Re: Model-driven Views

2011-05-10 Thread Leigh L Klotz Jr
From: Rafael  
It sounds like the group wants to proceed by looking first at missing

primitives. Maciej is right that one of them is the ability to declare
inert DOM structures,

In XForms we use the /instance/ element to do this.

but my feeling is that it's probably best to
start with the central problem:

-There's no way to observe mutations to JS objects.

I'll give some comments on this second question, but first I'll go 
through how we do inert DOM structures using the instance element.

Of course, in spec-land we do it by describing the /instance element 
/and its interactions with expressions referring to it, and with DOM 
events, but in the context of the current discussion about adding new 
webapps support, it's important to take a look at how it's achieved in 
today's client-side implementations of XForms in common desktop browsers.

There are two main approaches:  The AgenceXML implementation uses an 
XSLT PI at the top to parse out the XForms namespaced elements, and when 
xhtml:head/xforms:model/xforms:instance with element content is seen, 
it's converted into a DOM object.
The Ubiquity XForms implementation uses a purely Javascript-based 
approach to this transformation, without using the XSLT PI, but it 
suffers the treatment non-HTML elements receive when appearing lexically 
in the host document DOM.

As far as feature definition of the inert DOM structure goes, here's a 
brief overview of how we use instance in XForms, and then I'll segue 
into how separating data and presentation makes the mutation observation 
question solvable.

Additionally, note that XForms allows for an @src attribute on instance 
which specifies a resource to be loaded; there's a DOM event which 
signals that it's time to do this, and the XForms processor responds to 
that event.

Finally, XForms offers a /submission/ element which can submit data from 
an ID'd instance, and send data from responses back to instances or 
parts thereof.

For example,

submission id=price resource=/rfq method=post replace=instance /
input ref=color
labelColor: /color
input ref=size
labelSize: /label
output ref=price
labelYour price: /label
submit submission=buy

When the page is loaded, the instance XML will get initialized with the 
When the user interacts with the form controls, changes will be commited 
to the instance data.
When the user presses the submit button labeled Buy, the submission will 
POST the instance data.
Since the submission says replace instance, the submitted instance will 
be replaced.

Note that the initial data contains no price, so the output bound to 
price will not display at all; it's considered /irrelevant/.
When the response comes back, if it has a price, it will then display, 
along with its label.

Let's say you wanted to split the request and response into two 
different pieces of XML and not share them in the page.

Just add a second instance, and now put ID attributes on the two:

instance id=rfq
instance id=quoteempty //instance
submission id=price resource=/rfq method=post 
ref=instance('rfq') replace=instance target=quote /

input ref=color
labelColor: /color
input ref=size
labelSize: /label
output ref=instance('quote')/price
labelYour price: /label
submit submission=buy

Note the changes in the submission to show that the data from the rfq 
instance and the response goes to quote.
If some sub-part of the instance were to be submitted, it would be done 
inside that expressions.

Now, let's assume that performing a request for a quote is idempotent 
and has no side effects.   REST web architecture would have us use a GET 
instead of a POST.  XForms uses sensible defaults, so the GET will 
serialize leaf-node data as application/x-www-url-formencoded, so all we 
need to do is change the method on the submission from POST to GET:

instance id=rfq
instance id=quoteempty //instance
submission id=price resource=/rfq method=get ref=instance('rfq') 
replace=instance target=quote /

input ref=color
labelColor: /color
input ref=size
labelSize: /label
output ref=instance('quote')/price
labelYour price: /label
submit submission=buy

Let's move the initial order out of the form and into a resource on the 
server by changing instance to have a src attribute:

instance id=rfq src=initial-quote.xml /

Re: Model-driven Views

2011-05-04 Thread Leigh L Klotz Jr


I am co-chair of the W3C Forms Working Group.

As Charles McCathieNevile pointed out in this discussion:

It probably makes sense to ask the Forms group as well, given that it
doesn't require much squinting to get to the perspective where you're
pretty much reinventing a wheel they've already got two of.

And as Dave Raggett pointed out:

Note that a particularly long standing effort on applying the MVC design
pattern to the Web is XForms where the model is represented as a DOM

We're very interested in continuing this discussion with you.

Please see for our current W3C 
Recommendation and for our group page 
with implementation news, courses, etc.  You'll find our Working Group 
has over ten years of W3C Recommendations and many implementations of 
MVC and declarative, markup-based interfaces to (and extensions of) 
underlying HTML functionality.

We're currently quite interested in promoting declarative interfaces to 
some of the new functionality that HTML5 is pouring into desktop and 
mobile browsers, as we have done with existing functionality from the 
HTML4/XHTML1 series.

Additionally, we're working to try to bring forward some of the stagnant 
XBL2 work in a form that gives the web a markup-based component 

Finally, we are interested in your point in 
[] that 

  We can create a feature which is fast by default. Libraries almost 
never do.

