[Puppet - Bug #11984] improperly configured storeconfigs do not return valuable exit codes

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11984 has been updated by Peter Meier.

Imho it is fine if the exit code 0, as it is only a warning and imho it 
actually doesn't happen during a transaction, but rather at compile time.

Related is also the discussion in #7078 Where the long standing request was 
discussed to not pollute the output with tons of such warnings. If we do any 
changes we should imho address both discussions at once. Otherwise things will 
get messier.

Bug #11984: improperly configured storeconfigs do not return valuable exit codes

Author: Justin Stoller
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: stored configuration
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 2.7.9
Keywords: exit codes, storeconfigs

Noticed this while writing tests:


root@ubuntu-beta:~# puppet --version

root@ubuntu-beta:~# puppet apply --detailed-exitcodes -e '@@notify { 
$hostname: tag = storeconfgs }'
warning: You cannot collect without storeconfigs being set on line 1
notice: Finished catalog run in 0.03 seconds

root@ubuntu-beta:~# echo $?


as well as


root@ubuntu-beta:~# puppet apply --detailed-exitcodes -e Notify | tag == 
'storeconfig_test' |
warning: You cannot collect exported resources without storeconfigs being set; 
the collection will be ignored on line 1
warning: Not collecting exported resources without storeconfigs
notice: Finished catalog run in 0.03 seconds

root@ubuntu-beta:~# echo $?




* --detailed-exitcodes:
  Provide transaction information via exit codes. If this is enabled, an exit
  code of '2' means there were changes, an exit code of '4' means there were
  failures during the transaction, and an exit code of '6' means there were both
  changes and failures.


From reading this I was expecting, if not a 1, at least a 4 as the exit code.

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[Puppet - Bug #11988] Augeas provider can clobber symlinks

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11988 has been updated by Peter Meier.

In my experience this can hit you quite badly, as RHEL (and its derivates) for 
example have a symlink for grub.conf. While it worked imho earlier, it doesn't 
work anymore nowadays and your manifests will constantly update the wrong 
config file, also other tools that relay on /etc/grub.conf being a symlink will 
start to fail.

Bug #11988: Augeas provider can clobber symlinks

Author: Nathan Huff
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: augeas
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 2.7.9
Keywords: augeas

If the augeas resource is fed a symlink as the target file and it
makes changes it will overwrite it with a regular file.  It creates
and .augnew file and just blindly moves it into place without checking
if the target file was a symlink.

The provider should either check whether the target was a symlink and 
dereference it or it should rerun augeas in overwrite mode since augeas does
take care to dereference if necessary. 

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[Puppet - Bug #11995] Add group install to Package

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11995 has been updated by Peter Meier.

Imho this was already discussed a couple of times (mailing list, probably also 
bugtracker). One (big) issue is that you can tell yum to install a group, but 
afair you can't query yum if a certain group is installed. So how would you do 
that, to fit into puppet's idea of managing state of resources?

Bug #11995: Add group install to Package

Author: Charlie Wyse
Status: Unreviewed
Priority: Normal
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 
Branch: puppet-2.6.12-1

This is my first ticket so if I do anything wrong let me know.  When trying to 
install a package group in Red Hat 6, I get a failure.  I don't think puppet 
understands package groups.  Could this be added to the package feature?

My manifest:
package { 'MRG Grid':
ensure  = present,

err: /Stage[main]/Mrg/Package[MRG Grid]/ensure: change from absent to present 
failed: Execution of '/usr/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y install MRG Grid' returned 1: 
Error: Nothing to do

If the package could have a command to encapsulate anything in the naming list 
like 'MRG Grid' and change install to groupinstall, this should do the trick.

'/usr/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y groupinstall MRG Grid'

Anyhow, as I said this is my first ticket so let me know what I can do to help 
move this along without any helpful knowledge in ruby programming.

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[Puppet - Feature #11044] Puppet agent should fork when applying the catalog

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11044 has been updated by Brice Figureau.

Daniel Pittman wrote:
 It sounds like this is generally satisfactory to everyone, if we target Telly?
 This is more or less the last chance to speak up because, frankly, it seems 
 like a good change to me.  I can't see it harming things, and it certainly 
 helps more effective garbage collection on the agent.

 Bryce, if we accept this would you be willing to rebase on current master and 
 resubmit the code?

Yes, I'll do that during the week.

Feature #11044: Puppet agent should fork when applying the catalog

Author: Brice Figureau
Status: Needs Decision
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Daniel Pittman
Category: agent
Target version: Telly
Affected Puppet version: 
Branch: https://github.com/masterzen/puppet/tree/tickets/2.7.x/11044

The current best practice among Puppet users is to run the puppet agent out of 
cron with --onetime. The rationale is that the puppet agent is a memory hog 
during a run, but due to the way the ruby interpreter works this memory can 
never be returned to the OS between runs. Running on cron makes sure puppet 
doesn't hold this memory for more than the run.

A simple solution to this issue is to fork into a child process and do the 
catalog run. This process would exit at the end of the catalog execution, thus 
freeing the memory used during the run.

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[Puppet - Feature #11990] PuppetDoc should use also README.rdoc files

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11990 has been updated by Brice Figureau.

Alessandro Franceschi wrote:
 I attach the patch in a more readable format... sorry for the mess

I will produce a better patch (ie with spec coverage) soon.

Feature #11990: PuppetDoc should use also README.rdoc files

Author: Alessandro Franceschi
Status: Unreviewed
Priority: Normal
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 
Keywords: puppetdoc

This is a feature request for which there's already a solution.
Hope you will review and eventually accept it.

PuppetDoc uses the file README in a module to generate the main page of a 
module's documentation.
If this file is in rdoc format it renders it nicely.
At the same time many modules are published on GitHub, where README files are 
rendered as rdoc if they are named README.rdoc

The request is to make puppetdoc renders files called README.rdoc ad module 
documentation if they are found on the module, otherwise it falls back to the 
standard README.

I already asked Brice an help about this and he replied, in very few minutes 
with this:

Here is a patch that should quite do what you need:

diff --git a/lib/puppet/util/rdoc/parser.rb b/lib/puppet/util/rdoc/parser.rb
index a8996ee..5fa3246 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/util/rdoc/parser.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/util/rdoc/parser.rb
@@ -129,8 +129,10 @@ class Parser
  def scan_top_level(container)
# use the module README as documentation for the module
comment = 
-readme = File.join(File.dirname(File.dirname(@input_file_name)), README)
-comment = File.open(readme,r) { |f| f.read } if 
+%w{README README.rdoc}.each do |rfile|
+  readme = File.join(File.dirname(File.dirname(@input_file_name)), rfile)
+  comment = File.open(readme,r) { |f| f.read } if 
look_for_directives_in(container, comment) unless comment.empty?

# infer module name from directory

It is fully untested :)
It should prefer a README.rdoc over a README if both are present.

I've tested this patch on Puppet 2.7.9 and it seems to work as expected:
- modules with a README are rendered well
- modules with a README.rdoc are rendered well
- modules with both render README.rdoc

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[Puppet - Feature #7788] Puppet should allow rubygems to deliver new functionality

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #7788 has been updated by R.I. Pienaar.

I think it still has value, unless you also let us control what gets 
pluginsynced to what places.  With gems if we wanted some plugin on a subset of 
machines we just install it on those machines.  With pluginsync thats not 

Feature #7788: Puppet should allow rubygems to deliver new functionality

Author: R.I. Pienaar
Status: Needs Decision
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Nigel Kersten
Category: plug-ins
Target version: 2.7.x
Affected Puppet version: 
Branch: ripienaar/feature/master/7788

It would be desirable to use Rubygems to install things like parser functions. 

There might be cases where you only want a function on the master, pluginsync 
would copy it everywhere and everywhere might not have the dependencies needed 
to run it.

If the autoloader considered the rubygem search path while autoloading this 
should allow gems to extend puppet.

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[Facter - Feature #1424] Zone facts for Solaris

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #1424 has been updated by Martin Englund.

the reason for having zones as a fact is to be able to gather information about 
the zones you have running on a system, and then zonename helps you act 
differently if you are dealing with a zone that hasn't been created by puppet 
(i.e. being managed as a normal solaris instance)

Feature #1424: Zone facts for Solaris

Author: Martin Englund
Status: Code Insufficient
Priority: Low
Assignee: Paul Nasrat
Category: library
Target version: 2.0.0
Keywords: solaris zone
Affected Facter version: 

Two new facts should be added for Solaris (10): zonename and zones

zonename is the output of /usr/bin/zonename which MAY differ from hostname.

zones is the number of zones on the system, and then one zone_zonename is 
added for each zone, which should contain the state of the zone, e.g. running, 
installed, incomplete, etc.

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[Puppet - Feature #11727] Add stdin parsing to puppet parser validate

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11727 has been updated by Dominic Maraglia.

Assignee changed from Dominic Maraglia to Daniel Pittman

Test looks good; commented on pull request as well.

Feature #11727: Add stdin parsing to puppet parser validate

Author: James Turnbull
Status: In Topic Branch Pending Review
Priority: High
Assignee: Daniel Pittman
Category: executables
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/329

Git pre-commit hooks everywhere relied on the stdin parsing that existed before 
faces. This restores that behavior if stdin is not a tty.

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[Puppet] 'Downloading Puppet' wiki page has been updated

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

The 'Downloading Puppet' wiki page has been updated by Matthaus Litteken.

Downloading Puppet:
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[Puppet - Bug #11995] Add group install to Package

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11995 has been updated by Charlie Wyse.

That is a very good point and explains why it wasn't in there yet.  Some code 
around doing a yum groupinfo %= GROUP NAME % then searching for any 
packages listed under Mandatory Packages.  Finally using the regular rpm 
check on each package listed would be necessary.  So it is possible for a more 
advanced ruby programmer than I.  Currently I'm just using an exec string to 
get the job done, or I guess since 'MRG Grid' only needs 3 packages I could 
make there separate package lines.  But this feature would be very helpful to 
many admins that would like to have a desktop class that installs 'GNOME 
Desktop' or in my case a server group that needs MRG.

Bug #11995: Add group install to Package

Author: Charlie Wyse
Status: Unreviewed
Priority: Normal
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 
Branch: puppet-2.6.12-1

This is my first ticket so if I do anything wrong let me know.  When trying to 
install a package group in Red Hat 6, I get a failure.  I don't think puppet 
understands package groups.  Could this be added to the package feature?

My manifest:
package { 'MRG Grid':
ensure  = present,

err: /Stage[main]/Mrg/Package[MRG Grid]/ensure: change from absent to present 
failed: Execution of '/usr/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y install MRG Grid' returned 1: 
Error: Nothing to do

If the package could have a command to encapsulate anything in the naming list 
like 'MRG Grid' and change install to groupinstall, this should do the trick.

'/usr/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y groupinstall MRG Grid'

Anyhow, as I said this is my first ticket so let me know what I can do to help 
move this along without any helpful knowledge in ruby programming.

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[Facter - Refactor #10309] (Closed) Standardize fixture handling using Puppets methodology

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #10309 has been updated by Matthaus Litteken.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed

Released in Facter 1.6.5rc1

Refactor #10309: Standardize fixture handling using Puppets methodology

Author: Ken Barber
Status: Closed
Priority: Low
Category: testing
Target version: 1.6.5
Keywords: fixtures, rspec
Affected Facter version: 

It was suggested by dpittman that we could use the fixture handling framework 
in Puppet:


It would be nice to standardize the way we handle this - and also move our 
fixture data into the same place instead of having 2 locations.

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[Facter - Bug #11196] (Closed) EC2 facts do not get created when the arp table contains more than 1 entry (patch included)

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11196 has been updated by Matthaus Litteken.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed

Released in 1.6.5rc1

Bug #11196: EC2 facts do not get created when the arp table contains more than 
1 entry (patch included)

Author: Pieter Lexis
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Category: library
Target version: 1.6.5
Keywords: ec2 arp
Affected Facter version: 1.6.3

We have an EC2 instance with a QEMU vm on it (don't ask, we cried as well when 
this was the only solution). This means that we have a bridge interface on the 
EC2 instance and that the arp table contains more than 1 entry (on EC2 the only 
entry is the gateway). The code in the arp module does not take this into 
account. Than the ec2 code infers that this isn't an ec2 instance (and doesn't 
create the ec2 facts), but it is. If you would be running a VPN service on EC2, 
this bug could hit you as well (as you have more than 1 interface).

This patch fixes that.

Pull request follows.

