[Puppet - Bug #7970] (Unreviewed) naginator not parsing blank parameters

2011-06-17 Thread tickets

Issue #7970 has been reported by Chris Phillips.

Bug #7970: naginator not parsing blank parameters

Author: Chris Phillips
Status: Unreviewed
Priority: Normal
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 

Even though it wrote it, and is valid nagios syntax, The Naginator can not 
parse this:

define host {
host_name  gib-proxytest
hostgroups gib
alias  proxytest

Where the parents value is blank. It borks with:

err: Could not prefetch nagios_host provider 'naginator': Could not parse 
configuration for nagios_host: line 62: syntax error at '
' in /etc/nagios/nagios_host.cfg

And then rebuilds the file from scratch every time.

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[Puppet - Bug #7970] naginator not parsing blank parameters

2011-06-17 Thread tickets

Issue #7970 has been updated by Chris Phillips.

Category set to nagios
Affected Puppet version set to 2.6.7

Bug #7970: naginator not parsing blank parameters

Author: Chris Phillips
Status: Unreviewed
Priority: Normal
Category: nagios
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 2.6.7

Even though it wrote it, and is valid nagios syntax, The Naginator can not 
parse this:

define host {
host_name  gib-proxytest
hostgroups gib
alias  proxytest

Where the parents value is blank. It borks with:

err: Could not prefetch nagios_host provider 'naginator': Could not parse 
configuration for nagios_host: line 62: syntax error at '
' in /etc/nagios/nagios_host.cfg

And then rebuilds the file from scratch every time.

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[Puppet - Bug #7959] augeas type_check RAM usage

2011-06-17 Thread tickets

Issue #7959 has been updated by Markus Falb.

CentOS release 5.6 (Final)
hardwareisa = x86_64

(all from EPEL with CentOS's ruby-1.8.5-5.el5_4.8)

Bug #7959: augeas type_check RAM usage

Author: Markus Falb
Status: Unreviewed
Priority: Normal
Category: agent
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 

augeas { ram fresser:
type_check = true,
context = /files/etc/sysctl.conf,
changes = set net.ipv4.ip_forward 1,

and puppet needs 1GB RAM ? This looks wrong to me. I only see this behaviour if 
type_check is true.

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[Facter - Bug #1346] Using 'ip addr' over ifconfig

2011-06-17 Thread tickets

Issue #1346 has been updated by Spencer Rinehart.

Arch Linux recently deprecated net-tools in favor of iproute2 and yp-tools. [1] 
 I give a big +1 for ip addr.

[1] http://www.archlinux.org/news/deprecation-of-net-tools/

Bug #1346: Using 'ip addr' over ifconfig

Author: Ian Christian
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Assignee: martin krafft
Category: library
Target version: 2.0.0
Patch: None
Affected Facter version: 

# facter
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/facter/ipmess.rb:85: command not found: 
/sbin/ifconfig -a
/usr/bin/facter:54: command not found: /sbin/ifconfig -a
/usr/bin/facter:54: command not found: dnsdomainname
/usr/bin/facter:54: command not found: domainname
/usr/bin/facter:54: command not found: /sbin/ifconfig
architecture = i386
domain = internal.HIDDEN
facterversion = 1.3.8
fqdn = ruby-test.internal.HIDDEN
hardwareisa = unknown
hardwaremodel = i686
hostname = ruby-test
id = root
ipaddress =

It would be nice if when ifconfig can't be found, it falls back to using 'ip 
addr' - also, notice that domainname and dnsdomainname are not present on this 
system - however facter does appear to get them correct regardless.

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[Puppet Documentation - Feature #7972] (Unreviewed) Feature request: provide examples of entire classes including entire classes in the documentation

2011-06-17 Thread tickets

Issue #7972 has been reported by Justin Honold.

Feature #7972: Feature request: provide examples of entire classes including 
entire classes in the documentation

Author: Justin Honold
Status: Unreviewed
Priority: Normal
Target version: 
Affected URL: 

There are many examples of resource-to-class requirements, but I haven't found 
any which show class-to-class requirements.  I don't think it is necessarily 
clear that this functionality exists, so I would like to see a line or two 
with, you can even have classes require classes, and here's how: [example].