The Mozilla implementation of XForms used Mozilla XBL and underlying C++ 
code (Transformix and others) to provide a fast implementation of 
XForms.  Unfortunately, it was limited to Mozilla.  Recently, a 
cross-browser approach has lately taken hold, and the more recent 
XSLTForms and Ubiquity Forms projects provide a JavaScript library-based 
approach to implementing XForms in today's desktop and mobile browsers.

We recognize that not everyone wants an MVC and markup based approach to 
declarative programming, but given that this is your area of interest, 
we'd be very interested in working with you to help design new APIs for 
browser features that enable implementations of XForms to be fast, 
stable, and secure in new desktop and mobile browsers.  Upper level 
libraries could make use of these features to provide convenient 
interfaces for web authors, and so the lower-level features themselves 
are free to be designed in a more specific fashion.  Limiting what 
fundamental capabilities are added to those which are necessary for a 
number of approaches may, and then letting the upper-level 
implementations provide convenient interfaces may answer Maciej's 
concern that API is forever, on the Web and echo Olli's comment 
better to add primitives which allow creating script libraries.  (For 
an example of how we have done this, see XForms submission element with 
XHR, or XML Events wrapping of DOM Events. )

In particular, we'd love to see support for the shadow-DOM notion from 
XBL2 so that a component system along the lines of XBL could be 
developed and written.  For XForms, the benefit would be this:  a 
component system would allow developers to implement XForms via 
expansion into underlying browser facilities dynamically, and would also 
allow XForms authors to design their own components made up of XForms 
and other HTML and SVG elements (component widgets, macros, what have 
you).  Since such a component system would be orthogonal, it would be 
useful to all, whatever form of expression your preference for MVC takes.

Thank you,

Leigh L. Klotz, Jr.
Senior Software Architect
Xerox Corporation
Co-Chair, W3C Forms Working Group

Re: Moving XBL et al. forward

2011-03-10 Thread Leigh L Klotz Jr

On 03/10/2011 02:56 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

serialization, but it's easy to imagine it also having an XML
serialization for use directly in SVG or similar.


Certainly, we'd prefer to have an XML representation of the component 
language for use with XForms for similar reasons.  XForms is not a host 
language, but works together with other XML applications such as XHTML 
and SVG.

We've explored an HTML representation for use with HTML serializations, 
but not made any efforts in that direction due to lack of interest from 
users.  But it would certainly be possible; the data binding to XML (or 
JSON, in XForms 1.2) data is unrelated to the syntax used to express the 


Re: Moving XBL et al. forward

2011-03-09 Thread Leigh L Klotz Jr
Here's my best understanding of the ansers to these questions from the 
Forms WG perspective:

We continue to cheer for the development of a component system for the 
HTML5 stack, as it will make things easier for end-user authors and for 
framework developers, whether they choose to express their ideas in 
markup, JavaScript, or a mix.

We do not feel it is necessary for the desktop and mobile browser 
implementations of a new component language to handle namespaced XML.

However, as XForms is, and will continue to be, a markup-based layer to 
other W3C technologies, many of which will, going forward, be specified 
as JavaScript interfaces (XHR, DOM, etc.), we want to ensure that an 
extension or optional feature can be used to accept namespaced XML 
markup and produce output including namespaced XML markup.

We expect to see XForms implemented in popular mobile and desktop 
browsers (as it currently is) in JavaScript, XSLT, and in server-side 
systems.  Thus, a syntax that can cleanly be extended to bind to (and to 
produce) namespaced markup is important to us.  Our hope is that the 
extensions necessary to express this will be minimal.  While our 
preference would be to have this syntax described in the main component 
language recommendation, we can live it with being expressed in another 
recommendation which merely adds on the syntax.

As for re-casting XBL as a series of CSS extensions, itself not 
expressed in markup, we have not discussed that issue yet, but if the 
proposal moves further forward we will.


On 03/09/2011 06:14 AM, Arthur Barstow wrote:

Ian, Leigh, Dimitri, All,

On March 11, the agenda of the so-called Hypertext Coordination Group 
[HCG] will include XBL [XBL] to continue related discussions they had 
during their Feb 11 call [Feb-11-Mins]. I wasn't present at that call 
but based on those meeting minutes and what Leigh said last month 
[Leigh], I think the gist of the March 11 discussion will revolve around:

* What is the latest implementation status of the XBL2 CR [XBL2-CR] 
and Hixie's September 2010 version [XBL-ED] (previously referred to as 

* Which members of WebApps want to continue with the XML-based version 
of XBL2 as codified in the XBL2 CR? If you are groupin this , what 
firm commitments can you make to push the spec along the REC track? 
Would you object to the Forms WG taking over this spec?