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[Facter - Feature #11328] (Closed) Provide OpenBSD Facter support for uptime virtual facts

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11328 has been updated by Matthaus Litteken.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed

Released in 1.6.5rc1

Feature #11328: Provide OpenBSD Facter support for uptime  virtual facts

Author: Matt Dainty
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Category: library
Target version: 1.6.5
Keywords: openbsd, virtual, uptime
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/facter/pull/112
Affected Facter version: 1.6.0

Facter seems to lack virtualisation  uptime facts on OpenBSD.

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[Facter - Bug #11436] (Closed) The total amount of memory uses a different fact on the Mac than on Linux

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11436 has been updated by Matthaus Litteken.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed

Released in 1.6.5rc1

Bug #11436: The total amount of memory uses a different fact on the Mac than on 

Author: Nick Fagerlund
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Adrien Thebo
Target version: 1.6.5
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/facter/pull/118
Affected Facter version: 

In issue #11086, we got bitten by the fact that the total memory for a Mac is 
in the `memorytotal` fact, and the total memory for a Linux box is in 
`memorysize`. It seems like these should be unified. 

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[Puppet] 'Release Notes' wiki page has been updated

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

The 'Release Notes' wiki page has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Release Notes:
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[Facter - Bug #11559] (Closed) Use RbConfig instead of obsolete and deprecated Config.

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11559 has been updated by Matthaus Litteken.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed

Released in 1.6.5rc1

Bug #11559:  Use RbConfig instead of obsolete and deprecated Config.

Author: James Gifford
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Category: installation
Target version: 1.6.5
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/facter/pull/142
Affected Facter version: 1.6.4

Ubuntu 11.10 64 bit
Ruby version: ruby 1.9.3p0

When I attempt to do anything with the gem, I get the following error:

 Use RbConfig instead of obsolete and deprecated Config.

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[Facter - Feature #11566] (Closed) Windows EC2 meta data support

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11566 has been updated by Matthaus Litteken.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed

Released in 1.6.5rc1

Feature #11566: Windows EC2 meta data support

Author: Feifei Jia
Status: Closed
Priority: Immediate
Assignee: Ken Barber
Category: library
Target version: 1.6.5
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/facter/pull/140
Affected Facter version: 

Hi, I sent a pull request to support this feature, the link is here:


Any feedback welcomed, thanks.

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[Puppet] 'Release Notes' wiki page has been updated

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

The 'Release Notes' wiki page has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Release Notes:
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[Puppet] 'Release Notes' wiki page has been updated

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

The 'Release Notes' wiki page has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Release Notes:
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[Puppet] 'Release Notes' wiki page has been updated

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

The 'Release Notes' wiki page has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Release Notes:
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[Puppet] 'Release Notes' wiki page has been updated

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

The 'Release Notes' wiki page has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Release Notes:
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[Facter - Feature #11201] (Closed) Add a rake task to build Apple Packages

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11201 has been updated by Matthaus Litteken.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed

Released in 1.6.5rc1

Feature #11201: Add a rake task to build Apple Packages

Author: Gary Larizza
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Gary Larizza
Category: installation
Target version: 1.6.5
Branch: https://github.com/glarizza/facter/tree/feature/master/Rakefile_DMG
Affected Facter version: 

To help out the Release Team, a rake action is needed to allow for the creation 
of Apple packages for Facter.

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[Facter - Feature #9789] (Closed) Improved test coverage for operatingsystem

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #9789 has been updated by Matthaus Litteken.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed

Released in 1.6.5rc1

Feature #9789: Improved test coverage for operatingsystem

Author: Adrien Thebo
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Adrien Thebo
Category: testing
Target version: 1.6.5
Affected Facter version: 

We do a ton of work in the operatingsystem fact, but we have zero test 
coverage. Some decent test coverage would be very nice.

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[Facter - Refactor #9708] (Closed) Remove redundancy from operatingsystem confines

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #9708 has been updated by Matthaus Litteken.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed

Released in 1.6.5rc1

Refactor #9708: Remove redundancy from operatingsystem confines

Author: Adrien Thebo
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Ken Barber
Category: library
Target version: 1.6.5
Branch: https://github.com/kbarber/facter/tree/ticket/1.6.x/9708-os_confines
Affected Facter version: 

There are instances inside facter that that look like this

confine :operatingsystem = %w{Solaris Linux Fedora RedHat CentOS Scientific 
SuSE SLES Debian Ubuntu Gentoo FreeBSD OpenBSD NetBSD OEL OVS GNU/kFreeBSD}

Which should be written more cleanly as 

confine :kernel = %w{SunOS Linux FreeBSD OpenBSD NetBSD GNU/kFreeBSD}

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[Facter - Feature #9599] (Closed) Add Nexenta to operatingsystem fact

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #9599 has been updated by Matthaus Litteken.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed

Released in 1.6.5rc1

Feature #9599: Add Nexenta to operatingsystem fact

Author: Jonathan Boyett
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Adrien Thebo
Category: library
Target version: 1.6.5
Affected Facter version: 

Just a simple change to add Nexenta support. The commit can be found 

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[Facter - Bug #8279] (Closed) ec2_security_groups concatenates multiple groups instead of separating by a comma

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #8279 has been updated by Matthaus Litteken.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed

Released in 1.6.5rc1

Bug #8279: ec2_security_groups concatenates multiple groups instead of 
separating by a comma

Author: Michael Halligan
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Adrien Thebo
Category: library
Target version: 1.6.5
Affected Facter version: 1.6.0

When you run facter on an ec2 node, the ec2_security_groups fact joins all of 
the groups a node belongs to. Separating by a , or even a space would make this 
fact much easier to act on.

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[Facter - Bug #7753] (Closed) Errors when adding a resolve should not crash facter

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #7753 has been updated by Matthaus Litteken.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed

Released in 1.6.5rc1

Bug #7753: Errors when adding a resolve should not crash facter

Author: Adrien Thebo
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Adrien Thebo
Target version: 1.6.5
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/facter/pull/116
Affected Facter version: 

As evidenced by #7038, if an exception is thrown when adding a resolve to a 
fact, facter crashes. Instead of just failing, facter should catch any errors 
when adding a resolution to a fact and then discard the failed resolution.

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[Facter - Bug #11848] (Closed) facter.bat cannot be relocated on Windows

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11848 has been updated by Matthaus Litteken.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed

Released in 1.6.5rc1

Bug #11848: facter.bat cannot be relocated on Windows

Author: Josh Cooper
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Josh Cooper
Category: installation
Target version: 1.6.5
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/facter/pull/141
Affected Facter version: 

Facter's `install.rb` script creates wrapper batch scripts in ruby's bin 
directory. The batch file contains full paths to where it was installed and its 
current working directory. This makes it impossible to move the ruby directory 
(and the script) and have the script still work. The preferred way of doing 
this on Windows is to use `%~dp0`, which is dynamically set to the full path of 
the directory that contains the script, i.e. what is currently `C:\Ruby187\bin`

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[Facter - Bug #11661] (Closed) ec2 tests use 'throws' instead of 'raises' for timeout emulation

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11661 has been updated by Matthaus Litteken.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed

Released in 1.6.5rc1

Bug #11661: ec2 tests use 'throws' instead of 'raises' for timeout emulation

Author: Ken Barber
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Category: testing
Target version: 1.6.5
Affected Facter version: 

So #11583 had a mistake in the timeout emulation tests. Instead of using 
'throws' I should have used 'raises'.

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[Facter - Bug #11583] (Closed) ec2 fact has no unit tests

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11583 has been updated by Matthaus Litteken.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed

Released in 1.6.5rc1

Bug #11583: ec2 fact has no unit tests

Author: Ken Barber
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Ken Barber
Category: library
Target version: 1.6.5
Keywords: rspec
Branch: https://github.com/kbarber/facter/tree/ticket/1.6.x/11583-ec2_tests
Affected Facter version: 

There are no unit tests for the EC2 fact. We need to fix this now I think, 
since we are taking changes on it recently.

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[Facter - Bug #10271] (Closed) Amazon Linux operatingsytem and operatingsystemrelease and osfamily facts do not work

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #10271 has been updated by Matthaus Litteken.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed

Released in 1.6.5rc1

Bug #10271: Amazon Linux operatingsytem and operatingsystemrelease and osfamily 
facts do not work

Author: Dan Bode
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Marcus Ferreira
Category: library
Target version: 1.6.5
Keywords: amazonlinux
Affected Facter version: 1.6.4

I am using the latest AMI (ami-7f418316) for Amazon Linux and it has no 

In the documentation 

it states that /etc/system-release should be used to determine current release:

Amazon linux AMIs contain a /etc/system-release file that specifies the current 
release that is installed. This file is updated through yum and is part of the 
system-release rpm.

Following is an example of /etc/system-release file:

# cat /etc/system-release
Amazon Linux AMI release 2011.09

An Amazon Linux AMI also contains a machine readable version of the 
/etc/system-release file found in /etc/system-release-cpe and follows the CPE 
specification from MITRE (CPE).

# cat /etc/system-release
Amazon Linux AMI release 2011.09

It looks like release version is 2011.09, I am not sure how to map that to 

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[Puppet] 'Release Notes' wiki page has been updated

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

The 'Release Notes' wiki page has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Release Notes:
View differences:

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[Puppet - Bug #11220] execute bits for directories are not being added

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11220 has been updated by Garrett Honeycutt.

This is a dupe of #10269

Bug #11220: execute bits for directories are not being added

Author: Garrett Honeycutt
Status: Duplicate
Priority: Normal
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 2.7.6

This is shown using Puppet Enterprise 2.0 (2.7.6). The following code should 
create /tmp/defaults as a directory with mode 0755 and two files 
/tmp/defaults/[hello,goodbye] with mode 0644.
File {
  owner = 'root',
  group = 'root',
  mode  = '0644',

file { '/tmp/defaults':
  ensure = directory,

file { '/tmp/defaults/hello':
  content = hello\n,

file { '/tmp/defaults/goodbye':
  content = goodbye\n,

Upon using PE 2.0 the following behavior is observed, which is incorrect.

Here are two puppet agent runs done back to back. Notice it takes two runs and 
that on the first run /tmp/defaults has mode 0644.

[root@puppet manifests]# puppet apply -v resource_defaults.pp 
info: Loading facts in facter_dot_d
info: Loading facts in facter_dot_d
info: Applying configuration version '1323209170'
notice: /Stage[main]//File[/tmp/defaults]/ensure: created
notice: /Stage[main]//File[/tmp/defaults/hello]/ensure: defined content as 
notice: /Stage[main]//File[/tmp/defaults/goodbye]/ensure: defined content as 
notice: Finished catalog run in 0.06 seconds

[root@puppet manifests]# puppet apply -v resource_defaults.pp 
info: Loading facts in facter_dot_d
info: Loading facts in facter_dot_d
info: Applying configuration version '1323209175'
notice: /Stage[main]//File[/tmp/defaults]/mode: mode changed '644' to '755'

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[Puppet] 'Downloading Puppet' wiki page has been updated

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

The 'Downloading Puppet' wiki page has been updated by Matthaus Litteken.

Downloading Puppet:
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[Puppet - Bug #11968] Errors from Exec resources when source param of a File resource is a softlink

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11968 has been updated by Stefan Schulte.

Hi Steve,

can you please paste your exec resource `Exec['etc-services-nrpe]`? And does 
`etc/puppet/dev/modules/nrpe/manifests/init.pp:92` reference to your file or to 
your exec resource?

Bug #11968: Errors from Exec resources when source param of a File resource is 
a softlink

Author: Steve Shipway
Status: Unreviewed
Priority: Normal
Category: file
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 2.7.6

If the location pointed to by source= in a file{} resource is a softlink, and 
you do not have links=follow, then you get some wierd errors relating to 
getcwd appearing.  This is understandable but it should probably give a more 
helpful error message.

I have reliably duplicated this with 

file { /usr/local/nrpe:
ensure=present, replace=yes, recurse=true, recurselimit=2,
backup=false, force=true,
owner=root, group=root, mode=0755,

If the puppet: link points to a softlink you get all the Exec errors about 
getcwd.  Replacing with a real directory, or using links=follow, and all is OK.

err: /Stage[main]/Nrpe/File[/usr/local/nrpe]/ensure: change from directory 
to link failed: Could not set 'link on ensure:
No such file or directory - getcwd at 
err: /Stage[main]/Nrpe/Exec[etc-services-nrpe]: Could not evaluate: No such 
file or directory - getcwd

All the additional errors are with Exec resources.

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[Facter] 'Wiki' wiki page has been updated

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

The 'Wiki' wiki page has been updated by Matthaus Litteken.

