RE: [xmlhttprequest2] timeout and JSON

2009-07-09 Thread Getify Solutions, Inc.
I just read through this thread, and found it really interesting. Figured I 
would chime in with my opinions, for whatever that's worth.  

Firstly, let me explain I run a project called flXHR ( 
which is an XHR clone variant with cross-domain Ajax capability (using 
invisible flash). It implements an identical API to the regular XHR object, so 
it can be dropped in as a replacement and should behave quite similarly.

So, my interest in this discussion is that I of course want to keep flXHR API 
compatible (as much as possible) with regular XHR implementations in the 

1. With respect to responseJSON, I think this is a good idea. However, I 
would just say that I think there's some inefficiency when a single response is 
translated into binary (IE), XML, JSON, text, etc. Very rarely will a single 
response be applicable to all those formats. So either the conversion fails for 
the non-applicable formats, or at least there's some processing time spent 
needlessly trying to convert to XML when it's not well formed XML in the first 
place, for instance.

Perhaps the implementations already take care of this by first validating if a 
block of text can in fact be converted to that type. But again, even this check 
must take some processing time.

The other thing to consider is how these properties are represented during 
readyState=3. Text based representation (and even binary) is probably not an 
issue, but I'm sure that there's got to be some sort of special processing to 
represent the responseXML as a well formed (auto-node-completed?) XMLdocument 
when it's only partially downloaded. The same issue would apply to creating a 
partial JSON object. And I'm not sure how expensive such logic is.

Just thinking maybe to avoid some of that, these properties could be 
on-demand in some way, so that the object doesn't try to do the conversion 
until it's requested... requires them to be implemented as accessors rather 
than actual properties, but maybe it would help? Just something to consider.

2. With respect to ontimeout event. I implemented this in flXHR (seeing that 
IE8 was going to support it), but it looks like I inadvertently took a slightly 
different take on it (since IE8 was still in early beta when I did flXHR 
originally).  In my opinion, the timeout event is more appropriately applicable 
in the period of time before any response has been returned (between state 2 
and 3/4). Once some response has come back (all or partial), it seems like the 
timeout is less important/applicable. Maybe this is just opinion and may differ 
with a lot of different people.

But if ontimeout were defined to only fire if the timeout happens before any 
part of the response comes back, all the questions raised about what to do with 
the partially filled properties (empty them, reset, abort, etc) would be moot.

That's how my ontimeout works. But now that I realize it diverges from IE8's 
implementation, I may need to revisit it, unless you agree that it's a simpler, 
better way to approach the timeouts. Certainly, I will follow this discussion 
more closely to see the outcomes.

Thanks for your time and consideration on my opinions.

--Kyle Simpson

Re: Comments on Widgets spec

2009-07-09 Thread Dominique Hazael-Massieux
Le mercredi 08 juillet 2009 à 15:20 +0200, Marcos Caceres a écrit :
  I'm mostly satisfied, but see a few comments below.

I'm now satisfied, thanks.


Re: A+E todo

2009-07-09 Thread Robin Berjon

Hi y'all,

an update on these todo items:

On Jun 29, 2009, at 18:46 , Robin Berjon wrote:
- viewMode needs to refer to Widgets-WM. Can we agree on what we  
need to FPWD that one so that there's something to point to?

Does no one have an opinion on this?

- locale doesn't make much sense: it's a DOMString that is set to  
the value of user agent locales, which is an array. Our current  
algorithm wouldn't allow us to pick one, so it could either be a  
string joining all of those (as in HTTP) or a sequenceDOMString.  
But I'm not at all convinced that this is useful and I recommend  
dropping it.


- for width and height we should be clearer on what is meant by  

Done, by adding a definition that maps it to CSS viewports.

- preferences needs to be finalised

Done, following Hixie's suggestions.

- onmodechange shouldn't be Function, it should be ModeChangeEvent,  
and ModeChangeEvent should have [Callback=FunctionOnly]

Done (as ModeChangeListener, of course), along with an explanation of  
the reason it is expressed that way and an indication that for  
Javascript it's just a Function.

