Re: [webcomponents] How about let's go with slots?

2015-05-15 Thread Steve Orvell
With respect to Dimitri's *unpacking* notion, we think it can work.

In most cases today the redistribution tree is not large; however, if there
were a lot of final destination points in that tree, unpacking would be
cumbersome because you need to define a slot at every level for every final
destination point from that level's perspective. We'd like the working
group to explore some short hand syntax for this scenario.

The one hypothetical use case we came up with that would be problematic for
*unpacking* is dynamic creation of insertion points. This would require
dynamic unpacking and that seems pretty ugly since you'd have to break
encapsulation to do this. However, the use cases that one can imagine for
dynamic insertion points would be better solved by an imperative
distribution api anyway and are generally advanced enough that v2 seems ok
for them.

On Fri, May 15, 2015 at 5:55 PM, Dimitri Glazkov

 On Fri, May 15, 2015 at 5:45 PM, Scott Miles wrote:

  How does it work for redistribution

 We've done some investigation and think it can work.

 Note that distributions work just fine with slots. The only thing that
 doesn't is partial redistributions, and we haven't been able to find a
 scenario that's a blocker:

 Please, if you can think of one, let's look at it.


Re: Imperative API for Node Distribution in Shadow DOM (Revisited)

2015-04-27 Thread Steve Orvell
IMO, the appeal of this proposal is that it's a small change to the current
spec and avoids changing user expectations about the state of the dom and
can explain the two declarative proposals for distribution.

 It seems like with this API, we’d have to make O(n^k) calls where n is the
 number of distribution candidates and k is the number of insertion points,
 and that’s bad.  Or am I misunderstanding your design?

I think you've understood the proposed design. As you noted, the cost is
actually O(n*k). In our use cases, k is generally very small.

Do you mean instead that we synchronously invoke this algorithm when a
 child node is inserted or removed from the host?  If so, that’ll impose
 unacceptable runtime cost for DOM mutations.
 I think the only timing UA can support by default will be at the end of
 micro task or at UA-code / user-code boundary as done for custom element
 lifestyle callbacks at the moment.

Running this callback at the UA-code/user-code boundary seems like it would
be fine. Running the more complicated distribute all the nodes proposals
at this time would obviously not be feasible. The notion here is that since
we're processing only a single node at a time, this can be done after an
atomic dom action.

“always correct” is somewhat stronger statement than I would state here
 since during UA calls these shouldDistributeToInsertionPoint callbacks,
 we'll certainly see transient offsetHeight values.

Yes, you're right about that. Specifically it would be bad to try to read
`offsetHeight` in this callback and this would be an anti-pattern. If
that's not good enough, perhaps we can explore actually not working
directly with the node but instead the subset of information necessary to
be able to decide on distribution.

Can you explain, under the initial proposal, how a user can ask an
element's dimensions and get the post-distribution answer? With current dom
api's I can be sure that if I do parent.appendChild(child) and then
parent.offsetWidth, the answer takes child into account. I'm looking to
understand how we don't violate this expectation when parent distributes.
Or if we violate this expectation, what is the proposed right way to ask
this question?

In addition to rendering information about a node, distribution also
effects the flow of events. So a similar question: when is it safe to call
child.dispatchEvent such that if parent distributes elements to its
shadowRoot, elements in the shadowRoot will see the event?

On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 1:45 PM, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:

 On Apr 27, 2015, at 11:47 AM, Steve Orvell wrote:

 Here's a minimal and hopefully simple proposal that we can flesh out if
 this seems like an interesting api direction:

 It seems like with this API, we’d have to make O(n^k) calls where n is the
 number of distribution candidates and k is the number of insertion points,
 and that’s bad.  Or am I misunderstanding your design?

 We keep the currently spec'd distribution algorithm/timing but remove
 `select` in favor of an explicit selection callback.

