Re: File API to separate reading from files

2009-08-31 Thread イアンフェッティ
I would like to make another plug for
This had the notion of writing files, file streams, directories, and
being able to integrate into the host filesystem. All of these are
important for reasons I outlined in
and subsequent replies.

Quoting that email:
I would much rather have a well thought-out local filesystem
proposal, than continued creep of the existing File and Local Storage
proposal. These proposals are both designed from the perspective of I
want to take some existing data and either put it into the cloud or
make it available offline. They don't really handle the use case of
I want to create new data and save it to the local filesystem, or I
want to modify existing data on the filesystem, or I want to
maintain a virtual filesystem for my application, and potentially map
in the existing filesystem (e.g. if I'm flickr and I want to be able
to read the user's My Photos folder, send those up, but also make
thumbnails that I want to save locally and don't care if they get
uploaded, maintain an index file with image metadata / thumbnails /
 locally, save off some intermediate files, ... For this, I would
really like to see us take another look at (I don't think this
spec is exactly what we need, but I like the general approach of
origins get a virtual filesystem tucked away that they can use, they
can fread/fwrite/fseek, and optionally if they want to interact with
the host FS they can request that and then get some sub-set of that
(e.g. my documents or my photos) mapped in..

2009/8/31 Garrett Smith

 On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 11:47 AM, Nikunj R. wrote:
  Here's an alternative, more easily extensible, proposal for reading files.
  It provides applications a way to read small amounts of data at a time. It
  also allows applications to concurrently read the same file.
 I Agree.


 [snip example]

  Secondly, a list of files can be obtained using some UI.
  typedef sequenceFile FileList;


  Thirdly, an abstract interface is an input stream that is not limited to
  files. It works at the level of bytes that files are made of. The read()
  operation can specify the extent that is required. If an application wishes
  to read small increments, it can thus specify those increments. Of course,
  the File interface identifies its size, so the application can suitably
  choose increments. Processing of blocks read from the file occurs in
  callbacks. XHR could also consider taking an InputStream parameter during
  the send() operation.

 Would it be possible to have a reader handle creating the input stream
 and making the decision based on what type of Reader it is, passing
 byte offset lengths to the input stream -- essentially hiding those

 [snip example]

  Fifthly, a file can be used for reading an input stream by specifying the
  name of a file when constructing the stream
  [Constructor(in File toOpen)]
  interface FileInputStream : InputStream {
  Sixthly, one can create various kinds of derived readers such as text
  reader, binary string reader, and data URL reader. By inheriting from
  InputStream, the basic mechanisms such as abort and onerror are inherited.
  Moreover, the base read behavior is altered by the subclass although it
  behaves in a similar manner, except that the data seen outside is different.
  [Constructor(in InputStream base)]
  interface BinaryStringInputStream : InputStream {
    read(in StringDataHandler, [optional in] long long offset, [optional in]
  long long length);
  The callback is provided a DOMString. The String's length is expected to
  match the increment requested.
  interface StringDataHandler {
  handle(in DOMString data);
  For text reading, encoding is optionally specified.
  [Constructor(in InputStream base, [optional in] DOMString encoding)]
  interface TextInputStream : InputStream {
    read(in StringDataHandler, [optional in] long long offset, [optional in]
  long long length);
  A file can be alternatively read as a dataURL using a similar kind of
  handler as above.
  [Constructor(in InputStream base)]
  interface FileDataURL: InputStream {
    read(in StringDataHandler, [optional in] long long offset, [optional in]
  long long length);
  This API has the advantage that it can cleanly be extended to deal with both
  writing use cases and binary data. Furthermore, it can also support
  extensions that perform cryptographic, compression, or coding on top of the
  basic interfaces.
  To compare with the editor's draft, here's a typical programming case in
  var fileList = ...
  // There is a mistake in the example provided in Section 3 where it does
  var myFile = fileList[0];

 That's odd.

  // *According to my proposal*

Re: Web Notifications, do we need a new spec?

2009-09-04 Thread イアンフェッティ
We are in the middle of implementing in WebKit and in Chromium, so yes we
are still interested in pursuing. John Gregg (johnnyg@) has been leading the
effort from our end.
Beyond an implementation that people can experiment with, what sort of
resources are you looking for?

2009/9/4 Marcos Caceres

 Hi Jeremy,

 On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 11:21 AM, Marcos wrote:
  Jeremy Orlow wrote:
  On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 1:52 AM, Marcos Caceres wrote:
 Keeping in line with the design goals to enable Widget-related
 technologies to be used on the Web, I'm wondering if we should spawn
 a separate specification for notifications? We could use the current
 text in the AE [1] as the basis, which is based heavily on what was
 originally in HTML5 (or just take the old HTML5 text, create the new
 spec, add the hooks for Widgets).
 Although notifications have been taken out of HTML5, rumblings that
 they may need reviving occurred recently on the WHAT-WG list:
  There was a lot of talk about notifications in this more recent thread
  as well:
   (The thread is long and talks about a lot of things besides
  notifications, but I think there are some key insights in that thread
  about the requirements for notifications.)
  I'll take a look and see what I can extract from the discussion.
   As a followup to the above, the following code was submitted by
 Google to WebKit to support notifications:
 So, the question is: do we need a new/separate spec? One that covers
 both Web and Widgets?
  I think we do need to start thinking about specing this out.  Off the
  top of my head, it seems like the requirements for the web and widgets
  will be pretty similar.
  I agree. Lets take notifications out of Widgets API. I think the next
  should be to formally start capturing these requirements. If you have
  to list some requirements you guys have, that would be great.

 Just following up on notifications. Are you still interested in
 perusing this? Can you guys provide any resources to help get this
 work started?

 Kind regards,

 Marcos Caceres

Re: CfC: to publish new WDs of Server-sent Events, Web {Database, Sockets API, Storage, Workers}; deadline 26 October

2009-10-23 Thread イアンフェッティ
I also support publishing a new WD on all of these.

2009/10/23 Maciej Stachowiak

 On Oct 23, 2009, at 7:30 AM, Nikunj R. Mehta wrote:

  Fine for all except WebDatabase.

 I notice that its present ED is virtually the same as its FPWD (modulo a
 new section on data sensitivity). There is no movement on any of the thorny
 issues - locking granularity, relational model and SQL dialect.

 I am not sure what benefit is to be achieved from republishing essentially
 the same draft as a new WD. It does have the opportunity to mislead general
 public in thinking that progress is being made in the spec, when that is not
 the case.

 As Ian says in the IRC log, no one agrees on the WebDatabase spec any way
 so does it help to publish (essentially the same text as) a new WD?

 I think it's advantageous to publish the freshest versions we have as
 Working Drafts in advance of the publication moratorium. I don't see the
 advantage to leaving an older copy in the TR/ namespace, even if the changes
 are relatively small.



 On Oct 23, 2009, at 5:19 AM, Arthur Barstow wrote:

  This is a Call for Consensus (CfC) to publish new Working Drafts of the
 following specs:

 1. Server-Sent Events

 2. Web Database

 3. Web Sockets API

 4. Web Storage

 5. Web Workers

 As with all of our CfCs, positive response is preferred and encouraged
 and silence will be assumed to be assent. The deadline for comments is
 October 26.

 See [1] for the rationale for this short review period and the current
 plans for Last Call Working Draft publication of 1, 3, 4 and 5 above.

 -Regards, Art Barstow



Re: Use Cases and Requirements for Saving Files Securely

2009-11-12 Thread イアンフェッティ
This is really getting into fantasy-land... Writing a file and hoping that
the user actually opens up explorer/finder/whatever and browses to some
folder deep within the profile directory, and then double clicks something?
Telling a user click here and run blah to get a pony is so much easier.

2009/11/12 Jonas Sicking

 On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 6:59 PM, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:
  On Nov 11, 2009, at 3:51 PM, Eric Uhrhane wrote:
  On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 4:21 PM, Maciej Stachowiak
  On Nov 9, 2009, at 12:08 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:
  On Mon, 2 Nov 2009, Doug Schepers wrote:
  Please send in use cases, requirements, concerns, and concrete
  suggestions about the general topic (regardless of your opinion about
  Some use cases:
  * Ability to manage attachments in Web-based mail clients, both
   and sending
  * Ability to write a Web-based mail client that uses mbox files or the
   Maildir format locally
  * Ability to write a Web-based photo management application that
   the user's photos on the user's computer
  * Ability to expose audio files to native media players
  * Ability to write a Web-based media player that indexes the user's
  These are good use cases.
  Basically these require:
  - A per-origin filesystem (ideally exposed as a directory on the
   actual filesystem)
  - The ability to grant read and/or write privileges to a particular
   directory to an origin
  - An API for files that supports reading and writing arbitrary ranges
  - An API for directories that supports creating, renaming, moving, and
   enumerating child directories and files
  Can you explain how these requirements follow from the use cases? It
  to me the use cases you cited would be adequately covered by:
  - Existing facilities including input type=file with multiple
  - File read facilities as outlined in the File API spec.
  - Ability to create named writable files in a per-origin private use
  (with no specific requirement that they be browsable by the user, or in
  hierarchical directories).
  I think that exposing audio files to native players would require the
  ability to create directories in the native filesystem, thus making
  them browsable.  Sure, you could just toss them in a single directory
  without hierarchy, but that's not a great user experience, and it hits
  serious performance problems with large audio collections.  The same
  problems would affect the photo manager.
  With the native music player I'm most familiar with, iTunes, the user is
  even really aware of where audio files are in the file system. It does
 use a
  directory hierarchy, but it's pretty rare for users to actually poke
  in there. And the iPod application on iPhone (as well as the iPod itself)
  not even have a user-visible filesystem hierarchy. So overall I don't buy
  hierarchical directories as a hard requirement to build a music player or
  expose content to a music player.
  That being said, I think creating subdirectories in a per-origin private
  area is probably less risky than user-granted privilege to manipulate
  directories elsewhere in the filesystem. But I would be inclined to avoid
  this mechanism at first, and if it is needed, start with the bare
  I'm not convinced by your argument that it is necessary.