- showNotification() needs a better definiion

I'd fix it but I don't really understand what it's expected to do. It  
appears to be some form of device-independent, asynchronous alert. I  
don't know if the use case is very strong, but I'm willing to be  
convinced as alert() is indeed bad for a number of things. I look at  
the Opera docs since that's where it comes from but they're not  
clearer than the specification. If the above is indeed what it is  
supposed to be, I can scare up some text explaining it, but we'd need  
to at least know what happens if the alert() is cancelled (in most  
windowing systems you can cancel an alert without hitting Ok,  
typically Esc does it). Is the callback called? Or is it ignored? Or  
called with a special value?

Robin Berjon -
Feel like hiring me? Go to

[widgets] Draft Minutes from 9 July 2009 Voice Conf

2009-07-09 Thread Arthur Barstow
The draft minutes from the July 9 Widgets voice conference are  
available at the following and copied below:

WG Members - if you have any comments, corrections, etc., please send  
them to the public-webapps mail list before 30 July 2009 (the next  
Widgets voice conference); otherwise these minutes will be considered  

-Regards, Art Barstow



   - DRAFT -

   Widgets Voice Conference

09 Jul 2009



   See also: [3]IRC log



  Art, Josh, Robin, Mike, Marcos, Henri, Benoit, AndyB





 * [4]Topics
 1. [5]Review and tweak agenda
 2. [6]Announcements
 3. [7]PC spec: LC Comment #2233
 4. [8]PC spec: Comments status and Next Steps
 5. [9]AE spec: plan for LCWD publication
 6. [10]WARP spec: plan for LCWD publication
 7. [11]Widgets Updates spec:
 8. [12]AOB
 * [13]Summary of Action Items

   scribe ScribeNick: ArtB

   scribe Scribe: Art

   Date: 9 July 2009

   darobin hsivonen: you gonna join?

   hsivonen I can call in

   please do

   Marcos_ yep

   darobin easy to tell

   darobin I can hear the trolls echoing behind you

   hsivonen that's me

Review and tweak agenda

   AB: agenda posted July 8 (
   44.html ). One change is to drop 3.a. (Francois' comments) and add
   LC Comment #2233 from Josh (
   0090528/2233 ). Any other change requests?
   ... I note Henri is here


   darobin new TODO for A+E:


   AB: he says he is representing himself and NOT Mozilla

   MS: during AOB want to talk about Team Contact going forward


   AB: Reminder there will be no widgets call on July 16, July 23 and
   Aug 6. Any other short announcements?

PC spec: LC Comment #2233

   AB: LC Comment #2233 (
   0090528/2233 ) is from Josh. This is the only comment where the
   Commentor has indicated the group's response is not acceptable. We
   have an obligation to try to reach consensus so we will start there.
   ... Josh, would you please briefly clarify for whom you speak re
   your objection to the group's proposal?


   JS: I can't formally speak for Nokia and I can't formally speak for
   ... so I can say I speak for myself
   ... but I have talked to other people that agree with position

   AB: I want to clearly understand the current model and the
   objections Josh and Henri have to it
   ... Marcos, would you please briefly summarize the issue?

   MC: the essence of the issue
   ... the current model is too flexible
   ... my understand is JS and HV think the flexibilily should be

   hsivonen For the record, I'm not objecting to anything

   AB: please, everyone add to the minutes if something is missing
   ... Josh, do you agree with MC's summary?

   JS: yes, I do agree
   ... one issue is how to choose the lang
   ... another is what to do with the pkg
   ... the pkg fallback flexibility is too much
   ... and think user will be surprised by results

   AB: what is the issue for the pkg creator?