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[Puppet Documentation - Feature #7972] Feature request: provide examples of entire classes including entire classes in the documentation

2011-06-17 Thread tickets

Issue #7972 has been updated by Justin Honold.

Urg, subject should say, requiring, not including :-)  Please edit.

Feature #7972: Feature request: provide examples of entire classes including 
entire classes in the documentation

Author: Justin Honold
Status: Unreviewed
Priority: Normal
Target version: 
Affected URL: 

There are many examples of resource-to-class requirements, but I haven't found 
any which show class-to-class requirements.  I don't think it is necessarily 
clear that this functionality exists, so I would like to see a line or two 
with, you can even have classes require classes, and here's how: [example].

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[Puppet Dashboard - Bug #7973] (Accepted) Refactor colors for changed/unchanged

2011-06-17 Thread tickets

Issue #7973 has been reported by Randall Hansen.

Bug #7973: Refactor colors for changed/unchanged

Author: Randall Hansen
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Randall Hansen
Target version: 1.2
Affected URL: 
Affected Dashboard version: 

Blue for unchanged and green for changed is suboptimal.

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[Puppet - Feature #7974] (Unreviewed) Stages should reload facts between runs

2011-06-17 Thread tickets

Issue #7974 has been reported by Jamison Fryman.

Feature #7974: Stages should reload facts between runs

Author: Jamison Fryman
Status: Unreviewed
Priority: Normal
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 

During a stage run, I might have some data in the form of a fact that will not 
be populated until future runs of puppet. Consider the below example. In this 
case, the logic in `class bar` will not be evaluated during the initial run of 
puppet until `/etc/ROLE` has been defined and populated on the machine.

Custom Fact:
precode class='ruby' 
Facter.add(role) do
  setcode do
%x{/etc/ROLE -i}.chomp

Puppet Code:
precode class='puppet'
class stage {
  stage { ['pre', 'post']: }
  Stage['pre'] - Stage['main'] - Stage['post']
class foo {
  file { '/etc/ROLE':
ensure  = file,
content = 'FS',
class bar {
  if $role == 'FS' { (do something ) }

Node Definition
node 'test' {
  class { 'foo':
stage = 'pre',

  include bar

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[Puppet - Feature #2198] Install multiple package within a single call to the package manager

2011-06-17 Thread tickets

Issue #2198 has been updated by Nigel Kersten.

erk. This is completely my fault. I was incorrectly filtering and failed to 
chase it up.

Feature #2198: Install multiple package within a single call to the package 

Author: Stéphan Gorget
Status: In Topic Branch Pending Merge
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Stéphan Gorget
Category: transactions
Target version: 2.7.x
Affected Puppet version: 0.25.0
Keywords: communitypatch

During the configuration applying process the package manager is called for 
each package installation.
It is possible to reduce the number of calls to the package manager by 
gathering package installation and delayed some package installation.
Naturally, this modification should not break the dependency graph.

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[Puppet - Feature #7974] Stages should reload facts between runs

2011-06-17 Thread tickets

Issue #7974 has been updated by Daniel Pittman.

 Feature #7974: Stages should reload facts between runs

 During a stage run, I might have some data in the form of a fact that will
 not be populated until future runs of puppet. Consider the below example. In
 this case, the logic in class bar will not be evaluated during the initial
 run of puppet until /etc/ROLE has been defined and populated on the machine.

You are actually asking for a similar feature, stages should be
entirely separate catalog runs in Puppet. :)

The catalog is static; stages are just a shorthand for ordering that
you could otherwise express entirely by hand, by putting the right
dependencies in place between the contained items in the relevant
classes.  (Which, indeed, is more or less what people did before
stages came about. :)

Reloading facts between runs would actually be this:

1. Puppet agent uploads facts, get the first stage catalog
2. Puppet agent applies the first stage catalog
3. Puppet agent uploads facts, gets the second stage catalog
4. ...repeat until you are done.

Part of this is because we interpolate the facts on the master, during
compilation, before the catalog ever gets to the agent.

