres

Re: [widgets] PC Last Call comments, viewmodes, referencing other specs, guarantee of consistency

2009-06-03 Thread Scott Wilson

On 3 Jun 2009, at 16:38, Marcos Caceres wrote:

Maybe, but that is just more work. That is the reason I am editor of
all the specs, so I can keep consistency across all of them. So,
unless I die in a unforeseen accident, I think we should be ok.

And a very good job you're doing too - so please take care when  
crossing busy roads! ;-)


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [widgets] PC Last Call comments, viewmodes, referencing other specs, guarantee of consistency

2009-06-03 Thread Arthur Barstow

Marcin, Marcos, All,

On Jun 3, 2009, at 12:14 PM, ext Marcos Caceres wrote:

On 6/3/09 5:54 PM, Marcin Hanclik wrote:

Hi Marcos,

I am not sure whether the item 3 is satisfied.

What do you mean?

For example:
 A keyword list attribute that denotes the view modes  
supported the widget. The value SHOULD be one or more of the  
following valid view modes as defined in the [Widgets-Views]  
specification: application, floating, fullscreen, mini, or all. ...

The question is: which spec is more normative here? PC or non- 
existing Widgets-Views?

As a WUA vendor I would like to support all possible values.
As a widget developer I am interesting in knowing all the options  
I have.

I understand. Like I said, we are working as quickly as we can.  
There is

nothing we can do about this. The values are settled on; but they need
to be spec'ed properly.

Perhaps one of the things that adds some confusion here is the PC's  
[Widgets-Views] reference is to the Widgets 1.0: Media Query  
Extension spec whereas I believe the plan of record is for that  
reference to point to a completely different document (for which  
there currently is no Editor's Draft), probably titled something like  
Widgets 1.0: {Window,View} Modes.

As all of us that have attended the weekly calls over the last few  
months know, the priorities have been PC, DigSig and AE, and Marcos  
in particular has done an exceptional job to move those specs forward.

Marcin, there is only a limited number of editors. We are doing the
best we can to pump out specs. But there is only so many hours  
in the


I can help you. Shall I answer formally to: 

We already have editors for the specs; it's just that the editors are
caught up over editing. What we need is reviewers. The more reviews we
get, the quicker we move. If you want to really help, keep reviewing
what we already have. Your review of PC has been very helpful.

Robin and Marcos have agreed to be Editors of the View Modes spec. As  
always, what we need is specific inputs. Marcin, if you have some  
inputs for the View Modes spec, please send them to the list. Note  
too that last week, Bryan agreed to provide input for the View Modes  
spec [1].

-Regards, Art Barstow


Origin enables XSS to escalate to XSRF (was: security issue with XMLHttpRequest API compatibility)

2009-06-03 Thread Mark S. Miller
On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 8:48 AM, Bil Corry wrote:
 My point is that a robust Origin moves us closer to better security
 controls, perhaps not all the way, but certainly much closer than
 CORS-Origin gets us.

I admit that I haven't followed in detail the various origin
proposals (cors, html5, ietf (withdrawn?)). I am glad to see that
people want an origin proposal with good security
properties. However, I fear all the current proposals amplify one of
the browser's worst security hazards -- abuse of ambient authority
creating confused deputy hazards. The current browser same origin
policy already has plenty of these problems

To be concrete, pages contain content -- whether mashups, gadgets, or
simple libraries -- whose authorship does not correspond to the
browser's notion of origin. As Crock said in his w2sp keynote, A mashup
is a self inflicted cross site script. The problem isn't the mixing
of scripts representing different interests. The problem is that all
scripts that execute on a page are implicitly allowed to exercise all
the authority that this browser associates with that page's origin.

How do these origin proposals amplify this hazard? The main (only?)
motivation for the origin header is to enable servers to make
allow/deny access decisions on cross-origin requests based on the
presented value of the origin header. This means that a script running
on a page from origin A can now make a cross-origin request to a
server at origin B and exercise the authority that this server
associates with origin A. If some of these origin proposals still
allow the browser to present the credentials (e.g., cookies) that
browser associates with B, then, despite protestations to the
contrary, we have also failed to address existing XSRF dangers.

Three proposals I've seen in these threads, if combined and extended,
point towards a solution.

1) The thread starting at and
ending in:

On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 5:34 AM, Arthur Barstow wrote:
 On Apr 14, 2009, at 6:33 AM, ext Thomas Roessler wrote:

 So, to pick up on this discussion again -- I don't think we've had a
 useful conclusion whether or not the client-side JavaScript code ought
 to explicitly enable cross-site requests (as Tyler suggests, and as IE
 implements in XDR) or not.

 All things considered, any thoughts?

 I tend to think that when adding new semantics, it generally makes sense to
 add new syntax to support those semantics and in this case that it would be
 better to err on the side of caution even if the mechanism chosen isn't
 particularly friendly to the app developer.

2) In the IETF origin proposal but absent from the cors proposal, a
browser (user agent) must send an origin header for cross origin
requests, but may send Origin: null, i.e., identify only that this
is a cross-origin request without identifying what the requesting
origin is.

3) In some of these proposals, the browser may, should, or must
(apologies for losing track) not present its credentials for B when
making a cross origin request from A to B. (Note that the definition of
credential used in these discussions never mentions the new origin
header despite expectation that servers will use this header to make
access control decisions. This is confused.)

Being a language geek, I wouldn't describe Tyler's proposal as new
syntax but rather distinct API. That nit aside, I agree with Arthur
that these
are adequate reasons to adopt this API change. But I care about this
for a bigger reason. It points the way to a general solution to the
ambient authority problems currently associated with browser origin policies.

In Tyler's proposal, there are different constructors for making
XMLHttpRequest objects. All such constructors would create
XMLHttpRequest objects with the same API but with different security
* The policy associated with the current constructor name
  would continue to refuse to make cross-origin requests.
* If, as I expect, there are people here who are attached to currently
  proposed policies, despite the ambient authority dangers, a
  different constructor could provide XMLHttpRequest objects with that
  behavior. (And future noscript-like browser extensions can disable
* When the script initially occupying a page wishes to deny its own
  ambient authority to later scripts loaded onto that page, it can
  arrange that only our third constructor is available to them. This
  third constructor creates XMLHttpRequest objects that never transmit
  ambient credential information (e.g. cookies) and that adds
  Origin: null as an extra header to *all* requests, even those back
  to the page's own origin, in order to warn servers to treat all
  these requests as cross origin requests with no identified
  origin. This is the initial script's way of saying Content