Consider a packaged (possibly third-party) web component you would like to use 
on your site. Using your favorite package manager, you install the component 
into a dependencies folder. Ideally you can now consume it just by `<link 
rel=import>`ing the component into your pages, without having to make any 
changes to the third-party code.

Unfortunately this is not true for components that use relative URLs to refer 
to resources that are packaged and installed along with the component. To help 
illustrate this, I’ve created a simple example component that uses CSS to apply 
a green background image. Code:

Here’s an example (included in the component’s package) showing the component 
in action:
 It loads [the `main.css` 
 which in turn fetches 
 So far, everything works fine.

But if the component gets `<link rel=import>`ed from any other directory (as in 
the above scenario), the relative reference to `main.css` won’t normalize to 
the expected URL. Example: 
(Note the lack of green background.)

Can this be fixed, somehow? Doing so would make it possible to use third-party 
web components without having to edit them just to make the URLs match your 

Possible solutions (just brainstorming here):

* Make relative URLs within a `<template>` within an HTML-Import’ed document 
resolve using the imported document’s URL (rather than the parent document’s 
URL) as the base URL.
* Make `<link>` not inert in `<template>`.


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