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[Puppet - Bug #10962] (Merged - Pending Release) The pw user provider on FreeBSD doesn't respect managehome when changing a user's a home directory

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #10962 has been updated by Patrick Carlisle.

Status changed from In Topic Branch Pending Review to Merged - Pending Release
Target version set to 2.7.10

Merged in 

Bug #10962: The pw user provider on FreeBSD doesn't respect managehome when 
changing a user's a home directory

Author: Tim Bishop
Status: Merged - Pending Release
Priority: Normal
Category: FreeBSD
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 2.7.6
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/210

*Please note the pull request referenced on this issue includes more than just 
this change*

When a user's home directory is changed using the pw user provider the executed 
command is:

pw usermod [name] -d [home]

If managehome is set to true the `-m` flag should also be given. This happens 
correctly at create time but not if the home directory is changed on an 
existing resource.

As an aside, the behaviour of `-m` on an existing user is to create the new 
home directory, assuming it doesn't already exist, in the same way it would 
when creating a new user.

I've produced a fix for this issue (on a branch with a bunch of other related 
FreeBSD pw improvements):


With this fix applied the command executed would be:

pw usermod [name] -d [home] -m

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[Puppet - Bug #7500] (Merged - Pending Release) Don't let pw provider use -p

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #7500 has been updated by Patrick Carlisle.

Status changed from In Topic Branch Pending Review to Merged - Pending Release
Target version set to 2.7.10

Merged in 

Bug #7500: Don't let pw provider use -p

Author: Douglas Rand
Status: Merged - Pending Release
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Douglas Rand
Category: FreeBSD
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 2.6.7
Keywords: freebsd pw password

The -p option to pw is documented as:

-p date   Set the account's password expiration date.  This field is
  similar to the account expiration date option, except that
  it applies to forced password changes.  This is set in the
  same manner as the -e option.

But provider/user/pw.rb takes the first character of each property as
the option to pw (through provider/nameservice/objectadd.rb I think).

The problem is that that sets the password as expiring now().

Here is a patch to ignore the password property, which is already
handled via cryptpw in pw.rb:

--- pw.rb-orig  2011-05-12 16:47:24.0 -0500
+++ pw.rb   2011-05-12 16:47:16.0 -0500
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
   def addcmd
 cmd = [command(:pw), useradd, @resource[:name]]
 @resource.class.validproperties.each do |property|
-  next if property == :ensure
+  next if property == :ensure or property == :password
   # the value needs to be quoted, mostly because -c might
   # have spaces in it
   if value = @resource.should(property) and value != 

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[Puppet - Feature #11318] (Merged - Pending Release) [Patch] Add the manages_passwords feature for users on FreeBSD

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11318 has been updated by Patrick Carlisle.

Status changed from In Topic Branch Pending Review to Merged - Pending Release
Target version set to 2.7.10

Merged in 

Feature #11318: [Patch] Add the manages_passwords feature for users on FreeBSD

Author: Brad Davis
Status: Merged - Pending Release
Priority: Normal
Category: FreeBSD
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 
Keywords: FreeBSD pw manages_passwords user
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/264


A friend of mine wrote up a patch to implement manages_passwords on FreeBSD.

The Pull request is here:

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[Puppet - Bug #11845] exec's as non-root user execute with a mixed environment

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11845 has been updated by Daniel Pittman.

Description updated

Bug #11845: exec's as non-root user execute with a mixed environment

Author: Chris MacLeod
Status: Investigating
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Daniel Pittman
Category: exec
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 2.7.9

Given the following exec type you would expect it to run as the defined user 
with a correctly set environment (or at least a sanitized one).

exec { 'test-cmd':
  command = 'env',
  path = [ '/bin', '/usr/bin', '/usr/local/bin' ],
  logoutput = 'true',
  user = 'testuser',

In reality what you get is:
debug: Exec[test-cmd](provider=posix): Executing '/bin/env'
debug: Executing '/bin/env'
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: HOSTNAME=vm02.X.com
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: TERM=screen
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: SHELL=/bin/bash
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: HISTSIZE=1000
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: SSH_CLIENT= 62498 22
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: SSH_TTY=/dev/pts/0
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: USER=root
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: 
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: 
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: COBBLER_SERVER=
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: MAIL=/var/spool/mail/root
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: 
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: PWD=/root
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: LANG=C
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: HISTCONTROL=ignoredups
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: SHLVL=1
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: HOME=/root
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: LOGNAME=root
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: CVS_RSH=ssh
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: SSH_CONNECTION=XX 62498 
X 22
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: LESSOPEN=|/usr/bin/lesspipe.sh %s
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: SCALA_HOME=/usr/local/scala
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: G_BROKEN_FILENAMES=1
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: _=/usr/bin/puppet
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: OLDPWD=/root
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: LANGUAGE=C
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: LC_MESSAGES=C
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: LC_ALL=C
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: executed successfully

Contrast this with the following exec

exec { 'test-cmd2':
  command = 'id',
  path = [ '/bin', '/usr/bin', '/usr/local/bin' ],
  logoutput = 'true',
  user = 'testuser',

The output looks as follows:
debug: Exec[test-cmd](provider=posix): Executing '/usr/bin/id'
debug: Executing '/usr/bin/id'
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: uid=500(testuser) 
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: executed successfully

What's additionally interesting is that the environment is a mix, you have all 
the groups of the root user in addition to the groups of the target user.

Some executions this doesn't bother, but others interpret the environment as 
root's environment rather than the user in question, which could have 
potentially harmful side effects when commands are intended to run as an 
unprivileged user.  

[Puppet - Bug #11968] Errors from Exec resources when source param of a File resource is a softlink

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11968 has been updated by Steve Shipway.

exec { etc-services-nrpe:
  command=echo 'nrpe5666/tcpnagios netsaint'  
  unless=/bin/egrep -i  '^nrpe' /etc/services 2/dev/null,
  user='root', timeout=4, cwd=/etc,
  path = /usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin

The path you mention, /etc/puppet/dev/modules/nrpe/manifests/init.pp is the 
file containing the exec resource (in the 'nrpe' class).  It would probably be 
more elegant to create a 'services' define to control the /etc/services file 
but we only need it for this one case...

Bug #11968: Errors from Exec resources when source param of a File resource is 
a softlink

Author: Steve Shipway
Status: Unreviewed
Priority: Normal
Category: file
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 2.7.6

If the location pointed to by source= in a file{} resource is a softlink, and 
you do not have links=follow, then you get some wierd errors relating to 
getcwd appearing.  This is understandable but it should probably give a more 
helpful error message.

I have reliably duplicated this with 

file { /usr/local/nrpe:
ensure=present, replace=yes, recurse=true, recurselimit=2,
backup=false, force=true,
owner=root, group=root, mode=0755,

If the puppet: link points to a softlink you get all the Exec errors about 
getcwd.  Replacing with a real directory, or using links=follow, and all is OK.

err: /Stage[main]/Nrpe/File[/usr/local/nrpe]/ensure: change from directory 
to link failed: Could not set 'link on ensure:
No such file or directory - getcwd at 
err: /Stage[main]/Nrpe/Exec[etc-services-nrpe]: Could not evaluate: No such 
file or directory - getcwd

All the additional errors are with Exec resources.

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[Puppet - Bug #11845] (Duplicate) exec's as non-root user execute with a mixed environment

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11845 has been updated by Daniel Pittman.

Status changed from Investigating to Duplicate

I found the duplicate, #5224, and have linked the two tickets together.

Bug #11845: exec's as non-root user execute with a mixed environment

Author: Chris MacLeod
Status: Duplicate
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Daniel Pittman
Category: exec
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 2.7.9

Given the following exec type you would expect it to run as the defined user 
with a correctly set environment (or at least a sanitized one).

exec { 'test-cmd':
  command = 'env',
  path = [ '/bin', '/usr/bin', '/usr/local/bin' ],
  logoutput = 'true',
  user = 'testuser',

In reality what you get is:
debug: Exec[test-cmd](provider=posix): Executing '/bin/env'
debug: Executing '/bin/env'
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: HOSTNAME=vm02.X.com
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: TERM=screen
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: SHELL=/bin/bash
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: HISTSIZE=1000
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: SSH_CLIENT= 62498 22
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: SSH_TTY=/dev/pts/0
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: USER=root
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: 
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: 
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: COBBLER_SERVER=
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: MAIL=/var/spool/mail/root
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: 
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: PWD=/root
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: LANG=C
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: HISTCONTROL=ignoredups
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: SHLVL=1
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: HOME=/root
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: LOGNAME=root
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: CVS_RSH=ssh
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: SSH_CONNECTION=XX 62498 
X 22
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: LESSOPEN=|/usr/bin/lesspipe.sh %s
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: SCALA_HOME=/usr/local/scala
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: G_BROKEN_FILENAMES=1
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: _=/usr/bin/puppet
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: OLDPWD=/root
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: LANGUAGE=C
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: LC_MESSAGES=C
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: LC_ALL=C
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: executed successfully

Contrast this with the following exec

exec { 'test-cmd2':
  command = 'id',
  path = [ '/bin', '/usr/bin', '/usr/local/bin' ],
  logoutput = 'true',
  user = 'testuser',

The output looks as follows:
debug: Exec[test-cmd](provider=posix): Executing '/usr/bin/id'
debug: Executing '/usr/bin/id'
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: uid=500(testuser) 
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[test-cmd]/returns: executed successfully

What's additionally interesting is that the environment is a mix, you have all 
the groups of the root user in addition to the groups of the target user.

Some executions this doesn't bother, but others interpret the environment as 
root's environment rather than the user in question, which could have 

[Puppet - Bug #11968] Errors from Exec resources when source param of a File resource is a softlink

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11968 has been updated by Steve Shipway.

Sorry, to be more clear: both the file and exec resources above are in this 
same .pp file.  I can't remember if other exec resources were also affected by 
this bug but I think there were as I remember a rather large number of exec 
errors being produced.

Bug #11968: Errors from Exec resources when source param of a File resource is 
a softlink

Author: Steve Shipway
Status: Unreviewed
Priority: Normal
Category: file
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 2.7.6

If the location pointed to by source= in a file{} resource is a softlink, and 
you do not have links=follow, then you get some wierd errors relating to 
getcwd appearing.  This is understandable but it should probably give a more 
helpful error message.

I have reliably duplicated this with 

file { /usr/local/nrpe:
ensure=present, replace=yes, recurse=true, recurselimit=2,
backup=false, force=true,
owner=root, group=root, mode=0755,

If the puppet: link points to a softlink you get all the Exec errors about 
getcwd.  Replacing with a real directory, or using links=follow, and all is OK.

err: /Stage[main]/Nrpe/File[/usr/local/nrpe]/ensure: change from directory 
to link failed: Could not set 'link on ensure:
No such file or directory - getcwd at 
err: /Stage[main]/Nrpe/Exec[etc-services-nrpe]: Could not evaluate: No such 
file or directory - getcwd

All the additional errors are with Exec resources.

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[Puppet - Bug #5224] puppetd does not set environment correctly from Exec

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #5224 has been updated by Chris Price.

Assignee changed from Daniel Pittman to Chris Price

Bug #5224: puppetd does not set environment correctly from Exec

Author: Simon Mudd
Status: Accepted
Priority: High
Assignee: Chris Price
Category: exec
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.25.5
Keywords: exec,crontab,service,environment,HOME

It's possible to run a script using Exec. This can sometimes cause confusion if 
the environment is not set correctly. It's not terribly clear to me exactly 
what environment the user should expect when running Exec. This should be 
better documented if nothing else.

In any case I see on a box we use to run puppet:

# ps auwx | grep puppetd
root 25736  0.1  0.1 173072 78728 ?Ssl  04:02   0:52 
/usr/bin/ruby /usr/sbin/puppetd --logdest=/var/log/puppet/puppetd.log
root 30268  0.0  0.0  61148   756 pts/0S+   14:11   0:00 grep 
# strings /proc/25736/environ
HOME=/   started at boot and HOME here 
is _not_ root's HOME directory.