 What do you mean by keeping the currently spec’ed timing?  We certainly
 can’t do it at “style resolution time” because style resolution is an
 implementation detail that we shouldn’t expose to the Web just like GC and
 its timing is an implementation detail in JS.  Besides that, avoiding style
 resolution is a very important optimizations and spec’ing when it happens
 will prevent us from optimizing it away in the future/

 Do you mean instead that we synchronously invoke this algorithm when a
 child node is inserted or removed from the host?  If so, that’ll impose
 unacceptable runtime cost for DOM mutations.

 I think the only timing UA can support by default will be at the end of
 micro task or at UA-code / user-code boundary as done for custom element
 lifestyle callbacks at the moment.

 The user simply returns true if the node should be distributed to the
 given insertion point.

  * the callback can be synchronous-ish because it acts only on a specific
 node when possible. Distribution then won't break existing expectations
 since `offsetHeight` is always correct.

 “always correct” is somewhat stronger statement than I would state here
 since during UA calls these shouldDistributeToInsertionPoint callbacks,
 we'll certainly see transient offsetHeight values.

 - R. Niwa

Re: Imperative API for Node Distribution in Shadow DOM (Revisited)

2015-04-27 Thread Steve Orvell

 Again, the timing was deferred in [1] and [2] so it really depends on when
 each component decides to distribute.

I want to be able to create an element x-foo that acts like other dom
elements. This element uses Shadow DOM and distribution to encapsulate its

Let's imagine a 3rd party user named Bob that uses div and x-foo. Bob
knows he can call div.appendChild(element) and then immediately ask
div.offsetHeight and know that this height includes whatever the added
element should contribute to the div's height. Bob expects to be able to do
this with the x-foo element also since it is just another element from
his perspective.

How can I, the author of x-foo, craft my element such that I don't
violate Bob's expectations? Does your proposal support this?

On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 3:42 PM, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:

  On Apr 27, 2015, at 3:15 PM, Steve Orvell wrote:
  IMO, the appeal of this proposal is that it's a small change to the
 current spec and avoids changing user expectations about the state of the
 dom and can explain the two declarative proposals for distribution.
  It seems like with this API, we’d have to make O(n^k) calls where n is
 the number of distribution candidates and k is the number of insertion
 points, and that’s bad.  Or am I misunderstanding your design?
  I think you've understood the proposed design. As you noted, the cost is
 actually O(n*k). In our use cases, k is generally very small.

 I don't think we want to introduce O(nk) algorithm. Pretty much every
 browser optimization we implement these days are removing O(n^2) algorithms
 in the favor of O(n) algorithms. Hard-baking O(nk) behavior is bad because
 we can't even theoretically optimize it away.

  Do you mean instead that we synchronously invoke this algorithm when a
 child node is inserted or removed from the host?  If so, that’ll impose
 unacceptable runtime cost for DOM mutations.
  I think the only timing UA can support by default will be at the end of
 micro task or at UA-code / user-code boundary as done for custom element
 lifestyle callbacks at the moment.
  Running this callback at the UA-code/user-code boundary seems like it
 would be fine. Running the more complicated distribute all the nodes
 proposals at this time would obviously not be feasible. The notion here is
 that since we're processing only a single node at a time, this can be done
 after an atomic dom action.

 Indeed, running such an algorithm each time node is inserted or removed
 will be quite expensive.

  “always correct” is somewhat stronger statement than I would state here
 since during UA calls these shouldDistributeToInsertionPoint callbacks,
 we'll certainly see transient offsetHeight values.
  Yes, you're right about that. Specifically it would be bad to try to
 read `offsetHeight` in this callback and this would be an anti-pattern. If
 that's not good enough, perhaps we can explore actually not working
 directly with the node but instead the subset of information necessary to
 be able to decide on distribution.

 I'm not necessarily saying that it's not good enough.  I'm just saying
 that it is possible to observe such a state even with this API.

  Can you explain, under the initial proposal, how a user can ask an
 element's dimensions and get the post-distribution answer? With current dom
 api's I can be sure that if I do parent.appendChild(child) and then
 parent.offsetWidth, the answer takes child into account. I'm looking to
 understand how we don't violate this expectation when parent distributes.
 Or if we violate this expectation, what is the proposed right way to ask
 this question?