I don't believe we want to support this multi-catalog model, and I
don't believe there is a mechanism for otherwise getting this right
without fundamental architectural shifts – that, IMO, will render this
request obsolete by doing the same thing a different way. :)

Feature #7974: Stages should reload facts between runs

Author: Jamison Fryman
Status: Unreviewed
Priority: Normal
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 

During a stage run, I might have some data in the form of a fact that will not 
be populated until future runs of puppet. Consider the below example. In this 
case, the logic in `class bar` will not be evaluated during the initial run of 
puppet until `/etc/ROLE` has been defined and populated on the machine.

Custom Fact:
precode class='ruby' 
Facter.add(role) do
  setcode do
%x{/etc/ROLE -i}.chomp

Puppet Code:
precode class='puppet'
class stage {
  stage { ['pre', 'post']: }
  Stage['pre'] - Stage['main'] - Stage['post']
class foo {
  file { '/etc/ROLE':
ensure  = file,
content = 'FS',
class bar {
  if $role == 'FS' { (do something ) }

Node Definition
node 'test' {
  class { 'foo':
stage = 'pre',

  include bar

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[Puppet - Feature #7974] (Rejected) Stages should reload facts between runs

2011-06-17 Thread tickets

Issue #7974 has been updated by Daniel Pittman.

Status changed from Unreviewed to Rejected

Feature #7974: Stages should reload facts between runs

Author: Jamison Fryman
Status: Rejected
Priority: Normal
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 

During a stage run, I might have some data in the form of a fact that will not 
be populated until future runs of puppet. Consider the below example. In this 
case, the logic in `class bar` will not be evaluated during the initial run of 
puppet until `/etc/ROLE` has been defined and populated on the machine.

Custom Fact:
precode class='ruby' 
Facter.add(role) do
  setcode do
%x{/etc/ROLE -i}.chomp

Puppet Code:
precode class='puppet'
class stage {
  stage { ['pre', 'post']: }
  Stage['pre'] - Stage['main'] - Stage['post']
class foo {
  file { '/etc/ROLE':
ensure  = file,
content = 'FS',
class bar {
  if $role == 'FS' { (do something ) }

Node Definition
node 'test' {
  class { 'foo':
stage = 'pre',

  include bar

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[Puppet Dashboard - Bug #7973] (In Topic Branch Pending Merge) Refactor colors for changed/unchanged

2011-06-17 Thread tickets

Issue #7973 has been updated by Randall Hansen.

Status changed from Accepted to In Topic Branch Pending Merge

Bug #7973: Refactor colors for changed/unchanged

Author: Randall Hansen
Status: In Topic Branch Pending Merge
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Randall Hansen
Target version: 1.2
Affected URL: 
Affected Dashboard version: 

Blue for unchanged and green for changed is suboptimal.

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[Puppet Dashboard - Bug #7976] (Accepted) Node filter links in sidebar broken when active

2011-06-17 Thread tickets

Issue #7976 has been reported by Randall Hansen.

Bug #7976: Node filter links in sidebar broken when active

Author: Randall Hansen
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Randall Hansen
Target version: 1.2
Affected URL: 
Affected Dashboard version: 

This is a JavaScript problem.

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[Puppet Enterprise - Feature #7455] (Rejected) optionally install VCS components as part of the installer

2011-06-17 Thread tickets

Issue #7455 has been updated by Nigel Kersten.

Status changed from Needs Decision to Rejected

This is out of scope of the installer. If we're going to start adding tools 
that aren't required for actual installation, we'll be delivering them as 

Feature #7455: optionally install VCS components as part of the installer

Author: Garrett Honeycutt
Status: Rejected
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Nigel Kersten
Target version: 
Affected PE version: 

Since we are bootstrapping Puppet Enterprise with the installer script, it 
would be nice to optionally install specific VCS tools so that you can 
bootstrap your modules and manifests from your VCS.

To install version control system tools enter a name from the list or leave 
empty to skip. [git|svn|bzr|hg]:

The list would only display what is normally available upon a given system. For 
instance, RHEL 6 appears to ship with git/subversion/mercurial but not Bazaar 

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[Puppet - Feature #7243] (Accepted) Additional data in Puppet CSRs (certdnsnames, and custom data)

2011-06-17 Thread tickets

Issue #7243 has been updated by Nigel Kersten.

