[pulseaudio-discuss] Signal handling in PulseAudio

2022-06-28 Thread Chase Lambert
This is a somewhat lazy question but it's not particularly critical, more
of just a curiosity. I notice when calling signals like `raise(SIGABRT)` in
the callback registered by pa_stream_set_write_callback, nothing happens. I
would expect the process to terminate. To be more specific, nothing happens
when this callback is hit beyond the first time.

Digging through the PA code I can't find any reason why this would happen.
The closest related thing I see is pa_reset_sigsv, but that sets the
default signal handlers, which should terminate the process.

Is there some part of the code I'm missing that would ignore SIGABRT?

fwiw I have Sentry installed, and I now realize why I'm not getting crash
dumps as I would expect sometimes -- because PulseAudio is not calling the
previously registered signal handlers as I had initially expected.


Re: [pulseaudio-discuss] Why does the USB headset show the Digital Output (S/PDIF) port?

2022-06-28 Thread Tanu Kaskinen
On Tue, 2022-06-28 at 15:21 +0800, zhaochen...@uniontech.com wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I have a USB headset that the module is Edifier USB K800.
> Plug it into the PC's usb port, and then I found "Digital Output 
> (S/PDIF)" audio port as below.
> Would you please tell me why the Digital Output (S/PDIF) port has been 
> shown, and how to verify if this USB headset really have the output 
> function of Digital Output (S/PDIF), and how to close this audio port.
> Thanks a lot!

Many USB sound cards show non-existent S/PDIF devices, probably because
the default configuration in ALSA maps both analog and digital to
device 0. It's possible to disable the S/PDIF output in
/usr/share/alsa/cards/USB-Audio.conf, see the section starting with

USB-Audio.pcm.iec958_device {

There you can add your sound card's name, the only problem is that I
haven't figured out what name should be used. Some ideas to try (the
999 part makes the device number for S/PDIF to be 999, which does not
work and therefore PulseAudio will stop showing the S/PDIF output):

"USB PnP Sound Device" 999
"C-Media Electronics Inc. USB PnP Sound Device" 999
"Edifier USB K800" 999

Restart PulseAudio to test your changes.

-- Tanu

[pulseaudio-discuss] Why does the USB headset show the Digital Output (S/PDIF) port?

2022-06-28 Thread zhaochen...@uniontech.com

Hi guys,

I have a USB headset that the module is Edifier USB K800.
Plug it into the PC's usb port, and then I found "Digital Output 
(S/PDIF)" audio port as below.

Would you please tell me why the Digital Output (S/PDIF) port has been 
shown, and how to verify if this USB headset really have the output 
function of Digital Output (S/PDIF), and how to close this audio port.

Thanks a lot!


$ pacmd list-cards
index: 3

owner module: 27
alsa.card = "2"
alsa.card_name = "USB PnP Sound Device"
alsa.long_card_name = "C-Media Electronics Inc. USB PnP 
Sound Device at usb-:03:00.3-2, full speed"

alsa.driver_name = "snd_usb_audio"
device.bus_path = "pci-:03:00.3-usb-0:2:1.0"
sysfs.path = 
udev.id = 

device.bus = "usb"
device.vendor.id = "0d8c"
device.vendor.name = "C-Media Electronics, Inc."
device.product.id = "013a"
device.product.name = "USB PnP Sound Device"
device.serial = 

device.string = "2"
device.description = "USB PnP Sound Device"
module-udev-detect.discovered = "1"
device.icon_name = "audio-card-usb"
input:analog-mono: Analog Mono Input (priority 7, 
available: unknown)
output:analog-stereo: Analog Stereo Output (priority 
6500, available: unknown)
output:analog-stereo+input:analog-mono: Analog Stereo 
Output + Analog Mono Input (priority 6507, available: unknown)
output:iec958-stereo: Digital Stereo (IEC958) Output 
(priority 5500, available: unknown)
output:iec958-stereo+input:analog-mono: Digital Stereo 
(IEC958) Output + Analog Mono Input (priority 5507, available: unknown)
output:iec958-ac3-surround-51: Digital Surround 5.1 
(IEC958/AC3) Output (priority 300, available: unknown)
Digital Surround 5.1 (IEC958/AC3) Output + Analog Mono Input (priority 
307, available: unknown)

off: Off (priority 0, available: unknown)
active profile: 

USB PnP Sound Device Digital Stereo (IEC958)


Monitor of USB PnP Sound Device Digital Stereo (IEC958)

USB PnP Sound Device Analog Mono

analog-input-mic: Microphone (priority 8700, latency 
offset 0 usec, available: unknown)

device.icon_name = "audio-input-microphone"
analog-output-speaker: Speakers (priority 1, 
latency offset 0 usec, available: unknown)

device.icon_name = "audio-speakers"
iec958-stereo-output: Digital Output (S/PDIF) (priority 
0, latency offset 0 usec, available: unknown)


$ amixer -c 2 contents
numid=10,iface=CARD,name='Keep Interface'
  ; type=BOOLEAN,access=rw--,values=1
  : values=off
numid=3,iface=MIXER,name='Mic Playback Switch'
  ; type=BOOLEAN,access=rw--,values=1
  : values=off
numid=4,iface=MIXER,name='Mic Playback Volume'
  ; type=INTEGER,access=rw---R--,values=1,min=0,max=127,step=0
  : values=0
  | dBminmax-min=0.00dB,max=23.81dB
numid=7,iface=MIXER,name='Mic Capture Switch'
  ; type=BOOLEAN,access=rw--,values=1
  : values=on
numid=8,iface=MIXER,name='Mic Capture Volume'
  ; type=INTEGER,access=rw---R--,values=1,min=0,max=16,step=0
  : values=3
  | dBminmax-min=0.00dB,max=23.81dB
numid=9,iface=MIXER,name='Auto Gain Control'
  ; type=BOOLEAN,access=rw--,values=1
  : values=on
numid=5,iface=MIXER,name='Speaker Playback Switch'
  ; type=BOOLEAN,access=rw--,values=1
  : values=on
numid=6,iface=MIXER,name='Speaker Playback Volume'
  ; type=INTEGER,access=rw---R--,values=2,min=0,max=151,step=0
  : values=54,54
  | dBminmax-min=-28.37dB,max=-0.06dB
numid=2,iface=PCM,name='Capture Channel Map'
  ; type=INTEGER,access=rR--,values=1,min=0,max=36,step=0
  : values=0
  | container
| chmap-fixed=MONO

numid=1,iface=PCM,name='Playback Channel Map'
  ; type=INTEGER,access=rR--,values=2,min=0,max=36,step=0
  : values=0,0