 You don't get that guarantee in the design we discussed on Friday [1] [2].
 In fact, we basically deferred the timing issue to other APIs that observe
 DOM changes, namely mutation observers and custom elements lifecycle
 callbacks. Each component uses those APIs to call distribute().

  In addition to rendering information about a node, distribution also
 effects the flow of events. So a similar question: when is it safe to call
 child.dispatchEvent such that if parent distributes elements to its
 shadowRoot, elements in the shadowRoot will see the event?

 Again, the timing was deferred in [1] and [2] so it really depends on when
 each component decides to distribute.

 - R. Niwa


Re: Imperative API for Node Distribution in Shadow DOM (Revisited)

2015-04-27 Thread Steve Orvell

 Perhaps we need to make childrenChanged optionally get called when
 attributes of child nodes are changed just like the way you can configure
 mutation observers to optionally monitor attribute changes.

Wow, let me summarize if I can. Let's say we have (a) a custom elements
synchronous callback `childrenChanged` that can see child adds/removes and
child attribute mutations, (b) the first option in the proposed api here, (c) user element code
that wires everything together correctly. Then, unless I am mistaken, we
have enough power to implement something like the currently spec'd
declarative `select` mechanism or the proposed `slot` mechanism without any
change to user's expectations about when information in the dom can be

Do the implementors think all of that is feasible?

Possible corner case: If a content is added to a shadowRoot, this should
probably invalidate the distribution and redo everything. To maintain a
synchronous mental model, the content mutation in the shadowRoot subtree
needs to be seen synchronously. This is not possible with the tools
mentioned above, but it seems like a reasonable requirement that the
shadowRoot author can be aware of this change since the author is causing
it to happen.

On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 7:01 PM, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:

  On Apr 27, 2015, at 5:43 PM, Steve Orvell wrote:
  That might be an acceptable mode of operations. If you wanted to
 synchronously update your insertion points, rely on custom element's
 lifecycle callbacks and you can only support direct children for
  That's interesting, thanks for working through it. Given a
 `childrenChanged` callback, I think your first proposal
 `content.insertAt` and `content.remove` best supports a synchronous
 mental model. As you note, re-distribution is then the element author's
 responsibility. This would be done by listening to the synchronous
 `distributionChanged` event. That seems straightforward.
  Mutations that are not captured in childrenChanged that can affect
 distribution would still be a problem, however. Given:
  div id=host
div id=child/div
  child.setAttribute('slot', 'a');
  Again, we are guaranteed that parent's offsetHeight includes any
 contribution that adding the slot attribute caused (e.g. via a
 #child[slot=a] rule)
  If the `host` is a custom element that uses distribution, would it be
 possible to have this same guarantee?
  x-foo id=host
div id=child/div
  child.setAttribute('slot', 'a');

 That's a good point. Perhaps we need to make childrenChanged optionally
 get called when attributes of child nodes are changed just like the way you
 can configure mutation observers to optionally monitor attribute changes.

 - R. Niwa

Re: Imperative API for Node Distribution in Shadow DOM (Revisited)

2015-04-27 Thread Steve Orvell
Here's a minimal and hopefully simple proposal that we can flesh out if
this seems like an interesting api direction:

We keep the currently spec'd distribution algorithm/timing but remove
`select` in favor of an explicit selection callback. The user simply
returns true if the node should be distributed to the given insertion point.

 * the callback can be synchronous-ish because it acts only on a specific
node when possible. Distribution then won't break existing expectations
since `offsetHeight` is always correct.
 * can implement either the currently spec'd `select` mechanism or the
proposed `slot` mechanism
 * can easily evolve to support distribution to isolated roots by using a
pure function that gets read only node 'proxies' as arguments.

