Re: Testing Expectations (was: Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech Javascript API - seeking feedback for eventual standardization)

2012-01-23 Thread Charles McCathieNevile

On Thu, 12 Jan 2012 17:06:34 +0100, Doug Schepers  wrote:

As such, the creation of tests should not be left to CR... there should  
be a plan in place (e.g. a person, and a loose policy, like "as we  
implement, we'll make tests and contribute them to the WG"), and a  
person responsible for collecting and maintaining the tests (i.e. making  
sure that the tests are adapted to meet the changing spec).

Indeed, we agreed recently that this would be something we require in any  
work the group takes on...

So rather than warm fuzzies, we're really after a warm body to take  
responsibility for driving it.


Charles 'chaals' McCathieNevile  Opera Software, Standards Group
je parle français -- hablo español -- jeg kan litt norsk   Try Opera:

Testing Expectations (was: Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech Javascript API - seeking feedback for eventual standardization)

2012-01-12 Thread Doug Schepers

Hi, folks-

On 1/11/12 9:40 AM, Arthur Barstow wrote:

On 1/10/12 11:25 AM, ext Glen Shires wrote:

Per #4 Testing commitment(s): can you elaborate on what you would like
to see at this point?

At this point, I think a `warm fuzzy` like "if/when the spec advances to
Candidate Recommendation, we will contribute to a test suite that is
sufficient to exit the CR" would be useful.

I agree with this general sentiment, but I'd like to offer a different 
priority to tests.

Technically, the W3C Process does not require a test suite, but 
pragmatically, it's the best way to indicate conformance and 
implementability, and to promote interoperability.

Modern expectations (e.g. in the last 4-6 years) about the specification 
process include early prototyping and implementation feedback well 
before CR phase, with real-world webapps depending upon these early 
implementations, so we need interoperability fairly early on.

The infrastructure and methodology for creating and maintaining tests 
(at W3C and in implementation projects) has improved dramatically in the 
last few years as well, so it's easier to do.

As such, the creation of tests should not be left to CR... there should 
be a plan in place (e.g. a person, and a loose policy, like "as we 
implement, we'll make tests and contribute them to the WG"), and a 
person responsible for collecting and maintaining the tests (i.e. making 
sure that the tests are adapted to meet the changing spec).


RE: Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech Javascript API - seeking feedback for eventual standardization

2012-01-11 Thread Young, Milan
Arthur Barstow requested "1. Relatively clear scope of the feature(s).
(This information should be detailed enough for WG members with relevant
IP to be able to make an IP assessment.)"  If you are just looking for a
ballpark, then the Google subset is probably sufficient.  But if you are
instead looking for a coherent set of topics that are likely to be
discussed and potentially spec'd within WebApps, then the HtmlSpeech XG
recommendation would be a better point of reference.


If that document is found to be lacking (or overflowing) in detail such
that it prevents an IP assessment, please let me know.  My personal
recommendation is to start in section 5.1.1 which lists the requirements
supported by at least 80% of interested participants.



For #2 (editor commitments), please add myself to the list.


For #3 (implementation commitments), Nuance will be happy to implement
functionality required of "network speech services".  This is a term
used extensively in the XG recommendation.


For #4 (testing commitments), Nuance will be happy to support this as it
relates to #3.



Thank you




From: Satish S [] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2012 6:54 AM
To: Arthur Barstow
Cc: ext Glen Shires;;;; Dan Burnett; Peter Beverloo
Subject: Re: Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech Javascript API -
seeking feedback for eventual standardization


Per #4 Testing commitment(s): can you elaborate on what
you would like to see at this point?


At this point, I think a `warm fuzzy` like "if/when the spec
advances to Candidate Recommendation, we will contribute to a test suite
that is sufficient to exit the CR" would be useful.


Yes we will contribute to a test suite that is sufficient for the
Candidate Recommendation.


Also, what is the next step?


WRT the API you proposed, I think we have enough preliminary
feedback for me to start a CfC to add the API to WebApps charter. My
only concern is the open question (at least to me) re the markup part.
It seems like it would be useful to review the proposed API and markup
together. However, a CfC for the markup can be done separately (provided
sufficient interest/commitment is expressed).


In the spirit of starting with the basics and iterating we did not
include markup in the proposed API. Markup support also renders cleanly
as a layer on top of the JS API with few additions, so as you suggest if
there is sufficient interest/commitment a separate CfC could be done.


Re: Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech Javascript API - seeking feedback for eventual standardization

2012-01-11 Thread Satish S
> Per #4 Testing commitment(s): can you elaborate on what you would like to
>> see at this point?
> At this point, I think a `warm fuzzy` like "if/when the spec advances to
> Candidate Recommendation, we will contribute to a test suite that is
> sufficient to exit the CR" would be useful.

Yes we will contribute to a test suite that is sufficient for the Candidate

> Also, what is the next step?
> WRT the API you proposed, I think we have enough preliminary feedback for
> me to start a CfC to add the API to WebApps charter. My only concern is the
> open question (at least to me) re the markup part. It seems like it would
> be useful to review the proposed API and markup together. However, a CfC
> for the markup can be done separately (provided sufficient
> interest/commitment is expressed).

In the spirit of starting with the basics and iterating we did not include
markup in the proposed API. Markup support also renders cleanly as a layer
on top of the JS API with few additions, so as you suggest if there is
sufficient interest/commitment a separate CfC could be done.

Re: Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech Javascript API - seeking feedback for eventual standardization

2012-01-11 Thread Arthur Barstow

On 1/10/12 11:25 AM, ext Glen Shires wrote:
Per #4 Testing commitment(s): can you elaborate on what you would like 
to see at this point?

At this point, I think a `warm fuzzy` like "if/when the spec advances to 
Candidate Recommendation, we will contribute to a test suite that is 
sufficient to exit the CR" would be useful.

Also, what is the next step?

WRT the API you proposed, I think we have enough preliminary feedback 
for me to start a CfC to add the API to WebApps charter. My only concern 
is the open question (at least to me) re the markup part. It seems like 
it would be useful to review the proposed API and markup together. 
However, a CfC for the markup can be done separately (provided 
sufficient interest/commitment is expressed).