   JS: I've had some discussions off list and some of that is not part
   of Public record
   ... but I will illustrate via an example

   [ Josh looks for a log of offlist discussions ... ]

   timeless_mbp ok... a german company creates a package for a
   company in Switzerland

   timeless_mbp the package is therefore originally in German (de)

   timeless_mbp they also then translate it into Italian (as some
   portion of Switzerland speaks Italian)

   timeless_mbp and then they translate it into French (... for the
   same reason)

   timeless_mbp they also commission for someone to translate it into

   timeless_mbp the German company then proceeds to create an updated
   version which adds additional resources (pictures)

   timeless_mbp yes

   timeless_mbp pictures with text

   timeless_mbp for reference, Nokia uses Flash for its Text :)

   timeless_mbp sorry... the updated version 

Re: [widgets] PC, outstanding feedbac...

2009-07-09 Thread Arthur Barstow


During the Widget group's July 9 conference call, we discussed Josh's  
concern and the agreement was to record the concern and to continue  
with the current model.

The minutes from that discussion are at [1].

-Regards, Art Barstow


On Jul 8, 2009, at 9:51 AM, ext Marcos Caceres wrote:

For the sake of the DoC, can you live with the current i18n model?

On Sun, Jul 5, 2009 at 12:45 AM, wrote:
On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 7:35 PM, Marcos  

I talked to our localization guys about this, they said that is
definitely not a good thing. They said any content is better than no
content, even if there is a mismatch.

I've spoken w/ coworkers recently, and other people too, and the
general spirit is if the app is so poorly localized, and it usually
is, they'd rather see it in the language where it isn't poorly
localized that they actually understand (typically English; the
people in question are typically natives of Finland and surrounding
countries and have have English as at best a second or often a third

I suspect that in the end, as long as a user agent allows the user to
see which localizations the widget has and for the user to express a
more limited list of preferences for a given widget, this won't be a
problem, and hopefully user agents will do this.

I agree, but that is Apple's fault. Yes, the model allows things  

this to happen. But I think it's better thank getting no license at

I still feel that this is an author-level error.

I don't like enabling authors to screw up localization, it's too easy
to do already, and they've proven to be quite adapt at it locally. --
My experiences in the States didn't show these problems, but that's
probably because I was being sold untranslated goods or goods by
vendors who were more careful.

I agree this sucks, but like I said, my preference is to have
something shown. When authors make such mistakes, then can  
easily be

patched via updates, which is what updates are for.

The iTunes example is unfixed to this day, a number of updates later.
As is Nokia's flags example [1] and Centre (I got an update last

I agree. But again, iTunes should do something about that. It  
can't be

the case that widgets would not allow me to ship a widget because I
can't get something translated.

If that was the case, I would still
include the wrongly localized content just so I could ship

I'd prefer for you to be aware that you're screwing your customer.

Having to actively jump through a hoop This is wrong, but I'm
desperate and in a hurry, and know it's wrong v. I'm done, it's
perfect, I'm never making any changes ever again

(and just
say, centre, center, meh! Only a few will notice, so I'll fix  
that in

the next update.).

Bah, it's still not fixed, and I've complained both through the care
number and internal feedback.


It's good to see no one fixes their bugs. I really look forward to
widget updates being as useless as everyone else's updates in these

Marcos Caceres

[WIDGET URI] i18n comment 1: URI Spec

2009-07-09 Thread ishida
Comment from the i18n review of:

Comment 1
Editorial/substantive: S
Tracked by: AP

Location in reviewed document:

We second Martin's comments at The 
term URI appears to mean URI and *not* IRI universally here. No non-ASCII paths 
are given in examples and the relationship to IRI is not specified. The 
Packaging and Configuration spec mentions encodings and permits the full range 
of Unicode in file names, so the lack of specificity is at least an oversight. 
I suspect that, depending on the use of the URI, they really do mean IRI here, 
though. Packaging and Configuration strongly suggests the use of the UTF-8 
encoding for Zip relative paths and human-readable (native encoded) URIs would 
be more in keeping with the usability desires of web-apps.


[WIDGET PC] i18n comment 1: Wrong language tag.

2009-07-09 Thread ishida
Comment from the i18n review of:

Comment 1
Editorial/substantive: E
Tracked by: AP

Location in reviewed document:
Section 7.2 []

The simple example in Section 7.2 still contains an error. The language tag for 
Spanish is es, not sp. It is shown correctly in the graphic but not the 
title of the section or elsewhere in the text. 