 * cannot re-order the distribution
 * cannot distribute sub-elements

On Sat, Apr 25, 2015 at 1:58 PM, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:

  On Apr 25, 2015, at 1:17 PM, Olli Pettay wrote:
  On 04/25/2015 09:28 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
  On Sat, Apr 25, 2015 at 12:17 AM, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:
  In today's F2F, I've got an action item to come up with a concrete
  proposal for imperative API.  I had a great chat about this afterwards
  various people who attended F2F and here's a summary.  I'll continue
 to work
  with Dimitri  Erik to work out details in the coming months (our
  is July 13th).
  I thought we came up with something somewhat simpler that didn't
  require adding an event or adding remove() for that matter:
  That is pretty much exactly how I was thinking the imperative API to
  (well, assuming errors in the example fixed)
  An example explaining how this all works in case of nested shadow trees
 would be good.
  I assume the more nested shadow tree just may get some nodes, which were
 already distributed, in the distributionList.

 Right, that was the design we discussed.

  How does the distribute() behave? Does it end up invoking distribution
 in all the nested shadow roots or only in the callee?

 Yes, that's the only reason we need distribute() in the first place.  If
 we didn't have to care about redistribution, simply exposing methods to
 insert/remove distributed nodes on content element is sufficient.

  Should distribute callback be called automatically at the end of the
 microtask if there has been relevant[1] DOM mutations since the last
  manual call to distribute()? That would make the API a bit simpler to
 use, if one wouldn't have to use MutationObservers.

 That's a possibility.  It could be an option to specify as well.  But
 there might be components that are not interested in updating distributed
 nodes for the sake of performance for example.  I'm not certain forcing
 everyone to always update distributed nodes is necessarily desirable given
 the lack of experience with an imperative API for distributing nodes.

  [1] Assuming we want to distribute only direct children, then any child
 list change or any attribute change in the children
  might cause distribution() automatically.

 I think that's a big if now that we've gotten rid of select attribute
 and multiple generations of shadow DOM.  As far as I could recall, one of
 the reasons we only supported distributing direct children was so that we
 could implement select attribute and multiple generations of shadow DOM.
  If we wanted, we could always impose such a restriction in a declarative
 syntax and inheritance mechanism we add in v2 since those v2 APIs are
 supposed to build on top of this imperative API.

 Another big if is whether we even need to let each shadow DOM select nodes
 to redistribute.  If we don't need to support filtering distributed nodes
 in insertion points for re-distribution (i.e. we either distribute
 everything under a given content element or nothing), then we don't need
 all of this redistribution mechanism baked into the browser and the model
 where we just have insert/remove on content element will work.

 - R. Niwa

Re: [webcomponents]: The Shadow Cat in the Hat Edition

2013-09-19 Thread Steve Orvell
For context here's another thread about ::part where we start to look a
little into the rabbit hole:

One wants the expressiveness of css applied to ::part but things get
complicated very fast and the 'shadow cat' starts to look a lot more

Re: [webcomponents]: Naming the Baby

2013-03-27 Thread Steve Orvell
The word component will be used as a synonym for a custom element. Since
this spec is designed to load various html resources that may include
custom element definitions, attaching the word component to this spec is
just confusing.

We're loading html so rel=html is most straightforward. The name of the
spec should be HTML links.

On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 10:20 AM, Angelina Fabbro

 Just going to drop this in here for discussion. Let's try and get at what
 a just a component 'is':

 A gold-standard component:

 1. Should do one thing well
 2. Should contain all the necessary code to do that one thing (HTML, JS,
 3. Should be modular (and thus reusable)
 4. Should be encapsulated
 5. (Bonus) Should be as small as it can be

 I think it follows, then, that a 'web component' is software that fits all
 of these criteria, but for explicit use in the browser to build web
 applications. The tools provided - shadow DOM, custom elements etc. give
 developers tools to create web components. In the case of:

 link rel=component href=..

 I would (as mentioned before) call this a 'component include' as I think
 this description is pretty apt.