Status changed from Needs Decision to Accepted
Assignee deleted (Nigel Kersten)

Feature #7243: Additional data in Puppet CSRs (certdnsnames, and custom data)

Author: Matt Wise
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Target version: 2.7.x
Affected Puppet version: 

Puppet Clients currently do not support filling in 'certdnsnames' in their CSR. 
That is only done on the signing-server side of things. This should be updated 
so that either the client, or server can set the certdnsnames (or both). 

In addition to this, the Puppet CSR generation code should allow for the 
addition of arbitrary data in the form of keypairs (foo=xyz) that is embedded 
into the CSR. That data should then be accessible in some way to the Puppet 
master process itself during catalog compilation. This allows for companies to 
build in their own security models around the SSL certs.

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[Puppet Dashboard - Bug #7976] Node filter links in sidebar broken when active

2011-06-17 Thread tickets

Issue #7976 has been updated by Randall Hansen.

And also a problem of poor markup to represent the graph.

Bug #7976: Node filter links in sidebar broken when active

Author: Randall Hansen
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Randall Hansen
Target version: 1.2
Affected URL: 
Affected Dashboard version: 

This is a JavaScript problem.

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[Puppet Documentation - Feature #7972] Feature request: provide examples of entire classes requiring entire classes in the documentation

2011-06-17 Thread tickets

Issue #7972 has been updated by Nick Lewis.

Subject changed from Feature request: provide examples of entire classes 
including entire classes in the documentation to Feature request: provide 
examples of entire classes requiring entire classes in the documentation

Feature #7972: Feature request: provide examples of entire classes requiring 
entire classes in the documentation

Author: Justin Honold
Status: Unreviewed
Priority: Normal
Target version: 
Affected URL: 

There are many examples of resource-to-class requirements, but I haven't found 
any which show class-to-class requirements.  I don't think it is necessarily 
clear that this functionality exists, so I would like to see a line or two 
with, you can even have classes require classes, and here's how: [example].

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[Puppet - Feature #7241] Group membership should be a type of its own.

2011-06-17 Thread tickets

Issue #7241 has been updated by Stefan Schulte.

Nigel Kersten wrote:
 I don't think we need to be hung up on namevars at all. Sure, we could use 
 something multi-var like that, but I also really like:
groupmembership { 'ensure_testuser_in_testgroup':
  ensure = present,
  member = testuser,
  group = testgroup,
ok, but if testuser is not in testgroup, what exactly is out of sync here? Is 
member out of sync (it is from the group's point of view) or is group out of 
sync (it is from the user's point of view)?

I just fear that the number of resources I have to specify will explode when I 
want to specify a user which is in a lot of groups. I also prefer one message 
`User[foo]/groups changed group1,group2,group3 to group4,group5,group6)` over 
six messages about absent/present groupmembership resources but that is of 
course just my opinion.

You may also have problems when another resource requires your user because 
this resource cannot be sure that the user is completly set (or you have to 
manually require all the groupmembership resources as well)

As a sidenode: How do you ensure that you dont specify two conflicting 
memberships (if you prefer arbitrary titles)?

Feature #7241: Group membership should be a type of its own.

Author: Nigel Kersten
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Target version: Telly
Affected Puppet version: 

It's very difficult right now to express declarative statements like:

  * Ensure this user is not in this group, leave it alone otherwise
  * Ensure this user is in this group without defining the user, leave it alone 

I propose that we move group membership to a type of its own. That would also 
allow us to abstract away the differences between different platforms, some of 
which consider membership to be an attribute of the group, some of which 
consider it to be an attribute of the user.

It would allow us to remove all the authoritative settings for user/group 
membership, as they would move to this type instead.

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[Puppet - Feature #7272] Puppet should allow for *automatic resigning* of SSL certs

2011-06-17 Thread tickets

Issue #7272 has been updated by Nigel Kersten.