If I don't see any objection from Chaals or Doug, today or tomorrow I'll 
start a CfC for the API proposal .


Re: Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech Javascript API - seeking feedback for eventual standardization

2012-01-11 Thread Charles McCathieNevile

On Wed, 11 Jan 2012 22:36:28 +1100, Michael[tm] Smith  wrote:

Satish S , 2012-01-11 10:04 +:

The Community Groups [1] page says they are for "anyone to socialize  

ideas for the Web at the W3C for possible future standardization".

I don't think that page adequately describes the potential value of the
Community Group option. A CG can be used for much more than just
socializing ideas for some hope of standardization someday.

The HTML Speech Incubator Group has done a considerable amount of work  
and the final report [2] is quite detailed with requirements, use cases

and AP proposals. Since we are interested in transitioning to the
standards track now, working with the relevant WGs seems more
appropriate than forming a new Community Group.

I can understand you seeing it that way, but I hope you can also  
understand me saying that I'm not at all sure it's more appropriate for

this work.

And I hope you all understand me saying that I think it is indeed more  
appropriate to move it to a formal working group, for reasons explained  

I think everybody could agree that the point is not just to produce a  
spec that is nominally on the W3C standards track. Having something on

the W3C standards track doesn't necessarily do anything magical to ensure
that anybody actually implements it.

Indeed. But the same goes for a community group. Implementation commitment  
doesn't come from people writing a spec.

I think we all want is to for Web-platform technologies to actually get
implemented across multiple browsers, interoperably -- preferably sooner
rather than later. Starting from the WG option is not absolutely always  
the best way to cause that to happen. It is almost certainly not the best

way to ensure it will get done more quickly.

Actually, I don't think that what kind of group the work happens in is  
relevant one way or another to how fast it gets implemented - and not very  
relevant to the rate of developing the spec.

You can start up a CG and have the work formally going on within that CG  
in a matter of days, literally. In contrast, getting it going formally as

a deliverable within a WG requires a matter of months.

In the general case this is true. But *starting* work is easy - as Mike  
said above the goal is to get stuff interoperably implemented, in other  
words, *finished*. And the startup time only has an impact on the finish  
time in very trivial cases.

Among the things that are valuable about formal deliverables in WGs is  
that they get you RF commitments from participants in the WG. But one

thing that I think not everybody understands about CGs is that they also
get you RF commitments from participants in the CG; everybody in the CG
has to agree to the terms of the W3C Community Contributor License
Agreement -

Excerpt: "I agree to license my Essential Claims under the W3C CLA RF
Licensing Requirements. This requirement includes Essential Claims that  
I own"

There are important differences in what WGs and CGs offer, and each has  
both advantages and disadvantages in terms of the overall level of  
protection offered. A fair criticism of the process applied to HTML5 is  
that the editor claims to accept input from the working group, plus the  
WHAT-WG (whose participants have made no commitment on patents at all)  
plus anything he reads in email, blogs, the side of milk cartons, etc.  
There is a theoretical risk that he will read something placed in front of  
him by someone who has avoided joining the WG (and therefore makes no  
patent commitment) and introduce it into the spec not knowing it carries a  
patent liability. I think that in practice this is unlikely to be a real  
problem for HTML - but that doesn't mean it is unlikely to be a real  
problem for any Web technology. In particular, I think that the work being  
proposed here would benefit from being in a real working group - either  
the Voice WG or the Web Apps WG seem like sensible candidate groups, a  
priori. Web Apps has the benefit that we are in the middle of the  
rechartering process, so adding deliverables is as painless now as it can  
ever be (and the truth is that this doesn't mean trivial - broad patent  
licensing doesn't always come without some effort, which is why it is  
considered valuable).

Anyway, despite what it may seem like from what I've said above, I'm not
trying to do a hard sell here. It's up to you all what you choose to do.
But I would like to help make sure you're making a fully informed  
decision based on what the actual benefits and costs of the different

options are.




Charles 'chaals' McCathieNevile  Opera Software, Standards Group
je parle français -- hablo español -- jeg kan litt norsk   Try Opera:

Re: Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech Javascript API - seeking feedback for eventual standardization

2012-01-11 Thread Michael[tm] Smith
"Michael[tm] Smith" , 2012-01-11 20:36 +0900:

> Satish S , 2012-01-11 10:04 +:
> > The Community Groups [1] page says they are for "anyone to socialize their
> > ideas for the Web at the W3C for possible future standardization".
> I don't think that page adequately describes the potential value of the
> Community Group option. A CG can be used for much more than just
> socializing ideas for some hope of standardization someday.
> > The HTML Speech Incubator Group has done a considerable amount of work and
> > the final report [2] is quite detailed with requirements, use cases and API
> > proposals. Since we are interested in transitioning to the standards track
> > now, working with the relevant WGs seems more appropriate than forming a
> > new Community Group.

Another data point to consider is, we have a precedent of a CG that's
already far along with work on a spec that already has multiple
implementations: The Web Media Text Tracks CG, which is working on the
WebVTT format for text tracks (captions, subtitles, etc.) for HTML video:

They're well beyond the stage of documenting use cases and requirements and
providing proposals; they already have a complete spec:

And the WebVTT spec is already implemented in IE10 and partially in WebKit,
with active implementation work continuing -

That CG was started only a little over 3 months ago. So it is in fact
possible for a CG to be producing work that's actually already getting
actively implemented in current browsers.


Michael[tm] Smith

Re: Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech Javascript API - seeking feedback for eventual standardization

2012-01-11 Thread Andrei Popescu
Hi Michael,

Thanks for the info!