Now if I restart puppet using service(5) or directly with /etc/init.d/puppet 
restart I get different results:

### Using service(5)
# service puppet restart
Stopping puppet:   [  OK  ]
Starting puppet:   [  OK  ]
# ps auwx | grep puppetd
root 13089  1.8  0.0 128100 35264 ?Ssl  14:24   0:00 
/usr/bin/ruby /usr/sbin/puppetd --logdest=/var/log/puppet/puppetd.log
root 13158  0.0  0.0  61148   756 pts/0S+   14:25   0:00 grep 
[root@bc29bprdb-01 ~]# strings /proc/13089/environ
# cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS release 5.4 (Final)

### Using /etc/init.d/puppet
# /etc/init.d/puppet restart
Stopping puppet:   [  OK  ]
Starting puppet:   [  OK  ]
# ps auwx | grep puppetd
root 14328  3.0  0.0 128108 35272 ?Ssl  14:26   0:00 
/usr/bin/ruby /usr/sbin/puppetd --logdest=/var/log/puppet/puppetd.log
root 14808  0.0  0.0  61148   752 pts/0S+   14:26   0:00 grep 
[root@bc29bprdb-01 ~]# strings /proc/14328/environ
SSH_CLIENT= 38508 22

LESSOPEN=|/usr/bin/lesspipe.sh %s

This box runs CentOS Linux and root's home directory is /root.
The end result is that the environment may vary quite considerably depending on 
the precise puppetd innovation.

Looking at the service man page in Linux (RH's is a bit vague) or better still 
FreeBSD's which does the same you see it says:

When used to run rc.d scripts the service command sets HOME to / and PATH
to /sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin which is how they are set in /etc/rc at
boot time.

This makes sense as during startup the only filesystem and directory you can be 
sure to exist is /.

I'd suggest that the environment is set prior to using Exec as follows being 
compatible with crontab(5):

Several environment variables are set up automatically by the cron(8)
 daemon.  SHELL is set to /bin/sh, PATH is set to /usr/bin:/bin, and
 LOGNAME and HOME are set from the /etc/passwd line of the crontab's
 owner.  HOME, PATH and SHELL may be overridden by settings in the
 crontab; LOGNAME may not.

 (Another note: the LOGNAME variable is sometimes called USER on BSD sys-
 tems...  On these systems, USER will be set also).

This behaviour seems standard in Linux and the various BSD flavours. That is 
while you can't expect many environment variables to be set when running Exec 
you do expect $HOME to be set, $SHELL 

[Puppet - Bug #11860] Puppet ovewriting the LANG environment variable.

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11860 has been updated by Chris Price.

Assignee set to Chris Price

Bug #11860: Puppet ovewriting the LANG environment variable.

Author: Marek Marek
Status: Accepted
Priority: Urgent
Assignee: Chris Price
Category: exec
Target version: Telly
Affected Puppet version: 2.7.0

As far as I can see puppet is changing system's LANG environment variable - 
this causes unexpected bahaviour of applications that use this setting (as LANG 
is different when you run /etc/init.d/foo stop/start/restart, and different 
when service is restarted by puppet!). 

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[Puppet - Bug #11499] (Merged - Pending Release) validation code for puppet resource host does not properly check if ip is valid

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11499 has been updated by Jeff McCune.

Status changed from In Topic Branch Pending Review to Merged - Pending Release
Target version set to 2.7.10

# Merged into 2.7.x #

Merged into 2.7.x as 

From pull request: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/296

Bug #11499: validation code for puppet resource host does not properly check if 
ip is valid

Author: Garrett Honeycutt
Status: Merged - Pending Release
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Daniel Pittman
Category: host
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 2.7.6
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/296

It appears that we only check that the digits are [0-9] and period, while we 
should be doing an actual IP check

Attempting to use a letter. Fails as expected.
[root@puppet ~]# puppet resource host junk.tld ip=1.2.3.a ensure=present
Could not run: Parameter ip failed: Invalid IP address

Attempting to use a bad IP, which works and should not.
[root@puppet ~]# puppet resource host junk.tld ip= ensure=present
notice: /Host[junk.tld]/ensure: created
host { 'junk.tld':
  ensure = 'present',
  ip = '',
  target = '/etc/hosts',

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[Puppet] 'Internal Development Process' wiki page has been updated

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

The 'Internal Development Process' wiki page has been updated by Daniel Pittman.

Internal Development Process:
View differences:

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[Puppet] 'Engineering done done' wiki page has been updated

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

The 'Engineering done done' wiki page has been updated by Jeff McCune.
Added hint to Jenkins and some post-push sanity checks.

Engineering done done:
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[Puppet] 'Downloading Puppet' wiki page has been updated

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

The 'Downloading Puppet' wiki page has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Downloading Puppet:
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[Puppet - Bug #11057] (Merged - Pending Release) Better debugging output when skipping an agent/master run.

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11057 has been updated by Jeff McCune.

Status changed from In Topic Branch Pending Review to Merged - Pending Release
Target version changed from 2.7.x to 2.7.10

# Merged into 2.7.x #

Merged into 2.7.x as 

Build wasn't broken, tests added, ticket updated.

Bug #11057: Better debugging output when skipping an agent/master run.

Author: Daniel Pittman
Status: Merged - Pending Release
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Daniel Pittman
Category: agent
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/235

At the moment we will skip a run if the agent is waiting on a restart because 
of an external signal, etc.  This is necessary because we have an inescapable 
race around signal handling in that regard.

Unfortunately, it was very opaque: there was no information about *why* the 
restart was skipped.  This becomes more important when something else goes 
wrong and the only diagnostics we have are that we are skipping the scheduled 

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[Puppet - Bug #11888] Oracle keeps renaming their Linux version

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11888 has been updated by Daniel Pittman.

Target version changed from 2.7.10 to Telly

This is remerged, targetted to telly, because raising the minimum version of 
Facter required in a stable series is not permitted.

Bug #11888: Oracle keeps renaming their Linux version

Author: James Turnbull
Status: In Topic Branch Pending Review
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Daniel Pittman
Category: provider
Target version: Telly
Affected Puppet version: 
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/326

Everywhere in providers we cite OEL/OVM we also need to cite OracleLinux.

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[Puppet] 'Engineering done done' wiki page has been updated

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

The 'Engineering done done' wiki page has been updated by Jeff McCune.
Replaced old ticket status name with current ticket status name for merged 
pending release.

Engineering done done:
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[Puppet] 'Release Notes' wiki page has been updated

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

The 'Release Notes' wiki page has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Release Notes:
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[Puppet - Bug #11057] Better debugging output when skipping an agent/master run.

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11057 has been updated by Jeff McCune.

Target version changed from 2.7.10 to 2.7.11

# Targeting 2.7.11 #

Missed the 2.7.10rc1 by a few minutes so I'm re-targeting this at 2.7.11.

Bug #11057: Better debugging output when skipping an agent/master run.

Author: Daniel Pittman
Status: Merged - Pending Release
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Daniel Pittman
Category: agent
Target version: 2.7.11
Affected Puppet version: 
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/235

At the moment we will skip a run if the agent is waiting on a restart because 
of an external signal, etc.  This is necessary because we have an inescapable 
race around signal handling in that regard.

Unfortunately, it was very opaque: there was no information about *why* the 
restart was skipped.  This becomes more important when something else goes 
wrong and the only diagnostics we have are that we are skipping the scheduled 

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[Puppet - Bug #10066] puppet agent --fingerprint should not daemonize

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #10066 has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Target version changed from 2.7.x to 2.7.10

Released in 2.7.10rc1

Bug #10066: puppet agent --fingerprint should not daemonize

Author: Hunter Haugen
Status: Merged - Pending Release
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Brice Figureau
Category: agent
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 2.6.0
Keywords: agent, fingerprint
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/215

It seems from the docs that `puppet agent --fingerprint` is to print out the 
fingerprint, but this is really only useful via `--fingerprint --no-daemonize` 
as the agent will fork into the background before printing.

If we want it to fork, it should mention that in the docs.

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[Puppet - Bug #10109] (Closed) Composite keys cause Invalid parameter false error

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #10109 has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed

released as part 2.7.10rc1

Bug #10109: Composite keys cause Invalid parameter false error

Author: Brandon Turner
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Brandon Turner
Category: agent
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 2.7.4

When using a type with more than one name var (composite keys), the agent 
outputs an error:

err: Could not create resource file /var/lib/puppet/state/resources.txt: 
Invalid parameter false(false) at filename:line

This first appeared in version 2.7.4, most likely in commit:7a39ca72e64.  When 
multiple key attributes exist, `resource.name_var` is false.  The new 
`write_resource_file` method attempts to call `Puppet::Type#[]` with `false` 
which causes the Invalid parameter error.

The new resource list file should support types with composite keys.

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[Puppet - Bug #10321] (Closed) Schedule type range parameter array support isn't working

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #10321 has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed

Released 2.7.10rc1 

Bug #10321: Schedule type range parameter array support isn't working

Author: Sean Millichamp
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Sean Millichamp
Category: schedule
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 2.7.6
Keywords: schedule range

There is a test that is supposed to make sure that you can pass an array to the 
'range' parameter in the schedule type.  Due to the bug in Issue #10296 this 
has been reporting as passing even though it does not work.  The first member 
of the array is processed and the remainder are never evaluated.

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[Puppet - Bug #10586] (Closed) Windows puppet cannot source files remotely if owner and group are not specified

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #10586 has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed
Target version changed from 2.7.x to 2.7.10

released in 2.7.10rc1

Bug #10586: Windows puppet cannot source files remotely if owner and group are 
not specified

Author: Steve Shipway
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Josh Cooper
Category: windows
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 2.7.6
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/280

If you have a file resource pulling content from a puppet: URL, windows file 
provider gives error Cannot convert Fixnum into string.  The content is set 
correctly, but the permissions are not.

C:\emspuppet agent -t --environment=dev
info: Caching catalog for emscmdprd01
info: Applying configuration version '1320628565'
/Stage[main]//Node[emscmdprddrsdd]/File[C:/ems/certs/id_rsa.key]/ensure: ch
ange from absent to file failed: Could not set 'file on ensure: can't 
convert Fi
xnum into String at /etc/puppet/dev/manifests/nodes/systems/esg/ems.pp:160
defined content as '{md5}bcfdf561fb19f6a296f162d35cc0f9a6'
notice: Finished catalog run in 55.56 seconds
C:\emspuppet --version

Manifest shows:

node /^emscmd(prd|drs)\d\d$/ {
$mycerts = 'C:/ems/certs'
# This works
file { $mycerts/readme.txt: ensure='file', mode='666',
group=undef, owner='Administrators',
content=Certificates Managed by Puppet;
# This does not
file { $mycerts/id_rsa.key: ensure='file', mode='666',
group=undef, owner='Administrators',

I believe this might be connected with the Windows puppet agent attepting to 
set group ownership based on the file metadata (IE its group ownership under 
unix) and failing to make the conversion, but in any case this should give a 
meaningful message or default.  We also need clearer documentation as to 
exactly what 'mode' means in the ACL world of Windows...

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[Puppet - Bug #10676] (Closed) last run summary is an inconsistent data structure

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #10676 has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed

released in 2.7.10rc1

Bug #10676: last run summary is an inconsistent data structure

Author: Nigel Kersten
Status: Closed
Priority: High
Category: reports
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 
Branch: https://github.com/masterzen/puppet/tree/tickets/2.7.x/10676

  * If a run has a failed resource such that all the subsequent events don't 
fire, we don't write out 'events 0', we simply don't put in the events key.

RI's real world use of this file led him to need to create a hash with the 
following data and merge it in. We should be consistent so this isn't needed.

  * failed
  * changed
  * total
  * restarted
  * out of sync

We should just do something similar but with absolutely every top level item. 
Start with the base data structure, and merge into it, rather than building it 
up as it sounds like we're doing.

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[Puppet - Bug #10807] (Closed) SMF provider should use svcadm with -s option

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #10807 has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed

released in 2.7.10rc1

Bug #10807: SMF provider should use svcadm with -s option

Author: Dominic Cleal
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Category: Solaris
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 2.6.9
Keywords: smf solaris service
Branch: https://github.com/domcleal/puppet/tree/tickets/2.7.x/10807

The SMF provider currently runs `svcadm enable svcname` to start up services, 
but the startup can later fail as it happens in the background.

Examples include:
* Dependencies aren't met, service goes to offline state
* Method fails to run

Instead the provider should run `svcadm enable -s svcname` which will wait for 
the service to start or exit with a non-zero exit code on failure.  To quote 
the man page:

citeIf the -s option is specified, svcadm enables each  service  instance  
and then waits for each service instance to enter the  online  or  degraded  
state.  svcadm  will return  early  if  it determines that the service cannot 
reach these states without administrator intervention./cite

There's a possible issue (regression?) that when multiple services are started 
with Puppet now, the dependencies don't have to be explicitly listed.  Services 
started in the wrong order will transition to offline until the dependencies 
are started.  It seems acceptable to me to change this, as unspecified 
dependencies shouldn't be relied upon in Puppet.