 I can think of two security concerns if a website is able to store
 executable files with a proper .exe extension on windows:
 1. It's happened several times in the past that exploits have made it
 possible to run a executable stored on the users system. If a website
 is able to first store an arbitrary executable and then execute it,
 that's much worse than being able to run the executables that live on
 the system already. In other words, being able to write a executable
 to the users system can be a important first step in a two-step
 This could be fixed by 'salting' all the directory names. I.e. make
 the directory where the files are stored unguessable. We do this for
 the profile directories in Firefox.
 2. Having a untrusted executable stored on the users system is
 somewhat scary. A user browsing around on his hard drive could easily
 accidentally run such an executable. Especially since the executable
 could contain a arbitrary icon, such as an icon similar some other
 program. Imagine for example writing a file called skype.exe with a
 skype icon being written. A user could very well accidentally find
 this while searching for skype on his/her computer.

 I think that if we were to implement something like this in firefox,
 we would probably never write executable files. Instead we would
 mangle their on-disk-name such that windows wouldn't recognize it as
 executable. (on mac/linux I think never setting the 'executable' flag
 would have the same effect). This could of course be hidden from 

Re: Use Cases and Requirements for Saving Files Securely

2009-11-12 Thread イアンフェッティ
2009/11/12 Jonas Sicking

 2009/11/12 Ian Fette (イアンフェッティ)
  This is really getting into fantasy-land... Writing a file and hoping
  the user actually opens up explorer/finder/whatever and browses to some
  folder deep within the profile directory, and then double clicks
  Telling a user click here and run blah to get a pony is so much easier.

 So first off that only addresses one of the two attacks I listed.


 But even that case I don't think is that fantasy-y. The whole point of
 writing actual files is so that users can interact with the files,
 right? In doing so they'll be just a double-click away from running
 arbitrary malicious code. No warning dialogs or anything. Instead the

Why do you assume this? On Windows, we can write the MotW identifier, which
would lead to windows showing a warning. On linux, we could refuse to chmod

 attacker has a range of social engineering opportunities using file
 icon and name as to make doubleclicking the file inviting.

 Like I said, I think this might be possible to work around in the
 implementation by making sure to neuter all executable files before
 they go to disk.

 / Jonas

Re: Steps to creating a browser standard for the moz-icon:// scheme

2010-01-28 Thread イアンフェッティ
It's interesting to note that on most modern OSes (Mac OS X, Vista, Win 7
...) the OS actually does create a pre-computed high quality icon for many
files, e.g. images, PDF, Word, Photoshop,  It is almost free to get this
from the OS, and the OS also has 3 default sizes for it. It would be great
to provide access to this if you have a File handle to it.


2010/1/28 Adam Barth

 On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 6:24 AM, Pierre-Antoine LaFayette wrote:
  Adam, could you provide your thoughts on using about:icon?

 I'd prefer not to use about:icon, but I don't think it matters much.
 Currently, the only URL in the about scheme that's accessible to web
 content is about:blank.  I believe Internet Explorer has a res
 scheme that might be more appropriate.  That's a general way to refer
 to browser-provided resources with URLs.  Perhaps

 At a higher level, we could bikeshed about the name forever.  You
 should pick whatever you think is most aesthetic since you're driving
 the process.


Re: Steps to creating a browser standard for the moz-icon:// scheme

2010-01-28 Thread イアンフェッティ
2010/1/28 Maciej Stachowiak

 On Jan 28, 2010, at 8:39 PM, Ian Fette (イアンフェッティ) wrote:

 It's interesting to note that on most modern OSes (Mac OS X, Vista, Win 7
 ...) the OS actually does create a pre-computed high quality icon for many
 files, e.g. images, PDF, Word, Photoshop,  It is almost free to get this
 from the OS, and the OS also has 3 default sizes for it. It would be great
 to provide access to this if you have a File handle to it.

 Mac OS X has 5 default sizes and can reasonably efficiently interpolate
 sizes in between. On the other hand, iPhone OS doesn't have any file icons,
 or even a really user-visible concept of files. So I'm not sure we can make
 too many assumptions about what will hold across platforms.


Sure - there are some platforms where it may not be available (including
perhaps winxp?). But it's an interesting idea to expose these if they are
available, and if they're not available, then fall back to some default.


 2010/1/28 Adam Barth

 On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 6:24 AM, Pierre-Antoine LaFayette wrote:
  Adam, could you provide your thoughts on using about:icon?

 I'd prefer not to use about:icon, but I don't think it matters much.
 Currently, the only URL in the about scheme that's accessible to web
 content is about:blank.  I believe Internet Explorer has a res
 scheme that might be more appropriate.  That's a general way to refer
 to browser-provided resources with URLs.  Perhaps

 At a higher level, we could bikeshed about the name forever.  You
 should pick whatever you think is most aesthetic since you're driving
 the process.


Re: Steps to creating a browser standard for the moz-icon:// scheme

2010-02-01 Thread イアンフェッティ
Just to be clear, I believe Pierre was referring to file extensions (e.g.
.jpg) not browser extensions.

At any rate, I think it would be convenient, if you are able to get a File
handle, to also be able to get an image representation of the file. That
could be some thumbnail if the OS has already generated and stored a
thumbnail and it's essentially free to get it on the platform, or if a
thumbnail is not available (or perhaps regardless of whether or not a
thumbnail is available) you could get some other image representation that
is somehow representative of the file type (e.g. some icon for JPEG files --
this image does not need to be part of the standard, does not need to be
consistent across browsers, but should ideally be consistent for all JPEG
files you call geticon on within the same UA on the same computer...

My $0.02

2010/1/31 Maciej Stachowiak

 On Jan 29, 2010, at 10:29 AM, Pierre-Antoine LaFayette wrote:

 2010/1/29 Ian Fette (イアンフェッティ)

 2010/1/28 Maciej Stachowiak

 On Jan 28, 2010, at 8:39 PM, Ian Fette (イアンフェッティ) wrote:

 It's interesting to note that on most modern OSes (Mac OS X, Vista, Win 7
 ...) the OS actually does create a pre-computed high quality icon for many
 files, e.g. images, PDF, Word, Photoshop,  It is almost free to get this
 from the OS, and the OS also has 3 default sizes for it. It would be great
 to provide access to this if you have a File handle to it.

 Mac OS X has 5 default sizes and can reasonably efficiently interpolate
 sizes in between. On the other hand, iPhone OS doesn't have any file icons,
 or even a really user-visible concept of files. So I'm not sure we can make
 too many assumptions about what will hold across platforms.


 Sure - there are some platforms where it may not be available (including
 perhaps winxp?). But it's an interesting idea to expose these if they are
 available, and if they're not available, then fall back to some default.

 Perhaps if we found some creative commons icons to use as defaults for the
 most used extensions. It wouldn't match the native theme but at least we'd
 have something for cases where platform icons are not available. We'd need
 to have some number of sizes. I think Windows goes to a max of 72x72, while
 Mac OSX goes to 128x128. Mozilla defines the size as:

*   Parameter:   size   *   Values:  [integer | button | toolbar | 
 toolbarsmall | menu | dialog]   *   Description: If integer, this is the 
 desired size in square pixels of the icon   *Else, use the OS 
 default for the specified keyword context.

 integer scales the icons to the desired size. I think we'd at least need a 
 few different sizes for a default set of icons. I'm not sure that such icons 

 I don't see a need to standardize anything solely for use by extensions.
 What we should ask is which icons are useful for Web content, since that is
 where we have the interoperability constraint. Extensions do not currently
 interoperate between different browsers, nor is this planned as far as I can
 tell, so they cannot be the sole use case for any part of a Web standard


Re: Notifications

2010-02-23 Thread イアンフェッティ
This thread seems to have languished, and I'm trying to figure out how to
move forward here.

My understanding, grossly simplified, of the current state of the world is

1. Some people have a desire to show HTML / interactive notifications, to
support use cases like remind me of this calendar event again in 5 minutes
or Answer this call / hang up this call.
2. Some people have a concern that the proposed way to achieve 1, namely
allowing HTML, will result in certain platform notification systems (Growl,
NotifyOSD etc) not to be used.

I will disclose my biases up front and say that I do believe the use cases
that 1) tries to support are important. (I want to be able to interact with
a calendar notification to say remind me again or take me to the full
details of the event, for instance). I also am of the belief regarding #2,
being unable to find any actual data on how many users have and use growl,
that the user base falls into roughly two camps. There's the people who have
gone out and downloaded Growl (or another notification service) because they
want everything coalesced, and then there's the people who don't really
care, and if wants to tell them something vs their browser wants to
tell them something, they don't really think much of it.

I think that initially, we can do a lot more for this second group in terms
of functionality that we can provide, and would find it unfortunate if we
held up forward progress because of a current implementation detail. If that
functionality proves to be useful and desired by a number of users, I
believe that platforms like Growl and NotifyOSD will find a way to make it
work. In the meantime though, I think there are relatively simple things we
can do to not leave these users in the dark.

1, for the CreateHTMLNotification call, we could still allow a text version
of the notification to be provided. If there's a significant number of users
whose platforms don't support HTML Notifications, I think there's a
reasonable chance that would be filled out. If 20% of users didn't see
images, alt= text would be more prevalent.
2. For the case where there is no text alternative provided by the website
for the HTML notification, the UA can make a best effort at transforming the
HTML notification to a text notification, optionally with whatever markup
the UA provides for text notifications (bold, links, etc). Obviously things
may not be perfect and it would be preferable if the author of the page
provided a notification, but the world is not perfect.
3. Let the user decide which notification mechanism they prefer. If the user
prefers HTML notifications, then they get whatever the UA implements. If the
user has an alternate notification provider they prefer, then they live with
the constraints of that notification system, but either way it's a tradeoff
that the user can make. And yes, in the near term some of this may be
prohibitive on mobile devices, but so are many things (try as they might,
mobile browsers still aren't a pleasure to work with when it comes to
viewing large complex sites or sites that use flash, etc).

I strongly believe that web applications are increasing in number, in scope,
and are becoming an integral part of people's lives. As web applications
expand, I don't think it is unreasonable to believe that support for HTML in
the platform (e.g. HTML in notification providers) will happen some day.
It's not going to be immediate, and so I have outlined some ideas that I
hope may get us moving in the meanwhile, but I don't want us to fall victim
to the argument of well, right now it's hard so let's not do it.

My $0.02.

Am 12. Februar 2010 12:50 schrieb John Gregg

 On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 10:14 AM, Drew Wilson wrote:

 On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 5:06 AM, Henri Sivonen wrote:

 On Feb 11, 2010, at 16:07, Jeremy Orlow wrote:

  As has been brought up repeatedly, growl and the other notification
 engines are used by a SMALL FRACTION of all web users.  I suspect a fraction
 of a percent.  Why are we bending over backwards to make this system work on
 those platforms?

