Re: XHR responseArrayBuffer attribute: suggestion to replace "asBlob" with "responseType"

2010-11-03 Thread David Flanagan

On 11/02/2010 07:06 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

On 11/2/10 4:04 PM, David Flanagan wrote:

Boris (Mozilla) worries that creating a new mode in which responseText
is unavailable will break jQuery applications.

And various others where the consumer of the data and the XHR creator
are not the same entity. jQuery is just an obvious example that we all
know about, is public, and clearly illustrates the pattern

It occurs to me now, however, that the way to avoid breaking jQuery is
to make responseType a constructor argument instead of a property to be
set before send(). If I recall correctly, jQuery always creates its own
XHR object, so if responseType is only settable at creation time, then
the situation Boris fears won't arise. At least not with that library.

That last sentence is key there... ;)


So if making responseType a constructor argument isn't enough to rescue 
the XHR API, that brings me back to my preferred solution: a new 
BinaryHttpRequest API.

I think everyone on this thread has agreed that ease of use for web 
developers is more important than ease for implementors.

As someone who documents stuff like this for web developers, I think 
I've got a pretty good handle on what is easy to use and what is not 
(documentation ease maps well to coding ease).

So in my professional capacity I argue that having a separate new 
BinaryHttpRequest API would be conceptually simpler and easier for 
developers than having a single XMLHttpRequest object with both a legacy 
responseText property and a new response property and with properties 
like responseType or asBlob that put the object into special modes.

It would also be easier to document a new binary API than it would be to 
document the optimization hints for the current API: "be careful to not 
access both responseText and responseArrayBuffer because that may cause 
extra memory usage, although on some implementations that extra memory 
is going to be allocated no matter what you do".


Re: XHR responseArrayBuffer attribute: suggestion to replace "asBlob" with "responseType"

2010-11-03 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 11/3/10 7:06 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

No, my concern is that browsers will implement this, and then sites that
haven't updated their jquery, and probably never plan to do it, will start
using the new stuff browsers have implemented.

But won't that always fail? If the author either sets .responseType
when jquery doesn't expect it, or the author uses .response when
jquery hasn't set .responseType?

In the particular case of jquery, yes, unless there are some try/catch 
blocks around.

With other things, it might not be so simple.  Looking at it seems they 
try/catch around their .responseText stuff and turn those exceptions it 
into events

Yes, it means that pages that use old code can't use the new features
together with that code, but I don't see that as a big problem in this

My problem is that it seems, to me, to be really easy to get into 
situations where things _seem_ to work, but don't really, or don't with 
a slight change in totally unrelated code.  Since jquery always gets 
responseText that's not the case there in that you'd get an exception at 
that point.  But prototype is catching such exceptions, and again my 
concern is cases where different codepaths end up assuming different 
things from the same XHR in hard-to-debug ways.

I might be wrong, of course.  But I think we'd be creating a debugging 
nightmare for web page authors.


Re: XHR responseArrayBuffer attribute: suggestion to replace "asBlob" with "responseType"

2010-11-03 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 11/3/10 7:15 AM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

In this particular case, if someone is using jQuery to do their XHR,
they will basically never touch the native XHR object.

Why does jquery pass that object back in the response callback, then?


Re: XHR responseArrayBuffer attribute: suggestion to replace "asBlob" with "responseType"

2010-11-03 Thread Tab Atkins Jr.
On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 9:16 PM, Boris Zbarsky  wrote:
> On 11/2/10 11:35 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
>> So your concern is that jQuery will update to use the new API before
>> browsers implement it. And then once browsers do implement it and
>> start honoring the .responseType by making various existing properties
>> throw, things will fail?
> No, my concern is that browsers will implement this, and then sites that
> haven't updated their jquery, and probably never plan to do it, will start
> using the new stuff browsers have implemented.

In this particular case, if someone is using jQuery to do their XHR,
they will basically never touch the native XHR object.  Native XHR
sucks pretty badly, which is why $.get, $.post, and generally $.ajax

So, there's little chance that authors will be trying to use the new
features with old jQuery, because it's impossible without hacking down
into the native object.


Re: XHR responseArrayBuffer attribute: suggestion to replace "asBlob" with "responseType"

2010-11-03 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 5:16 AM, Boris Zbarsky  wrote:
> On 11/2/10 11:35 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
>> So your concern is that jQuery will update to use the new API before
>> browsers implement it. And then once browsers do implement it and
>> start honoring the .responseType by making various existing properties
>> throw, things will fail?
> No, my concern is that browsers will implement this, and then sites that
> haven't updated their jquery, and probably never plan to do it, will start
> using the new stuff browsers have implemented.

But won't that always fail? If the author either sets .responseType
when jquery doesn't expect it, or the author uses .response when
jquery hasn't set .responseType?

Yes, it means that pages that use old code can't use the new features
together with that code, but I don't see that as a big problem in this
case. That's a problem that will go away much faster than problems in
the XHR interface will.

/ Jonas

Notes from WebApps' 1 November 2010 "Gathering"

2010-11-03 Thread Arthur Barstow
WebApps had an informal un-conference style gathering in Lyon on 
November 1. The "notes" from that gathering are available at the 
following and copied below:

-Art Barstow



   - DRAFT -

  WebApps F2F meeting

01 Nov 2010

   See also: [2]IRC log



  Adrian, Sam, Maciej, PLH, Bryan, DaveR, AnnB, AdamB,
  timeless, WonsukLee, Eliot, Bryan_Sullivan, chaals, Rishida,
  Aron, DanA, LarryM, Ashok, Aharon, Art_Barstow, Mike_Smith,
  Wonsuk_Lee, zhang_chengyan, wujing, junliao, Johnson_Wang,
  Adam_Boyet, Bo_Chen, Hiro_I, Yung_Yu_Chan, Doug_Schepers,
  Josh_Soref, Eric_Uhrane, Laszlo_Gombos, Yael_Aharon


  dsr, timeless_mbp, chaals


 * [3]Topics
 1. [4]WebIDL and TC39
 2. [5]Web Sockets
 3. [6]Introductions
 4. [7]Web Workers
 5. [8]Programmable Cache
 6. [9]Selectors API
 7. [10]XBL2
 8. [11]Clipboard
 9. [12]WebSQL
10. [13]XHR + Widgets
11. [14]Web Events
12. [15]CORS and UMP
13. [16]i18n
14. [17]DOM 3 Events Input Locale
 * [18]Summary of Action Items

 ScribeNick: ArtB

   Date: 1 November 2010

WebIDL and TC39

   Adrian: part of the next TC39 meeting (in ~2week) will include
   discussions with some people in WebApps
   ... there is a perception that the other group is not interested in
   working together
   ... for example TC39 people seem to think W3C people is not
   interested in working with them
   ... and within WebApps, there seems to some disinterest in working
   with TC39
   ... there are some tactical issues in the WebIDL spec that need to
   be resolved
   ... see f.ex. public-script-coord
   ... Need to talk about how to work together at a Strategic level
   ... We need to prioritize the work in both groups
   ... so there is better coordination
   ... For instance adding features need to be discussed
   ... The 2 groups have different timelines and there is a gap there
   that needs to be filled
   ... WebIDL is the key spec that has interest from both sides
   ... Microsoft people in TC39 have some issues with the structure of
   WebIDL spec
   ... Some parts of WebIDL may want to be deprecated
   ... f.ex. we don't want some old patterns continued
   ... Think we are talking passed each other a bit
   ... PLH has been involved in conversations with TC39 Chair

   PLH: when I asked 6 mos ago if any WG wants to meet with TC39, no
   one responded
   ... Cam will be at TC39 meeting in two weeks
   ... Are there any other specs TC39 cares about?

   Adrian: WebIDl is certainly the key spec
   ... but there are some other specs

 wait what, there's a WebApps WG meeting after all?

   Adrian: The TC heard there were no other specs
   ... I don't think there is fault or blame here
   ... I just think there is a need for closer collaboration

 mjs, k thanks

   Adrian: Think there should be a more formal relationship
   ... We all have the responsibility to raise the issues
   ... As ES5 progresses, and more and more APIs @ W3C are written, I
   think there will be more collaboration that will be needed
   ... We must make sure ES and W3C APIs work well together
   ... Don't want a bunch of ad hoc APIS
   ... as that may create some interop probs
   ... Not sure how we fix the perception that neither group is
   interested in working with the other

   Maciej: one thing we can do is to have some coord calls
   ... can also have someone participate in both groups
   ... and make sure they are talking to both groups
   ... There can be issues where two people from the same company may

   PLH: so far, WebIDL is the key spec
   ... Good news there is that Cam is back and he will be attending
   TC39 meeting at Apple in 2 weeks
   ... We do meet every couple of months with IETF with a specific
   ... But if there is a need to talk about a specific issue, then
   that's different

   Adrian: the joint meeting is in a couple of weeks

   PLH: do we need to send a W3C staff member to the TC39 meeting?

   Adrian: no, I don't think that is necessary
   ... but I think the meeting should include a discussion about
   liaisions and next steps

   PLH: I can attend remotely
   ... will their be a phone?

   Maciej: yes, I think that can be arranged

   AB: that sounds like a good first step
   ... Is Chaals attending
   ... has WebApps been invited to the meeting?

   Adrian: yes, I think WebApps was invited to the coordination part of
   the meeting

   PLH: I will send e-mail John re the Nov meeting

   Adrian: Maciej forwarded a related email to the list on Oct 11