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[Puppet - Feature #10940] (Closed) puppet apply --apply catalog should be deprecated in favor of puppet apply --catalog catalog

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #10940 has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed
Target version changed from 2.7.x to 2.7.10

released in 2.7.10rc1

Feature #10940: puppet apply --apply catalog should be deprecated in favor of 
puppet apply --catalog catalog

Author: Kelsey Hightower
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Kelsey Hightower
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 
Keywords: empathy
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/231

The current `puppet apply --apply` interface is a bit confusing; we are using 
the verb apply as the flag name to reference a catalog, which is a noun. I 
propose we deprecate the `--apply` flag in favor of `--catalog` by creating an 
alias mapping `--catalog` to `--apply`.

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[Puppet - Bug #10962] (Closed) The pw user provider on FreeBSD doesn't respect managehome when changing a user's a home directory

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #10962 has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed

released in 2.7.10rc1

Bug #10962: The pw user provider on FreeBSD doesn't respect managehome when 
changing a user's a home directory

Author: Tim Bishop
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Category: FreeBSD
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 2.7.6
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/210

*Please note the pull request referenced on this issue includes more than just 
this change*

When a user's home directory is changed using the pw user provider the executed 
command is:

pw usermod [name] -d [home]

If managehome is set to true the `-m` flag should also be given. This happens 
correctly at create time but not if the home directory is changed on an 
existing resource.

As an aside, the behaviour of `-m` on an existing user is to create the new 
home directory, assuming it doesn't already exist, in the same way it would 
when creating a new user.

I've produced a fix for this issue (on a branch with a bunch of other related 
FreeBSD pw improvements):


With this fix applied the command executed would be:

pw usermod [name] -d [home] -m

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[Puppet - Feature #11046] (Closed) Improve user and group pw providers on FreeBSD

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11046 has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed

released in 2.7.10rc1

Feature #11046: Improve user and group pw providers on FreeBSD

Author: Tim Bishop
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Category: FreeBSD
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 2.7.6
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/210

This issue incorporates the fixes in #7500 and #10962.

I've improved the pw user and group providers on FreeBSD. Here's a summary of 
the changes:

The user provider now supports managing passwords and user expiry. A bug which 
caused a changed home directory not to be created when managehome is enabled 
has been fixed.

The group provider now supports managing group members. I've also re-added the 
allowdupe feature which works on FreeBSD 7, 8 and 9.

I've also added tests for both the user and group providers.

All of the changes to the group provider are mine and so are all the tests. The 
changes to the user provider have been partially taken from elsewhere, but the 
other changes are mine - see the commits for details.

Some of these changes are already included in the FreeBSD port.

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[Puppet - Bug #11198] (Closed) Modules generated by PMT should have a default license

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11198 has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed
Target version changed from 2.7.x to 2.7.10

released at 2.7.10rc1

Bug #11198: Modules generated by PMT should have a default license

Author: Kelsey Hightower
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Kelsey Hightower
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 

During a recent code review it was highlight that modules generated by PMT have 
a default license of UNKNOWN. This feels more like a business decision and 
requires further discussion before any changes are made to the code.

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[Puppet - Feature #7788] Puppet should allow rubygems to deliver new functionality

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #7788 has been updated by Daniel Pittman.

R.I. Pienaar wrote:
 I think it still has value, unless you also let us control what gets 
 pluginsynced to what places.  With gems if we wanted some plugin on a subset 
 of machines we just install it on those machines.  With pluginsync thats not 

How do environments fail to meet your needs here?

Feature #7788: Puppet should allow rubygems to deliver new functionality

Author: R.I. Pienaar
Status: Needs Decision
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Nigel Kersten
Category: plug-ins
Target version: 2.7.x
Affected Puppet version: 
Branch: ripienaar/feature/master/7788

It would be desirable to use Rubygems to install things like parser functions. 

There might be cases where you only want a function on the master, pluginsync 
would copy it everywhere and everywhere might not have the dependencies needed 
to run it.

If the autoloader considered the rubygem search path while autoloading this 
should allow gems to extend puppet.

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[Puppet - Bug #11246] (Closed) Puppet should work with UTF-8 encoded ERB templates

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11246 has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed
Target version changed from 2.7.9 to 2.7.10

released in 2.7.10rc1 

Bug #11246: Puppet should work with UTF-8 encoded ERB templates

Author: Jeff McCune
Status: Closed
Priority: High
Category: ruby19
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 2.7.6
Keywords: support535 support utf unicode encoding internationalization template 
zaml yaml report
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/250

# Overview #

A support customer reported this issue with Puppet 2.7.6 and Ruby 1.9.2-p290.  
When using an ERB template with the template() function Puppet throws an 
exception.  Reproducing this error I've determined the issue comes from writing 
out the YAML report.

# Steps to reproduce #

Using this simple class in a module the error is triggered when producing the 
serialized report:

# Class: support535::utf8template
#   This class uses the template() function with a UTF-8 encoded ERB file.  The
#   manifest itself does not actually contain UTF8 encoded strings.
# Parameters:
# Actions:
# Requires:
# Sample Usage:
class support535::utf8template {
  notify { utf8template:
message = template(support535/snowman.erb),

This is a simple text file with a snowman.
The snowman is here: (☃) EOL

# Actual Behavior #

With reporting turned on:

% puppet apply -v --debug --trace -e 'include support535::utf8template'
info: Loading facts in facter_dot_d
info: Loading facts in root_home
debug: importing '/vagrant/modules/support535/manifests/init.pp' in environment 
debug: importing '/vagrant/modules/support535/manifests/utf8template.pp' in 
environment production
debug: Automatically imported support535::utf8template from 
support535/utf8template into production
debug: Scope(Class[Support535::Utf8template]): Retrieving template 
debug: template[/vagrant/modules/support535/templates/snowman.erb]: Bound 
template variables for /vagrant/modules/support535/templates/snowman.erb in 
0.00 seconds
debug: template[/vagrant/modules/support535/templates/snowman.erb]: 
Interpolated template /vagrant/modules/support535/templates/snowman.erb in 0.00 
debug: Creating default schedules
debug: Failed to load library 'selinux' for feature 'selinux'
debug: Failed to load library 'shadow' for feature 'libshadow'
debug: Failed to load library 'ldap' for feature 'ldap'
debug: /File[/Users/jeff/.puppet/var]: Autorequiring File[/Users/jeff/.puppet]
debug: /File[/Users/jeff/.puppet/var/log]: Autorequiring 
debug: /File[/Users/jeff/.puppet/var/state]: Autorequiring 
debug: /File[/Users/jeff/.puppet/var/run]: Autorequiring 
debug: /File[/Users/jeff/.puppet/var/lib]: Autorequiring 
debug: /File[/Users/jeff/.puppet/var/ssl/certs]: Autorequiring 
debug: /File[/Users/jeff/.puppet/var/ssl]: Autorequiring 
debug: /File[/Users/jeff/.puppet/var/ssl/public_keys]: Autorequiring 
debug: /File[/Users/jeff/.puppet/var/ssl/certificate_requests]: Autorequiring 
debug: /File[/Users/jeff/.puppet/var/ssl/private_keys]: Autorequiring 
debug: /File[/Users/jeff/.puppet/var/ssl/private]: Autorequiring 
debug: /File[/Users/jeff/.puppet/var/ssl/certs/ca.pem]: Autorequiring 
debug: /File[/Users/jeff/.puppet/var/ssl/crl.pem]: Autorequiring 
debug: /File[/Users/jeff/.puppet/var/state/state.yaml]: Autorequiring 
debug: /File[/Users/jeff/.puppet/var/client_yaml]: Autorequiring 
debug: /File[/Users/jeff/.puppet/var/client_data]: Autorequiring 
debug: /File[/Users/jeff/.puppet/var/clientbucket]: Autorequiring 
debug: /File[/Users/jeff/.puppet/var/state/last_run_summary.yaml]: 
Autorequiring File[/Users/jeff/.puppet/var/state]
debug: /File[/Users/jeff/.puppet/var/state/last_run_report.yaml]: Autorequiring 
debug: /File[/Users/jeff/.puppet/var/state/graphs]: Autorequiring 
debug: /File[/Users/jeff/.puppet/var/facts]: Autorequiring 
debug: Finishing transaction 70320110466340
debug: Loaded state in 0.00 seconds
debug: Loaded state in 0.00 seconds
info: Applying configuration version '1323223267'
debug: /Schedule[daily]: Skipping device resources because running on a host
debug: /Schedule[monthly]: 

[Puppet - Feature #11990] PuppetDoc should use also README.rdoc files

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11990 has been updated by Daniel Pittman.

Description updated

Brice Figureau wrote:
 Alessandro Franceschi wrote:
  I attach the patch in a more readable format... sorry for the mess
 I will produce a better patch (ie with spec coverage) soon.

Awesome.  We are also going to need a CLA signed by Alessandro, and ideally the 
code as a pull request.  Alessandro, can you sign the CLA?

Feature #11990: PuppetDoc should use also README.rdoc files

Author: Alessandro Franceschi
Status: Unreviewed
Priority: Normal
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 
Keywords: puppetdoc

This is a feature request for which there's already a solution.
Hope you will review and eventually accept it.

PuppetDoc uses the file README in a module to generate the main page of a 
module's documentation.
If this file is in rdoc format it renders it nicely.
At the same time many modules are published on GitHub, where README files are 
rendered as rdoc if they are named README.rdoc

The request is to make puppetdoc renders files called README.rdoc ad module 
documentation if they are found on the module, otherwise it falls back to the 
standard README.

I already asked Brice an help about this and he replied, in very few minutes 
with this:

Here is a patch that should quite do what you need:

diff --git a/lib/puppet/util/rdoc/parser.rb b/lib/puppet/util/rdoc/parser.rb
index a8996ee..5fa3246 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/util/rdoc/parser.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/util/rdoc/parser.rb
@@ -129,8 +129,10 @@ class Parser
  def scan_top_level(container)
# use the module README as documentation for the module
comment = 
-readme = File.join(File.dirname(File.dirname(@input_file_name)), README)
-comment = File.open(readme,r) { |f| f.read } if 
+%w{README README.rdoc}.each do |rfile|
+  readme = File.join(File.dirname(File.dirname(@input_file_name)), rfile)
+  comment = File.open(readme,r) { |f| f.read } if 
look_for_directives_in(container, comment) unless comment.empty?

# infer module name from directory

It is fully untested :)
It should prefer a README.rdoc over a README if both are present.

I've tested this patch on Puppet 2.7.9 and it seems to work as expected:
- modules with a README are rendered well
- modules with a README.rdoc are rendered well
- modules with both render README.rdoc

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[Puppet - Refactor #11996] (Closed) Spec test failures in 1.8.7p357 due to hash ordering changes...

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11996 has been updated by Daniel Pittman.

Status changed from In Topic Branch Pending Review to Closed

Reviewed and merged by Josh, and then shipped in 2.7.10.

Refactor #11996: Spec test failures in 1.8.7p357 due to hash ordering changes...

Author: Daniel Pittman
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Category: Doh!
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 2.7.0

Now the hash order changes when Ruby is run, some tests are failing because 
they look to be dependent on the order in which the hash is processed.  
Typically is this:

  1) Puppet::Parser::AST::ASTHash should return a valid string with to_s
 Failure/Error: hash.to_s.should == '{a = b, c = d}'
 expected: {a = b, c = d}
 got: {c = d, a = b} (using ==)
 # ./spec/unit/parser/ast/asthash_spec.rb:95

  2) Puppet::Property::KeyValue as an instance should return the passed in 
array values joined with the delimiter from is_to_s
 Failure/Error: @property.is_to_s({foo = baz , bar = boo}).should 
== foo=baz;bar=boo
 expected: foo=baz;bar=boo
 got: bar=boo;foo=baz (using ==)
 # ./spec/unit/property/keyvalue_spec.rb:39

Note the output reverses the previous order, and is still likely correct, just 
disordered?  Also, kind of random because the hash seed is random, I believe, 
in this patch.

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[Puppet - Bug #11291] (Closed) Configuration reference for show_diff is incorrect as of 845825a

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11291 has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed
Affected Puppet version deleted (2.7.8rc2)

released in 2.7.10rc1

Bug #11291: Configuration reference for show_diff is incorrect as of 845825a

Author: Nick Fagerlund
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Nick Fagerlund
Target version: 2.7.8
Affected Puppet version: 

Issue #2744 changed our behavior when show_diff is set, but the description of 
this option in defaults.rb never got updated. 

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[Puppet - Bug #11291] Configuration reference for show_diff is incorrect as of 845825a

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11291 has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Target version changed from 2.7.8 to 2.7.10

Bug #11291: Configuration reference for show_diff is incorrect as of 845825a

Author: Nick Fagerlund
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Nick Fagerlund
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 

Issue #2744 changed our behavior when show_diff is set, but the description of 
this option in defaults.rb never got updated. 