On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 11:36 AM, Michael[tm] Smith  wrote:
> Satish S , 2012-01-11 10:04 +:
>> The Community Groups [1] page says they are for "anyone to socialize their
>> ideas for the Web at the W3C for possible future standardization".
> I don't think that page adequately describes the potential value of the
> Community Group option. A CG can be used for much more than just
> socializing ideas for some hope of standardization someday.
>> The HTML Speech Incubator Group has done a considerable amount of work and
>> the final report [2] is quite detailed with requirements, use cases and API
>> proposals. Since we are interested in transitioning to the standards track
>> now, working with the relevant WGs seems more appropriate than forming a
>> new Community Group.
> I can understand you seeing it that way, but I hope you can also understand
> me saying that I'm not at all sure it's more appropriate for this work.
> I think everybody could agree that the point is not just to produce a spec
> that is nominally on the W3C standards track. Having something on the W3C
> standards track doesn't necessarily do anything magical to ensure that
> anybody actually implements it.

We have strong interest from Mozilla and Google to implement. Would
this not be sufficient to have this API designed in this group?


> I think we all want is to for Web-platform technologies to actually get
> implemented across multiple browsers, interoperably -- preferably sooner
> rather than later. Starting from the WG option is not absolutely always the
> best way to cause that to happen. It is almost certainly not the best way
> to ensure it will get done more quickly.
> You can start up a CG and have the work formally going on within that CG in
> a matter of days, literally. In contrast, getting it going formally as a
> deliverable within a WG requires a matter of months.
> Among the things that are valuable about formal deliverables in WGs is that
> they get you RF commitments from participants in the WG. But one thing that
> I think not everybody understands about CGs is that they also get you RF
> commitments from participants in the CG; everybody in the CG has to agree
> to the terms of the W3C Community Contributor License Agreement -
> Excerpt: "I agree to license my Essential Claims under the W3C CLA RF
> Licensing Requirements. This requirement includes Essential Claims that I own"
> Anyway, despite what it may seem like from what I've said above, I'm not
> trying to do a hard sell here. It's up to you all what you choose to do.
> But I would like to help make sure you're making a fully informed decision
> based on what the actual benefits and costs of the different options are.
>  --Mike
>> [1]
>> [2]
> --
> Michael[tm] Smith

Re: Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech Javascript API - seeking feedback for eventual standardization

2012-01-11 Thread Michael[tm] Smith
Satish S , 2012-01-11 10:04 +:

> The Community Groups [1] page says they are for "anyone to socialize their
> ideas for the Web at the W3C for possible future standardization".

I don't think that page adequately describes the potential value of the
Community Group option. A CG can be used for much more than just
socializing ideas for some hope of standardization someday.

> The HTML Speech Incubator Group has done a considerable amount of work and
> the final report [2] is quite detailed with requirements, use cases and API
> proposals. Since we are interested in transitioning to the standards track
> now, working with the relevant WGs seems more appropriate than forming a
> new Community Group.

I can understand you seeing it that way, but I hope you can also understand
me saying that I'm not at all sure it's more appropriate for this work.

I think everybody could agree that the point is not just to produce a spec
that is nominally on the W3C standards track. Having something on the W3C
standards track doesn't necessarily do anything magical to ensure that
anybody actually implements it.

I think we all want is to for Web-platform technologies to actually get
implemented across multiple browsers, interoperably -- preferably sooner
rather than later. Starting from the WG option is not absolutely always the
best way to cause that to happen. It is almost certainly not the best way
to ensure it will get done more quickly.

You can start up a CG and have the work formally going on within that CG in
a matter of days, literally. In contrast, getting it going formally as a
deliverable within a WG requires a matter of months.

Among the things that are valuable about formal deliverables in WGs is that
they get you RF commitments from participants in the WG. But one thing that
I think not everybody understands about CGs is that they also get you RF
commitments from participants in the CG; everybody in the CG has to agree
to the terms of the W3C Community Contributor License Agreement -

Excerpt: "I agree to license my Essential Claims under the W3C CLA RF
Licensing Requirements. This requirement includes Essential Claims that I own"

Anyway, despite what it may seem like from what I've said above, I'm not
trying to do a hard sell here. It's up to you all what you choose to do.
But I would like to help make sure you're making a fully informed decision
based on what the actual benefits and costs of the different options are.


> [1]
> [2]

Michael[tm] Smith

Re: Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech Javascript API - seeking feedback for eventual standardization

2012-01-11 Thread Satish S
> > It doesn't matter too much to me in which group the API will be developed
> > (except that I'm against doing it in HTML WG).
> > WebApps is reasonably good place (if there won't be any IP issues.)
> Starting the work in a Community Group is another option to consider. A
> really good option, actually. It's certainly the quickest way to get it
> started and to get a W3C draft actually published, and the route that would
> entail the least amount of unnecessary process overhead. The work could
> later be graduated to, e.g., the WebApps WG if/when needed.

The Community Groups [1] page says they are for "anyone to socialize their
ideas for the Web at the W3C for possible future standardization".

The HTML Speech Incubator Group has done a considerable amount of work and
the final report [2] is quite detailed with requirements, use cases and API
proposals. Since we are interested in transitioning to the standards track
now, working with the relevant WGs seems more appropriate than forming a
new Community Group.


Re: Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech Javascript API - seeking feedback for eventual standardization

2012-01-11 Thread Michael[tm] Smith
Olli Pettay , 2012-01-09 18:12 +0200:

> It doesn't matter too much to me in which group the API will be developed
> (except that I'm against doing it in HTML WG).
> WebApps is reasonably good place (if there won't be any IP issues.)

Starting the work in a Community Group is another option to consider. A
really good option, actually. It's certainly the quickest way to get it
started and to get a W3C draft actually published, and the route that would
entail the least amount of unnecessary process overhead. The work could
later be graduated to, e.g., the WebApps WG if/when needed.


Michael[tm] Smith

Re: Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech Javascript API - seeking feedback for eventual standardization

2012-01-10 Thread Glen Shires
Per #2 Editor commitment(s): we confirm that Bjorn Bringert, Satish Sampath
and Glen Shires volunteer as editors. If others would like to help, we
welcome them.

Per #4 Testing commitment(s): can you elaborate on what you would like to
see at this point?

Also, what is the next step?