[WIDGET PC] i18n comment 3: Widget metadata

2009-07-09 Thread ishida
Comment from the i18n review of:

Comment 3
Editorial/substantive: E
Tracked by: AP

Location in reviewed document:
Section 8.3 []

The widget metadata does successfully incorporate our comments that multiple 
languages should be allowed on those attributes that make sense with them.


[WIDGET PC] i18n comment 4: Various positive observations

2009-07-09 Thread ishida
Comment from the i18n review of:

Comment 4
Editorial/substantive: E
Tracked by: AP

Location in reviewed document:
Section 8.3 []

its:dir appears in this document and is a good illustration of its proper use, 
as does xml:lang. See, for example, section 8.8.

The 'charset' attribute appears in the element content and appears to be 
properly specified

The its:span element appears in the document and appears to be properly 


[WIDGET PC] i18n comment 6: Use of its:dir

2009-07-09 Thread ishida
Comment from the i18n review of:

Comment 6
Editorial/substantive: E
Tracked by: AP

Location in reviewed document:
Section 9.1, step 5 

its:dir appears in this document and is a good illustration of its proper use, 
as does xml:lang. See, for example, section 8.8.


[WIDGET PC] i18n comment 5: Too small arbitrary limit on locale ids

2009-07-09 Thread ishida
Comment from the i18n review of:

Comment 5
Editorial/substantive: S
Tracked by: AP

Location in reviewed document:
Section 9.1, step 5 

In Step 5 of section 9.1, we find an arbitrary limit on locale identifiers (BCP 
47 language tags):

 Each item in the unprocessed locales must be a string shorter than eight 
characters, in lowercase form, that conforms to the production of a 
Language-Tag, as defined in the [BCP47] specification. 

This limit is too short for even some simple language tags. Consider 
zh-Hant-CN, which is given as an example in the document: it has 10 
characters. This limit really should be removed. The eight character limit is 
on subtags. 


[WIDGET PC] i18n comment 2: Clarify IRI/URI

2009-07-09 Thread ishida
Comment from the i18n review of:

Comment 2
Editorial/substantive: E
Tracked by: AP

Location in reviewed document:
Section 8.3 []

Section 8.3 (Attribute Types) contains a subsection called URI Attribute 
which is relevant to our comment above. It says:


 An attribute defined as containing a valid URI. A valid URI is one that 
matches the URI token of the [URI] specification or the IRI token of the 
[RFC3987] specification. The value of this kind of attribute is retrieved using 
the rule for getting a single attribute value. --

 This is problematical, since all URIs are IRIs, but not the converse. We think 
this should favor IRI and note the relationship to URI. 


[WIDGET PC] i18n comment 7: Step not necessary?

2009-07-09 Thread ishida
Comment from the i18n review of:

Comment 7
Editorial/substantive: E
Tracked by: AP

Location in reviewed document:
Section 9.1, step 4 

In this same step, substep 4 is unnecessary. It does save processing time, but 
it is not required for proper operation. Performing the specific change 
suggested also has the negative side-effect of altering the user's preferences 
ahead of the local configuration. The rightmost occurrence would be a better 
choice for elimination. 


Re: [WIDGET URI] i18n comment 1: URI Spec

2009-07-09 Thread Robin Berjon

On Jul 9, 2009, at 21:15 , wrote:
I suspect that, depending on the use of the URI, they really do mean  
IRI here, though.

Yes, that is correct. It's a quick oversight largely due to  
simplemindedly using URI throughout because it's in the  
specification's name. It'll  be fixed in the next draft.

Robin Berjon -
Feel like hiring me? Go to

[widgets] Late comments for the 28 May 2009 LCWD of Packaging and Configuration spec

2009-07-09 Thread Arthur Barstow

Richard, All,

Even though June 19 was the deadline for comments for the PC LCWD,  
we welcome comments for that document at any time.

I created the following document to track late comments and added the  
seven comments Richard sent today:

Note we agreed during our July 2 voice conference [1] that late  
comments will not be added to this LCWD's Comment Tracking Document [2].