 More seriously though: Virtually every user of an up-to-date Ubuntu
 installation has the notification engine installed. As for Growl, the kind
 of users who install Growl are presumably the kind of users who care about
 notifications of multiple concurrent things the most. Furthermore, it seems
 that notifications are becoming more a part of operating system platfroms.
 For example, it looks like Windows 7 has a system API for displaying

 This is a useful data point. It does seem like the major platforms are
 conforming to a simple icon + title + text interface for ambient
 notifications. The microsoft API seems more aligned with NotifyOSD
 (non-interactable notifications with a transient status tray icon provided
 to allow the user to click). I 

Re: Notifications

2010-02-23 Thread イアンフェッティ
Doug -

I did not mean to be HTML centric, apologies. I'm currently going through a
debate in my mind (scary thing) about whether allowing an arbitrary mime
type and content would be good or bad. My gut sense here is that if the UA
is capable of displaying it, we should allow it, and it will be used or not
used (with fallbacks provided) based on the support of UAs, with more UAs
evolving to support it as user demand grows. Ideally we would provide
multiple fallbacks, e.g. allow someone to specify an ordered list in order
of preference, e.g. text/html representation followed by image/svg+xml
followed by text/plain (although perhaps text/plain is better left broken
out, so that it's more visible and people actually fill it in, as opposed to
being some option in a list of things you can provide).


CreateInteractiveNotification(in DOMString text-fallback, [Optional] in
DOMString MimeType1, [Optional] in DOMString NotificationFormat1, [Optional]
in DOMString MimeType2, [Optional] NotificationFormat2, ...)

forgive my broken IDL, I'm sure there's a better way to express it, but you
get the idea.

At any rate, I'm not opposed to what you propose, just trying to think out
loud of how to best do that while still ensuring that a text fallback is
still reasonably simple (and obvious) to specify.


Am 23. Februar 2010 10:24 schrieb Doug Schepers

 Hi, Ian-

 I generally agree with you, and certainly with your sentiment.  Not to go
 all SVG on you, but why *HTMLNotification?  I understand that HTML is
 really common, and that increasingly SVG can be used as part of HTML, but
 there are lots of devices out there (TVs, mobiles, set-top boxes) that use
 SVG rather than HTML, which would benefit from these interactive
 notifications... shouldn't we define a more generic CreateWebNotification
 and pass an optional MIME Type parameter that defaults to text/html (or
 some similar mechanism)?

 I strongly agree with the sentiment that we should design for the future,
 in any case, and not limit ourselves to simple text notifications.

 -Doug Schepers
 W3C Team Contact, SVG and WebApps WGs

 Ian Fette (イアンフェッティ) wrote (on 2/23/10 1:06 PM):

 This thread seems to have languished, and I'm trying to figure out how
 to move forward here.

 My understanding, grossly simplified, of the current state of the world
 is this:

 1. Some people have a desire to show HTML / interactive notifications,
 to support use cases like remind me of this calendar event again in 5
 minutes or Answer this call / hang up this call.
 2. Some people have a concern that the proposed way to achieve 1, namely
 allowing HTML, will result in certain platform notification systems
 (Growl, NotifyOSD etc) not to be used.

 I will disclose my biases up front and say that I do believe the use
 cases that 1) tries to support are important. (I want to be able to
 interact with a calendar notification to say remind me again or take
 me to the full details of the event, for instance). I also am of the
 belief regarding #2, being unable to find any actual data on how many
 users have and use growl, that the user base falls into roughly two
 camps. There's the people who have gone out and downloaded Growl (or
 another notification service) because they want everything coalesced,
 and then there's the people who don't really care, and if wants
 to tell them something vs their browser wants to tell them something,
 they don't really think much of it.

 I think that initially, we can do a lot more for this second group in
 terms of functionality that we can provide, and would find it
 unfortunate if we held up forward progress because of a current
 implementation detail. If that functionality proves to be useful and
 desired by a number of users, I believe that platforms like Growl and
 NotifyOSD will find a way to make it work. In the meantime though, I
 think there are relatively simple things we can do to not leave these
 users in the dark.

 1, for the CreateHTMLNotification call, we could still allow a text
 version of the notification to be provided. If there's a significant
 number of users whose platforms don't support HTML Notifications, I
 think there's a reasonable chance that would be filled out. If 20% of
 users didn't see images, alt= text would be more prevalent.
 2. For the case where there is no text alternative provided by the
 website for the HTML notification, the UA can make a best effort at
 transforming the HTML notification to a text notification, optionally
 with whatever markup the UA provides for text notifications (bold,
 links, etc). Obviously things may not be perfect and it would be
 preferable if the author of the page provided a notification, but the
 world is not perfect.
 3. Let the user decide which notification mechanism they prefer. If the
 user prefers HTML notifications, then they get whatever the UA
 implements. If the user has an alternate notification provider they

Re: Notifications

2010-02-23 Thread イアンフェッティ
Am 23. Februar 2010 12:11 schrieb Anne van Kesteren

 On Tue, 23 Feb 2010 20:20:13 +0100, Ian Fette (イアンフェッティ) wrote:

 CreateInteractiveNotification(in DOMString text-fallback, [Optional] in
 DOMString MimeType1, [Optional] in DOMString NotificationFormat1,
 in DOMString MimeType2, [Optional] NotificationFormat2, ...)

 forgive my broken IDL, I'm sure there's a better way to express it, but
 you get the idea.

 I don't see why it cannot be just a URL. If the user agent supports the
 type it will render it and it will fail otherwise. There's no need for
 complex multi-level fallback here in my opinion, nobody is going to bother
 with that anyway.

video has multi-level fallback, so there is precedent for better or worse.
That said, specifying a (set of) URL(s) may be fine, but I think it would
still be nice for a UA to have fallback options. Is everyone going to use
it? Probably not, but I think people that actually care would. E.g. if I
have a property that I expect people on mobile devices to go to, I will make
sure that it works on mobile devices, exactly as we do with properties today
where we reasonably expect mobile users.


 Anne van Kesteren

Re: Notifications

2010-02-23 Thread イアンフェッティ
Am 23. Februar 2010 13:44 schrieb Jonas Sicking

 2010/2/23 Ian Fette (イアンフェッティ)
  Am 23. Februar 2010 12:11 schrieb Anne van Kesteren
  On Tue, 23 Feb 2010 20:20:13 +0100, Ian Fette (イアンフェッティ) wrote:
  CreateInteractiveNotification(in DOMString text-fallback, [Optional] in
  DOMString MimeType1, [Optional] in DOMString NotificationFormat1,
  in DOMString MimeType2, [Optional] NotificationFormat2, ...)
  forgive my broken IDL, I'm sure there's a better way to express it, but
  you get the idea.
  I don't see why it cannot be just a URL. If the user agent supports
  type it will render it and it will fail otherwise. There's no need for
  complex multi-level fallback here in my opinion, nobody is going to
  with that anyway.
  video has multi-level fallback, so there is precedent for better or
  That said, specifying a (set of) URL(s) may be fine, but I think it would
  still be nice for a UA to have fallback options. Is everyone going to use
  it? Probably not, but I think people that actually care would. E.g. if I
  have a property that I expect people on mobile devices to go to, I will
  sure that it works on mobile devices, exactly as we do with properties
  where we reasonably expect mobile users.

 Yes, there are several features, such as video and img that have
 fallback. However this is because there is no alternative other than
 simply not introducing these features. I.e. we can't redesign video
 in such a way that fallback for blind people isn't needed, due to
 inherit visual properties of video.

 The same is not true for the suggest notification API. Several
 proposals have been put forward that do not rely on fallback.

 I'm sure that if you ask any blind person they will tell you that the
 amount of fallback provided for img is no where near enough. And I'm
 fairly certain this isn't due to the fact that the majority of web
 authors don't care about blind people.

 So while I agree with some of your arguments, I don't at all buy the
 argument that there are other features out there that use fallback,
 so it's ok here too, or if people care, they'll provide fallback.

 / Jonas

That's not really an accurate restating of my position. I am saying if no
text fallback is specified, let's try to create one from what is given to
us. Unlike with video and images, we actually have a reasonable chance of
being able to create something intelligible here. Not perfect, but a lot
different from the case of here's an image with no alt text, now I will
just cry.

Re: HTML5 File

2010-06-02 Thread イアンフェッティ

On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 8:18 AM, Cristiano Sumariva sumar...@gmail.comwrote:

 I have been reading the specification on file section.
 I would like to ask why not propose that File interface allow a create
 method to let user save data for his use?


 Interface File extends Blob
 attribute unsigned long long currentPosition;
 readonly attribute signed long long deviceSpaceLeft;
 readonly attribute unsigned short machineEndian;
 const unsigned short BIG_ENDIAN = 1;
 const unsigned short LITTLE_ENDIAN = 0;
 const unsigned short UNKNOW_SIZE = -1;
 File create( );
 File createBynary();
 signed long write( in DOMString text, optional in unsigned long long
 position,  optional DOMString fromCharset )
 signed long writeBinary( in DOMString blob, optional in unsgined long
 long position )

 An web application in this way could for example create a list of computed
 values and allow the user to save the contents to a file without need send
 data for the server to pack contents and issue a file download request to
 Or implement an image editor in javascript code using the new canvas
 element and allow read, create, store to be done without server assistance.
 Work on offline mode too.

 About security on file creation:
 When the web application request this operation File.create() the browser
 could launch a confirm( save file) dialog so the user only could grant the
 rights for a file creation.
 This dialog( modal? ) would manage file overwrite and more stuff related to
 file access( user may write at selected folder ) so that returned file
 reference could be overwritten by client script without trouble.
 The return type for that function could be string or a File object.
 An empty name value or Exception signal that user denied the request.

 If there is concerns about absolute file paths been exposed to javascript
 then the File.create method could return a boolean status indicating that
 the object is ready to write( true ) and no file paths would be exposed at
 all. Or only the basename of file without path information.