* Which members of WebApps want to continue with the non-XML version 
as Hixie created last September? If you are in this group, what firm 
commitments can you make to push this version along the REC track 
(especially implementation)?

* Should the WG pursue Dimitri Glazkov's Component Model proposal 
[Component]? If yes, who is willing to commit to work on that spec?

Please send comments on the above as soon as possible (preferably 
before 10:00am Boston time on March 11).

-Art Barstow



Re: What is happening with XBL?

2011-01-24 Thread Leigh L Klotz Jr
We've discussed this on Forms WG and are preparing a reply, but in the 
interest of time I'll give a summary:

The Forms WG members are pleased with the progress toward real-world XBL 
and shadow-DOM injection facilities in popular desktop browsers, and 
want to encourage that work.

Additionally, a number of our members are using a cut-down version of 
XBL2 as a macro language for composing XForms and HTML components, 
usually in a transformation step that takes place before markup is 
delivered to popular desktop browsers.

The use cases which public-webapps is currently studying for XBL also 
include component definitions, so we feel that is harmony between the 
goals, and *hope that we can work together to a common specification*, 
though perhaps with optional features.

While there are non-browser implementations of XForms, most XForms 
implementations for popular desktop browsers are using JavaScipt and 
other in-browser facilities to provide a markup-based, declarative 
interface to the native facilities available in the browser, and we see 
progress in the shadow-DOM front as a great benefit.  Our hope is that 
as HTML5 moves forward that it gets easier, rather than harder, to 
provide XForms declarative markup-based access to browser facilities, 
and we hope to leverage the eventual XBL-like shadow-DOM injection 
facility as part of this delivery, /as well as/ retain the ability to 
define and use components containing a mix of HTML and XForms markup.

A number of XForms implementations make use of XBL or cut-down versions 
of XBL2 to develop widgets and composite controls:
1A: In Mozilla XForms the XForms markup is bound with full-blown XBL 
with shadow DOM, CSS bindings, JavaScript etc.
1B: In all others, a cut-down XBL2 is used as a simple macro-language 
for composing compound form controls out of HTML and XForms markup, 
without any participation in the underlying HTML4 browser shadow DOM.  
In these cases, XSLT is also used to provide a transformation step, 
providing the ability to use attribute-value templates to perform 
substitutions instead of simply copying of attribute values.

Being able to unify these two uses of XBL is our goal, and obviously if 
a better version of XBL is widely deployed in popular desktop browsers, 
that task becomes easier. *

However, there is one area of concern, and that is that it the ability 
to bind to markup in the XForms namespace, or to produce output markup 
in the XForms namespace may be removed from XBL.   Ian Hixson's proposal 
to eliminate namespaces and event support from XBL2 is the most 
troubling issue for us.

To expand on this point, for case 1A, we feel that it's necessary to 
provide an ability to match markup with namespaced elements, and also to 
produced namespaced-elements (mostly XForms in both cases) as output.   
A clear idea of when XSLT PIs are processed and when XBL definitions are 
processed might go far toward helping resolve this issue.However, 
for case 1B, where the XBL implementation is not within the browser, 
optional namespace support in the Recommendation may be sufficient.

It may be that if XSLT PI support is retained, in-browser 
implementations will be able to continue to use that to provide the 
namespace matching necessary to disambiguate XForms from underlying 
HTML4 or HTML5 elements, and then the shadow-DOM facility can operate at 
a separate level.  Some implementations have had success in using 
in-browser XSLT or in-browser JavaScript re-parsing of the live DOM to 
bridge between the XForms markup and HTML+JavaScript implementation.  
However, a clear ability to do one of these two things from within XBL 
(interpose XSLT transformations, with namespace binding, or to use 
JavaScript to read the incoming DOM with un-munged namespaced elements) 
would be necessary to sure a path to success with an XForms+XHTML+XBL - 
HTML5+XBL in-browser conversion (i.e., to allow XBL to operate both to 
expand into XForms markup and to participate in the in-browser behavior).

Additionally, some of our WG members feel that XPath selectors would be 
more useful for case 1B.  However, I believe we are approaching a 
consensus that CSS selectors are OK for case 1A, so my personal belief 
is that we will most likely not be asking for XPath selectors.


On 01/24/2011 05:24 AM, Arthur Barstow wrote:
[ Bcc: set to: ; please set Reply-To: to just ]

XBL Fans,

In case you missed it, about a week ago, Anne van Kesteren wrote a 
nice blog about some of the recent activities with XBL including 
pointers to some related work by Dimitri Glazkov (e.g. Use Cases). 
Given AvK's blog is short-ish, I'll quote it here:


What is happening with XBL?
15th January 2011

What is happening with XBL?

Despite quite a bit of interest when XBL 2.0 was developed it has not 
made it into browsers