On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 8:12 AM, Olli Pettay  wrote:

> On 01/09/2012 04:59 PM, Arthur Barstow wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> As I indicated in [1], WebApps already has a relatively large number of
>> specs in progress and the group has agreed to add some new specs. As
>> such, to review any new charter addition proposals, I think we need at
>> least the following:
>> 1. Relatively clear scope of the feature(s). (This information should be
>> detailed enough for WG members with relevant IP to be able to make an IP
>> assessment.)
>> 2. Editor commitment(s)
>> 3. Implementation commitments from at least two WG members
> Is this really requirement nowadays?
> Is there for example commitment to implement
> File System API?
> But anyway, I'm interested to implement the speech API,
> and as far as I know, also other people involved with Mozilla
> have shown interest.
>> 4. Testing commitment(s)
>> Re the APIs in this thread -> I think Glen's API proposal [2] adequately
>> addresses #1 above and his previous responses imply support for #2 but
>> it would be good for Glen, et al. to confirm. Re #3, other than Google,
>> I don't believe any other implementor has voiced their support for
>> WebApps adding these APIs. As such, I think we we need additional input
>> on implementation support (e.g. Apple, Microsoft, Mozilla, Opera, etc.).
> It doesn't matter too much to me in which group the API will be developed
> (except that I'm against doing it in HTML WG).
> WebApps is reasonably good place (if there won't be any IP issues.)
> -Olli
>> Re the markup question -> WebAppsdoes have some precedence for defining
>> markup (e.g. XBL2, Widget XML config). I don't have a strong opinion on
>> whether or not WebApps should include the type of markup in the XG
>> Report. I think the next step here is for WG members to submit comments
>> on this question. In particular, proponents of including markup in
>> WebApps' charter should respond to #1-4 above.
>> -AB
>> [1]**Public/public-webapps/**
>> 2011OctDec/1474.html
>> [2]
>> 2011OctDec/att-1696/speechapi.**html
>> On 1/5/12 6:49 AM, ext Satish S wrote:
>>> 2) How does the draft incorporate with the existing 
>>> API[1]? It seems to me as if it'd be best to define both the attribute
>>> as the DOM APIs in a single specification, also because they share
>>> several events (yet don't seem to be interchangeable) and the
>>> attribute already has an implementation.
>>> The  API proposal was implemented as >> x-webkit-speech> in Chromium a while ago. A lot of the developer
>>> feedback we received was about finer grained control including a
>>> javascript API and letting the web application decide how to present
>>> the user interface rather than tying it to the  element.
>>> The HTML Speech Incubator Group's final report [1] includes a 
>>> element which addresses both these concerns and provides automatic
>>> binding of speech recognition results to existing HTML elements. We
>>> are not sure if the WebApps WG is a good place to work on
>>> standardising such markup elements, hence did not include in the
>>> simplified Javascript API [2]. If there is sufficient interest and
>>> scope in the WebApps WG charter for the Javascript API and markup, we
>>> are happy to combine them both in the proposal.
>>> [1] 
>>> [2]
>>> 2011OctDec/att-1696/speechapi.**html
>>> Thanks,
>>> Peter
>>> [1]
>>> 2011Feb/att-0020/api-draft.**html
>>> On Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 07:15, Glen Shires >> > wrote:
>>> > As Dan Burnett wrote below: The HTML Speech Incubator Group [1]
>>> has recently
>>> > wrapped up its work on use cases, requirements, and proposals
>>> for adding
>>> > automatic speech recognition (ASR) and text-to-speech (TTS)
>>> capabilities to
>>> > HTML. The work of the group is documented in the 

Re: Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech Javascript API - seeking feedback for eventual standardization

2012-01-09 Thread Olli Pettay

On 01/09/2012 06:17 PM, Young, Milan wrote:

To clarify, are you interested in developing the entirety of the JS API
we developed in the HTML Speech XG, or just the subset proposed by

Not sure if you sent the reply to me only on purpose.
CCing the WG and XG lists.

Since from practical point of view
the API+protocol XG defined is a huge thing to implement at once, it
makes sense to implement it in pieces. Something like
(1) Initial API implementation. Some subset of what XG defined
Not necessarily exactly what Google proposed but something close to
it. Support for remote speech services could be in the initial API,
but if UA doesn't implement the protocol, it would just fail when
trying to connect to remove services.
(2) Simultaneously or later - depending on the protocol standardization
in IETF or elsewhere - support remote speech services
(3) implement some more of the API XG defined (if needed by web
developers or web services)
(4) Implement ? I'm not at all convinced we need reco element
since automatic value binding makes it just a bit strange and

This is the way web APIs tend to evolve. Implement first something quite 
small, and then add new features if/when needed.



-Original Message-
From: Olli Pettay []
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2012 8:13 AM
To: Arthur Barstow
Cc: ext Satish S; Peter Beverloo; Glen Shires;;; Dan Burnett
Subject: Re: Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech Javascript API -
seeking feedback for eventual standardization

On 01/09/2012 04:59 PM, Arthur Barstow wrote:

Hi All,

As I indicated in [1], WebApps already has a relatively large number
of specs in progress and the group has agreed to add some new specs.
As such, to review any new charter addition proposals, I think we need

at least the following:

1. Relatively clear scope of the feature(s). (This information should
be detailed enough for WG members with relevant IP to be able to make
an IP

2. Editor commitment(s)

3. Implementation commitments from at least two WG members

Is this really requirement nowadays?
Is there for example commitment to implement File System API?

But anyway, I'm interested to implement the speech API, and as far as I
know, also other people involved with Mozilla have shown interest.

4. Testing commitment(s)

Re the APIs in this thread ->  I think Glen's API proposal [2]
adequately addresses #1 above and his previous responses imply support

for #2 but it would be good for Glen, et al. to confirm. Re #3, other
than Google, I don't believe any other implementor has voiced their
support for WebApps adding these APIs. As such, I think we we need
additional input on implementation support (e.g. Apple, Microsoft,

Mozilla, Opera, etc.).

It doesn't matter too much to me in which group the API will be
developed (except that I'm against doing it in HTML WG).
WebApps is reasonably good place (if there won't be any IP issues.)