 For differences between binary and text modes a second method call could
 signal File object that the new file should be used on binary mode:
 File.createBinary() - same behavior like File.create above but in binary

 The file object could have some read only properties for device space
 For example:
 readonly File.deviceSpaceLeft  - so when script is making write calls to
 file if would know in advance if space still available for writing. Or
 application could launch a warn that no space left to save data. If the
 implementer do not know how to tell the space left then a File.UNKNOWSIZE
 value should be returned.

 double File.currentPosition - traditional File pointer to know where in the
 file the client is writing to. Since size is readonly changing this property
 move the current position in file cursor. Negative values are invalid and
 ignored. A positive value greater then current value increase the file size
 to the new size( doing this at begin could be a way to reserve space needed
 on disk at once since the file would grow to this current size, and help
 filesystem reduce fragmentation ). Changing this attribute on a file opened
 for read does nothing and is ignored. The size atrribute should reflect the
 new size confirming that file size increased.

 May cause UI hangs on large move requests.
 User agents may show on the create dialog a max file size allowed to be
 created making impossible to script consume all space left on device.

 readonly boolean File.machineEndian - binary files on target machine could
 have data stored in different formats then the script reading would expect.
 This flag would tell the script how to pack unpack data to be used on client


Re: HTML5 File

2010-06-02 Thread イアンフェッティ
I whole-heartedly agree, and have said as much in the past, both on public
MLs and to various W3C team contacts.


On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 1:14 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 It keeps seeming to me that moving the file-writer spec to WebApps
 would make much more sense...

 / Jonas

 2010/6/2 Ian Fette (イアンフェッティ)
  On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 8:18 AM, Cristiano Sumariva
  I have been reading the specification on file section.
  I would like to ask why not propose that File interface allow a create
  method to let user save data for his use?
  Interface File extends Blob
  attribute unsigned long long currentPosition;
  readonly attribute signed long long deviceSpaceLeft;
  readonly attribute unsigned short machineEndian;
  const unsigned short BIG_ENDIAN = 1;
  const unsigned short LITTLE_ENDIAN = 0;
  const unsigned short UNKNOW_SIZE = -1;
  File create( );
  File createBynary();
  signed long write( in DOMString text, optional in unsigned long long
  position,  optional DOMString fromCharset )
  signed long writeBinary( in DOMString blob, optional in unsgined
  long position )
  An web application in this way could for example create a list of
  values and allow the user to save the contents to a file without need
  data for the server to pack contents and issue a file download request
  Or implement an image editor in javascript code using the new canvas
  element and allow read, create, store to be done without server
  Work on offline mode too.
  About security on file creation:
  When the web application request this operation File.create() the
  could launch a confirm( save file) dialog so the user only could grant
  rights for a file creation.
  This dialog( modal? ) would manage file overwrite and more stuff related
  to file access( user may write at selected folder ) so that returned
  reference could be overwritten by client script without trouble.
  The return type for that function could be string or a File object.
  An empty name value or Exception signal that user denied the request.
  If there is concerns about absolute file paths been exposed to
  then the File.create method could return a boolean status indicating
  the object is ready to write( true ) and no file paths would be exposed
  all. Or only the basename of file without path information.
  For differences between binary and text modes a second method call could
  signal File object that the new file should be used on binary mode:
  File.createBinary() - same behavior like File.create above but in binary
  The file object could have some read only properties for device space
  For example:
  readonly File.deviceSpaceLeft  - so when script is making write calls to
  file if would know in advance if space still available for writing. Or
  application could launch a warn that no space left to save data. If the
  implementer do not know how to tell the space left then a
  value should be returned.
  double File.currentPosition - traditional File pointer to know where in
  the file the client is writing to. Since size is readonly changing this
  property move the current position in file cursor. Negative values are
  invalid and ignored. A positive value greater then current value
  the file size to the new size( doing this at begin could be a way to
  space needed on disk at once since the file would grow to this current
  and help filesystem reduce fragmentation ). Changing this attribute on a
  file opened for read does nothing and is ignored. The size atrribute
  reflect the new size confirming that file size increased.
  May cause UI hangs on large move requests.
  User agents may show on the create dialog a max file size allowed to be
  created making impossible to script consume all space left on device.
  readonly boolean File.machineEndian - binary files on target machine
  have data stored in different formats then the script reading would
  This flag would tell the script how to pack unpack data to be used on

Re: HTML5 File

2010-06-02 Thread イアンフェッティ
I'm reaching out to some W3C team contacts to figure out logistics.


On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 2:02 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 I don't know who makes these decisions, but I'd imagine the editor
 holds a certain amount of sway. I'd imagine that it would get a lot
 more review and attention from browser companies on WebApps. Apple
 isn't on DAP at all, and everyone from mozilla that works on related
 APIs are not on the DAP list (I don't have time to join another list,
 I imagine the same holds true for others though I'm not sure).

 / Jonas

 2010/6/2 Ian Fette (イアンフェッティ)
  I whole-heartedly agree, and have said as much in the past, both on
  MLs and to various W3C team contacts.
  On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 1:14 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
  It keeps seeming to me that moving the file-writer spec to WebApps
  would make much more sense...
  / Jonas
  2010/6/2 Ian Fette (イアンフェッティ)
   On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 8:18 AM, Cristiano Sumariva
   I have been reading the specification on file section.
   I would like to ask why not propose that File interface allow a
   method to let user save data for his use?
   Interface File extends Blob
   attribute unsigned long long currentPosition;
   readonly attribute signed long long deviceSpaceLeft;
   readonly attribute unsigned short machineEndian;
   const unsigned short BIG_ENDIAN = 1;
   const unsigned short LITTLE_ENDIAN = 0;
   const unsigned short UNKNOW_SIZE = -1;
   File create( );
   File createBynary();
   signed long write( in DOMString text, optional in unsigned long
   position,  optional DOMString fromCharset )
   signed long writeBinary( in DOMString blob, optional in unsgined
   long position )
   An web application in this way could for example create a list of
   values and allow the user to save the contents to a file without need
   data for the server to pack contents and issue a file download
   Or implement an image editor in javascript code using the new canvas
   element and allow read, create, store to be done without server
   Work on offline mode too.
   About security on file creation:
   When the web application request this operation File.create() the
   could launch a confirm( save file) dialog so the user only could
   rights for a file creation.
   This dialog( modal? ) would manage file overwrite and more stuff
   to file access( user may write at selected folder ) so that returned
   reference could be overwritten by client script without trouble.
   The return type for that function could be string or a File object.
   An empty name value or Exception signal that user denied the request.
   If there is concerns about absolute file paths been exposed to
   then the File.create method could return a boolean status indicating
   the object is ready to write( true ) and no file paths would be
   all. Or only the basename of file without path information.
   For differences between binary and text modes a second method call
   signal File object that the new file should be used on binary mode:
   File.createBinary() - same behavior like File.create above but in
   The file object could have some read only properties for device space
   For example:
   readonly File.deviceSpaceLeft  - so when script is making write calls
   file if would know in advance if space still available for writing.
   application could launch a warn that no space left to save data. If
   implementer do not know how to tell the space left then a
   value should be returned.
   double File.currentPosition - traditional File pointer to know where
   the file the client is writing to. Since size is readonly changing
   property move the current position in file cursor. Negative values
   invalid and ignored. A positive value greater then current value
   the file size to the new size( doing this at begin could be a way to
   space needed on disk at once since the file would grow to this
   and help filesystem reduce fragmentation ). Changing this attribute
   file opened for read does nothing and is ignored. The size atrribute
   reflect the new size confirming that file size increased.
   May cause UI hangs on large move requests.
   User agents may show on the create dialog a max file size allowed to
   created making impossible to script consume all space left on device.
   readonly boolean File.machineEndian - binary files on target machine
   have data stored in different

Re: HTML5 File

2010-06-02 Thread イアンフェッティ
Also, for the sake of keeping things together, when we move this over we
should probably move FileSystem over as well.


On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 3:27 PM, Ian Fette (イアンフェッティ) ife...@google.comwrote:

 I'm reaching out to some W3C team contacts to figure out logistics.


 On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 2:02 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 I don't know who makes these decisions, but I'd imagine the editor
 holds a certain amount of sway. I'd imagine that it would get a lot
 more review and attention from browser companies on WebApps. Apple
 isn't on DAP at all, and everyone from mozilla that works on related
 APIs are not on the DAP list (I don't have time to join another list,
 I imagine the same holds true for others though I'm not sure).

 / Jonas

 2010/6/2 Ian Fette (イアンフェッティ)
  I whole-heartedly agree, and have said as much in the past, both on
  MLs and to various W3C team contacts.
  On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 1:14 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
  It keeps seeming to me that moving the file-writer spec to WebApps
  would make much more sense...
  / Jonas
  2010/6/2 Ian Fette (イアンフェッティ)
   On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 8:18 AM, Cristiano Sumariva
   I have been reading the specification on file section.
   I would like to ask why not propose that File interface allow a
   method to let user save data for his use?
   Interface File extends Blob
   attribute unsigned long long currentPosition;
   readonly attribute signed long long deviceSpaceLeft;
   readonly attribute unsigned short machineEndian;
   const unsigned short BIG_ENDIAN = 1;
   const unsigned short LITTLE_ENDIAN = 0;
   const unsigned short UNKNOW_SIZE = -1;
   File create( );
   File createBynary();
   signed long write( in DOMString text, optional in unsigned long
   position,  optional DOMString fromCharset )
   signed long writeBinary( in DOMString blob, optional in unsgined
   long position )
   An web application in this way could for example create a list of
   values and allow the user to save the contents to a file without
   data for the server to pack contents and issue a file download
   Or implement an image editor in javascript code using the new canvas
   element and allow read, create, store to be done without server
   Work on offline mode too.
   About security on file creation:
   When the web application request this operation File.create() the
   could launch a confirm( save file) dialog so the user only could
   rights for a file creation.
   This dialog( modal? ) would manage file overwrite and more stuff
   to file access( user may write at selected folder ) so that returned
   reference could be overwritten by client script without trouble.
   The return type for that function could be string or a File object.
   An empty name value or Exception signal that user denied the
   If there is concerns about absolute file paths been exposed to
   then the File.create method could return a boolean status indicating
   the object is ready to write( true ) and no file paths would be
   all. Or only the basename of file without path information.
   For differences between binary and text modes a second method call
   signal File object that the new file should be used on binary mode:
   File.createBinary() - same behavior like File.create above but in
   The file object could have some read only properties for device
   For example:
   readonly File.deviceSpaceLeft  - so when script is making write
   file if would know in advance if space still available for writing.
   application could launch a warn that no space left to save data. If
   implementer do not know how to tell the space left then a
   value should be returned.
   double File.currentPosition - traditional File pointer to know where
   the file the client is writing to. Since size is readonly changing
   property move the current position in file cursor. Negative values
   invalid and ignored. A positive value greater then current value
   the file size to the new size( doing this at begin could be a way to
   space needed on disk at once since the file would grow to this
   and help filesystem reduce fragmentation ). Changing this attribute
   file opened for read does nothing and is ignored. The size atrribute
   reflect the new size confirming that file size increased.
   May cause UI hangs on large move requests.
   User agents may show on the create dialog a max file size

Re: HTML5 File

2010-06-03 Thread イアンフェッティ
Were it not for file* I, and perhaps Google as a whole, would likely leave
DAP (though I cannot speak for everyone). Nothing else there is of interest
to me right now.