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[Puppet - Bug #11293] (Closed) Password parameter for the User resource is broke in OS X version 10.7

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11293 has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed

released in 2.7.10rc1

Bug #11293: Password parameter for the User resource is broke in OS X version 

Author: Gary Larizza
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Gary Larizza
Category: OSX
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 2.7.9
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/308

As of 10.7, OS X uses a SHA512 hash for their passwords.  In the past, they 
used SHA1 hashes, which are supported with the user resource.  As it stands 
right now, the password parameter is broken.  Doing a sudo puppet resource user 
username results in the following:

users root $ sudo puppet resource user demouser
user { 'demouser':
  ensure  = 'present',
  comment = 'Demo User',
  gid = '20',
  home= '/Users/demouser',
  shell   = '/bin/bash',
  uid = '504',

Accessing the hash in 10.7 requires the following steps:

* Grabbing the user's plist file in 
* Converting it to XML (since it's a binary plist)

plutil -convert xml1 username.plist
* Inspecting the XML file, getting the data string from the ShadowHashData key, 
and base64-decoding it

echo Data from ShadowHashData Key | base64 -d  ShadowHashData
* The file we created in the previous step is ACTUALLY A BINARY PLIST that 
needs to be converted to XML

plutil -convert xml1 ShadowHashData
* In that XML file, there's a key named SALTED-SHA512. Grab the data string 
from that key and base64-decode it

echo Data from SALTED-SHA512 Key | base64 -d  hashfile
* Finally, reveal the hash using the xxd tool (which I presume takes hex and 
converts to a string? Or vice versa?) and cutting the first portion (which 
should be the salt)

xxd -p -c 256 hashfile | cut -c 9-

Because the password was stored as SHA1 in versions 10.4 - 10.6 and SHA512 in 
10.7, there doesn't seem to be a way that we can have a universal password 
attribute for the user resource (unless we store the password in plaintext, 
which is not ideal).

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[Puppet - Feature #11318] (Closed) [Patch] Add the manages_passwords feature for users on FreeBSD

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11318 has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed

released in 2.7.10rc1

Feature #11318: [Patch] Add the manages_passwords feature for users on FreeBSD

Author: Brad Davis
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Category: FreeBSD
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 
Keywords: FreeBSD pw manages_passwords user
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/264


A friend of mine wrote up a patch to implement manages_passwords on FreeBSD.

The Pull request is here:

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[Puppet - Bug #11333] (Closed) Incorrect Puppet::Type.ensurable? behaviour

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11333 has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed

released in 2.7.10rc1

Bug #11333: Incorrect Puppet::Type.ensurable? behaviour

Author: Ilya Sher
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Daniel Pittman
Category: plumbing
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 2.7.6
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/270

`Puppet::Type.ensurable?` incorrectly returns true even when
`public_method_defined?(:exists?)` is false because the check
never actually happens due to a bug. This fix handles this
and simplifies the code.

Attaching patch against commit 464a279c7425643188024ba7f98392b9057d6e35

Only tested in an isolated file, so it needs testing
(which I currently don't have the time to do.)

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[Puppet - Bug #11404] (Closed) Indentation gets borked when generating the @doc string for a type's :provider parameter

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11404 has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed
Target version changed from 2.7.x to 2.7.10

released in 2.7.10rc1

Bug #11404: Indentation gets borked when generating the @doc string for a 
type's :provider parameter

Author: Nick Fagerlund
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Nick Fagerlund
Category: documentation
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 2.7.8
Keywords: references, providers, types

Formatting tweaks to the type and provider desc strings for version 2.7.8 
revealed a longstanding bug in the way indentation is handled when assembling 
parameter doc fragments to create the `:provider` parameter's doc string. In 

* Using an indented code example in a provider's desc string will cause the 
type reference to blow up.
* The multi-paragraph unordered list element in which we wrap the list of 
providers should actually not work, but we've been getting by on luck until now.

In detail: 

Markdown uses hanging indents (canonically four spaces, but most 
implementations also allow alignment to the first text following a list marker) 
to delimit the content of multi-paragraph list items. The doc fragments 
scattered throughout our type and provider code use indents to preserve the 
structure of the files they're contained in. Thus, when assembling fragments 
into a document, we have to remove the purely cosmetic indents while preserving 
the semantic indents. This is done with the `scrub()` method in 

Unfortunately, we're assembling fragments into fragments when building the 
provider parameter's documentation, and we weren't handling indentation 
recursively. This meant we were assembling a string that: 

* Started with a block of eight-space indented text:

desc -EOT
  The specific backend to use for this 
  resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
  discover the appropriate provider for your platform.
* ...followed by a block of two-space indented text (which looked outdented 
compared to its parent):

def self.doc
  @doc +   Available providers are:\n\n + ...
* ...followed by a series of fragments, each of which started with a flush-left 
list item and continued with a block of text (pulled from a provider) with a 
completely unreliable and arbitrary indent, depending on how its surrounding 
code was indented. 

}.collect { |i|
  * **#{i}**: #{parenttype().provider(i).doc}

This USUALLY -- by coincidence alone -- came out to an amount of indent 
that our markdown processor would accept as a multi-paragraph list item. Note 
that these blocks still appeared outdented compared to the initial 
eight-space indent. 

Then, once the whole thing was assembled, it would be fed through `scrub`. 
Scrub actually leaves outdented text alone, it turns out! It determines the 
amount of space it should be trimming, attempts to trim that from each line, 
and leaves the line alone if it doesn't find that amount of space. This usually 
resulted in making the original intro text flush left, leaving the list bullets 
flush left, and leaving the per-provider text at the (totally coincidental) 
correct indentation necessary to stay within its list item element.

However, if you added an indented code example to a parameter's description, 
the space of the code indent plus the space of the arbitrary formatting indent 
would add up to eight or more spaces, which would cause `scrub` to attack and 
allow the code example to escape its enclosing list item element. Which in turn 
would cause everything BELOW the code example (indented somewhere kinda-sorta 
around four spaces, remember) to look like a really big code block.

This was being hidden before by anemic indentation for the parameters' 
description text -- the initial line of the code examples wasn't being 
outdented, although the attributes in the example resource were:

  service { myservice:
provider = daemontools,
path = /path/to/daemons,

...and so it wasn't escaping its list item. 

In conclusion, we need to strip cosmetic indents recursively when assembling 
fragments out of other fragments, and then specify the exact amount of semantic 
indent we want instead of just leaking the cosmetic indent into the final 
product and hoping it comes out right. 

We should also use definition lists for the lists of providers instead of 
unordered lists where each item begins with a bolded label, just because that's 
a better conceptual match for what these lists are.

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[Puppet - Bug #11408] (Closed) Windows fact and pluginsync are broken

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11408 has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed

released in 2.7.10rc1

Bug #11408: Windows fact and pluginsync are broken

Author: Mark Plaksin
Status: Closed
Priority: High
Assignee: Josh Cooper
Category: windows
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 2.7.6
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/281

[ Yikes, sorry for the terrible formatting!  Here's try #2 :) ]


I'm a *nix admin testing Puppet on Windows for the first time.  Everything
installed fine but I get Could not evaluate: can't convert Fixnum into
String when I run Puppet.

- Windows 2008
- Puppet 2.7.9 on client and server
- Facter 1.6.4

This looks similar to #10586 which is marked as a duplicate of #10614.  I
don't know enough to know whether my problem is really related or not.

I'm running Puppet like this:
C:\ProgramData\PuppetLabs\puppet\etcpuppet agent --verbose --server 
puppet.example.com -t --debug --trace --ignores --pluginsync

and I get this stack trace:

info: Retrieving plugin
debug: file_metadata supports formats: b64_zlib_yaml marshal pson raw yaml; 
using pson
debug: Using cached certificate for ca
debug: Using cached certificate for yar
debug: Using cached certificate_revocation_list for ca
C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/util/windows/security.rb:577:in `pack'
C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/type/file/owner.rb:13:in `insync?'
C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/type/file/owner.rb:12:in `map!'
C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/type/file/owner.rb:12:in `insync?'
C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/property.rb:162:in `safe_insync?'
C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/transaction.rb:49:in `apply'
C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/transaction.rb:84:in `eval_resource'
C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/transaction.rb:103:in `evaluate'
C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/util.rb:476:in `thinmark'
C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/1.8/benchmark.rb:308:in `realtime'
C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/util.rb:475:in `thinmark'
C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/transaction.rb:103:in `evaluate'
C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/transaction.rb:380:in `traverse'
C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/transaction.rb:99:in `evaluate'
C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/resource/catalog.rb:141:in `apply'
C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/1.8/timeout.rb:67:in `timeout'
C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/configurer.rb:77:in `prepare'
C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/configurer.rb:137:in `run'
C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/agent.rb:39:in `run'
C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/agent/locker.rb:21:in `lock'
C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/agent.rb:39:in `run'
C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/1.8/sync.rb:230:in `synchronize'
C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/agent.rb:39:in `run'
C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/agent.rb:103:in `with_client'
C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/agent.rb:37:in `run'
C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/application.rb:172:in `call'
C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/application.rb:172:in `controlled_run'
C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/agent.rb:35:in `run'
C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/application/agent.rb:336:in `onetime'
C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/application.rb:306:in `run'
C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/application.rb:410:in `hook'
C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/application.rb:306:in `run'
C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/application.rb:401:in `exit_on_fail'
C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/application.rb:306:in `run'
C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/util/command_line.rb:69:in `execute'
err: /File[C:/ProgramData/PuppetLabs/puppet/var/lib]: Could not evaluate: can't 
convert Fixnum into String

I have no idea whether this this is in the right ballpark or not but If I
add 'string = string.to_s' on line 577 of security.rb 

[Puppet - Bug #11414] (Closed) augeas provider version checks fails when version 0.9

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11414 has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed
Target version changed from 2.7.x to 2.7.10

released in 2.7.10rc1 

Bug #11414: augeas provider version checks fails when version 0.9

Author: Theo Cabrerizo Diem
Status: Closed
Priority: High
Assignee: Dominic Cleal
Category: augeas
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 0.24.8
Keywords: augeas
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/283

Just found that augeas resource isn't saving my changes, although reporting 
successful in my environment (libaugeas 0.10.0).

Looking into lib/puppet/provider/augeas/augeas.rb , I've found some occurrences 
of like :
if get_augeas_version = 0.3.6

Using irb shell :
irb 0.9.0 = 0.3.6
= true
irb 0.10.0 = 0.3.6
= false
irb require 'augeas'
= true
irb aug = Augeas::open('/').get('/augeas/version')
= 0.10.0

I'm not a ruby expert thus I cannot provide a patch, but I take that would be a 
better approach to compare versions using versioncmp from 
lib/puppet/util/package.rb ?

This bug makes augeas resource being unusable on environments that have 
upgraded augeas libraries to = 0.10.0 . Also it doesn't produce any errors but 
changes don't get applied.

Sample output (when using 0.10.0, it does not apply changes) :
# puppet apply -d -v -e 'augeas { abc: context = 
/files/etc/puppet/puppet.conf, force = true, changes = [set agent/server 
changeme,], }'
debug: Augeas[abc](provider=augeas): Opening augeas with root /, lens path 
, flags 0
debug: Augeas[abc](provider=augeas): Closed the augeas connection
debug: Augeas[abc](provider=augeas): Opening augeas with root /, lens path 
, flags 0
debug: Augeas[abc](provider=augeas): Closed the augeas connection
notice: /Stage[main]//Augeas[abc]/returns: executed successfully

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[Puppet - Bug #11423] (Closed) Misleading error message when you import duplicate resources from StoreConfigs

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11423 has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Status changed from In Topic Branch Pending Review to Closed
Target version set to 2.7.10

released in 2.7.10rc1

Bug #11423: Misleading error message when you import duplicate resources from 

Author: Daniel Pittman
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Category: stored configuration
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 2.7.0
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/277

The code in `collect_exported` in `lib/puppet/parser/collector.rb` has some 
poor logic: if you import two resources with the same type and title from two 
other machines, it will report that Exported resource foo cannot override 
*local* resource.

This is because it walks through all the resources it finds and checks if they 
duplicate something already known about.  If not, they get added to the 

If there is a duplicate, though, it assumes that is local, and issues a message 
as such.