-Regards, Art Barstow


Begin forwarded message:

From: ext
Date: July 9, 2009 3:07:51 PM EDT
To:, public-i18n-

Subject: [WIDGET PC] i18n comment 1: Wrong language tag.

Comment from the i18n review of:

Comment 1
Editorial/substantive: E
Tracked by: AP

Location in reviewed document:
Section 7.2 []

The simple example in Section 7.2 still contains an error. The  
language tag for Spanish is es, not sp. It is shown correctly  
in the graphic but not the title of the section or elsewhere in the  

Re: Web IDL syntax

2009-07-09 Thread Shiki Okasaka

 Any other vestiages from the past in the IDL that seems ripe for change?

'InterfaceInheritance' is currently defined as a ScopedNameList or
epsilon. But in practice I don't see any web interface that actually
uses the multiple interface inheritance like,

   interface X : A, B, C

Is it possible to inhibit the multiple interface inheritance at the
Web IDL grammar level? Now that we have ImplementedOn or 'implements',
the multiple interface inheritance seems to be unnecessary to me.


 - Shiki

On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 1:54 PM, Cameron wrote:
 Hello WG.

 I’m thinking about removing some of the extended attributes in Web IDL
 and replacing them with non-extension syntax in the language.
 Originally, I had a goal of keeping compatibility with OMG IDL, which is
 why many features currently require extended attributes.  Upon
 reflection, I don’t think compatibility with OMG IDL syntax is a useful
 goal, especially when it gets in the way of neatly specifying particular

 So if we are happy to extend the IDL syntax, I think any extended
 attribute that is intended to have some effect across all language
 bindings should be moved to the syntax proper.  Following are my half
 baked proposals.  I haven’t them through much; comments very much



 Changes to extended attributes


 Callable objects would be specified using an operation-like syntax.

  interface NumberQuadrupler {
    callable float compute(in float x);

 Would mean that in languages where objects can be callable,
 NumberQuadruplers would be callable, but wouldn’t have a method called
 “compute”.  Languages that do not support callable objects would have
 the “compute” method.

 You would also be able to specify a separate callable:

  interface NumberQuadrupler {
    callable float (in float x);

 where for langauges that don’t support callable objects, there wouldn’t
 be any method on NumberQuadrupler objects.


 I’d say to keep this as an extended attribute, but make it be
 ECMAScript-specific.  If factory methods are required across language
 bindings, then explicit factory interfaces should be written.


 This should be dropped, and instead the IDL syntax would allow constants
 to be specified on exceptions directly.

  module fileio {
    exception FileIOException {
      const unsigned short FILE_NOT_FOUND = 1;
      const unsigned short READ_ERROR = 2;
      const unsigned short WRITE_ERROR = 3;
      unsigned short code;


 I’d like to take up Ian’s suggestion
 of syntax to specify when objects implementing interface A always
 implement interface B.

 Instead of having:

  interface EventTarget {

 you would have:

  interface EventTarget {

  Node implements EventTarget;

 and for the reverse case, where Anne requested an [Implements] extended
 you would have:

  interface XMLHttpRequestUpload {

  XMLHttpRequestUpload implements EventTarget;

 Note that using interface inheritance is slightly different from this
 “implements” syntax, since the former makes particular requirements of
 the prototype chain in ECMAScript and the actual inheritance hierarchy
 in Java.


 As with the “callable” keyword, indexing operations would be specified
 with operation-like syntax.

  interface OrderedMap {
    readonly attribute unsigned size;

    getter any getByIndex(in unsigned long index);
    setter void setByIndex(in unsigned long index, in any value);
    deleter void removeByIndex(in unsigned long index);

    getter any get(in DOMString name);
    creator setter void set(in DOMString name, in any value);
    deleter void remove(in DOMString name);

 As with “callable”, the “getter”, “creator”, “setter” and “deleter”
 modifiers on an operation indicate that if the language binding supports
 object indexing like this, the methods won’t exist.  To have a getter
 that exists in ECMAScript while also keeping the method, you’d do:

  interface HTMLCollection {
    Element item(in unsigned long index);
    getter Element (in unsigned long index);