 It is true that widgets and components are synonymous, but that has been
 that way for a couple of years now at least already. Widgets, components,
 modules - they're all interchangeable depending on who you talk to. We've
 stuck with 'components' to describe things so far. Let's not worry about
 the synonyms. So far, the developers I've introduced to this subject
 understood implicitly that they could build widgets with this stuff, all
 the while I used the term 'components'.


 - A

 On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 10:58 PM, Scott Miles wrote:

 Forgive me if I'm perseverating, but do you imagine 'component' that is
 included to be generic HTML content, and maybe some scripts or some custom

 I'm curious what is it you envision when you say 'component', to test my
 previous assertion about this word.


 On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 10:46 PM, Angelina Fabbro wrote:

 'Component Include'

 'Component Include' describes what the markup is doing, and I like that
 a lot. The syntax is similar to including a stylesheet or a script and so
 this name should be evocative enough for even a novice to understand what
 is implied by it.

 - Angelina

 On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 4:19 PM, Scott Miles wrote:

 Fwiw, my main concern is that for my team and for lots of other people
 I communicate with, 'component' is basically synonymous with 'custom
 element'. In that context, 'component' referring to
 chunk-of-web-resources-loaded-via-link is problematic, even if it's not
 wrong, per se.

 We never complained about this before because Dimitri always wrote the
 examples as link rel=components... (note the plural). When it was
 changed to link rel=component... was when the rain began.


 On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 4:08 PM, Ryan Seddon seddon.r...@gmail.comwrote:

 I like the idea of package seems all encompassing which captures the
 requirements nicely. That or perhaps resource, but then resource seems

 Or perhaps component-package so it is obvious that it's tied to web


 On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 6:03 AM, Dimitri Glazkov 

 Hello folks!

 It seems that we've had a bit of informal feedback on the Web
 Components as the name for the link rel=component spec (cc'd some
 of the feedbackers).

 So... these malcontents are suggesting that Web Components is more a
 of a general name for all the cool things we're inventing, and link
 rel=component should be called something more specific, having to do
 with enabling modularity and facilitating component dependency
 management that it actually does.

 I recognize the problem, but I don't have a good name. And I want to
 keep moving forward. So let's come up with a good one soon? As
 outlined in


 1) must reflect the intent and convey the meaning.
 2) link type and name of the spec must match.
 3) no biting.


Re: [webcomponents]: Naming the Baby

2013-03-27 Thread Steve Orvell
Err, yeah, thanks for pointing that out.

I also like import or imports.

This makes sense given that the rel attribute is described as defining the
relationship between the resource being loaded and the document (likely
outdated spec:

On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 11:50 AM, Eric Bidelman ericbidel...@google.comwrote:

 My association for HTML links is a. Seems too confusing.

 FWIW, I conducted a small survey to see what the
 broader community's mental model of this is: Got
 about 42 responses; the top 3 being:

 1. Web Import link rel=import - 14 votes
 2. Web Package link rel=package - 6 votes
 3. Web Include link rel=include - 5 votes

 Do we foresee link rel=?? loading other types of resources in the
 future, not just .html? I like the idea of some sort of import or
 include, especially seeing that
 other web developers are aligned with this lingo.

 My 0$.02

 On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 11:29 AM, Steve Orvell wrote:

 The word component will be used as a synonym for a custom element.
 Since this spec is designed to load various html resources that may include
 custom element definitions, attaching the word component to this spec is
 just confusing.

 We're loading html so rel=html is most straightforward. The name of the
 spec should be HTML links.

 On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 10:20 AM, Angelina Fabbro wrote:

 Just going to drop this in here for discussion. Let's try and get at
 what a just a component 'is':

 A gold-standard component:

 1. Should do one thing well
 2. Should contain all the necessary code to do that one thing (HTML, JS,
 3. Should be modular (and thus reusable)
 4. Should be encapsulated
 5. (Bonus) Should be as small as it can be

 I think it follows, then, that a 'web component' is software that fits
 all of these criteria, but for explicit use in the browser to build web
 applications. The tools provided - shadow DOM, custom elements etc. give
 developers tools to create web components. In the case of:

 link rel=component href=..

