On Fri, Oct 5, 2018 at 4:45 PM Brian Bouterse <bbout...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Hi Eric, Thanks for writing, see inline.
> On Wed, Oct 3, 2018 at 4:28 PM Eric Helms <ehe...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> Howdy,
>> When switching a deployment over to use gunicorn, DEBUG = TRUE for
>> serving static files stopped working. I endeavored to follow the production
>> install method using collectstatic. This required setting STATIC_ROOT which
>> appeared to not be set by default.
>>  1) Is there a default value for STATIC_ROOT I can set for collectstatic?
> I think we should set one, and more and more we're having everything live
> in /var/lib/pulp/<somedir>/ so it could have a default of
> /var/lib/pulp/static_media/. Do you have any interest in sending us a PR
> and opening an issue?


>  2) Can gunicorn serve these static files for me?
> I looked into doing this a while back and I reached the conclusion that we
> could but we shouldn't. It is convenient to not have to do anything extra
> to deploy it, but the Django docs say in several places that we should
> expressly not do this. Convenience is more than a nicety, the longer Pulp
> takes to deploy the fewer users we will have. I think the Ansible Installer
> and templates on openshift should let us do it the recommended way (with
> apache or nginx, etc) and have it be just as easy for the user.
> Unfortunately no one has done that ... yet!
> Reach out to me on irc if you want any help with any of those things.

Can you clarify why the deployment would take longer if the application
itself is serving up the static files?

In a containerized setup, this current model would require a persistent
volume store dedicated just to static files (seems like overkill) and
running a separate webserver just to serve those files. I will agree the
likelyhood of running Apache or Nginx is high to handle SSL and routing for
the user in a deployment, however, I still find the static files part a bit
odd to be required to run the application.

>> I realize the documentation calls for serving static files via a
>> webserver like nginx or Apache. However, that becomes a bit overkill in
>> something like a container deployment. If I run a separate webserver, then
>> I would run it as a separate container and have to mount the static files
>> volume. This felt like overkill to me to have a persistent volume to store
>> and mount static files instead of the application server providing them for
>> the application.
>> Any thoughts and help are appreciated.
>> Eric
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