On Thu, Feb 27, 2020 at 7:13 AM Sathasivam, Pradeep <
pradeep.sathasi...@hpe.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am not able to find a proper installation document for pulp v3. Using
> the current documentation at -
> https://docs.pulpproject.org/installation/instructions.html#ansible-installation-recommended
> I am not able to use REST APIs.
Did you use ansible-pulp? Which release?
What kind of errors are you seeing in journalctl -l -f?

It's possible that your settings file has the wrong permissions on it and
we are failing to raise an error due to a recently discovered bug[0]. It
should be owned by pulp:pulp.

[0] https://github.com/rochacbruno/dynaconf/issues/310

> My use case for using Pulp is:
> 1.       Handle security patches for CentOS
> 2.       Handle CentOS updates (7.3 à 7.4)
> Can anybody point me to a proper documentation?
You need to install pulp_rpm plugin. Instructions for that are here[1].


> Also I am not sure if ‘*pulp-admin*’ and ‘*pulp-consumer*’ exists in Pulp
> v3. Please clarify.
> My understanding is that all operations like:
> 1.       Registering consumer
> 2.       Creating repo
> 3.       Syncing repo
> 4.       Installing RPM package on a consumer
> 5.       Updating a consumer
Pulp 3 does not manage consumers. You can only sync external repositories.
You can upload your own content. You can create custom repository versions
using a mix of content from external repos and uploaded.

> Is all via REST API. Please confirm.
Yes, right now you have to use the REST API. We provide a Python and Ruby
clients[2]. We also provide documentation on how to generate a client in
any language supported by openapi-generator[3]. There is an effort to
create ansible modules[4].

[2] https://docs.pulpproject.org/client_bindings.html
[3] https://docs.pulpproject.org/client_bindings.html#other-languages
[4] https://github.com/mdellweg/ansible_modules_pulp

> Pradeep. S
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