On Jun 3, 2010 4:13 AM, Robin Berjon wrote:
 On Jun 2, 2010, at 23:02 , Jonas Sicking wrote:
 I don't know who makes these decisions, but I'd imagine the editor
 holds a certain amount of sway.

 Decisions of what is in scope for a WG are made by the members (i.e. you)
when a WG is created. When DAP was created, people felt rather strongly
(personally, I disagreed, I know that Arun had similar concerns) that adding
deliverables to WebApps would be a bad idea as it already had many, and
because there was already a lot of traffic on its list. This was discussed
publicly in the months leading up to DAP being chartered (including with
involvement from Mozilla participants) but the eventual balance became the
one we have today. I think (though I do not know for sure) that one factor
in this was the fact that the File API which is so nicely alive today had,
while DAP was being chartered, not been updated since 2006 and was still
called the File Upload API.

 I'm not saying that the above is good, I'm just answering your question :)

 I'd imagine that it would get a lot
 more review and attention from browser companies on WebApps.

 Well, technically, whenever there's an update or important question, it's
discussed here anyway.

 Apple isn't on DAP at all

 Which makes one speculate whether IP issues might have weighed in the
balanced to have DAP's deliverables be in a separate group.

 and everyone from mozilla that works on related APIs are not on the DAP

 I think you mean not everyone rather than everyone are not. There are
Mozilla people working on APIs that are on DAP.

 Robin Berjon -

Re: HTML5 File

2010-06-03 Thread イアンフェッティ
Actually, I should take that back. Some of the device specs are definitely
relevant, though I have concerns about the direction they are heading.
Either way though, it seems strange for the filesystem apis to be split.

On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 8:22 AM, Ian Fette (イアンフェッティ) ife...@google.comwrote:

 Were it not for file* I, and perhaps Google as a whole, would likely leave
 DAP (though I cannot speak for everyone). Nothing else there is of interest
 to me right now.

 On Jun 3, 2010 4:13 AM, Robin Berjon wrote:
  On Jun 2, 2010, at 23:02 , Jonas Sicking wrote:
  I don't know who makes these decisions, but I'd imagine the editor
  holds a certain amount of sway.
  Decisions of what is in scope for a WG are made by the members (i.e. you)
 when a WG is created. When DAP was created, people felt rather strongly
 (personally, I disagreed, I know that Arun had similar concerns) that adding
 deliverables to WebApps would be a bad idea as it already had many, and
 because there was already a lot of traffic on its list. This was discussed
 publicly in the months leading up to DAP being chartered (including with
 involvement from Mozilla participants) but the eventual balance became the
 one we have today. I think (though I do not know for sure) that one factor
 in this was the fact that the File API which is so nicely alive today had,
 while DAP was being chartered, not been updated since 2006 and was still
 called the File Upload API.
  I'm not saying that the above is good, I'm just answering your question
  I'd imagine that it would get a lot
  more review and attention from browser companies on WebApps.
  Well, technically, whenever there's an update or important question, it's
 discussed here anyway.
  Apple isn't on DAP at all
  Which makes one speculate whether IP issues might have weighed in the
 balanced to have DAP's deliverables be in a separate group.
  and everyone from mozilla that works on related APIs are not on the DAP
  I think you mean not everyone rather than everyone are not. There are
 Mozilla people working on APIs that are on DAP.
  Robin Berjon -

Re: HTML5 File

2010-06-04 Thread イアンフェッティ
On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 8:53 AM, Robin Berjon wrote:

 On Jun 3, 2010, at 19:29 , Ian Fette (イアンフェッティ) wrote:
  Actually, I should take that back. Some of the device specs are
 definitely relevant

 Right, and some of your colleagues just submitted Powerbox there, which
 seems like a non-negligible chunk of work to me ;-)

To be clear, Chrome-team is not involved in powerbox, nor is android team to
the best of my knowledge.

  though I have concerns about the direction they are heading

 I regularly hear people having concerns about the direction in which
 DAP specs are heading. The shame is, they never seem to want to provide any

  Either way though, it seems strange for the filesystem apis to be split.

 As I said, it's historical, and due to no one pushing strong to correct
 that during chartering. Speaking personally, I don't really care much either

I recall pushing strongly to correct that at TPAC in san jose. I don't think
it's purely historical.

 Robin Berjon -

Re: FileSystem API - overwrite flag for copy/move?

2010-09-09 Thread イアンフェッティ
I think recursive copy/remove is a very valid use case. As for overwrite, is
a flag necessary? On most OSes you already get overwrite as the default
behaviour (at least from APIs, many interactive UAs such as Explorer on
windows will prompt), is there a compelling argument why it should be
different for a web api?

On Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 12:22 AM, Kinuko Yasuda wrote:

 On Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 12:12 AM, Kinuko Yasuda kin...@chromium.orgwrote:

 On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 6:12 PM, Eric Uhrhane wrote:

 On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 9:27 PM, Kinuko Yasuda
  I have a question about Entry.moveTo/copyTo behavior defined in
  the File API: Directories and System [1].
  Currently the API doesn't specify how Entry.moveTo() and copyTo()
  when a source entry is a file and there's *already* a file at the
  destination path.
  Should UAs overwrite the existing file at the destination path or not?
  Or maybe we should add an 'overwrite' flag to indicate if the script
  to overwrite an existing file or not?

 I'm open to a flag.  We're already up to 4 parameters to each of those
 methods, though...5 is a bit ungainly.  I'm concerned that we might
 find another flag to add at some point, and we'd then be up to 6.
 What about adding an flags object, as in getFile, to allow for

 Adding a flag or flags object (suppose the other thread about Flags will
 be settled) sounds good to me.

 Or I think it's also ok to explicitly disallow overwriting copy/move, i.e.
 specify that 'it is an error to copy or move a file or directory if there's
 already an entry'.  In this case it might be better to have another error
 code like ENTRY_EXISTS_ERR so that the user script can act differently.
  (But in general having a handy option would make programming much easier in
 async context where every operation requires one or two callbacks.)

 If we're going to add 'overwrite' flag, there'll be a few more things to
 be made clear.
 For example I wonder how the overwriting copy/move should behave when
 there's already a **directory** at the destination path/name.

 Should the UA remove the existing directory and create a new entry at the
 same path?
 This sounds reasonable but it'll also provide a handy alternative way to
 remove a directory recursively.

 By the way how do you think about recursive remove?
 Is there a reason (or past discussion) not to have recursive option in
 remove?  (I mean, other than the fact that adding more and more options to
 every method doesn't look very clean.)

 I found that it's not very easy to remove a directory when there're
 children in it -- it requires multiple DirectoryReader.readEntries and
 Entry.remove in a nested way.


 Or should the UA create a new entry *under* the directory?
 This behavior doesn't sound like 'overwriting'.  The resulting path will
 be like 'destParentPath/name/name' which doesn't sound quite consistent with
 the spec either.

  Similarly I wondered if we'd want to have a 'recursive' flag for
  I think for directories we can simply assume that the user wants to
  them recursively, but it might be good to add some notion about that in

 How about I add a note indicating that directory copies are always
 I don't think we need anything for move.

 This sounds good to me.  Thanks!


Re: Quota API to query/request quota for offline storages (e.g. IndexedDB, FileSystem)

2011-02-03 Thread イアンフェッティ
I'm not sure FileSystem is necessarily any trickier from a user's
perspective -- it's all storage that is taking up space on my HD (at least,
for now the filesystem is just a directory under the user's profile in
Chrome). I think it fits fine in the unified quota model. (And FWIW we are
looking at replacing the SQLite backend for Indexed DB in Chrome, so it's
not generally safe to make such assumptions about how implementations
currently work remaining the same as you have below ;-) Still though, as an
end user or developer using the API, I really shouldn't have to care about
such details.)

As for our plans in Chrome, currently we are planning to give 5GB quota when
the site asks for persistent storage space, provided the site has asked for
between 0 and 5GB (there will be a user prompt that simply states X wants
to store data on your computer permanently. If the site asks for more than
5GB we will show a prompt X wants to store a large amount of data on your
computer permanently and grant that amount, both cases after user consent.
Still something of an open question as to what happens when a site hits the
limit, whether we go the FF model or try something else. It's not clear to
me that we actually have to prompt the user, or whether we can make
inferences from user actions. For instance, if a user has been using a site
for months, uses it frequently, and the site hits its 5GB limit but there's
still 300GB free on the drive, perhaps we just give the site another 5GB and
give the user a passive indication that we've done so, and let them do
something if they actually care. I suspect most user's probably won't care,
except perhaps on constrained (mobile) devices.

I think there is a lot of room for innovation beyond just ask the user :)


On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 5:40 PM, Charles Pritchard wrote:

 I rather like the prompt in the new FF builds; it's similar to the prompt
 on Mobile Safari;
 when you get into the site, it asks you if you're ok storing data, and it
 allows you to specify a quota stepping.

 FF does a great job on applicationCache + quota in that area.

 The FileSystem API is a tricky thing.

 indexedDB is more straightforward.

 Let's take localStorage off the table for quota control: it's set at 5 megs
 in practice,
 and it's a very different storage mechanism.

 In practice, websql, appCache and indexeddb are backed by the public domain
 sqlite library
 and they share a quota on implementations.

 I'd like to discuss FileSystem permissions as a distinct item,
 as localStorage is distinct.

 Use case for the quota API:

 When a user wants to download a large set of data for offline use,
 Scripting needs permission unlimited space.
 unlimited is often set at 100 megs.

 The user has to stick around until their quota is full,
 if they've set a low quota amount.

