Re: [admin] Publishing specs before TPAC: CfC start deadline is Oct 15

2012-10-14 Thread Arthur Barstow

On 10/9/12 4:13 PM, ext Arun Ranganathan wrote:

On Sep 26, 2012, at 10:27 AM, Arthur Barstow wrote:

* File API - Arun can you get this spec ready for LC by October 15?


ATM, File API has 8 open bugs [1]. Are you going to fix all of them by 
October 15 or will you propose some set of them remain open (and hence 
postponed to Also, are any features going to be marked as at 

-Thanks, Art

P.S. Dom's WebIDL checker reports a bug in the Blob constructor [2]. I 
think you want to s/))/)/.


Re: full screen api

2012-10-14 Thread Chris Pearce

On 13/10/12 07:20, Carr, Wayne wrote:
There’s a recent post on a phishing attack using the full screen api 

It's worth noting that this attack has been possible in Flash for years, 
and the sky hasn't fallen.

Running the example attack, Firefox and Chrome both put up a popup at 
the top saying the site has gone full screen and asking to approve or 
deny.  But for both of them the screen is already full screen and 
active (Firefox greys the content but doesn’t disable it).  So if the 
user doesn’t see the popup or ignores it, they can think they’re 
interacting with another site.  In the example, it is a bank.
Why not require in the spec that it doesn’t go full screen until after 
the user approves?

This is basically for scripts/authors' benefit. If permission must be 
requested before entering fullscreen there's no way for script to 
distinguish between the case of the user being about to approve/deny the 
permisison request, or the user having ignored the permission request. 
So it's harder for script to know whether/when it should take its 
fallback path.

However I believe the current specification could be interpreted to 
allow a permission prompt before entering fullscreen; the specification 
for requestFullscreen() says it runs asynchronously, which gives scope 
for a permission request before or approval request after entering 

  That would at least force the user to pay attention to the popup.

If you're going to argue that people won't pay attention to an approval 
prompt shown after entering fullscreen, then the same argument also 
applies to showing the approval UI before entering fullscreen.

Chris Pearce.

Re: Defenses against phishing via the fullscreen api (was Re: full screen api)

2012-10-14 Thread Chris Pearce

On 14/10/12 00:49, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

On Oct 13, 2012, at 1:49 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 8:25 PM, Florian Bösch wrote:

There was a limited discussion on that a few days ago with the limited
consensus (?) being that requiring user-consent up front before switching to
fullscreen is desired, should be in the standard and isn't sacrificing UX.

There was no implementor involved in that discussion. I want to see
their feedback before changing the standard.

Also, FYI,
is not maintained, is.

I think it's unlikely that Apple would implement a requirement of prior user 
consent before entering fullscreen.

I also personally think OK/Cancel security nag dialogs are a very poor security mechanism 
in general. Users do not read them, and placing them in the path of operations that are 
harmless the vast majority of the time only has the effect of training users to click ok 
on dialogs. Cancel or allow dialogs are nearly useless for real security and 
seem mainly to provide CYA security - if a user gets hacked, you can tell them they were 
bad for clicking OK on the dialog.

Now, there are some limited cases where a permissions dialog may make sense. 
Specifically, these are cases where the user can reasonably be expected to 
relate the risk to the functionality requested. For example, when a site asks 
for your geolocation, a user can generally understand that there may be privacy 
implications to having a location tracked. But this does not really apply to 
fullscreen. A user is not likely to understand the security implications of 
fullscreen. So they won't be able to make a reasoned risk assessment based on a 
warning dialog. This situation is much like bad certificate warnings, where the 
evidence indicates that users almost always click through, even relatively 
informed users.

I think the most effective defense against phishing via fullscreen is to 
prevent keyboard access. The original design for requestFullscreen had an 
optional argument for requesting keyboard access, which led to a warning in 
some browsers and which for Safari we chose to ignore as the risk outweighed 
the benefit. The new spec does not have this parameter and makes no mention of 
keyboard access. It is not even clear if refusing to send key events or grant 
keyboard focus in fullscreen would be conforming. I think this should be fixed. 
I think the spec should at minimum explicitly allow browsers to block delivery 
of key events (or at least key events for alphanumeric keys). Regrettably, this 
defense would not be very effective on pure touchscreen devices, since there is 
no physical keyboard and the soft keyboard can likely be convincingly faked 
with HTML.

We want keyboard access for games, and I think that a 
nag-on-keyboard-input would have to be intrusive to be effective, which 
makes using the fullscreen API unpalatable for games.

I think having two separate fullscreen modes, one with keyboard access 
and one without doesn't make sense, because (I think) authors will 
mostly use the withKeys version anyway, since most authors will want 
keyboard shortcuts in their web pages' fullscreen features.

I also think it would be confusing to users to have two separate 
permission/approval prompts as well, one for withKeys and one for 

You could ditch the approval prompt for fullscreenWithoutKeys, but some 
websites require their users to use an onscreen number pad to enter a 
pin number (via mouse clicks) in order to login (in order to guard 
against keyloggers...), and such sites can be spoofed in the withoutKeys 
version - and touch devices like tablets are vulnerable to having their 
keyboards spoofed.

So we opted to make our fullscreen approval UI obvious and modal.

The second most effective defense that I can think of is a distinctive visible 
indicator that prevents convincingly faking the system UI. The common 
notification to press escape to exit partly serves that purpose. A potentially 
more effective version would be to show a noticeable visible indicator every 
time the user moves the mouse, presses a key, or registers a tap on a 
touchscreen. Ideally this would cover key areas needed to fake a real browser 
UI such as where the toolbar and address bar would go, and would indicate what 
site is showing the fullscreen UI. However, while such an effect is reasonable 
for fullscreen video (where the user will mostly watch without interacting), it 
might be distracting for fullscreen games, or the fullscreen mode of a 
presentation program, or a fullscreen editor.

Despite both of these defenses having drawbacks, I think it is wise for 
implementations to implement at least one of them. I think the spec should 
explicitly permit implementations to apply either or both of these limitations, 
and should discuss their pros and cons in the