Re the markup question ->  WebAppsdoes have some precedence for


markup (e.g. XBL2, Widget XML config). I don't have a strong opinion


whether or not WebApps should include the type of markup in the XG
Report. I think the next step here is for WG members to submit


on this question. In particular, proponents of including markup in
WebApps' charter should respond to #1-4 above.




On 1/5/12 6:49 AM, ext Satish S wrote:

2) How does the draft incorporate with the existing
API[1]? It seems to me as if it'd be best to define both the


as the DOM APIs in a single specification, also because they share
several events (yet don't seem to be interchangeable) and the
attribute already has an implementation.

The  API proposal was implemented as  in Chromium a while ago. A lot of the developer
feedback we received was about finer grained control including a
javascript API and letting the web application decide how to present
the user interface rather than tying it to the  element.

The HTML Speech Incubator Group's final report [1] includes a
element which addresses both these concerns and provides automatic
binding of speech recognition results to existing HTML elements. We
are not sure if the WebApps WG is a good place to work on
standardising such markup elements, hence did not include in the
simplified Javascript API [2]. If there is sufficient interest and
scope in the WebApps WG charter for the Javascript API and markup, we
are happy to combine them both in the proposal.



Re: Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech Javascript API - seeking feedback for eventual standardization

2012-01-09 Thread Olli Pettay

On 01/09/2012 04:59 PM, Arthur Barstow wrote:

Hi All,

As I indicated in [1], WebApps already has a relatively large number of
specs in progress and the group has agreed to add some new specs. As
such, to review any new charter addition proposals, I think we need at
least the following:

1. Relatively clear scope of the feature(s). (This information should be
detailed enough for WG members with relevant IP to be able to make an IP

2. Editor commitment(s)

3. Implementation commitments from at least two WG members

Is this really requirement nowadays?
Is there for example commitment to implement
File System API?

But anyway, I'm interested to implement the speech API,
and as far as I know, also other people involved with Mozilla
have shown interest.

4. Testing commitment(s)

Re the APIs in this thread -> I think Glen's API proposal [2] adequately
addresses #1 above and his previous responses imply support for #2 but
it would be good for Glen, et al. to confirm. Re #3, other than Google,
I don't believe any other implementor has voiced their support for
WebApps adding these APIs. As such, I think we we need additional input
on implementation support (e.g. Apple, Microsoft, Mozilla, Opera, etc.).

It doesn't matter too much to me in which group the API will be 
developed (except that I'm against doing it in HTML WG).

WebApps is reasonably good place (if there won't be any IP issues.)


Re the markup question -> WebAppsdoes have some precedence for defining
markup (e.g. XBL2, Widget XML config). I don't have a strong opinion on
whether or not WebApps should include the type of markup in the XG
Report. I think the next step here is for WG members to submit comments
on this question. In particular, proponents of including markup in
WebApps' charter should respond to #1-4 above.



On 1/5/12 6:49 AM, ext Satish S wrote:

2) How does the draft incorporate with the existing 
API[1]? It seems to me as if it'd be best to define both the attribute
as the DOM APIs in a single specification, also because they share
several events (yet don't seem to be interchangeable) and the
attribute already has an implementation.

The  API proposal was implemented as  in Chromium a while ago. A lot of the developer
feedback we received was about finer grained control including a
javascript API and letting the web application decide how to present
the user interface rather than tying it to the  element.

The HTML Speech Incubator Group's final report [1] includes a 
element which addresses both these concerns and provides automatic
binding of speech recognition results to existing HTML elements. We
are not sure if the WebApps WG is a good place to work on
standardising such markup elements, hence did not include in the
simplified Javascript API [2]. If there is sufficient interest and
scope in the WebApps WG charter for the Javascript API and markup, we
are happy to combine them both in the proposal.




On Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 07:15, Glen Shires>> wrote:
> As Dan Burnett wrote below: The HTML Speech Incubator Group [1]
has recently
> wrapped up its work on use cases, requirements, and proposals
for adding
> automatic speech recognition (ASR) and text-to-speech (TTS)
capabilities to
> HTML. The work of the group is documented in the group's Final
Report. [2]
> The members of the group intend this work to be input to one or more
> working groups, in W3C and/or other standards development
organizations such
> as the IETF, as an aid to developing full standards in this space.
> Because that work was so broad, Art Barstow asked (below) for a
> specific proposal. We at Google are proposing that a subset of it be
> accepted as a work item by the Web Applications WG.
Specifically, we are
> proposing this Javascript API [3], which enables web developers to
> incorporate speech recognition and synthesis into their web pages.
> This simplified subset enables developers to use scripting to
> text-to-speech output and to use speech recognition as an input
for forms,
> continuous dictation and control, and it supports the majority
of use-cases
> in the Incubator Group's Final Report.
> We welcome your feedback and ask that the Web Applications WG
> consider accepting this Javascript API [3] as a work item.
> [1] charter:
> [2] report:
> [3]
> API:

Re: Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech Javascript API - seeking feedback for eventual standardization

2012-01-09 Thread Arthur Barstow

Hi All,

As I indicated in [1], WebApps already has a relatively large number of 
specs in progress and the group has agreed to add some new specs. As 
such, to review any new charter addition proposals, I think we need at 
least the following:

1. Relatively clear scope of the feature(s). (This information should be 
detailed enough for WG members with relevant IP to be able to make an IP 

2. Editor commitment(s)

3. Implementation commitments from at least two WG members

4. Testing commitment(s)

Re the APIs in this thread -> I think Glen's API proposal [2] adequately 
addresses #1 above and his previous responses imply support for #2 but 
it would be good for Glen, et al. to confirm. Re #3, other than Google, 
I don't believe any other implementor has voiced their support for 
WebApps adding these APIs. As such, I think we we need additional input 
on implementation support (e.g. Apple, Microsoft, Mozilla, Opera, etc.).

Re the markup question -> WebAppsdoes have some precedence for defining 
markup (e.g. XBL2, Widget XML config). I don't have a strong opinion on 
whether or not WebApps should include the type of markup in the XG 
Report. I think the next step here is for WG members to submit comments 
on this question. In particular, proponents of including markup in 
WebApps' charter should respond to #1-4 above.



