Updated Widget Signature Editors draft

2009-01-11 Thread Frederick Hirsch

I have  updated the Widgets Signature editors draft [1] as follows:

1. Restructured to move definitions section before compliance, merge  
user agent section into compliance, and provide syntax, processing  
rules and algorithms sections to mirror XML Signature document  
structure and separate concerns.

2. Cleaned up definitions, removing unused definitions, rewording and  
adding needed definitions. Fixed all definition links in document.

3. Added Signature Properties text (as proposed earlier [2]) in  
section 6.1, with some draft URIs for place holders.

4. Added text for Widget Signature Validation (proposed in [2]) with  
some modifications

5. Attempted to clean up the RFC 2119 language in section 3 and rest,  
to use upper case and removed non 2119 language highlighting - to  
resolve Jere's concern [3] and follow common practice here.

6. Revised generation processing rules to rely on XML Signature, not  
be algorithmic, and to include properties

7. Added RFC 5280 and Signature Properties references

8. Revised introduction (remove duplicate file name definition),  
General wording cleanup throughout.

Work remains on Certificate, CRL and OCSP profiling, and decisions  
related to algorithms.

regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch

[1] http://dev.w3.org/2006/waf/widgets-digsig/

[2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/2009JanMar/0042.html

[3] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/2009JanMar/0040.html

Re: Copyright license for ElementTraversal Java interface

2009-01-11 Thread Doug Schepers

Hi, Cameron-

My opinion is that the editor of the Element Traversal spec simply
didn't know what he was doing (no offense).

I would suggest that a separate file be made with the appropriate Java
interface file, with the appropriate license, and that it be linked from
an errata (and later a second edition).

Would this work for you, and for the rest of the WebApps WG?


Cameron McCormack wrote (on 1/11/09 11:04 PM):
 Hello WG.
 A question[1] just came up within the ASF about the license under which
 the ElementTraversal Java interface is made.
 Unlike some other W3C specifications, where Java interface files are
 made available as separate files (perhaps within a ZIP file) with a
 header at the top that states that the file is licensed under the W3C
 Software License[2], the Element Traversal specification includes the
 Java interface inline.  The specification itself is licensed under the
 W3C Document License[3], which likely isn’t suitable for inclusion in
 ASF software distributions.
 Some time ago, I added the Java interface to the Batik project’s
 repository[4].  The main contents of that file do not exactly match the
 text that is in the specification; the formatting is different.  I did
 however add the Apache License header to the top of that file, as is
 done with other non-external source code.  Given that the contents of
 the file don’t exactly match the text in the spec (but is quite
 similar), and could reasonably have been generated from the IDL, I’m not
 sure if including that header was the correct course of action.
 So my questions are:
 1. Should I replace the ElementTraversal.java file in the Batik
 repository with one that is identical to the text in the Element
 Traversal spec, but with a W3C license header at the top, and if so,
 which one?
 2. Should the W3C be explicitly licensing the ElementTraversal.java file
 under the W3C Software License?
 [1] http://markmail.org/message/lgqmiixh4l3bdugv
 [2] http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/2002/copyright-software-20021231
 [3] http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/2002/copyright-documents-20021231

[ElementTraversal]: Feature string for DOMImplementation.hasFeature(feature, version)?

2009-01-11 Thread Michael Glavassevich

Hi WG,

The DOM Core specification and other DOM modules define feature strings [1]
which applications can query to check whether or not a specific DOM module
is supported by a DOMImplementation. For example, DOM Level 2 Traversal and
Range [2] says: A DOM application may use the hasFeature(feature, version)
method of the DOMImplementation interface with parameter values Traversal
and 2.0 (respectively) to determine whether or not this module is
supported by the implementation. These feature strings are also useful for
selecting a DOMImplementation which supports a specific set of features
through the methods provided by DOMImplementationRegistry [3].

After reading the spec it doesn't seem like Element Traversal has such a
string defined for it, so applications would have no standard way for
selecting a DOMImplementation which supports Element Traversal or
determining whether the DOMImplementation instance they already have
supports it. Is there a reason a feature string was omitted from the spec?
An oversight, perhaps? Can this be added to the errata?



Michael Glavassevich
XML Parser Development
IBM Toronto Lab
E-mail: mrgla...@ca.ibm.com
E-mail: mrgla...@apache.org