Re: [public-webapps] Comment on Widget URI (3)

2009-12-15 Thread timeless
On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 6:09 PM, Robin Berjon  wrote:
> The term "drive-by comment" is one made against a specification in passing 
> without the diligence and conscientiousness to participate in the follow-up 
> discussion; and typically to then re-iterate it later. I believe that the 
> term was coined during the denial of service by LC-comment conducted against 
> SVG Tiny 1.2 — I may have mistakenly taken its usage to be more widespread.

For the record, drive-by commenting exists in,
along with drive-by reviewing (a form of commenting where one gives a
review, typically negative).

Re: [public-webapps] Comment on Widget URI (3)

2009-12-15 Thread Robin Berjon
Hi Larry,

On Dec 9, 2009, at 19:08 , Larry Masinter wrote:
> Your reference to 'every drive-by "you should use this!" argument'
> is mainly irrelevant to my comment and I assume your goal was
> to be insulting, alluding to 
> -- unless you have
> some other explanation for your intent?

I am sorry that you perceived my intent as being one of insult. I have nothing 
if not respect for you. Rather, my intent was merely to proffer a candid 
characterisation of your comment, as originally phrased.

The term "drive-by comment" is one made against a specification in passing 
without the diligence and conscientiousness to participate in the follow-up 
discussion; and typically to then re-iterate it later. I believe that the term 
was coined during the denial of service by LC-comment conducted against SVG 
Tiny 1.2 — I may have mistakenly taken its usage to be more widespread.

Since you had made this comment before, and since it had been argued against, 
doing the same thing yet again while presumably expecting different results can 
be understood as either 1) a lack of diligence in paying attention to the 
outcome from the same action performed previously (i.e. a "drive-by" comment); 
2) the proverbial madness; or 3) deliberate process-based obstruction.

Given the options, I elected to consider you neither mad nor deliberately 
obstructive. Thank you for now taking the time to discuss our previous response 
as part of this comment.

> Your previous reply:
> contains interestingly the statement that:
> # I think that this demonstrates that, technically speaking,
> # reusing thismessage: *can* be done.
> It does go on to discuss the costs of doing so, but the
> costs are all a matter of writing technical specifications
> and updating the "thismessage" definition to clarify the
> ambiguities which you alluded to, and not technical
> impediments. I had frankly taken your previous note as
> indicating that you would consider "thismessage:/"
> more carefully.

It appears that my non-native and therefore imperfect command of the many 
English vernaculars has led me to the mistaken belief that emphasising "can" 
was rather universally used as an elided apophasis to strongly imply "should 
not". Since apparently that is not the case, I apologise for the confusion and 
shall endeavour to speak more clearly in future.

That having been said, the sentence after the one you cite is "I am very much 
unconvinced that the cost/benefit analysis weighs in its favour"; and the 
conclusion of my post is "there is such a thing as reuse for reuse's sake. 
We're obviously fully open to other opinions, but for the time being we will 
stick to "widget:".

The same message further indicates at the very least that thismessage: is so 
unclearly specified that its definition could be vastly improved simply by 
existing; that it appears to be unclear how relative URIs are resolved; that I 
cannot find a clear interpretation of what it does without exegesis through 
elimination and even then remain uncertain; that we'd have to map a widget 
package onto multipart/related messages (with no obvious benefit and potential 
incompatibilities); that bringing in MIME baggage is hardly something one feels 
comfortable doing nowadays; that our L10N model has no correlate in RFC 2557; 
that the implementation status of thismessage is pretty much unknown; and that 
all we get from the reuse is a label.

The length of the analysis I provided in the message you quote is several times 
the length of what I will stretch generosity to call the "definition" of 
thismessage that RFC 2557 provides. I must admit to being rather baffled that 
you concluded from that that I would consider thismessage more carefully. I am 
not sure how much more carefully it could be considered without appealing to 
Deconstructionism, and one is generally fond of not going there.

The one and only thing that thismessage has going for it is that it is 
registered. Frankly, that's not much to go on. Given that we thankfully now 
have higher standards for registering schemes, I would content that the best 
path forward would be to clean up and unregister "thismessage".

> If you replace the string "widget" with the string "thismessage"

We could certainly change the string of the scheme's name, but what of the MIME 
baggage that thismessage brings in? We certainly want none of it; and to be 
honest why should we? At some abstract distance they can be seen to be somewhat 
vaguely related, but then again so are HTTP and FTP. Should we also have FTP 
use HTTP URIs?

After careful analysis, informed by your comments, all I can find to say about 
thismessage is that it's utterly underspecified, related to MIME somehow, and 
has its name in the registry's parking lot; while the widget URI scheme is far 
better specified even if perhaps imperfectly and enti

RE: [public-webapps] Comment on Widget URI (3)

2009-12-09 Thread Larry Masinter
Your reference to 'every drive-by "you should use this!" argument'
is mainly irrelevant to my comment and I assume your goal was
to be insulting, alluding to -- unless you have
some other explanation for your intent?

The fact that you got similar requests (that there were
multiple "drive-by" arguments which were "just a rehash
of something we've seen before") would seem to as likely
indicate that there is a significant support for reuse
of other schemes, than as a validation of your position
that you need a new one.

I reviewed the document without having read every other
review, and I think that was appropriate.

You claim "Having done due diligence", but that would 
seem to make it easy to trivially supply what I asked for 
and which I cannot infer or guess: a single use case 
where the offered alternative ("thismessage" in my case)
is inadequate for providing "the desired properties of
identifiers and their relation to resources".  
Could you please supply one use case; surely anyone
familiar with the lengthy due diligence you allude
to would have a simple example?

