Re: [pulseaudio-discuss] Volume Restore

2009-10-06 Thread Sean McNamara

On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 6:45 AM, Nasa wrote:

 I am having some issues with volume being set to 100% everytime I start 
 mplayer.  Basically what happens is I start application (mplayer) which is 
 set initially at 100% (blowing my ears out :} ), I use my remote (via 
 usb-uirt and lirc) to reduce the volume to something reasonable and after a 
 little bit of listening I shutdown the system.  Upon restarting the system 
 and starting the application, the volume is once again set to 100% -- until I 
 use the remote, once I hit the down volume button (which is set to 5) volume 
 adjust to (what seems like) slightly less than what I had it before.  It 
 looks like the volume is being set to 5 below the last volume setting.  Is 
 there any way to have the volume reset to the appropriate level, before 
 mplayer starts playing?  Thanks


I would be very interested in hearing of a way to fix this without the
workaround I'm about to suggest, but the first thing I do when I
install pulseaudio (or a distro using it) is to disable flat volumes,
which is the feature that seems to cause this. It's an option in
daemon.conf. I'm not sure if this is a bug or just user error on your
part (as well as mine), but I don't appreciate PA messing with my ALSA
mixer controls at all. Disabling flat volumes seems to restore the
older behavior of not messing with them, like how it was in e.g. PA
0.9.10. I can then set my ALSA mixer to listenable volumes, and still
adjust PA stream volumes relative to one another. Does disabling flat
volumes help with your issue too, or am I misunderstanding your issue?
There might be a more robust or correct way of fixing this while
keeping flat volumes enabled; hopefully someone will explain it here.
If they do, I will add this to the FAQ on the PA wiki.



 pulseaudio-discuss mailing list

pulseaudio-discuss mailing list

Re: [pulseaudio-discuss] Setting latency of module-loopback

2009-10-06 Thread pl bossart
 Oops. You patch is still in my queue. There were some issues I didn't
 perfectly like, but it was not straightforward to fix them. So lazy as
 I am I just added your patch to my queue, so that I look into it

 Sorry. I have now commited Tor-Björn's patch as it was quite trivial.

 Pierre-Louis, I'll look into your full patch soon. Promised.

No worries. I need to run a set of tests again on this module anyway.
- Pierre
pulseaudio-discuss mailing list

Re: [pulseaudio-discuss] passthrough audio (eg. AC3 / DTS / WM9)

2009-10-06 Thread pl bossart
 Just make sure PA doesn't grab the device, and then tell your app to
 use the low-level spdif-pass-thru directly. How that is configured has
 nothing to do with PA, and in fact stays exactly the same whether you
 run PA or not.

You could use the device reservation utilities for this. When you have
encoded data for pass through you can PA to let go off the device. See
code in module-reserve
- P
pulseaudio-discuss mailing list

[pulseaudio-discuss] [READTHIS] Latency Control

2009-10-06 Thread Lennart Poettering

If you don't read my blog you probably aren't aware of this little guide
I just wrote:

Now you are, so read it!


Lennart PoetteringRed Hat, Inc.
lennart [at] poettering [dot] net   GnuPG 0x1A015CC4
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