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[Puppet - Bug #11499] (Closed) validation code for puppet resource host does not properly check if ip is valid

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11499 has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed

released in 2.7.10rc1

Bug #11499: validation code for puppet resource host does not properly check if 
ip is valid

Author: Garrett Honeycutt
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Daniel Pittman
Category: host
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 2.7.6
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/296

It appears that we only check that the digits are [0-9] and period, while we 
should be doing an actual IP check

Attempting to use a letter. Fails as expected.
[root@puppet ~]# puppet resource host junk.tld ip=1.2.3.a ensure=present
Could not run: Parameter ip failed: Invalid IP address

Attempting to use a bad IP, which works and should not.
[root@puppet ~]# puppet resource host junk.tld ip= ensure=present
notice: /Host[junk.tld]/ensure: created
host { 'junk.tld':
  ensure = 'present',
  ip = '',
  target = '/etc/hosts',

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[Puppet - Bug #11641] (Closed) After 2.7.9 update, Tidy resource can only tidy a single file per run

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11641 has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed

released in 2.7.10rc1

Bug #11641: After 2.7.9 update, Tidy resource can only tidy a single file per 

Author: Rob Terhaar
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Nick Lewis
Category: tidy
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 2.7.9

We use the Tidy resource to clean up old apt files from 
/var/cache/apt/archives, and after upgrading from 2.7.6 to 2.7.9, it is no 
longer able to tidy more than file per Puppet agent run. I now receive a 
warning that says appears to have a negative number of dependencies 

notice: /Stage[main]/Apt::Cleaner/Tidy[/var/cache/apt/archives]: Tidying 
notice: /Stage[main]/Apt::Cleaner/Tidy[/var/cache/apt/archives]: Tidying 
notice: /Stage[main]/Apt::Cleaner/Tidy[/var/cache/apt/archives]: Tidying 
info: Applying configuration version 'fabric-rterhaar-master-1325104418'
warning: /Stage[main]/Apt::Cleaner/Tidy[/var/cache/apt/archives]: appears to 
have a negative number of dependencies
warning: Class[Apt::Cleaner]: appears to have a negative number of dependencies

The Tidy resource code that generates this error is very simple:
  age = '1d',
  rmdirs  = false,
  recurse = true,
  matches = '*.deb',

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[Puppet - Bug #11714] (Closed) puppet --version returns Error: Unknown Puppet subcommand 'apply' on windows

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11714 has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed

released in 2.7.10rc1

Bug #11714: puppet --version returns Error: Unknown Puppet subcommand 'apply' 
on windows

Author: Jeff McCune
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Jeff McCune
Category: windows
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 2.7.9
Keywords: windows apply subcommand puppet
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/322

# Overview #

I'm getting this error with Puppet 2.7.9, Facter 1.6.x, and Ruby 1.9.7p334 on 
Windows 2003 x64.

C:\envpuppet puppet --version --debug --trace
Error: Unknown Puppet subcommand 'apply'
See 'puppet help' for help on available puppet subcommands

# Expected Behavior #

I'd expect this error not to be raised and the version string 2.7.9 to be 

# Actual Behavior #

See above error message

# Steps to reproduce #

I'm running Puppet from source using this envpuppet.bat wrapper script in my 
PATH.  Facter and Puppet are located on a windows mapped drive readable by my 
security context and process.

@echo off

SET RUBYLIB=Z:\vagrant\src\facter\lib;Z:\vagrant\src\puppet\lib;%RUBYLIB%
SET PATH=Z:\vagrant\src\facter\bin;Z:\vagrant\src\puppet\bin;%PATH%

ruby -S %*

 * Windows 2003 x64 patched up.
 * Ruby 1.8.7 p334
 * Gems:

C:\gem list 
*** LOCAL GEMS *** 
sys-admin (1.5.6 x86-mingw32)  
win32-api (1.4.8 x86-mingw32)   
win32-dir (0.3.7)
win32-process (0.6.5)  
win32-security (0.1.2) 
win32-service (0.7.1 x86-mswin32-60) 
win32-taskscheduler (0.2.1)
windows-api (0.4.0)
windows-pr (1.2.1)

# Additional Information #

Using this envpuppet wrapper script, Facter appears to work just fine running 
out of source leading me to believe my RUBYLIB and PATH are setup correctly:

C:\envpuppet facter --version
C:\envpuppet facter operatingsystem  

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[Puppet - Bug #11717] (Closed) Windows ADSI user provider won't create users if a password policy is in place

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11717 has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed

released in 2.7.10rc1

Bug #11717: Windows ADSI user provider won't create users if a password policy 
is in place

Author: Paul Tinsley
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Josh Cooper
Category: windows
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 2.7.9
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/304

The creation of a user in puppet currently creates the account then sets the 
password, that won't meet the complexity requirement since the password is 
blank.  It's the same behavior you would receive if you went into computer 
manager and added one by hand with no password.  As the provider is currently 
written this requires a one line code change:

$ diff 
 #if a windows complexity policy is set you have to set the password when 
 # account is created, a call to .password is all that is needed it does 
 # own commit.
 @user.password = @resource[:password]

I can't certify this will work in every environment but I have had luck in 
windows 7 and windows 2003 r2.  

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[Puppet - Bug #11740] (Closed) Puppet sometimes reports 'The handle is invalid'

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11740 has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Status changed from Accepted to Closed
Target version changed from 2.7.x to 2.7.10

released in 2.7.10rc1

Bug #11740: Puppet sometimes reports 'The handle is invalid'

Author: Josh Cooper
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Josh Cooper
Category: windows
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 2.7.6

One of the spec tests is suddenly failing on win2003. It appears to be a race 
condition in the Process::waitpid2 call. The windows win32-process gem will 
throw an error if the child has exited whereas the normal semantics are to 
return a Process::Status object that contains the exit code of the process.

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[Puppet - Bug #11844] (Closed) Fix command typo in exec documentation

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11844 has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed
Target version changed from 2.7.x to 2.7.10

released in 2.7.10rc1

Bug #11844: Fix command typo in exec documentation

Author: James Turnbull
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Nick Fagerlund
Category: documentation
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/317

-running commnands as different users in the shell./p
+running commands as different users in the shell./p

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[Puppet - Bug #11847] (Closed) puppet.bat cannot be relocated on Windows

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11847 has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed

released in 2.7.10rc1

Bug #11847: puppet.bat cannot be relocated on Windows

Author: Josh Cooper
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Josh Cooper
Category: windows
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 2.7.6
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/320

Puppet's `install.rb` script creates wrapper batch scripts in ruby's bin 
directory. The batch file contains full paths to where it was installed and its 
current working directory. This makes it impossible to move the ruby directory 
(and the script) and have the script still work. The preferred way of doing 
this on Windows is to use `%~dp0`, which is dynamically set to the full path of 
the directory that contains the script, i.e. what is currently `C:\Ruby187\bin`

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[Puppet - Bug #11929] (Closed) Cannot serve local binary files on Windows

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11929 has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed

released at 2.7.10rc1

Bug #11929: Cannot serve local binary files on Windows

Author: Josh Cooper
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Josh Cooper
Category: windows
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 2.7.6
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/331

`Puppet::FileServing::Content.content` is not specifying binary mode when 
reading its file. This is okay when the code runs on a Unix master. But if the 
Windows agent is its own fileserver, such as retrieving files from a local 
module, then the file is opened in text mode, which corrupts binaries.

To reproduce:

Given a module:
│   splunk-4.2.4-110225-x64-release.msi

Where init.pp is:

class splunk {
  file { 'c:\packages\splunk-4.2.4-110225-x64-release.msi':
ensure = present,
source = 'puppet:///modules/splunk/splunk-4.2.4-110225-x64-release.msi',

  package { 'splunk':
ensure = installed,
provider = 'msi',
source = 'c:\packages\splunk-4.2.4-110225-x64-release.msi',
install_options = { 'INSTALLDIR' = 'C:\splunk' },
require = File['c:\packages\splunk-4.2.4-110225-x64-release.msi'],

And site.pp:

class { 'splunk': }

Trying to apply the local module: 

puppet apply c:\modules\site.pp --modulepath c:/modules

Puppet corrupts the file while copying it from the local file server:

err: /Stage[main]/Splunk/Package[splunk]/ensure: change from absent to present 
failed: Execution of 'msiexec.exe /qn /no
restart /i c:\packages\splunk-4.2.4-110225-x64-release.msi 
INSTALLDIR=C:\splunk' returned 1620: T h i s   i n s t a l l
a t i o n   p a c k a g e   c o u l d   n o t   b e   o p e n e d . C o n t 
a c t   t h e   a p p l i c a t i o n
v e n d o r   t o   v e r i f y   t h a t   t h i s   i s   a   v a l i d   W i 
n d o w s   I n s t a l l e r   p a c k
a g e .

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[Puppet - Bug #11958] (Closed) obscure error message from pip package provider when python-pip is not installed

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #11958 has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed

released in 2.7.10rc1

Bug #11958: obscure error message from pip package provider when python-pip is 
not installed

Author: Ahmed El Gamil
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Kelsey Hightower
Category: provider
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 2.7.6
Keywords: error usability ux
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/337


Puppet generates an obscure error when the pip command is not installed or not 
in PATH.

Error is like : 
[default] err: /Stage[main]/Uwsgi/Package[uwsgi]/ensure: change from absent to 
latest failed: Could not update: undefined method `pip' for 
#Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderPip:0xb72b8998 at 

A more informative error message should be displayed, or even stopping the 
puppet run.


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[Puppet - Feature #1886] (Closed) Add node cleanup capability

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #1886 has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed

released in 2.7.10rc1

Feature #1886: Add node cleanup capability

Author: micah -
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Daniel Pittman
Category: newfeature
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 0.25.0
Keywords: communitypatch
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/92

There really isn't a good mechanism to clean up when a node no longer exits. 
You can remove it from your node definition, but there is a lot of junk hanging 
around that should be cleaned up too. It would be really cool if the ability to 
wipe a node was built into puppetmaster so you could just simply do something 

puppetmaster --clean node
puppetmaster --clean node.domain.name

and this would clean up everything that puppet can find on that node. The 
things that I can think of that need to get cleaned up are:

1. Signed certificates ($vardir/ssl/ca/signed/node.domain.pem)
2. Cached facts ($vardir/yaml/facts/node.domain.yaml)
3. Cached node stuff ($vardir/yaml/node/node.domain.yaml)
4. Reports ($vardir/reports/node.domain)
5. Stored configs. I found a script on the wiki that takes care of this:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby

## Usage: sudo ./kill_node_in_storeconfigs_db.rb hostname as stored in hosts 

require 'puppet/rails'

Puppet[:config] = /etc/puppet/puppet.conf
pm_conf = Puppet.settings.instance_variable_get(:@values)[:puppetmasterd]

adapter = pm_conf[:dbadapter]
args = {:adapter = adapter, :log_level = pm_conf[:rails_loglevel]}

case adapter
  when sqlite3:
args[:dbfile] = pm_conf[:dblocation]
  when mysql, postgresql:
args[:host] = pm_conf[:dbserver] unless pm_conf[:dbserver].empty?
args[:username] = pm_conf[:dbuser] unless pm_conf[:dbuser].empty?
args[:password] = pm_conf[:dbpassword] unless pm_conf[:dbpassword].empty?
args[:database] = pm_conf[:dbname]
raise ArgumentError, Invalid db adapter %s % adapter


if @host = Puppet::Rails::Host.find_by_name(ARGV[0].strip)
  print Killing #{ARGV[0]}... 
  puts done.
  puts Can't find host #{ARGV[0]}.

Sure, I can do all this manually, but this is a feature request because its a 
little annoying and you forget all the pieces. 

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[Puppet - Bug #2773] (Closed) buglet in provider/service/launchd.rb

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #2773 has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed

released in 2.7.10rc1

Bug #2773: buglet in provider/service/launchd.rb

Author: eric sorenson
Status: Closed
Priority: High
Assignee: Gary Larizza
Category: service
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 0.25.1
Keywords: osx launchd
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/324

I added a persistent postfix plist to replace the run-on-demand one distributed 
with OSX. (Which causes our nagios mailqueue check to fail annoyingly because 
qmgr doesn't run all the time).  So upon copying the plist, process status 
should have been 'enabled' but 'stopped'. But it wouldn't start up by itself:

debug: Service[postfix](provider=launchd): Executing 'launchctl load 
err: //mail::nullclient/Service[postfix]/ensure: change from stopped to running 
failed: Unable to start service: 
   org.postfix.master at path: 

I manually got it working with 'launchctl load -w' , but the conditional in the 
start() method was not being triggered. After resetting my system back to 
previous state and changing the check as below, I get the expected result:

debug: //mail::nullclient/Service[postfix]: Changing ensure
debug: //mail::nullclient/Service[postfix]: 1 change(s)
debug: Service[postfix](provider=launchd): Executing 'launchctl load -w 
notice: //mail::nullclient/Service[postfix]/ensure: ensure changed 'stopped' to 

So it seems 'enabled' (in puppet's view of things) but 'stopped' may still need 
-w to overcome a 'disabled' key in launchd's little mind. What do you think?