Your previous reply: 

contains interestingly the statement that:

# I think that this demonstrates that, technically speaking,
# reusing thismessage: *can* be done.

It does go on to discuss the costs of doing so, but the
costs are all a matter of writing technical specifications
and updating the "thismessage" definition to clarify the
ambiguities which you alluded to, and not technical
impediments. I had frankly taken your previous note as
indicating that you would consider "thismessage:/"
more carefully.

>> Alternate Suggestion: Withdraw registration of "widget:"
>> and reference existing scheme.

> That would leave us with no way of addressing widget resources.
> Having just now implemented a widget runtime, I don't see how we could have 
> interoperability without them.

If you replace the string "widget" with the string "thismessage" and remove the
possibility of an (opaque, undefined, and unneeded by any documented use cases)
authority field, the widget runtimes can proceed, and would have a way of
addressing widget resources. There are no apparent use cases where the
the string "widget:" ever appears in any content. If this isn't the case,
it isn't clear from the definition of the URI scheme. Rather, it claims

# In general, authors of widget content use relative URI references.
# widget URIs identify them only on the inside of a package, irrespective
# of that package's own location.
and that
# Must not require widget developers to be aware of it for basic tasks

Since the references are relative, the scheme name shouldn't matter.
If it does matter, where?

I'll just take your "elephant manicures" comment as an attempt at


-----Original Message-
From: Robin Berjon [] 
Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2009 5:13 AM
To: Larry Masinter
Subject: Re: [public-webapps] Comment on Widget URI (3)

Dear Larry,

thank you for your comments.

On Oct 10, 2009, at 19:44 , Larry Masinter wrote:
> 3) ** Reuse URI schemes **
> includes   "Good practice: Reuse URI 
> schemes"
> "A specification SHOULD reuse an existing URI scheme (rather than create a 
> new one) when it provides the desired properties of identifiers and their 
> relation to resources."

The WebApps WG is well familiar with webarch. In this instance, I would like to 
emphasise "when it provides the desired properties of identifiers and their 
relation to resources". The WebApps WG has discussed this topic with luminaries 
and experts in both the TAG and the community at large, and to this date, while 
we have learnt about many obscure and sometimes poorly defined URI schemes, 
none has provided us with a solution.

We've long reached the point where every drive-by "you should use this!" 
argument is just a rehash of something we've seen before. Having done due 
diligence, I feel confident that we haven't found an existing URI scheme that, 
as per AWWW, "provides the desired properties of identifiers and their relation 
to resources".

> The draft suggests there are many other schemes (with merit) already 
> proposed, but that these existing efforts, "rather than identify packaged 
> resources from the outside, widget URIs identify them only on the inside of a 
> package, irrespective of that package's own location.", but this seems to 
> indicate that the requirements for "widget" URIs are weaker,

Re: [public-webapps] Comment on Widget URI (3)

2009-11-19 Thread Robin Berjon
Dear Larry,

thank you for your comments.

On Oct 10, 2009, at 19:44 , Larry Masinter wrote:
> 3) ** Reuse URI schemes **
> includes   "Good practice: Reuse URI 
> schemes"
> "A specification SHOULD reuse an existing URI scheme (rather than create a 
> new one) when it provides the desired properties of identifiers and their 
> relation to resources."

The WebApps WG is well familiar with webarch. In this instance, I would like to 
emphasise "when it provides the desired properties of identifiers and their 
relation to resources". The WebApps WG has discussed this topic with luminaries 
and experts in both the TAG and the community at large, and to this date, while 
we have learnt about many obscure and sometimes poorly defined URI schemes, 
none has provided us with a solution.

We've long reached the point where every drive-by "you should use this!" 
argument is just a rehash of something we've seen before. Having done due 
diligence, I feel confident that we haven't found an existing URI scheme that, 
as per AWWW, "provides the desired properties of identifiers and their relation 
to resources".

> The draft suggests there are many other schemes (with merit) already 
> proposed, but that these existing efforts, "rather than identify packaged 
> resources from the outside, widget URIs identify them only on the inside of a 
> package, irrespective of that package's own location.", but this seems to 
> indicate that the requirements for "widget" URIs are weaker, not stronger.

Actually that wasn't the intended meaning, but since it can be construed thusly 
(and since you made another comment indicating that it was hard to understand) 
I have removed this section (it was just meant to be informative anyway).

> Suggestion: Supply use cases where reuse of existing schemes (including 
> "thismessage:/") do not provide the desired properties of identifiers and 
> their relation to resources.

I do not believe that it would be a useful attribution of resources from the WG 
to document this in the specification. The process of looking at alternatives 
has been conducted in public and under strong scrutiny. If someone wishes to 
document this process, they are welcome to do so, and all the information is 
available. It would, however, do nothing to lead the web to its full potential.

To further the point, I would like to underline the fact that you suggested 
using thismessage:/ before, and that the WG provided as thorough a debunking of 
that idea as can be made given such an underspecified scheme, to which you 
didn't respond:

> Alternate Suggestion: Withdraw registration of "widget:" and reference 
> existing scheme.

That would leave us with no way of addressing widget resources. Having just now 
implemented a widget runtime, I don't see how we could have interoperability 
without them.

> Alternate Suggestion: Provide guidelines so that "widget:" can be used for 
> other applications 
>  that need a way of referencing components within ZIP packages; rename 
> "widget:" to use
>  a scheme name that is appropriate for this broader application.

Anyone who uses the widget packaging can reuse the URI. Extending widget URIs 
to apply to all Zip archives would be inappropriate the properties of relating 
identifiers to resources would have to change (see AWWW and Widget P+C for more 
details). We could also make them reusable for elephantine manicure, but 
likewise those resources are obtained in entirely different ways.

Robin Berjon -