On 1/5/12 6:49 AM, ext Satish S wrote:

2) How does the draft incorporate with the existing 
API[1]? It seems to me as if it'd be best to define both the attribute
as the DOM APIs in a single specification, also because they share
several events (yet don't seem to be interchangeable) and the
attribute already has an implementation.

The  API proposal was implemented as x-webkit-speech> in Chromium a while ago. A lot of the developer 
feedback we received was about finer grained control including a 
javascript API and letting the web application decide how to present 
the user interface rather than tying it to the  element.

The HTML Speech Incubator Group's final report [1] includes a  
element which addresses both these concerns and provides automatic 
binding of speech recognition results to existing HTML elements. We 
are not sure if the WebApps WG is a good place to work on 
standardising such markup elements, hence did not include in the 
simplified Javascript API [2]. If there is sufficient interest and 
scope in the WebApps WG charter for the Javascript API and markup, we 
are happy to combine them both in the proposal.




On Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 07:15, Glen Shires>> wrote:
> As Dan Burnett wrote below: The HTML Speech Incubator Group [1]
has recently
> wrapped up its work on use cases, requirements, and proposals
for adding
> automatic speech recognition (ASR) and text-to-speech (TTS)
capabilities to
> HTML. The work of the group is documented in the group's Final
Report. [2]
> The members of the group intend this work to be input to one or more
> working groups, in W3C and/or other standards development
organizations such
> as the IETF, as an aid to developing full standards in this space.
> Because that work was so broad, Art Barstow asked (below) for a
> specific proposal. We at Google are proposing that a subset of it be
> accepted as a work item by the Web Applications WG.
Specifically, we are
> proposing this Javascript API [3], which enables web developers to
> incorporate speech recognition and synthesis into their web pages.
> This simplified subset enables developers to use scripting to
> text-to-speech output and to use speech recognition as an input
for forms,
> continuous dictation and control, and it supports the majority
of use-cases
> in the Incubator Group's Final Report.
> We welcome your feedback and ask that the Web Applications WG
> consider accepting this Javascript API [3] as a work item.
> [1] charter:
> [2] report:
> [3]
> API:
> Bjorn Bringert
> Satish Sampath
> Glen Shires
> On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 11:38 AM, Glen Shires>> wrote:
>> Milan,
>> The IDLs contained in both documents are in the same format

RE: Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech Javascript API - seeking feedback for eventual standardization

2012-01-06 Thread Young, Milan
The HTML Speech XG worked for over a year prioritizing use cases against
timelines and packaged all of that into a recommendation complete with
IDLs and examples.  So while I understand that WebApps may not have the
time to review the entirety of this work, it's hard to see how
dissecting it would speed the process of understanding.


Perhaps a better approach would be to find half an hour to present to
select members of WebApps the content of the recommendation and the
possible relevance to their group.  Does that sound reasonable?






From: Glen Shires [] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2012 11:15 PM
Cc:; Arthur Barstow; Dan Burnett
Subject: Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech Javascript API - seeking
feedback for eventual standardization


As Dan Burnett wrote below: The HTML Speech Incubator Group [1] has
recently wrapped up its work on use cases, requirements, and proposals
for adding automatic speech recognition (ASR) and text-to-speech (TTS)
capabilities to HTML.  The work of the group is documented in the
group's Final Report. [2]  The members of the group intend this work to
be input to one or more working groups, in W3C and/or other standards
development organizations such as the IETF, as an aid to developing full
standards in this space.


Because that work was so broad, Art Barstow asked (below) for a
relatively specific proposal.  We at Google are proposing that a subset
of it be accepted as a work item by the Web Applications WG.
Specifically, we are proposing this Javascript API [3], which enables
web developers to incorporate speech recognition and synthesis into
their web pages. This simplified subset enables developers to use
scripting to generate text-to-speech output and to use speech
recognition as an input for forms, continuous dictation and control, and
it supports the majority of use-cases in the Incubator Group's Final


We welcome your feedback and ask that the Web Applications WG consider
accepting this Javascript API [3] as a work item.


[1] charter:

[2] report:

[3] API:


Bjorn Bringert

Satish Sampath

Glen Shires


On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 11:38 AM, Glen Shires 


The IDLs contained in both documents are in the same format and order,
so it's relatively easy to compare the two side
eechreco-section> -by-side
speechapi.html#api_description> . The semantics of the attributes,
methods and events have not changed, and both IDLs link directly to the
definitions contained in the Speech XG Final Report. 


As you mention, we agree that the protocol portions of the Speech XG
Final Report are most appropriate for consideration by a group such as
IETF, and believe such work can proceed independently, particularly
because the Speech XG Final Report has provided a roadmap for these to
remain compatible.  Also, as shown in the Speech XG Final Report -
troductory> , the "Speech Web API" is not dependent on the "Speech
Protocol" and a "Default Speech" service can be used for local or remote
speech recognition and synthesis.


Glen Shires


On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 10:32 AM, Young, Milan 

Hello Glen,


The proposal says that it contains a "simplified subset of the
JavaScript API".  Could you please clarify which elements of the
HTMLSpeech recommendation's JavaScript API were omitted?   I think this
would be the most efficient way for those of us familiar with the XG
recommendation to evaluate the new proposal.


I'd also appreciate clarification on how you see the protocol being
handled.  In the HTMLSpeech group we were thinking about this as a
hand-in-hand relationship between W3C and IETF like WebSockets.  Is this
still your (and Google's) vision?





From: Glen Shires [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 11:14 AM
To:; Arthur Barstow
Cc:; Dan Burnett

Subject: Re: HTML Speech XG Completes, seeks feedback for eventual


We at Google believe that a scripting-only (Javascript) subset of the
API defined in the Speech XG Incubator Group Final Report is of
appropriate scope for consideration by the WebApps WG.


The enclosed scripting-only subset supports the majority of the
use-cases and samples in the XG proposal. Specifically, it enables
web-pages to generate speech output and to use speech recognition as an
input fo

Re: Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech Javascript API - seeking feedback for eventual standardization

2012-01-05 Thread Satish S
> 2) How does the draft incorporate with the existing 
> API[1]? It seems to me as if it'd be best to define both the attribute
> as the DOM APIs in a single specification, also because they share
> several events (yet don't seem to be interchangeable) and the
> attribute already has an implementation.