--- a/lib/puppet/provider/service/launchd.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/provider/service/launchd.rb
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ Puppet::Type.type(:service).provide :launchd, :parent = 
:base do
 did_enable_job = false
 cmds = []
 cmds  :launchctl  :load
-if self.enabled? == :false  # launchctl won't load disabled jobs
+if self.enabled? == :false || self.status == :stopped # launchctl 
won't load disabled jobs
 cmds  -w
 did_enable_job = true

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[Puppet - Feature #2927] (Closed) Symbolic Modes for the File type.

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #2927 has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed

released in 2.7.10rc1

Feature #2927: Symbolic Modes for the File type.

Author: Trevor Vaughan
Status: Closed
Priority: High
Assignee: Daniel Pittman
Category: file
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: development
Keywords: file, mode, symbolic
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/230

Symbolic modes should be included in the mode option for the File type.  The 
GNU coreutils version of chmod is the intended reference implementation.

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[Puppet - Bug #3419] (Closed) OS X 10.6 Ruby can't set supplementary groups

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #3419 has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed
Target version changed from 2.7.x to 2.7.10

released in 2.7.10rc1

Bug #3419: OS X 10.6 Ruby can't set supplementary groups

Author: Nigel Kersten
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Krzysztof Wilczynski
Category: OSX
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 0.25.4
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/328

nigelk$ sudo ruby -e old_groups = Process.groups; Process.groups = old_groups
-e:1:in `groups=': Invalid argument (Errno::EINVAL)
from -e:1

This causes suidmanager to blow up.

I'm marking this to be fixed for 0.25.5 unless anyone violently objects. It's a 
platform bug yes, but look at all the stuff you guys do for RHEL :)

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[Puppet - Feature #3757] (Closed) --enable and --disable should be improved

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #3757 has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed

released in 2.7.10rc1

Feature #3757: --enable and --disable should be improved

Author: R.I. Pienaar
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Category: executables
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 0.25.4
Keywords: mcollective enabledisable
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/216

At present the --enable/--disable and associated checks on the puppetd is all 
done via a lock file /var/lib/puppet/state/puppetdlock.

My investigations reveal the behavior of this file to be:

 * if exist and it's empty, someone ran --disable
 * if exist and it's got a PID in it puppetd is doing a manifest run at present
 * if it's absent its enabled and not running

The problem comes when you want to disable the daemon while it's running a 
manifest.  The lock file with PID in it will remain in place and once puppetd 
is done doing its run it will remove the lock file, leaving your client enabled 
when infact it was asked to disable the client and not run in future.

So I want to be able to disable future runs even while a current run is 
happening.  The easiest might be to have 2 lock files - one to indicate 
enabled/disabled and one to indicate running dont start another concurrent run.

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[Puppet - Feature #4836] (Closed) puppetd --disable improvements

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #4836 has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed

released in 2.7.10rc1

Feature #4836: puppetd --disable improvements

Author: micah -
Status: Closed
Priority: Low
Category: error reporting
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 0.25.5
Keywords: enabledisable
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/216

Occasionally I disable regular puppetd runs on a system by doing:
# puppetd --disable

This works fine, except that it could be improved in two ways:

1. If it has been manually disabled, then when a run is attempted, it should 
print something more useful than this:
notice: Run of Puppet configuration client already in progress; skipping
because well... that message isn't really true, its not in progress, rather it 
is currently disabled.

2. The something more useful that it could print could be either a default 
message notice: Puppet administratively disabled on this system; skipping, or 
a custom message that you can pass to the puppetd --disable, eg. puppetd 
--disable micah is fixing stunnel template would then print the following when 
a puppetd was running: notice: Puppet is administratively disabled because 
micah is fixing stunnel template; skipping run

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[Puppet - Bug #4855] (Closed) group resources on OS X may fail is group members are non-existant

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #4855 has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed

released in 2.7.10rc1

Bug #4855: group resources on OS X may fail is group members are non-existant

Author: Clay Caviness
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Gary Larizza
Category: OSX
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 2.6.1
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/325

The group provider on OS X uses dseditgroup to manage group membership. Due 
to Apple bug 8481241 (dseditgroup can't remove unknown users from groups), 
however, if the puppet group provider needs to remove a non-existant user from 
a group it manages, it will fail.

To reproduce, first apply:
group { testgroup: ensure = present, members = [testuser, root], 
require = User[testuser] }
user { testuser: ensure = present }

[...]info: Applying configuration version '1285616257'
debug: Puppet::Type::User::ProviderDirectoryservice: Executing '/usr/bin/dscl 
-plist . -list /Users'
debug: Puppet::Type::User::ProviderDirectoryservice: Executing '/usr/bin/dscl 
-plist . -list /Users'
debug: User[testuser](provider=directoryservice): Executing '/usr/bin/dscl 
-plist . -create /Users/testuser GeneratedUID 
notice: /Stage[main]//User[testuser]/ensure: created
debug: Puppet::Type::Group::ProviderDirectoryservice: Executing '/usr/bin/dscl 
-plist . -list /Groups'
debug: Puppet::Type::Group::ProviderDirectoryservice: Executing '/usr/bin/dscl 
-plist . -read /Groups/testgroup'
debug: Group[testgroup](provider=directoryservice): Executing 'dseditgroup -o 
edit -n . -a root testgroup'
notice: /Stage[main]//Group[testgroup]/members: members changed 'testuser' to 
debug: Finishing transaction 2194047380

Delete the user via:
predscl . -delete /Users/testuser/pre

(Alternatively, the user can be deleted via puppet, though ordering may allow 
this to be successful.)

Now try to apply a change to the group that would cause the testuser user to be 
removed from group membership:
group { testgroup: ensure = present, members = root}


info: Applying configuration version '1285616630'
debug: Puppet::Type::Group::ProviderDirectoryservice: Executing '/usr/bin/dscl 
-plist . -list /Groups'
debug: Puppet::Type::Group::ProviderDirectoryservice: Executing '/usr/bin/dscl 
-plist . -read /Groups/testgroup'
debug: Group[testgroup](provider=directoryservice): Executing 'dseditgroup -o 
edit -n . -d testuser testgroup'
err: /Stage[main]//Group[testgroup]/members: change from roottestuser to root 
failed: Could not remove testuser from group: testgroup, Execution of 
'dseditgroup -o edit -n . -d testuser testgroup' returned 200: Record was not 

debug: Finishing transaction 2190850540

**All** attempts to make changes to the group membership from this point will 
fail, as dseditgroup cannot remove a user from a group if that user does not 

Running puppet 2.6.1 on OS X 10.6.4.

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[Puppet - Feature #4865] (Closed) Puppet debug mode should print resource type/title before resource evaluation and time taken after.

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #4865 has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed

released in 2.7.10rc1

Feature #4865: Puppet debug mode should print resource type/title before 
resource evaluation and time taken after.

Author: James Turnbull
Status: Closed
Priority: High
Assignee: Daniel Pittman
Category: error reporting
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 2.6.1
Keywords: usability
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/202

1) Only on the client 
2) Time taken during each atomic activity


notice: File... 0.05s 
notice: Exec.. 1.2s

Ideally, this data would only be collected during debug mode. 

This is for the case where you have something hanging, but you can't figure out 
what it is because the debug mode in puppet only prints the statement *after* 
it has run it. This would let everyone determine the hang points, or points of 
precise optimization.

If there's already a way to get this information, that would be great too. 
--summarize just isn't quite fine grained enough.

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[Puppet - Bug #5246] (Closed) Puppetd does not remove it's pidfile when it exits

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #5246 has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed
Target version changed from 2.7.x to 2.7.10

released in 2.7.10rc1

Bug #5246: Puppetd does not remove it's pidfile when it exits

Author: R.I. Pienaar
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Category: agent
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 2.6.2
Keywords: mcollective

When running puppetd it should delete its pid file when it exits

root 20572  2.0  0.5 116736 35256 ?Ss   23:10   0:00 /usr/bin/ruby 
/usr/sbin/puppetd --onetime --splaylimit 30 --splay

The pid file /var/run/puppet/agent.pid would have 20572 as expected, the puppet 
run completes ok:

Nov  9 23:11:27 xen1 puppet-agent[20572]: Finished catalog run in 19.68 seconds

But it leaves the pid file on the disk after exiting

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[Puppet - Feature #5421] (Closed) Fileresource: Link should autorequire target

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #5421 has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed
Target version changed from 2.7.9 to 2.7.10

released in 2.7.10rc1

Feature #5421: Fileresource: Link should autorequire target

Author: Stefan Schulte
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Stefan Schulte
Category: file
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 
Branch: https://github.com/stschulte/puppet/tree/feature/2.7.x/5421

When you manage links with puppet it's possible that you have to define 
explicit requires. Example:

file { '/foo/bar':
  ensure = directory,
file { '/link':
  ensure = link,
  target = '/foo/bar',

This works, because you can create a dead link. But if you now do

file { '/link/i_dont_care_it_was_a_link':
  ensure = file,

this fileresource does autorequire the link, but you cannot be sure, that the 
target exists. I would like that `File['/link']` autorequires 

Anything that speaks against this autorequire?

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[Puppet - Bug #6412] (Closed) Can not test hash key exist?, or array element exist? in puppet

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #6412 has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed

released in 2.7.10rc1

Bug #6412: Can not test hash key exist?, or array element exist? in puppet

Author: Nan Liu
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Category: language
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 2.6.4
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/211

The following tests fails in puppet for both array and hash:

$a=['1', '2', '3']
if $a[4] {
  notice (a[4] exists.)

$b['bar'] = 'foo'
if $b['baz'] {
  notice (b['baz'] exists.)

The test is actually checking for the existence of variable $a, $b, testing 
using == undef, == '' does not correct this behavior.

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[Puppet - Bug #6830] (Closed) Specs should all pass under Ruby 1.9

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #6830 has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Status changed from Accepted to Closed
Target version changed from 2.7.x to 2.7.10

released in 2.7.10rc1

Bug #6830: Specs should all pass under Ruby 1.9

Author: Matt Robinson
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 
Keywords: ruby19

 I got the tests so that they would run in #6820.  That left 2003 failures in 
the specs (not sure about the Test::Unit tests), so this ticket can serve as an 
umbrella for commits that fix these specs.  I doubt all specs will be fixed in 
one commit series.

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[Puppet - Bug #7106] (Closed) last_run_summary.yaml is only readable by root

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #7106 has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed

released in 2.7.10rc1

Bug #7106: last_run_summary.yaml is only readable by root

Author: R.I. Pienaar
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Category: plumbing
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/213

The last_run_summary.yaml file in 2.6.8 is created as root only readable:

-rw-rw 1 root root 413 Apr 14 13:18 

Most monitoring tend to not run as root, it would be nice if the 
modes/ownership were configurable.

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[Puppet - Bug #7110] (Closed) Better SSL error message when retrieved certificate does not match private key

2012-01-18 Thread tickets

Issue #7110 has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Status changed from Merged - Pending Release to Closed
Target version set to 2.7.10

released in 2.7.10rc1

Bug #7110: Better SSL error message when retrieved certificate does not match 
private key

Author: Matt Robinson
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Joshua Lifton
Category: SSL
Target version: 2.7.10
Affected Puppet version: 2.6.0

If you try to connect to a puppet master fort the first time using an agent 
that already has a signed cert on the master (this may happen if you need to 
wipe your agent but forget to revoke the dead agent's cert on the master), you 
get the following:

/Users/matthewrobinson/work/puppet/lib/puppet/application.rb:304:in `run'
/Users/matthewrobinson/work/puppet/lib/puppet/application.rb:420:in `hook'
/Users/matthewrobinson/work/puppet/lib/puppet/application.rb:304:in `run'
/Users/matthewrobinson/work/puppet/lib/puppet/application.rb:304:in `run'
err: Could not request certificate: Retrieved certificate does not match 
private key; please remove certificate from
 server and regenerate it with the current key

The error message should say which retrieved certificate (presumably it's 
retrieving the the already signed cert for the old agent) and which private key 
(presumably it's the private key that was generated before sending a CSR to the 
master) don't match.  This could be done by including the CN for the cert and 
some fingerprints or something so you can tell what doesn't match what.  And 
then some more detail on HOW to remove the certificate from the server would be 

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