 Scripting should not have to require 100 megs explicitly
 when a user first lands on a page.

 The user should only see an increase quota request
 following an input action (such as clicking a link or button).


 On 2/3/2011 5:08 PM, Shawn Wilsher wrote:

 On 2/3/2011 4:35 PM, João Eiras wrote:

 Or adding unnecessary complication to the implementation.

 I'm not looking to make my job easier (as an implementer); I'm looking to
 make it easy to use.  At least with IndexedDB, we generally choose the
 option that is easier for the consumer as long as it isn't extremely
 difficult to implement (which I do not see this being the case for quotas).



Re: Quota API to query/request quota for offline storages (e.g. IndexedDB, FileSystem)

2011-02-03 Thread イアンフェッティ
On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 10:07 PM, Charles Pritchard wrote:

 On 2/3/2011 9:39 PM, Ian Fette (イアンフェッティ) wrote:

 I'm not sure FileSystem is necessarily any trickier from a user's
 perspective -- it's all storage that is taking up space on my HD (at least,
 for now the filesystem is just a directory under the user's profile in
 Chrome). I think it fits fine in the unified quota model. (And FWIW we are
 looking at replacing the SQLite backend for Indexed DB in Chrome, so it's
 not generally safe to make such assumptions about how implementations
 currently work remaining the same as you have below ;-) Still though, as an
 end user or developer using the API, I really shouldn't have to care about
 such details.)

 Thanks for sharing. I'm sure you'll see good results replacing the backend.

 indexedDB can be more efficient than FileSystem.
 FileSystem is an API to the OS service, idb is not.

 There are no issues with idb keynames, innodes are not an issue:
 idb can be optimized for target platforms, which is good when
 the underlying file system is a bad match for the file sizes / dir lengths
 / file names.

 FileSystem is useful when you want OS-recognized files.
 It's great for moving files in and out of the browser sandbox; OS indexing
 services, and so on.

 That's been my experience:

 We're using file system, as we do want individual files to be show up to
 the OS,
 but for generated content, especially thumbnails of images, that data would
 be better
 stored in idb. Lots of small files which would be better stashed in a data

I'd rather not de-rail the thread, that said I am surprised you see this
behaviour. It should be the exact opposite - we should be able to deliver
much better performance from the filesystem api for binary data. Test cases
where that's not the case are always welcome.


Re: [websockets] Making optional extensions mandatory in the API (was RE: Getting WebSockets API to Last Call)

2011-07-21 Thread イアンフェッティ

I understand this point of view. That said, there is a lot of disagreement
in the IETF WG about deflate-stream. The extension basically breaks all
other extensions, framing, etc. It's a bit of a mess and a lot of us want to
just yank it out entirely. There was a much better proposal by yoshino-san
(deflate-frame) that basically did compression but still properly framed the
compressed result. I think that at least in Chrome we are hoping
deflate-frame will take off. That will be in a separate document though as
the current protocol doc is in last call, and you are undoubtedly familiar
with the logistical considerations of such things.


On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 12:33 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

 On Thu, 21 Jul 2011, Adrian Bateman wrote:
  For platform features that directly affect web developers' pages that
  might sometimes be true. However, compression is also optional in HTTP
  and it doesn't appear to have caused problems or made some sites work
  and others not based on some dominant implementation.

 Optional features in HTTP have caused no end of trouble and are amongst
 the many reasons I avoid optional features so much.

 Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
 Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [websockets] Making optional extensions mandatory in the API (was RE: Getting WebSockets API to Last Call)

2011-07-27 Thread イアンフェッティ
We are talking about it at IETF81 this week.

That said, I think either way browsers should not require deflate-stream. I
am hoping we can make forward progress on deflate-application-data (
If we can get that through the process I could live with Chrome being
required to support that. As for the protocol doc, the protocol lists
deflate-stream as an example, not a requirement, so the mere fact that I
don't want to support that particular extension isn't necessarily the
strongest argument for taking it out of the protocol as the protocol doesn't
require that it be supported. The API should not require the support of that
particular extension either, as that extension is particularly bad.


On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 11:11 AM, Anne van Kesteren ann...@opera.comwrote:

 On Wed, 27 Jul 2011 11:04:09 -0700, Takeshi Yoshino

 So, let me correct my text by s/XHR/HTML5*

 HTML5 is mostly transport-layer agnostic.

 I am not sure why we are going through this theoretical side-quest on where
 we should state what browsers are required to implement from HTTP to
 function. The HTTP protocol has its own set of problems and this is all
 largely orthogonal to what we should do with the WebSocket protocol and API.

 If you do not think this particular extension makes sense raise it as a
 last call issue with the WebSocket protocol and ask for the API to require
 implementations to not support it. Lets not meta-argue about this.

 Anne van Kesteren

Re: [websockets] Making optional extensions mandatory in the API (was RE: Getting WebSockets API to Last Call)

2011-07-27 Thread イアンフェッティ
I don't think we want to forbid any extensions. The whole point of
extensions is to allow people to do something that doesn't necessarily have
consensus by a broad enough group to be in the base protocol. That said, I
think a lot of people would be happier if deflate-stream were an independent
document as opposed to being the only extension included in the core
specification as a known extension.


2011/7/27 James Robinson

 On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 1:12 PM, Ian Fette (イアンフェッティ) 

 We are talking about it at IETF81 this week.

 That said, I think either way browsers should not require deflate-stream.
 I am hoping we can make forward progress on deflate-application-data (
 If we can get that through the process I could live with Chrome being
 required to support that. As for the protocol doc, the protocol lists
 deflate-stream as an example, not a requirement, so the mere fact that I
 don't want to support that particular extension isn't necessarily the
 strongest argument for taking it out of the protocol as the protocol doesn't
 require that it be supported. The API should not require the support of that
 particular extension either, as that extension is particularly bad.

 Sounds like the consensus is to forbid this extension at the API layer,

 - James


 On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 11:11 AM, Anne van Kesteren ann...@opera.comwrote:

 On Wed, 27 Jul 2011 11:04:09 -0700, Takeshi Yoshino

 So, let me correct my text by s/XHR/HTML5

 HTML5 is mostly transport-layer agnostic.

 I am not sure why we are going through this theoretical side-quest on
 where we should state what browsers are required to implement from HTTP to
 function. The HTTP protocol has its own set of problems and this is all
 largely orthogonal to what we should do with the WebSocket protocol and API.

 If you do not think this particular extension makes sense raise it as a
 last call issue with the WebSocket protocol and ask for the API to require
 implementations to not support it. Lets not meta-argue about this.

 Anne van Kesteren

Re: [websockets] Making optional extensions mandatory in the API (was RE: Getting WebSockets API to Last Call)

2011-07-27 Thread イアンフェッティ
I agree we shouldn't require deflate-stream it in the API. I don't agree the
API should specify an exact set of extensions, as that would prevent any
future versions/developments. A minimum baseline would be reasonable though,
once we have that minimum baseline in place (e.g. a stable set of extensions
that are well tested, such as compression and multiplexing). I don't think
we should put the cart before the horse.


2011/7/27 James Robinson

 On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 3:14 PM, Ian Fette (イアンフェッティ) 

 I don't think we want to forbid any extensions.

 At the protocol level, sure. At the API level we have to pick which
 functionality user agents are required to support and which they are
 required not to support, having 'optional' stuff is not an option.  It
 sounds like you are saying that deflate-stream is bad, so we should not have
 it in the API.

 - James

 The whole point of extensions is to allow people to do something that
 doesn't necessarily have consensus by a broad enough group to be in the base
 protocol. That said, I think a lot of people would be happier if
 deflate-stream were an independent document as opposed to being the only
 extension included in the core specification as a known extension.


 2011/7/27 James Robinson

 On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 1:12 PM, Ian Fette (イアンフェッティ)

 We are talking about it at IETF81 this week.

 That said, I think either way browsers should not require
 deflate-stream. I am hoping we can make forward progress on
 deflate-application-data (
 If we can get that through the process I could live with Chrome being
 required to support that. As for the protocol doc, the protocol lists
 deflate-stream as an example, not a requirement, so the mere fact that I
 don't want to support that particular extension isn't necessarily the
 strongest argument for taking it out of the protocol as the protocol 
 require that it be supported. The API should not require the support of 
 particular extension either, as that extension is particularly bad.

 Sounds like the consensus is to forbid this extension at the API layer,

 - James


 On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 11:11 AM, Anne van Kesteren 

 On Wed, 27 Jul 2011 11:04:09 -0700, Takeshi Yoshino wrote:

 So, let me correct my text by s/XHR/HTML5**.

 HTML5 is mostly transport-layer agnostic.

 I am not sure why we are going through this theoretical side-quest on
 where we should state what browsers are required to implement from HTTP to
 function. The HTTP protocol has its own set of problems and this is all
 largely orthogonal to what we should do with the WebSocket protocol and 

 If you do not think this particular extension makes sense raise it as a
 last call issue with the WebSocket protocol and ask for the API to require
 implementations to not support it. Lets not meta-argue about this.

 Anne van Kesteren

Adding Web Intents to the Webapps WG deliverables

2011-09-19 Thread イアンフェッティ
I'm forwarding this on behalf of a colleague whose message seems caught up
in a moderation queue. Apologies if it results in a duplicate message for

-- Forwarded message --
From: James Hawkins
Date: Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 1:27 PM
Subject: Adding Web Intents to the Webapps WG deliverables

I am the tech lead for the team designing and implementing Web Intents [1]
for Chrome at Google.  Web Intents is a web platform feature modeled after
the similarly named feature in Android OS.  Web Intents enables client sites
to request high-level functionality, e.g. share, edit, pick, upload, auth,
from an unknown (to the client) provider.  The UA enumerates the list of
registered providers that the user has already accepted as Intent handlers,
allowing the user to pick which provider she wants to use for the particular

This feature is not a panacea, nor do we envision it as a 'meta API';
however, the use cases we've focused on will make web apps much more
connected and useful for users.  Take the NASCAR problem: with Web Intents,
publishers can get rid of maintaining an ever-growing list of 'share'
providers, replacing them with one share button that kicks off the 'share'
action.  The user only sees the sites that she actively uses.

Note: we're actively working with Mozilla on the API, and the draft I have
prepared has been agreed upon by both vendors.

I've read through the Webapps charter, and I believe Web Intents fits the
goals and scope of the WG.