Category set to SSL
Target version set to Telly

Feature #7272: Puppet should allow for *automatic resigning* of SSL certs

Author: Matt Wise
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: SSL
Target version: Telly
Affected Puppet version: 

Since Puppet acts as an SSL 'factory' anyways, it should be a bit more full 
featured and offer a resigning capability to existing validated clients. In our 
environment we've cobbled together a system where the clients check regularly 
that their SSL cert is still valid. If its going to be not-valid within X days, 
they start checking in with a CGI script on the puppet ca master. When they 
connect, they supply their original CSR (found in /var/lib/puppet) and the CGI 
script handles some validation of that CSR, and then signs a new certificate 
with that data. This is a kludge that should be built into Puppet. I propose 
the following workflow..

1) Puppet Agent runs... before even connecting to the server, it determines 
whether or not its SSL certificate is going to expire within XX days. If it is 
2) Puppet agent supplies original CSR (thats still in /var/lib/puppet) to 
puppet ca server, and requests a resigning. If resigning is enabled on the 
puppet server ...
3) Puppet server resigns the cert, deletes the old cert and immediately 
invalidates its serial #. Server then passes the new Cert back to the client... 
4) Client re-starts essentially with the new cert and begins its real puppet 

This functionality allows for Puppet certs to be extremely short-lived... you 
could actually let certs expire after as little as a day or two if you wanted, 
and Puppet would handle all of the resigning. Any client that 'doesnt check in' 
would simply have its cert expire, and would have to be fixed manually. 

(ps, i think its critical that the client resupplies the CSR to the server.. 
rather than the ca server looking for the original CSR. this allows for 
multiple puppet ca servers, which is pretty critical in large environments)

(pps, the only reason we havnt finished our migration to a multi-ca-master 
environment is the CRL... ideally if i could tell each of my puppet masters 
about the others, they could all keep their CRLs in-sync with eachother)

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[Puppet - Feature #7244] Autosign should allow for an external approver

2011-06-17 Thread tickets

Issue #7244 has been updated by Nigel Kersten.

Assignee changed from Nigel Kersten to Matt Wise

Matt, does it look like #7243 will solve your problem?

(Assigned to one of the two Matt Wise accounts)

Feature #7244: Autosign should allow for an external approver

Author: Matt Wise
Status: Needs More Information
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Matt Wise
Category: SSL
Target version: 2.7.x
Affected Puppet version: 

Puppet should allow for the autosign code to point to an external script, 
instead of the autosign.conf file itself for approval in signing a end-clients 
cert. This method should allow the client to supply a unique bit of auth data 
that is passed to the exec script on the master, and validated. If return 0, 
sign the code. If not, do not sign.

In this way, I can pass an arbitrary token (say its 12345) through the puppet 
agent to the puppet ca master. The puppet ca master can then run 
myauthscript.sh -arg 12345. if that script returns 0, puppet c an then sign 
the certificate. If not, puppet fails to sign the certificate.

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[Puppet Dashboard - Bug #7976] (In Topic Branch Pending Merge) Node filter links in sidebar broken when active

2011-06-17 Thread tickets

Issue #7976 has been updated by Randall Hansen.

Status changed from Accepted to In Topic Branch Pending Merge

Bug #7976: Node filter links in sidebar broken when active

Author: Randall Hansen
Status: In Topic Branch Pending Merge
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Randall Hansen
Target version: 1.2
Affected URL: 
Affected Dashboard version: 

This is a JavaScript problem.

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[Puppet - Feature #7244] Autosign should allow for an external approver

2011-06-17 Thread tickets

Issue #7244 has been updated by Matt Wise.

I see these as two very different requests... Bug #7243 will let me implement 
security around what classes a host can request once it has a cert. This 
request allows me to create my own 'authorization' system for autosigning. 
They're both very important, but this one is actually more important for me 
right now. 

Feature #7244: Autosign should allow for an external approver

Author: Matt Wise
Status: Needs More Information
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Matt Wise
Category: SSL
Target version: 2.7.x
Affected Puppet version: 

Puppet should allow for the autosign code to point to an external script, 
instead of the autosign.conf file itself for approval in signing a end-clients 
cert. This method should allow the client to supply a unique bit of auth data 
that is passed to the exec script on the master, and validated. If return 0, 
sign the code. If not, do not sign.

In this way, I can pass an arbitrary token (say its 12345) through the puppet 
agent to the puppet ca master. The puppet ca master can then run 
myauthscript.sh -arg 12345. if that script returns 0, puppet c an then sign 
the certificate. If not, puppet fails to sign the certificate.

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[Puppet Dashboard - Refactor #5947] (Merged - Pending Release) Rename the Destroy button to Delete

2011-06-17 Thread tickets

Issue #5947 has been updated by Josh Cooper.

Status changed from Accepted to Merged - Pending Release

Merged into puppet-dashboard master as 

Refactor #5947: Rename the Destroy button to Delete

Author: James Turnbull
Status: Merged - Pending Release
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Nigel Kersten
Target version: 
Affected URL: 
Affected Dashboard version: 

The Destroy button no only doesn't destroy things but it's faintly 
disconcerting to a lot of people.  

Can we please rename it to Delete.

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[Puppet Dashboard - Bug #7981] (Needs Decision) Make delete confirmation messages consistent

2011-06-17 Thread tickets

Issue #7981 has been reported by Josh Cooper.

Bug #7981: Make delete confirmation messages consistent

Author: Josh Cooper
Status: Needs Decision
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Randall Hansen
Target version: 
Affected URL: 
Affected Dashboard version: 

The confirmation dialog says, are you sure you wish to delete this node? when 
deleting nodes, but it just says are you sure? when deleting reports, 
classes, and groups. The messages should be made consistent.

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[Puppet Dashboard - Bug #7973] (Merged - Pending Release) Refactor colors for changed/unchanged

2011-06-17 Thread tickets

Issue #7973 has been updated by Randall Hansen.

Status changed from In Topic Branch Pending Merge to Merged - Pending Release

Merged into master at commit:9c468f9b86e5d093f5026b0bcc5d7655f2c37547

Bug #7973: Refactor colors for changed/unchanged

Author: Randall Hansen
Status: Merged - Pending Release
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Randall Hansen
Target version: 1.2
Affected URL: 
Affected Dashboard version: 

Blue for unchanged and green for changed is suboptimal.

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[Puppet Dashboard - Bug #7976] (Merged - Pending Release) Node filter links in sidebar broken when active

2011-06-17 Thread tickets

Issue #7976 has been updated by Randall Hansen.

Status changed from In Topic Branch Pending Merge to Merged - Pending Release

Merged into master at commit:b24b0a4e78d42e5d8d0d6a741a35259f86d8506e

Bug #7976: Node filter links in sidebar broken when active

Author: Randall Hansen
Status: Merged - Pending Release
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Randall Hansen
Target version: 1.2
Affected URL: 
Affected Dashboard version: 

This is a JavaScript problem.

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[Puppet Dashboard - Feature #7938] (Merged - Pending Release) Accept 4K reports in one hour to dashboard

2011-06-17 Thread tickets

Issue #7938 has been updated by Daniel Pittman.

Status changed from Accepted to Merged - Pending Release

 merges this into master.

Feature #7938: Accept 4K reports in one hour to dashboard

Author: Daniel Pittman
Status: Merged - Pending Release
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Daniel Pittman
Target version: 
Affected URL: 
Affected Dashboard version: 

To meet the performance goals we have set, we need to be able to deliver either 
2K or 4K reports to dashboard in a single hour.  That is potentially more than 
one report per second, although we can reasonably spend up to 16 cores on this 
problem.  (Less would be nice.)  Given the performance of ActiveRecord, it 
doesn't seem achievable that we can hit that during the current round of work.

We only need the reports *delivered* during that window, however.  So, if we 
accept at line-rate, buffer behind, and import the reports into the server more 
slowly we should be able to get the performance required.

The most promising model for this is to build a report spooler that sits 
beside the regular report import tool.  This can accept the report data, then 
spool it for later processing in a buffer that can accept the data.  We then 
import that data as fast as possible – we have ~ 2 hours for 2K nodes – while 
still being able to deliver the accept performance required.

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