 I would (as mentioned before) call this a 'component include' as I think
 this description is pretty apt.

 It is true that widgets and components are synonymous, but that has been
 that way for a couple of years now at least already. Widgets, components,
 modules - they're all interchangeable depending on who you talk to. We've
 stuck with 'components' to describe things so far. Let's not worry about
 the synonyms. So far, the developers I've introduced to this subject
 understood implicitly that they could build widgets with this stuff, all
 the while I used the term 'components'.


 - A

 On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 10:58 PM, Scott Miles sjmi...@google.comwrote:

 Forgive me if I'm perseverating, but do you imagine 'component' that is
 included to be generic HTML content, and maybe some scripts or some custom

 I'm curious what is it you envision when you say 'component', to test
 my previous assertion about this word.


 On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 10:46 PM, Angelina Fabbro wrote:

 'Component Include'

 'Component Include' describes what the markup is doing, and I like
 that a lot. The syntax is similar to including a stylesheet or a script 
 so this name should be evocative enough for even a novice to understand
 what is implied by it.

 - Angelina

 On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 4:19 PM, Scott Miles sjmi...@google.comwrote:

 Fwiw, my main concern is that for my team and for lots of other
 people I communicate with, 'component' is basically synonymous with 
 element'. In that context, 'component' referring to
 chunk-of-web-resources-loaded-via-link is problematic, even if it's not
 wrong, per se.

 We never complained about this before because Dimitri always wrote
 the examples as link rel=components... (note the plural). When it was
 changed to link rel=component... was when the rain began.


 On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 4:08 PM, Ryan Seddon 

 I like the idea of package seems all encompassing which captures
 the requirements nicely. That or perhaps resource, but then resource
 seems singular.

 Or perhaps component-package so it is obvious that it's tied to
 web components?


 On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 6:03 AM, Dimitri Glazkov wrote:

 Hello folks!

 It seems that we've had a bit of informal feedback on the Web
 Components as the name for the link rel=component spec (cc'd some
 of the feedbackers).

 So... these malcontents are suggesting that Web Components is
 more a
 of a general name for all the cool things we're inventing, and link
 rel=component should be called something more specific, having to
 with enabling modularity and facilitating component dependency
 management that it actually does.

 I recognize the problem, but I don't have a good

Re: [webcomponents]: First stab at the Web Components spec

2013-03-08 Thread Steve Orvell
Indeed. Unfortunately, using 'module' here could be confusing wrt ES6
modules. Perhaps package is better?

The name is difficult. My main point is that using components causes
unnecessary confusion.

On Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 12:24 PM, Dimitri Glazkov dglaz...@google.comwrote:

 On Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 12:22 PM, Steve Orvell wrote:
  I also find the name confusing. It's common to use the term 'component'
  describing the functionality of a custom element.
  What about HTML Modules?

 Then we probably need to rename link rel=module for consistency?


Re: [webcomponents]: First stab at the Web Components spec

2013-03-08 Thread Steve Orvell

 Also, it sounds like this specification should be titled Fetching
 components or some such as that's about all it defines.

I also find the name confusing. It's common to use the term 'component'
when describing the functionality of a custom element.

What about HTML Modules?

On Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 1:19 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

 On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 11:25 PM, Dimitri Glazkov
  Please look over it. I look forward to your eagle-eyed insights in the
  form of bugs and emails.

 You try to monkey patch the obtain algorithm but in doing so you
 invoke a different fetch algorithm. One which does not expose
 resources as CORS-cross-origin. Also, for rel=component tainted
 resources make no sense, so we should only use No CORS in
 combination with fail.

 Why is Component not simply a subclass of Document? If you already
 have a Document object you might as well use that directly...

 Also, it sounds like this specification should be titled Fetching
 components or some such as that's about all it defines. Can't we just
 put all the component stuff in one specification? I find the whole
 organization quite confusing.