The  API proposal was implemented as 
in Chromium a while ago. A lot of the developer feedback we received was
about finer grained control including a javascript API and letting the web
application decide how to present the user interface rather than tying it
to the  element.

The HTML Speech Incubator Group's final report [1] includes a 
element which addresses both these concerns and provides automatic binding
of speech recognition results to existing HTML elements. We are not sure if
the WebApps WG is a good place to work on standardising such markup
elements, hence did not include in the simplified Javascript API [2]. If
there is sufficient interest and scope in the WebApps WG charter for the
Javascript API and markup, we are happy to combine them both in the


> Thanks,
> Peter
> [1]
> On Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 07:15, Glen Shires  wrote:
> > As Dan Burnett wrote below: The HTML Speech Incubator Group [1] has
> recently
> > wrapped up its work on use cases, requirements, and proposals for adding
> > automatic speech recognition (ASR) and text-to-speech (TTS) capabilities
> to
> > HTML.  The work of the group is documented in the group's Final Report.
> [2]
> >  The members of the group intend this work to be input to one or more
> > working groups, in W3C and/or other standards development organizations
> such
> > as the IETF, as an aid to developing full standards in this space.
> >
> > Because that work was so broad, Art Barstow asked (below) for
> a relatively
> > specific proposal.  We at Google are proposing that a subset of it be
> > accepted as a work item by the Web Applications WG.  Specifically, we are
> > proposing this Javascript API [3], which enables web developers to
> > incorporate speech recognition and synthesis into their web pages.
> > This simplified subset enables developers to use scripting to generate
> > text-to-speech output and to use speech recognition as an input for
> forms,
> > continuous dictation and control, and it supports the majority of
> use-cases
> > in the Incubator Group's Final Report.
> >
> > We welcome your feedback and ask that the Web Applications WG
> > consider accepting this Javascript API [3] as a work item.
> >
> > [1] charter:
> > [2] report:
> > [3]
> > API:
> >
> > Bjorn Bringert
> > Satish Sampath
> > Glen Shires
> >
> > On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 11:38 AM, Glen Shires 
> wrote:
> >>
> >> Milan,
> >> The IDLs contained in both documents are in the same format and order,
> so
> >> it's relatively easy to compare the two side-by-side. The semantics of
> the
> >> attributes, methods and events have not changed, and both IDLs link
> directly
> >> to the definitions contained in the Speech XG Final Report.
> >>
> >> As you mention, we agree that the protocol portions of the Speech XG
> Final
> >> Report are most appropriate for consideration by a group such as IETF,
> and
> >> believe such work can proceed independently, particularly because the
> Speech
> >> XG Final Report has provided a roadmap for these to remain compatible.
> >>  Also, as shown in the Speech XG Final Report - Overview, the "Speech
> Web
> >> API" is not dependent on the "Speech Protocol" and a "Default Speech"
> >> service can be used for local or remote speech recognition and
> synthesis.
> >>
> >> Glen Shires
> >>
> >>
> >> On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 10:32 AM, Young, Milan 
> >> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Hello Glen,
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> The proposal says that it contains a “simplified subset of the
> JavaScript
> >>> API”.  Could you please clarify which elements of the HTMLSpeech
> >>> recommendation’s JavaScript API were omitted?   I think this would be
> the
> >>> most efficient way for those of us familiar with the XG recommendation
> to
> >>> evaluate the new proposal.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> I’d also appreciate clarification on how you see the protocol being
> >>> handled.  In the HTMLSpeech group we were thinking about this as a
> >>> hand-in-hand relationship between W3C and IETF like WebSockets.  Is
> this
> >>> still your (and Google’s) vision?
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Thanks
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> From: Glen Shires []
> >>> Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 11:14 AM
> >>> To: public-webap

Re: Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech Javascript API - seeking feedback for eventual standardization

2012-01-05 Thread Peter Beverloo
Hi Glen et al.,

I'd like to share two pieces of feedback which came to mind when
reading through the unofficial draft.

1) The primary interfaces are abbreviated as "TTS" and "SpeechReco".
Personally I believe it'd be clearer for authors when these would be
defined as "TextToSpeech" and "SpeechRecognition".  "TTS" may not be
directly obvious for those who have no experience with similar
systems, whereas cutting off in the middle of "Reco | gnition" just
seems a bit odd. Is the benefit this provides being a shorter word, at
the cost of clarity?

2) How does the draft incorporate with the existing 
API[1]? It seems to me as if it'd be best to define both the attribute
as the DOM APIs in a single specification, also because they share
several events (yet don't seem to be interchangeable) and the
attribute already has an implementation.



On Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 07:15, Glen Shires  wrote:
> As Dan Burnett wrote below: The HTML Speech Incubator Group [1] has recently
> wrapped up its work on use cases, requirements, and proposals for adding
> automatic speech recognition (ASR) and text-to-speech (TTS) capabilities to
> HTML.  The work of the group is documented in the group's Final Report. [2]
>  The members of the group intend this work to be input to one or more
> working groups, in W3C and/or other standards development organizations such
> as the IETF, as an aid to developing full standards in this space.
> Because that work was so broad, Art Barstow asked (below) for a relatively
> specific proposal.  We at Google are proposing that a subset of it be
> accepted as a work item by the Web Applications WG.  Specifically, we are
> proposing this Javascript API [3], which enables web developers to
> incorporate speech recognition and synthesis into their web pages.
> This simplified subset enables developers to use scripting to generate
> text-to-speech output and to use speech recognition as an input for forms,
> continuous dictation and control, and it supports the majority of use-cases
> in the Incubator Group's Final Report.
> We welcome your feedback and ask that the Web Applications WG
> consider accepting this Javascript API [3] as a work item.
> [1] charter:
> [2] report:
> [3]
> API:
> Bjorn Bringert
> Satish Sampath
> Glen Shires
> On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 11:38 AM, Glen Shires  wrote:
>> Milan,
>> The IDLs contained in both documents are in the same format and order, so
>> it's relatively easy to compare the two side-by-side. The semantics of the
>> attributes, methods and events have not changed, and both IDLs link directly
>> to the definitions contained in the Speech XG Final Report.
>> As you mention, we agree that the protocol portions of the Speech XG Final
>> Report are most appropriate for consideration by a group such as IETF, and
>> believe such work can proceed independently, particularly because the Speech
>> XG Final Report has provided a roadmap for these to remain compatible.
>>  Also, as shown in the Speech XG Final Report - Overview, the "Speech Web
>> API" is not dependent on the "Speech Protocol" and a "Default Speech"
>> service can be used for local or remote speech recognition and synthesis.
>> Glen Shires
>> On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 10:32 AM, Young, Milan 
>> wrote:
>>> Hello Glen,
>>> The proposal says that it contains a “simplified subset of the JavaScript
>>> API”.  Could you please clarify which elements of the HTMLSpeech
>>> recommendation’s JavaScript API were omitted?   I think this would be the
>>> most efficient way for those of us familiar with the XG recommendation to
>>> evaluate the new proposal.
>>> I’d also appreciate clarification on how you see the protocol being
>>> handled.  In the HTMLSpeech group we were thinking about this as a
>>> hand-in-hand relationship between W3C and IETF like WebSockets.  Is this
>>> still your (and Google’s) vision?
>>> Thanks
>>> From: Glen Shires []
>>> Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 11:14 AM
>>> To:; Arthur Barstow
>>> Cc:; Dan Burnett
>>> Subject: Re: HTML Speech XG Completes, seeks feedback for eventual
>>> standardization
>>> We at Google believe that a scripting-only (Javascript) subset of the API
>>> defined in the Speech XG Incubator Group Final Report is of appropriate
>>> scope for consideration by the WebApps WG.
>>> The enclosed scripting-only subset supports the majority of the use-cases
>>> and samples in the XG proposal. Specifically, it enables web-pages to
>>> generate speech output and to use speech recognition as an inpu

Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech Javascript API - seeking feedback for eventual standardization

2012-01-04 Thread Glen Shires
As Dan Burnett wrote below: The HTML Speech Incubator Group [1] has
recently wrapped up its work on use cases, requirements, and proposals for
adding automatic speech recognition (ASR) and text-to-speech (TTS)
capabilities to HTML.  The work of the group is documented in the group's
Final Report. [2]  The members of the group intend this work to be input to
one or more working groups, in W3C and/or other standards development
organizations such as the IETF, as an aid to developing full standards in
this space.

Because that work was so broad, Art Barstow asked (below) for a relatively
specific proposal.  We at Google are proposing that a subset of it be
accepted as a work item by the Web Applications WG.  Specifically, we are
proposing this Javascript API [3], which enables web developers to
incorporate speech recognition and synthesis into their web pages.
This simplified subset enables developers to use scripting to generate
text-to-speech output and to use speech recognition as an input for forms,
continuous dictation and control, and it supports the majority of use-cases
in the Incubator Group's Final Report.

We welcome your feedback and ask that the Web Applications WG
consider accepting this Javascript API [3] as a work item.

[1] charter:
[2] report:
[3] API:

Bjorn Bringert
Satish Sampath
Glen Shires

On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 11:38 AM, Glen Shires  wrote:

> Milan,
> The IDLs contained in both documents are in the same format and order, so
> it's relatively easy to compare the two 
> side
> -by-side.
> The semantics of the attributes, methods and events have not changed, and
> both IDLs link directly to the definitions contained in the Speech XG Final
> Report.
> As you mention, we agree that the protocol portions of the Speech XG Final
> Report are most appropriate for consideration by a group such as IETF, and
> believe such work can proceed independently, particularly because the
> Speech XG Final Report has provided a roadmap for these to remain
> compatible.  Also, as shown in the Speech XG Final Report - 
> Overview,
> the "Speech Web API" is not dependent on the "Speech Protocol" and a
> "Default Speech" service can be used for local or remote speech recognition
> and synthesis.
> Glen Shires
> On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 10:32 AM, Young, Milan wrote:
>> Hello Glen,
>> ** **
>> The proposal says that it contains a “simplified subset of the JavaScript
>> API”.  Could you please clarify which elements of the HTMLSpeech
>> recommendation’s JavaScript API were omitted?   I think this would be the
>> most efficient way for those of us familiar with the XG recommendation to
>> evaluate the new proposal.
>> ** **
>> I’d also appreciate clarification on how you see the protocol being
>> handled.  In the HTMLSpeech group we were thinking about this as a
>> hand-in-hand relationship between W3C and IETF like WebSockets.  Is this
>> still your (and Google’s) vision?
>> ** **
>> Thanks
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> *From:* Glen Shires []
>> *Sent:* Thursday, December 22, 2011 11:14 AM
>> *To:*; Arthur Barstow
>> *Cc:*; Dan Burnett
>> *Subject:* Re: HTML Speech XG Completes, seeks feedback for eventual
>> standardization
>> ** **
>> We at Google believe that a scripting-only (Javascript) subset of the API
>> defined in the Speech XG Incubator Group Final Report is of appropriate
>> scope for consideration by the WebApps WG.
>> ** **
>> The enclosed scripting-only subset supports the majority of the use-cases
>> and samples in the XG proposal. Specifically, it enables web-pages to
>> generate speech output and to use speech recognition as an input for forms,
>> continuous dictation and control. The Javascript API will allow web pages
>> to control activation and timing and to handle results and alternatives.*
>> ***
>> ** **
>> We welcome your feedback and ask that the Web Applications WG consider
>> accepting this as a work item.
>> ** **
>> Bjorn Bringert
>> Satish Sampath
>> Glen Shires
>> ** **
>> On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 11:39 AM, Glen Shires  wrote:
>> We at Google believe that a scripting-only (Javascript) subset of the API
>> defined in the Speech XG Incubator Group Final Report [1] is of appropriate
>> scope for consideration by the WebApps WG.
>> ** **
>> A scripting-only subset supports the majority of the use-cases and
>> samples in t