# March 9, 2021

## Previous AIs
* [mdellweg] look for any docs issues that we might need for 3.11
    * don't have time to complete for 3.11, so we skip and will revisit for
* [dalley] get more info about what happens remote gets deleted to revisit
next week
    * deleting a remote, then recreating the remote, then resyncing it,
everything is fixed

## Topics
* Deleting a remote breaks content artifacts:
    * add a validation for remote removal 1)check whether it is used in any
of the RA or 2) linked to any repo 3) add the force flag for force removal
* deleting and rejecting
    * https://pulp.plan.io/issues/7659 run orphan clean up in parallel
* retain N repository versions
    * https://pulp.plan.io/issues/8368

## Action Items
[mdellweg] summarize "safety in deletion" of remotes feature onto
https://pulp.plan.io/issues/8305 [done]
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