 An alternative would be to reverse the omission of methods, so that
 “getter” on an operation would always have both the getter.  Then if you
 wanted to omit the method if getters are supported you could do
 something like:

  interface DOMStringMap {
    omittable getter DOMString get(in DOMString name);
    omittable setter void set(in DOMString name, in DOMString value);

 and getters/setters defined with no operation name would be implicitly

 Not sure which of the above two ways is better, at the 

Re: Web IDL syntax

2009-07-09 Thread Cameron McCormack
Shiki Okasaka:
 'InterfaceInheritance' is currently defined as a ScopedNameList or
 epsilon. But in practice I don't see any web interface that actually
 uses the multiple interface inheritance like,
interface X : A, B, C

SVG does:

Admittedly this isn’t Web IDL, still OMG IDL.

 Is it possible to inhibit the multiple interface inheritance at the
 Web IDL grammar level? Now that we have ImplementedOn or 'implements',
 the multiple interface inheritance seems to be unnecessary to me.

There is a subtle difference between ‘implements’ and multiple
inheritance.  In Java, ‘interface X : A, B, C’ will result in a Java
interface that looks like

  public interface X extends A, B, C {

while having

  interface X { };
  X implements A;
  X implements B;
  X implements C;

will just correspond to

  public interface X {

and all X objects will happen to implement A, B and C.

In ECMAScript there is no difference.

Also note that I’ve dropped [ImplementedOn] in favour of the
‘implements’ statement, although I notice just now that there are still
a couple of references to it that I need to remove.

Cameron McCormack ≝

Re: Web IDL syntax

2009-07-09 Thread Shiki Okasaka
 SVG does:

 Admittedly this isn’t Web IDL, still OMG IDL.

I see. Thanks Cameron. So even though it seems those can be replaced
by 'implements', is it not a plan?

 - Shiki

On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 12:23 PM, Cameron wrote:
 Shiki Okasaka:
 'InterfaceInheritance' is currently defined as a ScopedNameList or
 epsilon. But in practice I don't see any web interface that actually
 uses the multiple interface inheritance like,

    interface X : A, B, C

 SVG does:

 Admittedly this isn’t Web IDL, still OMG IDL.

 Is it possible to inhibit the multiple interface inheritance at the
 Web IDL grammar level? Now that we have ImplementedOn or 'implements',
 the multiple interface inheritance seems to be unnecessary to me.

 There is a subtle difference between ‘implements’ and multiple
 inheritance.  In Java, ‘interface X : A, B, C’ will result in a Java
 interface that looks like

  public interface X extends A, B, C {

 while having

  interface X { };
  X implements A;
  X implements B;
  X implements C;

 will just correspond to

  public interface X {

 and all X objects will happen to implement A, B and C.

 In ECMAScript there is no difference.

 Also note that I’ve dropped [ImplementedOn] in favour of the
 ‘implements’ statement, although I notice just now that there are still
 a couple of references to it that I need to remove.

 Cameron McCormack ≝

Re: Web IDL syntax

2009-07-09 Thread Cameron McCormack
Shiki Okasaka:
 I see. Thanks Cameron. So even though it seems those can be replaced
 by 'implements', is it not a plan?

They could be replaced with ‘implements’, but not without breaking Java
bindings.  Existing code that compiles against the SVG 1.1 interfaces
might not compile against them if converted to use ‘implements’.  So
it’s not my plan to remove multiple inheritance at the moment, no.



Cameron McCormack ≝

Re: [webworkers] Tasks

2009-07-09 Thread Ian Hickson
On Thu, 11 Jun 2009, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
 On Thu, 11 Jun 2009 23:39:15 +0200, Ian Hickson wrote:
  On Tue, 26 May 2009, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
  Also it is not clear whether Web Workers reuses the generic task sources
  defined in HTML5 or whether it has any task sources at all, for that
  Each task queue has one or more task sources, so yes.
 Sure, but which task source is used in Web Workers when a task is 


Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'