* Promote universal access to Web applications across a wide range of
  - Web Intents can be implemented in browsers on all devices, and more
importantly, the feature is a perfect conduit for hooking into platform
functionality (Android Intents, iOS API, a scalable
* Promote creation of tutorials and other educational material.
  - Check out where we have example
clients/providers of Web Intents using a JS shim that works across all
current browsers.
  - The action string in the API is suggested to be a URL pointing to
documentation for the action, e.g., is both the
string for the 'share' action and the URL of the documentation for said

* Markup vocabularies for describing and controlling client-side application
  - Web Intents provides an intent tag that allows provider sites to
declare which intent actions they handle.
* Programming interfaces for client-side development: platform interaction.
  - As stated above, this feature can easily be extended to hook into the
platform to, say, allow the UA to notify providers of platform events or
data sources, e.g., plugging in a camera.
The developers of this API, from both Mozilla and Google, believe Webapps is
the right home for Web Intents.  I'd like to open discussion on the topic
and get your feedback.  Ultimately we'd like to take the next steps towards
getting Web Intents officially out in the open, actively developed by the
larger Webapps community.

James Hawkins


Re: Adding Web Intents to the Webapps WG deliverables

2011-09-20 Thread イアンフェッティ
With all due respect, I think that if we have to re-charter or create a new
working group each time a new API comes up we are all doomed. The overhead
of creating and monitoring so many WGs is not appealing to many of us.

On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 6:55 AM, Robin Berjon wrote:

 Hi James,

 thanks for bringing this forward, it is indeed a very interesting approach.

 On Sep 19, 2011, at 22:27 , James Hawkins wrote:
  I've read through the Webapps charter, and I believe Web Intents fits the
 goals and scope of the WG.

 It does fit the goal and scope, but then most web client technology does ;)
 Where you may run into issues is that it does not fit in the deliverables
 list. Since that is what members makes their IP commitment on, a new
 deliverable of non-negligible content might require rechartering. Last time
 we did that, it wasn't very pleasant.

 Thankfully, there is already a group that was chartered with Intents (or,
 in the poetic phrasing of charters, with an API that allows web
 applications to register themselves as handlers/providers based on data
 string identifiers and an API that enables other web applications to
 discover these handlers/providers and gain permission to interact with them
 — but Intents is what that means): the Device APIs group, It'd save a lot on the
 bureaucracy and allow us all to just go straight to work.

 We'd certainly be happy to accept your draft input. The new DAP is meant to
 be completely flexible in how it is organised. Notably, if you prefer to
 conduct work on this spec without necessarily getting all the email from the
 rest of the group we can setup a dedicated Task Force with its own mailing
 list and chair (if there's a volunteer, otherwise I'll do it). TFs can
 decide whether they want to have telcons or not.

 Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Re: Adding Web Intents to the Webapps WG deliverables

2011-09-20 Thread イアンフェッティ
I don't get it. The overhead of getting all the other browsers to join the
WG you mention is just as high, especially when there's no indication that a
number of browsers intend to join that group. I don't think it's a random
process question, I think it's rather fundamental issue. If we agree that
the right way forward is to create a new WG for each API and we have to get
people to join each WG to get any IP considerations, it would be much more
effective just to do things in WHATWG and mail out a please sign this and
return letter. It would probably get the same number of responses and be a
hell of a lot lower overhead, while effectively offering as much (or rather,
as little) benefit as we get from being forced to start a new group for each


On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 7:21 AM, Robin Berjon wrote:

 Hi Ian,

 On Sep 20, 2011, at 16:04 , Ian Fette (イアンフェッティ) wrote:
  With all due respect, I think that if we have to re-charter or create a
 new working group each time a new API comes up we are all doomed. The
 overhead of creating and monitoring so many WGs is not appealing to many of

 That's a recurring theme, with the following constraints:

   • people with IP don't want wildcard groups because the IP risks for
 them are hard to evaluate;
   • people who want to get work done don't want to have to jump through the
 bureaucratic hoops of creating new groups;
   • people who are focused on a single topic complain about monster
 groups that cover too many topics.

 So there probably isn't an option that will make everyone happy, though
 improvements are being discussed.

 Thankfully those problems don't apply here. There is an existing group so
 there's no need for bureaucratic hoops — those have been handled and
 everything is primed to go. The overhead involved in monitoring it involves
 clicking the form to join it and filtering the related list somewhere
 convenient — which can be the same mailbox as an existing one if there's too
 much overhead involved in reading from two mailboxes.

 So can we quit the process discussion and just get to work?

 Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Re: Adding Web Intents to the Webapps WG deliverables

2011-09-20 Thread イアンフェッティ
On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 8:57 AM, Robin Berjon wrote:

 Hi Charles,

 On Sep 20, 2011, at 17:15 , Charles Pritchard wrote:
  There is certainly some overlap between DAP and WebApps. Is that the
 issue here, Robin?

 If you ask me, there isn't any issue at all :) James suggested that WebApps
 take over Intents. Since it isn't in WebApps's deliverables, this could
 require some process mongering which I think we can all agree is an annoying
 waste of time. As it happens however, DAP already has Intents in its
 charter, so getting to work right now rather than walking the bureaucratic
 path is a simple matter of doing the work there.

There's process mongering to get relevant parties to join DAP. This is not
free. If you can guarantee me that the other browsers will join DAP then
let's talk (namely MSFT who just announced a similar spec for Metro, and it
would be very important to get their input here.)

 I'm advocating a JFDI approach over politicking and bureaucracy. That's all
 there is to it.

 Put another way, I too would like there to be just one huge Web APIs
 group that would handle all of WebApps, DAP, Web Events, Geolocation, and a
 bunch of other groups. But we don't have that and there's opposition to the
 notion. So instead of lamenting that issue, let's just use the tools we have
 that in this case happen to be both in place and perfectly serviceable.

  I don't have much of a solution for it: I've been looking at DAP as an
 incubator with a broad
  scope and a good history of experimentation.

 Yeah, DAP has been very fluid in its approaches and is certainly a group in
 which this proposed spec can just hit the ground running. That's why I'm
 offering this solution over jumping through process hoops, which I really
 don't see the entertainment value in.

 Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Re: Adding Web Intents to the Webapps WG deliverables

2011-09-20 Thread イアンフェッティ
On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 10:15 AM, Marcos Caceres wrote:

 On Tuesday, September 20, 2011 at 7:09 PM, Ian Fette (イアンフェッティ) wrote:
  On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 8:57 AM, Robin Berjon (mailto: wrote:
Hi Charles,
On Sep 20, 2011, at 17:15 , Charles Pritchard wrote:
There is certainly some overlap between DAP and WebApps. Is that the
 issue here, Robin?
   If you ask me, there isn't any issue at all :) James suggested that
 WebApps take over Intents. Since it isn't in WebApps's deliverables, this
 could require some process mongering which I think we can all agree is an
 annoying waste of time. As it happens however, DAP already has Intents in
 its charter, so getting to work right now rather than walking the
 bureaucratic path is a simple matter of doing the work there.
  There's process mongering to get relevant parties to join DAP. This is
 not free. If you can guarantee me that the other browsers will join DAP then
 let's talk (namely MSFT who just announced a similar spec for Metro, and it
 would be very important to get their input here.)
 That presupposes that Microsoft would have anything to say even in this WG.
 Obviously, I can't speak for Microsoft (and I won't), but just because
 someone is part of the WG doesn't mean that they will say anything … or
 worst, they will just exclude patents willy-nilly like Apple did with
 Widgets. That's a much crappier situation, so careful for what you wish for

While issuing a ton of patent exclusions for something like this would be
rather poor, I would frankly rather have that then a spec that doesn't get
any attention from a party that's clearly relevant only to have patents come
up /after/ the spec is published and implemented.

Re: Adding Web Intents to the Webapps WG deliverables

2011-09-20 Thread イアンフェッティ
On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 10:27 AM, Marcos Caceres wrote:

 On Tuesday, September 20, 2011 at 7:17 PM, Ian Fette (イアンフェッティ) wrote:
  While issuing a ton of patent exclusions for something like this would be
 rather poor, I would frankly rather have that then a spec that doesn't get
 any attention from a party that's clearly relevant only to have patents come
 up /after/ the spec is published and implemented.
  Agreed, but for that we need to go through rechartering this group to
 include the new deliverable (i.e., to give everyone a fair chance to say if
 they are willing to give up their IPR around this). I think your concerns
 are fair.

 Why do we need to recharter? I don't get the point of having a WG that has
to recharter every single time that we develop a new API. Maybe we should
just stop developing new APIs? The W3C patent policy lets people exclude
things if they so wish, and I don't deny anyone that right. But if we go to
a world where we say Let's create a new WG for each API then we get no
benefit out of the W3C whatsoever. We aren't guaranteed wide review of the
APIs, most WGs probably won't have all the relevant people participating,
and so then we will still have all the worries about relevant patents not
being disclosed or licensed, and frankly at that point W3C offers nothing
that WHATWG does not except for a ton of process overhead. If we have to
create a new WG for each new API, I propose we just do it all in WHATWG.

Re: Adding Web Intents to the Webapps WG deliverables

2011-10-04 Thread イアンフェッティ
Circling back to the original topic, it seems like there's a good amount of
interest and opinions, and that the spec would probably benefit from the
input of the people in this WG, especially since multiple platforms are all
shipping something similar in approach (android intents, contracts in win8
and whatever implication that has for Metro/IE, and the proposed web
intents). This is good to see.


On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 11:34 AM, Charles Pritchard wrote:

 Top posting: in web messaging, we typically set an origin property on
 events and authors are expected to check that property.

 Are your concerns addressed by that practice?

 It is an added step, an added nuance. And developers may neglect it. But,
 if they are neglecting origin, they are just plain leaving security holes.

 On Sep 28, 2011, at 12:09 PM, Adrienne Porter Felt

 Android developers chronically misunderstand and misuse Android Intents,
 and these mistakes lead to security bugs.  To illustrate how prevalent the
 confusion is, Erika Chin and I found that 9 of 20 popular Android
 apps (45%!) contain security vulnerabilities due to misusing Intents.  I've
 also found these same types of bugs in Google-produced Android applications
 (the default ones that ship as built-in apps).  I posted examples  details
 of two real-world applications that exhibit these vulnerabilities:

 It's my hope that Web Intents can be designed to prevent developers from
 making the same mistakes.

 There are two common types of errors:

 1)  Android Intents can be used for both inter- and intra-application
 communication, and developers don't know the difference.  A canonical
 accident occurs when a developer creates a unique action string like and uses it for internal communication.  The problem is that any
 other application can register for the same action string, even if it's
 supposedly hard to guess.  This introduces two security bugs.  (1)  The
 component that receives has been unintentionally made public,
 since anyone can send that action string to it.  (2)  Another application
 could register to receive and steal any data associated with it,
 or simply gain the user's attention away from the original app.

 2)  The Android OS sends Intents to applications as notifications.
  Developers register components to receive these system Intents.  By
 default, registering for a system Intent makes a component public.
  Developers don't realize that these components become public by default, so
 they don't check that the Intent was really sent by the OS.

 I have two suggestions to prevent these same errors from appearing in Web

 1)  Developers need to be discouraged from using Web Intents for internal
 application communication.  One way to do this is to make it so that Web
 Intents are only delivered after the user selects a service in a browser
 popup window.  (Nothing hidden in the background!)  This would be annoying
 for intra-application communication, so I think developers would avoid it.

 2)  If a developer registers to receive a Web Intent from the browser (like
 for a system notification), that component should NOT be invocable by any
 other application unless it's registered for a second Intent as well.


Re: [admin] Mail List Policy, Usage, Etiquette, etc. Top-posting

2012-05-29 Thread イアンフェッティ
On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 9:52 AM, Tab Atkins Jr. jackalm...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 9:28 AM, Jean-Claude Dufourd wrote:
  On 29/5/12 17:56 , Julian Reschke wrote:
  On 2012-05-29 16:53, Glenn Maynard wrote:
  On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 9:22 AM, Arthur Barstow wrote:
   * Messages should be encoded usingplain text
  No, messages should have a plaintext *version* (MIME alternative).
  common and useful to use HTML messages, especially when posting about
  actual spec text, where being able to use italics and bold is extremely
  useful.  This is quite a relic; I havn't heard anyone make the emails
  should only be in plain text claim in a decade or so.
  Emails should only be in plain text.
  JCD: It would be easier for me to comply with this rule if I understood
  My perception is that this rule is not relevant any more.
  Against this rule, I claim that the readability of replies in text-only
  threads is much worse, unless the replier spends ages paying attention to
  text formatting by hand which is not acceptable. At least, that was the
  the last time I tried.

 There are several fairly simple reasons supporting Glenn's point
 (Julian's is simple excessive):

 1. Many HTML-producing mail clients still produce very bad HTML, which
 doesn't translate well to all clients.

 2. In the same vein, the WYSIWYG nature often means that people end up
 producing something that looks good enough, particular with quote
 towers.  Many of the rich-text editors I've seen have really bad
 usability around quote towers.

 3. I've seen a *lot* of abuse of color as a way of distinguishing
 between quote and reply.  This is confusing because, first, it's a
 second way of doing the same thing, and second, I'm color-blind.

 Basically, in plain text there's more-or-less only way to do most
 things.  It's really easy to format, especially if you follow a format
 like Markdown so you don't have to think about things much.

 I happen to read and write all my messages in plain text, and I can
 assure you that it does not take ages.  Most of the time, all I have
 to do is trim the whitespace that Gmail inserts at the top, and trim
 off signatures from the bottom.  If I feel like it, I'll take a few
 seconds to clean up the quote tower too to add or remove blank lines
 at the correct quote depth as necessary.  Responding to your email,
 for example, took less than 5 seconds of formatting time.


And your modified reply causes GMail not to collapse the replied-to text,
meaning that when I want to scan through a thread I have to spend a lot
more effort finding where the previous email ended and your reply beings.

There's a lot of benefits to formatted conversations. I don't understand
what benefits people are claiming from plain text that aren't resolved by
using an up-to-date MUA.

Re: [admin] Mail List Policy, Usage, Etiquette, etc. Top-posting

2012-05-29 Thread イアンフェッティ
On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 10:32 AM, Karl Dubost wrote:

 Le 29 mai 2012 à 12:59, Ian Fette (イアンフェッティ) a écrit :
  And your modified reply causes GMail not to collapse the replied-to text

 seems to be a GMail issue.

  resolved by using an up-to-date MUA.

 Dare putting a list somewhere?

Sure, how about:

   - Thunderbird 12
   - GMail
   - Opera Mail 11.64

Re: Beacon API

2013-02-15 Thread イアンフェッティ

Both Chrome and Safari support the ping attribute. I am not sure about IE,
I believe Firefox has it disabled by default. FWIW I wouldn't consider this
a huge failure, if anything I'd expect over time people to use ping where
it's supported and fallback where it's not, resulting in the same privacy
tradeoff for users of all browsers but better performance for some browsers
than others, which will eventually lead to a predictable outcome...


On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 3:06 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

 On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 12:21 AM, Ilya Grigorik
  A lot of the discussion so far focused on the async analytics beacon +
  unload use case. However, while this is an important case to consider,
  not constrain this proposal to on unload case only.

 Just to be clear. I understand why we'd want this. I'm a) wondering
 why it'll be successful this time given it has the same
 characteristics as ping= b) asking about the desired timeframe given
 the highly likely introduction of a new Future-based API for fetching.


Re: IndexedDB, what were the issues? How do we stop it from happening again?

2013-03-06 Thread イアンフェッティ
I seem to recall we contemplated people writing libraries on top of IDB
from the beginning. I'm not sure why this is a bad thing. We originally
shipped web sql / sqlite, which was a familiar interface for many and
relatively easy to use, but had a sufficiently large API surface area that
no one felt they wanted to document the whole thing such that we could have
an inter-operable standard. (Yes, I'm simplifying a bit.) As a result, we
came up with an approach of What are the fundamental primitives that we
need?, spec'd that out, and shipped it. We had discussions at the time
that we expected library authors to produce abstraction layers that made
IDB easier to use, as the fundamental primitives approach was not
necessarily intended to produce an API that was as straightforward and easy
to use as what we were trying to replace. If that's now what is happening,
that seems like a good thing, not a failure.


On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 10:14 AM, Alec Flett wrote:

 My primary takeaway from both working on IDB and working with IDB for some
 demo apps is that IDB has just the right amount of complexity for really
 large, robust database use.. but for a welcome to noSQL in the browser it
 is way too complicated.


1. *versioning* - The reason this exists in IDB is to guarantee a
schema (read: a fixed set of objectStores + indexes) for a given set of
operations.  Versioning should be optional. And if versioning is optional,
so should *opening* - the only reason you need to open a database is
so that you have a handle to a versioned database. You can *almost* 
versioning in JS if you really care about it...(either keep an explicit
key, or auto-detect the state of the schema) its one of those cases where
80% of versioning is dirt simple  and the complicated stuff is really about
maintaining version changes across multiply-opened windows. (i.e. one
window opens an idb, the next window opens it and changes the schema, the
first window *may* need to know that and be able to adapt without
breaking any in-flight transactions) -
2. *transactions* - Also should be optional. Vital to complex apps,
but totally not necessary for many.. there should be a default transaction,
like db.objectStore(foo).get(bar)
3. *transaction scoping* - even when you do want transactions, the api
is just too verbose and repetitive for get one key from one object store
- db.transaction(foo).objectStore(foo).get(bar) - there should be
implicit (lightweight) transactions like db.objectStore(foo).get(bar)
4. *forced versioning* - when versioning is optional, it should be
then possible to change the schema during a regular transaction. Yes, this
is a lot of rope but this is actually for much more complex apps, rather
than simple ones. In particular, it's not uncommon for more complex
database systems to dynamically create indexes based on observed behavior
of the API, or observed data (i.e. when data with a particular key becomes
prevalent, generate an index for it) and then dynamically use them if
present. At the moment you have to do a manual close/open/version change to
dynamically bump up the version - effectively rendering fixed-value
versions moot (i.e. the schema for version 23 in my browser may look
totally different than the schema for version 23 in your browser) and
drastically complicating all your code (Because if you try to close/open
while transactions are in flight, they will be aborted - so you have to
temporarily pause all new transactions, wait for all in-flight transactions
to finish, do a close/open, then start running all pending/paused
transactions.) This last case MIGHT be as simple as adding
db.reopen(newVersion) to the existing spec.
5. *named object stores* - frankly, for *many* use cases, a single
objectStore is all you need. a simple db.get(foo) would be sufficient.
Simply naming a default isn't bad - whats bad is all the onupgradeneeded
scaffolding required to create the objectstore in the first place.

 I do think that the IDBRequest model needs tweaking, and Futures seem like
 the obvious direction to head in.

 FWIW, the sync version of the API is more or less dead - nobody has
 actually implemented it.

 I think there is a very specialized set of applications that absolutely
 need the features that IDB has right now. Google Docs is a perfect example
 - long lived complicated application that needs to keep absolute integrity
 of schema across multiple tabs over a long period of time.. but for 99% of
 usecases out there, I think they're unnecessary.

 I think ultimately, a simplified IDB would allow progressive use of the
 api as your application grows.

 // basic interaction - some objectStore named 'default' gets crated under
 the hood.
 // named database, auto-create the 'first' 

Re: Writing spec algorithms in ES6?

2015-06-11 Thread イアンフェッティ
To be honest this always drove me nuts when we were trying to do
WebSockets. Having code is great for conformance tests, but a spec IMO
should do a good job of setting out preconditions, postconditions,
performance guarantees (e.g. STL algorithms specifying runtime complexity)
and error handling. When you just list code for what the function means,
that leaves alternate implementations rather ambiguous as to what is a spec
violation and what is not. For instance, stringifiers - what if an
implementation rounds things to some finite precision rather than
multiplying by 100 and spewing out some arbitrary length percentage? is
this correct? Or do you have to just use the code in the spec as given? And
if you use the code in the spec as given and everyone implements in exactly
the same way, why not just publish a library for it and say to heck with
the spec?

2015-06-11 13:32 GMT-07:00 Dimitri Glazkov


 Many specs nowadays opt for a more imperative method of expressing
 normative requirements, and using algorithms. For example, both HTML and
 DOM spec do the run following steps list that looks a lot like
 pseudocode, and the Web components specs use their own flavor of

 I wonder if it would be good the pseudo-code would actually be ES6, with
 comments where needed?

 I noticed that the CSS Color Module Level 4 actually does this, and it
 seems pretty nice:

