[MCollective - Feature #16319] should be able to parse natural dates

2013-12-16 Thread tickets

Issue #16319 has been updated by Charlie Sharpsteen.

Redmine Issue [#16319](http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/16319) has been 
migrated to JIRA:


Feature #16319: should be able to parse natural dates

* Author: R.I. Pienaar
* Status: Accepted
* Priority: Normal
* Assignee: 
* Category: Core
* Target version: 2.3.x
* Keywords: 
* Branch: 
* Affected mCollective version: 

A natural language date parser for strings like next monday 4am should be 
written or used.  I've used http://chronic.rubyforge.org/ a lot in the past, we 
should evaluate the pros and cons of either vendoring chronic or writing one 
for our own needs

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[MCollective Plugins - Bug #16447] agent registration issue with mongodb

2013-12-16 Thread tickets

Issue #16447 has been updated by Charlie Sharpsteen.

Redmine Issue [#16447](http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/16447) has been 
migrated to JIRA:


Bug #16447: agent registration issue with mongodb

* Author: chuck scott
* Status: Accepted
* Priority: Normal
* Assignee: Richard Clamp
* Category: 
* Target version: 
* Keywords: mcollective mongodb
* Branch: 
* Affected mCollective version: 2.0.0

In discussion with 

a registration issue with the 

leads to the following stack trace:

[chuck@stubhub-centos62-64-vm6 mcollective]$ tail -20 
D, [2012-09-17T10:27:11.904649 #3918] DEBUG -- : stomp.rb:197:in `receive' 
Waiting for a message from Stomp
D, [2012-09-17T10:27:11.908196 #3918] DEBUG -- : registration.rb:96:in 
`handlemsg' Updated data for host stubhub-centos62-64-vm6.local with id in 
E, [2012-09-17T10:27:11.908369 #3918] ERROR -- : agents.rb:138:in 
`dispatch' Execution of registration failed: undefined method `[]' for 
E, [2012-09-17T10:27:11.908454 #3918] ERROR -- : agents.rb:139:in 
`dispatch' /usr/libexec/mcollective/mcollective/agent/registration.rb:91:in 
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/mcollective/agents.rb:126:in `dispatch'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/timeout.rb:67:in `timeout'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/mcollective/agents.rb:125:in `dispatch'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/mcollective/agents.rb:121:in `initialize'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/mcollective/agents.rb:121:in `new'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/mcollective/agents.rb:121:in `dispatch'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/mcollective/runner.rb:82:in `agentmsg'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/mcollective/runner.rb:55:in `run'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/mcollective/runner.rb:50:in `loop'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/mcollective/runner.rb:50:in `run'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/mcollective/unix_daemon.rb:13:in `daemonize'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/mcollective/unix_daemon.rb:5:in `fork'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/mcollective/unix_daemon.rb:5:in `daemonize'

we resolve the issue by applying the following fix:

[chuck@stubhub-centos62-64-vm6 mcollective]$ diff -u 
--- /usr/libexec/mcollective/mcollective/agent/registration.rb  2012-09-17 
11:44:06.362358083 -0700
+++ /usr/libexec/mcollective/mcollective/agent/registration.rb.orig 
2012-09-17 11:42:28.734447337 -0700
@@ -82,15 +82,13 @@
by_fqdn = {:fqdn = req[:fqdn]}
doc_id = nil
before = Time.now.to_f
doc = @coll.find_and_modify(:query = by_fqdn, :update = {'$set' = req}, 
:new = true)
-  if doc
- doc_id = doc['_id']
-  else
-doc_id = @coll.insert(req, {:safe = true})
-  end
+  doc_id = doc['_id']
rescue Mongo::OperationFailure
doc_id = @coll.insert(req, {:safe = true})

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[MCollective - Bug #17037] inputs that are not defined in the DDL should result in an error

2013-12-16 Thread tickets

Issue #17037 has been updated by Charlie Sharpsteen.

Redmine Issue [#17037](http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/17037) has been 
migrated to JIRA:


Bug #17037: inputs that are not defined in the DDL should result in an error

* Author: R.I. Pienaar
* Status: Accepted
* Priority: Normal
* Assignee: 
* Category: 
* Target version: 2.3.x
* Keywords: 
* Branch: 
* Affected mCollective version: 

mco rpc rpcutil ping x=y

This should raise an error, I am marking this as a parent to the long running 
jobs ticket as we should only enforce this once that is supported - because 
users are currently building their own background job feature that relies on 
this behaviour.

This will also break the RAL agent.

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[MCollective Plugins - Feature #17060] Ability to list directories in filemgr agent/app

2013-12-16 Thread tickets

Issue #17060 has been updated by Charlie Sharpsteen.

Redmine Issue [#17060](http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/17060) has been 
migrated to JIRA:


Feature #17060: Ability to list directories in filemgr agent/app

* Author: Drew Blessing
* Status: Code Insufficient
* Priority: Normal
* Assignee: 
* Category: 
* Target version: 
* Keywords: 
* Branch: ploubser/mcollective-filemgr-agent/tree/feature/master/17060
* Affected mCollective version: 2.2.1

It would be nice to be able to list a directory with the filemgr plugin.  This 
can be accomplished fairly easily.  I have a preliminary implementation worked 
up.  I plan to solicit some discussion on the #mcollective IRC and make 
additional changes before submitting a pull request.  

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[MCollective - Feature #17065] Create a scripting environment for RPC actions

2013-12-16 Thread tickets

Issue #17065 has been updated by Charlie Sharpsteen.

Redmine Issue [#17065](http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/17065) has been 
migrated to JIRA:


Feature #17065: Create a scripting environment for RPC actions

* Author: R.I. Pienaar
* Status: Accepted
* Priority: High
* Assignee: 
* Category: Backlog
* Target version: 
* Keywords: backlog
* Branch: 
* Affected mCollective version: 

As users create more and more agents and actions they want a convenient way to 
combine these into scripts.

The RPC client libraries are ok for this though they're optimised for really 
short scripts mostly communicating with just one agent. But primarily they 
require you to know ruby and there are a large number of Puppet users who know 
Puppet but not ruby.

We should create something to allow series of requests:

 * Conveniently call out to different agents and actions
 * Create relationships between action calls
 * Be a simplified DSL rather than something complex like ruby
 * Support parameters supplied on the command line

I've previously written a quick prototype of this idea in 
https://github.com/ripienaar/puppet-mcollective and have had very regular 
feedback from the community that this is a desired feature.

The prototype is built as a Puppet type and provider allowing the use of the 
Puppet DSL and its relationships, chaining, notifying, facts etc to be used to 
create these scripts.  

If we decide to use the Puppet DSL we should also consider writing a face or 
application to call out to these scripts to provide a convenient and natural 

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[MCollective - Refactor #17068] Refactor the plugin application

2013-12-16 Thread tickets

Issue #17068 has been updated by Charlie Sharpsteen.

Redmine Issue [#17068](http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/17068) has been 
migrated to JIRA:


Refactor #17068: Refactor the plugin application

* Author: R.I. Pienaar
* Status: Accepted
* Priority: Normal
* Assignee: Pieter Loubser
* Category: Backlog
* Target version: 2.3.x
* Keywords: backlog
* Branch: 
* Affected mCollective version: 

The plugin application in mcollective has over time grown into a bit of a beast 
of inter dependant stuff, we should refactor this to be clearer code with 
better separation while maintaining current feature set.

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[MCollective - Feature #17071] Document approaches to more scalable deployes

2013-12-16 Thread tickets

Issue #17071 has been updated by Charlie Sharpsteen.

Redmine Issue [#17071](http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/17071) has been 
migrated to JIRA:


Feature #17071: Document approaches to more scalable deployes

* Author: R.I. Pienaar
* Status: Investigating
* Priority: Normal
* Assignee: 
* Category: Backlog
* Target version: 
* Keywords: backlog
* Branch: 
* Affected mCollective version: 

Currently the state of art regarding complex or large mcollective sites is just 
to mesh all the activemqs together.  This does not work well and is not a good 
idea given the design of ActiveMQ clustering however it seems the obvious thing 
so everyone does it.

We need to test, document, benchmark etc a scalable mcollective deploy strategy 
based on ActiveMQ

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[MCollective - Bug #17072] Getting started with mcollective should be easier

2013-12-16 Thread tickets

Issue #17072 has been updated by Charlie Sharpsteen.

Redmine Issue [#17072](http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/17072) has been 
migrated to JIRA:


Bug #17072: Getting started with mcollective should be easier

* Author: R.I. Pienaar
* Status: Accepted
* Priority: High
* Assignee: R.I. Pienaar
* Category: Backlog
* Target version: 2.3.x
* Keywords: backlog
* Branch: 
* Affected mCollective version: 

Today getting going requires one to setup ActiveMQ or RabbitMQ and 
understanding a ton of complex technology.  Additionally small sites really do 
not care that much for middleware, they want something simpler/easier else they 
just wont use mcollective.

We have a number of options here to consider:

 * Create a easier ActiveMQ distribution with a DSL to configure it something 
as simple as http://p.devco.net/97/
 * Investigate other kinds of middleware suitable for small sites like MongoDB, 
Redis etc see http://srt.ly/cj

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[MCollective - Bug #17074] Use JSON for all serialization

2013-12-16 Thread tickets

Issue #17074 has been updated by Charlie Sharpsteen.

Redmine Issue [#17074](http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/17074) has been 
migrated to JIRA:


Bug #17074: Use JSON for all serialization

* Author: R.I. Pienaar
* Status: Accepted
* Priority: Normal
* Assignee: 
* Category: Backlog
* Target version: 
* Keywords: backlog
* Branch: 
* Affected mCollective version: 

Today mcollective use YAML or Marshal for serialization because:

 * It's in all Rubies
 * It supports complex data types
 * The protocol uses symbols

This is not portable, it is roughly impossible to support other languages on 
the mcollective protocol because this choice effectively makes it Ruby specific.

We have ages ago vendored a JSON gem that works on older RHEL systems so we 
should consider doing everything with JSON.

A few problems:

 * today there are users who transport complex ruby types using mcollective, 
this works due to the choice of yaml/marshal as serialization and we will 
effectively downgrade mcollective if we support pure JSON.
 * the protocol has to change and this will break backwards compat unless we 
add some magical handling for strings and symbols ala the mash gem.

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[MCollective - Feature #17075] Reply transformations and custom targets/outputs

2013-12-16 Thread tickets

Issue #17075 has been updated by Charlie Sharpsteen.

Redmine Issue [#17075](http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/17075) has been 
migrated to JIRA:


Feature #17075: Reply transformations and custom targets/outputs

* Author: R.I. Pienaar
* Status: Accepted
* Priority: Normal
* Assignee: 
* Category: Backlog
* Target version: 
* Keywords: backlog
* Branch: 
* Affected mCollective version: 

MCollective is effectively a systems integration framework, on its own not 
doing a whole lot but enables you to integrate various systems around unified 
AAA etc.

The only real output avenue today is to output to other things that speak 
mcollective though but this is not ideal.

A simple case might be where a user wants to initiate a monitoring check on 
machines via mcollective but have the result go to his Nagios system direct 
without needing to create some mcollective - nagios translation daemon as is 
the current common case.

We therefore need:
 * Configurable output formats, mcollective output format must be just one of 
these plugins
 * A way to choose one in the API and to supply it other information like the 
IP of the Nagios server in the example above

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[MCollective - Bug #17077] Create a richer list of default data, validator and summary plugins

2013-12-16 Thread tickets

Issue #17077 has been updated by Charlie Sharpsteen.

Redmine Issue [#17077](http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/17077) has been 
migrated to JIRA:


Bug #17077: Create a richer list of default data, validator and summary plugins

* Author: R.I. Pienaar
* Status: Accepted
* Priority: Normal
* Assignee: 
* Category: Backlog
* Target version: 
* Keywords: backlog
* Branch: 
* Affected mCollective version: 

We now have the ability to create custom data, validation and summary plugins 
but do not yet ship many.

 * go through existing plugins and create data, validator and summary plugins 
where sensible
 * create more statistical summary plugins - everyone knows 'average' is not 
really useful and we should add more sane ones
 * create a richer set of default validators for common things found in typical 
mco environments

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[MCollective - Feature #17079] Actions should be categorised

2013-12-16 Thread tickets

Issue #17079 has been updated by Charlie Sharpsteen.

Redmine Issue [#17079](http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/17079) has been 
migrated to JIRA:


Feature #17079: Actions should be categorised

* Author: R.I. Pienaar
* Status: Investigating
* Priority: Normal
* Assignee: 
* Category: Backlog
* Target version: 
* Keywords: backlog
* Branch: 
* Affected mCollective version: 

Actions come in many flavours:

 * Ones that change the systems
 * Ones that request status or data about the system
 * Ones that interact with systems like sysctl as pure information retrieval etc
 * Ones that can expose sensitive information and ones that dont
And many more, we should allow actions to be classified into set categories so 
that consoles like the PE console can use information in their RBAC

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[MCollective - Feature #17084] General improvements to plugins

2013-12-16 Thread tickets

Issue #17084 has been updated by Charlie Sharpsteen.

Redmine Issue [#17084](http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/17084) has been 
migrated to JIRA:


Feature #17084: General improvements to plugins

* Author: R.I. Pienaar
* Status: Accepted
* Priority: Normal
* Assignee: 
* Category: Backlog
* Target version: 
* Keywords: backlog
* Branch: 
* Affected mCollective version: 

Puppet Labs maintains a bunch of plugins, these are in various states ranging 
from good to barely functional.

We should do a full review of all the plugins:

 * Identify ones that should just be retired
 * Identify improvements that needs to be made to them esp wrt new mcollective 
 * Ensure they have proper test coverage and are part of the new package build 
system (#17070)
 * Create better documentation for each plugin ideally with each plugin repo 
and ideally automatically published on each build by #17070
 * retire the wiki under mcollective-plugins repo replacing it with auto 
generated docs

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[MCollective - Feature #17085] Create an auditing system for users sites which suggests new plugins and tips

2013-12-16 Thread tickets

Issue #17085 has been updated by Charlie Sharpsteen.

Redmine Issue [#17085](http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/17085) has been 
migrated to JIRA:


Feature #17085: Create an auditing system for users sites which suggests new 
plugins and tips

* Author: R.I. Pienaar
* Status: Investigating
* Priority: Normal
* Assignee: 
* Category: Backlog
* Target version: 
* Keywords: backlog
* Branch: 
* Affected mCollective version: 

Users should be aware when new plugin versions, mcollective versions etc are 
available.  Additionally we have a desire to gather metrics of usage, 
deployment sizes etc.

One way to do both of these things in one can be seen in the mock up below:

$ mco plugin check_update
This command will gather anonymous metrics of your collective
and submit them to Puppet Labs.  You will get a chance to review
the data prior to submission and cancel if you do not agree

Continue? (y/n): y

Gathering information about your site:

 * [ ] 26 / 26

You may review the data being sent in /tmp/xyz.json

Continue? (y/n): y


New major release available:
You are currently running version 3.0.0 of MCollective, the current production
release is 3.2.0 which delivers significant new features, please review
http:// for information on this release

Performance concerns:
Users with a node count similar to yours generally see 'mco ping' performance
of 300ms, you site is performing at 800ms and might suggest there is an
oppertunity to optimise your middleware configuration



Available updates for MColective version 3.0.0

  Plugin  Current  Avaialble
  1) agent/package1.
  2) discovery/puppetdb

Available updates for MCollective version 3.2.0

  Plugin  Current  Avaialble
  3) agent/package1.

View changelog for plugin (q to quit): 1

 Install and uninstall software packages

 Author: R.I.Pienaar
Version: 3.4
License: ASL2
Timeout: 180
  Home Page: https://github.com/puppetlabs/mcollective-plugins

Changes in version 1.2.3

Changes in version 2.0.0


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[MCollective - Bug #17086] Improve client usage in more complex ruby scripts

2013-12-16 Thread tickets

Issue #17086 has been updated by Charlie Sharpsteen.

Redmine Issue [#17086](http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/17086) has been 
migrated to JIRA:


Bug #17086: Improve client usage in more complex ruby scripts

* Author: R.I. Pienaar
* Status: Accepted
* Priority: Normal
* Assignee: 
* Category: Backlog
* Target version: 
* Keywords: backlog
* Branch: 
* Affected mCollective version: 

Today the typical way is to use 'include MCollective::RPC' and then use some 
methods added to Object.

This works ok for simple cases and seems to do what most people want however 
there's a growing number of cases where people want to do much more complex 
things including multi agent scripts, web consoles, integration into other 
applications etc where polluting Object is a terrible idea.

The RPC::Client class should have a helper that constructs a client in the same 
was that rpcclient() does today and we should move things like printrpc etc 
into the client class for this cases.

The old method will continue to work, the new one would be along these lines:

require 'mcollective'

c = MCollective::RPC.client(rpcutil)
c.printrpc c.ping

Effectively the same thing as today except there isnt any real pollution or 
using of variables in the current scope etc, a simple isolated class that does 
what we do today via the mixin.

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[PuppetDB - Feature #17108] Degraded mode that allows Puppet to operate when PuppetDB is down - with queues and cache

2013-12-16 Thread tickets

Issue #17108 has been updated by Charlie Sharpsteen.

Redmine Issue [#17108](http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/17108) has been 
migrated to JIRA:


Feature #17108: Degraded mode that allows Puppet to operate when PuppetDB is 
down - with queues and cache

* Author: Deepak Giridharagopal
* Status: Needs Decision
* Priority: Normal
* Assignee: 
* Category: 
* Target version: 
* Keywords: backlog
* Branch: 
* Affected PuppetDB version: 

Many current PuppetDB users are managing HA themselves, by setting up HTTP load 
balancers and PostgreSQL replication on their own.

Architecturally, I think we could reasonably offer application-level HA...a 
system that would be easier to setup, and would have relaxed consistency 
guarantees compared to more hardcore (and more complicated) database 


* the terminus code can spool write requests to disk in the event of downstream 
failure, and flush that queue when connectivity is re-established

* the terminus code can cache collection queries for a configurable amount of 
time. the cache is consulted only during failure scenarios, to allow for 
continued (albeit degraded) operation.

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Jira (HI-46) Hiera should support alternate environments

2013-12-16 Thread garrett honeycutt (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 garrett honeycutt commented on an issue

  Re: Hiera should support alternate environments 

Separate hiera.yaml files are necessary because different environments may need different hierarchies/backends specified.


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 Hiera /  HI-46

  Hiera should support alternate environments 

 Currently hiera supports one `hiera.yaml` file hardcoded to be in the same location as `puppet.conf` (which is the `config` puppet directive.   Having separate `hiera.yaml`'s per puppet environment would go along with having separate `site.pp`'s, modules, etc. per environment.

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Jira (FACT-149) Implement UUID fact

2013-12-16 Thread redmine.exporter (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 redmine.exporter created an issue

 Facter /  FACT-149

  Implement UUID fact 

Issue Type:



 Eric Sorenson


 16/Dec/13 1:40 AM







Debian-based systems in particular (possibly others) ship with an /etc/hosts file that starts localhost hostname.domain.tld hostname
This is used to specify the FQDN of the machine independently of its physical IP address, and I believe their expectation is that you are not required to change this. However, this breaks the hostid command that is used to provide the uniqueid fact.
I would expect the uniqueid fact to be unique on out-of-the-box Debian machines - perhaps munging Facter.ipaddress in the same way as the hostid command would.
I also tested CentOS, but this does not use the same hack, and it looks like you are expected to reconfigure /etc/hosts so that applications can find the hostname and FQDN.


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Jira (PUP-1030) FreeBSD: Puppet triggers loading of ZFS module

2013-12-16 Thread redmine.exporter (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 redmine.exporter created an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1030

  FreeBSD: Puppet triggers loading of ZFS module 

Issue Type:





 16/Dec/13 1:48 AM







When puppet starts the puppet ZFS provider issues the zfs command. On FreeBSD this automatically loads the ZFS kernel module. Even when ZFS is not used on that host. The provider should first check if ZFS is enabled or not. If it's not enabled it shouldn't execute any zpool or zfs commands as those will trigger the automatic load of the kernel module. 


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Jira (PUP-1031) Improve Puppet's handling of non-ASCII character encodings

2013-12-16 Thread redmine.exporter (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 redmine.exporter created an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1031

  Improve Puppet's handling of non-ASCII character encodings 

Issue Type:





 16/Dec/13 2:40 AM


 redmine customer





This is an umbrella bug for issues related to Puppet's handling of non-ASCII character encodings. Many of these issues crop up when running Puppet on Ruby 1.9.x and newer.
See the 'related bugs' field for a full list of issues.


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Jira (PDB-28) Support for structured facts

2013-12-16 Thread JIRA
Title: Message Title


 Erik Daln commented on an issue

  Re: Support for structured facts 

Both Puppet and Facter already supports it if you add --stringify_facts=false to puppet.


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 PuppetDB /  PDB-28

  Support for structured facts 

 We keep hearing that Facter is going to start supporting structured facts at some point in the not-too-distant future. Once that happens, we will need to be able to support them in PuppetDB. Presumably this is simply a matter of storing them, which could be as simple as just serializing them to JSON and stuffing them into a varchar/text field.   Howeve...

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Jira (PUP-1033) Updated functions are not reloaded within a worker process

2013-12-16 Thread redmine.exporter (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 redmine.exporter created an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1033

  Updated functions are not reloaded within a worker process 

Issue Type:





 16/Dec/13 2:59 AM


 redmine customer





If a custom function is updated in an environment the workers will continue to use the old version if they had that loaded already. So with multiple passenger workers you get a situation where some puppet runs use the old version of the function and some use the new version, but all use the new versions of the manifest code.
To solve this the scope instance for the environment should probably be destroyed after each compilation so the new versions are always loaded in on a new compile. Or just delete the functions from the object.


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Jira (PUP-1040) Segregate client facts, server facts and ENC params in topscope hashes

2013-12-16 Thread redmine.exporter (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 redmine.exporter created an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1040

  Segregate client facts, server facts and ENC params in topscope hashes 

Issue Type:

  New Feature




 16/Dec/13 3:00 AM







Having to use $operatingsystem (and soon $::operatingsystem) in our manifests is:

confusing for new users

prone to name-clashing

Those variables are really specific in Puppet because they come from the exterior.
My proposal would be to move them to separate Puppet hashes of names:




So usage would be: pre ... firewall  { http: protocol = TCP, src ="" $facts['ipaddress'] }

Jira (PUP-1037) Puppet lacks a proper undefined value

2013-12-16 Thread redmine.exporter (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 redmine.exporter created an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1037

  Puppet lacks a proper undefined value 

Issue Type:





 16/Dec/13 3:00 AM







 $y = undef notice($y == ) # true notice($x == $y) # true notice($x == ) # true
Recent changes in the Puppet DSL made equality commutative (good!), but in doing so broke work-arounds for actually testing for the difference between an undefined and empty value. The most logical fix would be to equate Puppet's `undef` with Ruby's `nil`.


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Jira (PUP-1039) Use in expressions when realizing virtual resources

2013-12-16 Thread redmine.exporter (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 redmine.exporter created an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1039

  Use in expressions when realizing virtual resources 

Issue Type:





 16/Dec/13 3:00 AM







It would be nice if you could use the in _expression_ when realizing resources. Currently the following fails:
pre @group { 'foo': ... }
@group { 'bar': ... }
$grouplist=[ 'foo', 'bar' ] Group | title in $grouplist | /pre
However using realise it works: pre @group { 'foo': ... }
@group { 'bar': ... }
$grouplist=[ 'foo', 'bar' ] realize(Group[$grouplist]) /pre


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Jira (PUP-1036) File content should be retrievable from remote buckets other than 'puppet'

2013-12-16 Thread redmine.exporter (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 redmine.exporter created an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1036

  File content should be retrievable from remote buckets other than 'puppet' 

Issue Type:

  New Feature




 16/Dec/13 3:00 AM








Currently, the only way to configure the Puppet agent to use a remote file bucket to retrieve content using the static compiler is to declare a filebucket resource named `puppet`.
precode filebucket  { puppet: server = $server, path = false, }
I expected the following to work:
pre filebucket  { filetest: server = $server, path = false, }
file  { foo: ensure = file, path = /tmp/foo.txt, source = puppet:///modules/filetest/foo.txt, backup = filetest }
The reason I expected this to work is because the backup parameter is the only way to associate a file resource to a filebucket resource. I don't think the final solution of this bug should be to make the above example work because this is about retrieving content from the file bucket when using the static compiler with a static catalog.


Jira (PUP-1038) puppet fails if template contains invalid utf-8

2013-12-16 Thread redmine.exporter (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 redmine.exporter created an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1038

  puppet fails if template contains invalid utf-8 

Issue Type:





 16/Dec/13 3:00 AM







If you attempt to use a file resource with a 'content' parameter pointing at a template, and the template contains binary content, you may get an error like this:
 Error: Failed to apply catalog: Parameter content failed: Munging failed for value ... invalid byte sequence in UTF-8
I've reproduced the failure in 2.7.16 and 3.x, though the error messages differ slightly between the two (and also depending on whether you repro via 'apply' or via master/agent run).
I'm attaching the binary file that I'm using to repro. Save it into a directory structure like this:
Add the modules directory to your module path and then you can repro with the following manifest:
 file  { /tmp/myfile: mode = 755, content = template(mymod/mytemplate.erb), }
Note that if you use the 'source' parameter rather than the 'content' parameter (and avoid calling the template function), the manifest can be applied successfully; so the issue is when bringing in binary data as a string.


Jira (PUP-1034) Caller class name variable

2013-12-16 Thread redmine.exporter (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 redmine.exporter created an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1034

  Caller class name variable 

Issue Type:

  New Feature




 16/Dec/13 3:00 AM







It would sometimes be nice to have a $caller_class_name variable similar to the $caller_module_name but containing the full class name of the caller and not just the module name.


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Jira (PUP-1035) Default setting for pluginsource problematic for deployments using SRV records

2013-12-16 Thread redmine.exporter (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 redmine.exporter created an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1035

  Default setting for pluginsource problematic for deployments using SRV records 

Issue Type:





 16/Dec/13 3:00 AM







The current default for the `pluginsource` setting is `puppet://$server/plugins`. This works well with a `server` set, but in deployments that utilize 3.0's SRV record feature, the `server` setting is likely not utilized at all for communication with a master, and will often be unset.
If SRV records are in use the `pluginsource` still gets filled in with the contents of the `server` setting - and if it's unset, then the default is `puppet`. This causes failure of the pluginsync process, which is a non-fatal error for the agent run:
 Error: /File[/var/lib/puppet/lib]: Failed to generate additional resources using 'eval_generate: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known Error: /File[/var/lib/puppet/lib]: Could not evaluate: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known Could not retrieve file metadata for puppet://puppet/plugins: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known
I believe that changing the default setting for `pluginsource` from `puppet://$server/plugins` to `puppet:///plugins` is functionally equivalent for 'normal' deployments not running `use_srv_records`, while it will cause the pluginsync process to find a working master in cases where `use_srv_records` is utilized.
Simply setting `pluginsource = puppet:///plugins` is an effective workaround for SRV record deployments in the interim.

Jira (PUP-1041) naginator not parsing blank parameters

2013-12-16 Thread redmine.exporter (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 redmine.exporter created an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1041

  naginator not parsing blank parameters 

Issue Type:





 16/Dec/13 3:01 AM







Even though it wrote it, and is valid nagios syntax, The Naginator can not parse this:
 define host  { host_name gib-proxytest parents hostgroups gib use linux-server address alias proxytest }
Where the parents value is blank. It borks with:
 err: Could not prefetch nagios_host provider 'naginator': Could not parse configuration for nagios_host: line 62: syntax error at ' ' in /etc/nagios/nagios_host.cfg
And then rebuilds the file from scratch every time.


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Jira (PUP-1042) Puppet apply runmode should write classes.txt file

2013-12-16 Thread redmine.exporter (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 redmine.exporter created an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1042

  Puppet apply runmode should write classes.txt file 

Issue Type:





 16/Dec/13 3:01 AM







Overview # The classes.txt file is only written when running Puppet in the agent run mode.

It would be useful for integration with MCollective filtering if this file were also written when running Puppet the stand alone apply run mode.

The file in which puppet agent stores a list of the classes

associated with the retrieved configuration. Can be loaded in

the separate `puppet` executable using the `--loadclasses`


The default value is '$statedir/classes.txt'. classfile = 

Jira (PUP-1044) FileBucket should not keep files in memory

2013-12-16 Thread redmine.exporter (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 redmine.exporter created an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1044

  FileBucket should not keep files in memory 

Issue Type:

  New Feature




 16/Dec/13 3:02 AM







It should not be necessary to load entire files into memory to checksum them.


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Jira (PUP-1043) Specifying file content by checksum should not use 'content' property

2013-12-16 Thread redmine.exporter (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 redmine.exporter created an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1043

  Specifying file content by checksum should not use 'content' property 

Issue Type:





 16/Dec/13 3:02 AM







Rather than passing around the contents of a file (e.g. in logs) we use the checksum; to support this the users is also allowed to specify the contents as a checksum, but this leads to an ambiguity when the actual contents match the checksum pattern.
Instead of trying to do magic, we should have distinct syntax for referring to the contents by checksum (which should always expect a valid checksum) and for specifying the contents literally (which shouldn't do anything different if the contents happen to resemble a checksum).


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Jira (PUP-1036) File content should be retrievable from remote buckets other than 'puppet'

2013-12-16 Thread JIRA
Title: Message Title


 Erik Daln updated an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1036

  File content should be retrievable from remote buckets other than 'puppet' 

Change By:

 Erik Daln

 #OverviewCurrently,theonlywaytoconfigurethePuppetagenttousearemotefilebucketto_retrieve_contentusingthestaticcompileristodeclareafilebucketresourcenamed`puppet`. pre { code  } filebucket{puppet:server=$server,path=false,} / { code /pre } Iexpectedthefollowingtowork: pre {code} filebucket{filetest:server=$server,path=false,}file{foo:ensure=file,path=/tmp/foo.txt,source=puppet:///modules/filetest/foo.txt,backup=filetest} /pre {code} ThereasonIexpectedthistoworkisbecausethebackupparameteristheonlywaytoassociateafileresourcetoafilebucketresource.Idon'tthinkthefinalsolutionofthisbugshouldbetomaketheaboveexampleworkbecausethisisabout_retrieving_contentfromthefilebucketwhenusingthestaticcompilerwithastaticcatalog.


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Jira (PUP-1042) Puppet apply runmode should write classes.txt file

2013-12-16 Thread JIRA
Title: Message Title


 Erik Daln updated an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1042

  Puppet apply runmode should write classes.txt file 

Change By:

 Erik Daln

 #Overview#Theclasses.txtfileisonlywrittenwhenrunningPuppetintheagentrunmode.ItwouldbeusefulforintegrationwithMCollectivefilteringifthisfilewerealsowrittenwhenrunningPuppetthestandaloneapplyrunmode. pre {code} #Thefileinwhichpuppetagentstoresalistoftheclasses#associatedwiththeretrievedconfiguration.Canbeloadedin#theseparate`puppet`executableusingthe`--loadclasses`#option.#Thedefaultvalueis'$statedir/classes.txt'.classfile=/var/lib/puppet/state/classes.txt /pre {code} ThiswouldbeusefulwithMCollective'sconfigurationsettingof:classesfile=/var/lib/puppet/state/classes.txt#ImpactData#Atleastonecommunitymemberhasrequestedthisfeature.(Seecommentsbelow).Thisticketisimportantformcollectiveintegrationwithpuppetapply.


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Jira (PUP-1040) Segregate client facts, server facts and ENC params in topscope hashes

2013-12-16 Thread JIRA
Title: Message Title


 Erik Daln updated an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1040

  Segregate client facts, server facts and ENC params in topscope hashes 

Change By:

 Erik Daln

 Havingtouse$operatingsystem(andsoon$::operatingsystem)inourmanifestsis:*confusingfornewusers*pronetoname-clashingThosevariablesarereallyspecificinPuppetbecausetheycomefromtheexterior.MyproposalwouldbetomovethemtoseparatePuppethashesofnames:*`$facts`*`$server_facts`*`$parameters`Sousagewouldbe: pre {code} ...firewall{http:protocol=TCP,src=$facts['ipaddress']}file{/etc/issue.net:content=Thishostisin${server_facts['environment']}environment}... /pre {code} Wecouldalsohavesomecustommethodsinthetemplatewrapperssoaccessingfactsintemplatescouldbeeveneasiers,like`facts['ipaddress']`.Ofcoursetohelpmigrateusers,thefirstreleasewouldalsoputthefacts/serverfactsandparametersinthenodetopscope(andissueadeprecationwarningonlookup).


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Jira (PUP-1045) No way to set default tags for exported ressources

2013-12-16 Thread redmine.exporter (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 redmine.exporter created an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1045

  No way to set default tags for exported ressources 

Issue Type:





 16/Dec/13 3:11 AM







In our manifest, we are trying to set a default tag for all our Nagios_host, to achieve this we are adding the following code in the site.pp:
pre Nagios_host  { tag = 'local', }
And the somewhere else in our code, we are exporting the resources and the trying to collect them using the tag:
pre @@nagios_host {'foo': params}
Nagios_host | tag == 'local' | /pre
The problem here is that, nothing is realized because the tag is not exported properly, querying puppetdb directly shows the following:

curl localhost:8080/v3/resources/Nagios_host [ { parameters : { statusmap_image : os/Ubuntu.png, action_url : /pnp4nagios/graph?host=$HOSTNAME$, notifications_enabled : 1, target : /etc/icinga/objects/hosts/host-mon2.example.com.cfg, check_command : check-host-alive, address :, icon_image : os/Ubuntu.png, notification_period : 24x7, max_check_attempts : 4, tag : local, hostgroups : default, ensure : present, icon_image_alt : Ubuntu }
, line : 78, 

Jira (PUP-1046) puppet module generate should produce a skeleton spec test

2013-12-16 Thread redmine.exporter (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 redmine.exporter created an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1046

  puppet module generate should produce a skeleton spec test 

Issue Type:

  New Feature




 16/Dec/13 4:00 AM







Overview #

In order to make `rake spec` give meaningful feedback with a module generated using `puppet module generate` once #11285 is implemented, the generate action should produce an example rspec-puppet based spec test for the module.
I think the example could simply add the class to the catalog and make sure it got added.


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Jira (PUP-1047) augeas type - allow an 'if' statement in the minilanguage for changes

2013-12-16 Thread redmine.exporter (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 redmine.exporter created an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1047

  augeas type - allow an 'if' statement in the minilanguage for changes 

Issue Type:





 16/Dec/13 4:53 AM







Currently, it is only possible to turn an augeas resource on or off in its entirety by using the 'onlyif' parameter. Often, it is desirable to make different kinds of changes depending on what the augeas tree looks like precisely. For example, if in some file the setting 'foo' is not set to '1', check whether the setting exists already; if so, jjust change its value to '1'. If not, create the setting and a comment about it; as a rough draft, this would could be written in the following manner:
pre augeas  { fiddle-foo: context = ... changes =  if match foo size == 0 then set foo '1' ins #comment before foo set #comment[following-sibling::*[1][label() = 'foo']] 'modified by puppet' else set foo '1' end  _onlyif_ = get foo != '1' }


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Jira (PUP-1048) PR (2161): (#21641) Windows puppet service should log to the eventlog - glennsarti

2013-12-16 Thread gepetto-bot (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 gepetto-bot created an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1048

  PR (2161): (#21641) Windows puppet service should log to the eventlog - glennsarti 

Issue Type:







 16/Dec/13 4:55 AM







(#21641) Windows puppet service should log to the eventlog 



Github ID: glennsarti

Pull Request 2161 Discussion

Pull Request 2161 File Diff

Pull Request Description

Jira (PUP-650) PR (2025): (#21641) Windows puppet service should log to the eventlog - glennsarti

2013-12-16 Thread gepetto-bot (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 gepetto-bot commented on an issue

  Re: PR (2025): (#21641) Windows puppet service should log to the eventlog - glennsarti 

glennsarti commented:
Raised Pull Request 2161 for these changes.


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 Puppet /  PUP-650

  PR (2025): (#21641) Windows puppet service should log to the eventlog - glennsarti 

 h2. (#21641) Windows puppet service should log to the eventlog   * Author:  * Company:  * Github ID: [glennsarti|https://github.com/glennsarti] * [Pull Request 2025 Discussion|https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/2025] * [Pull Request 2025 File Diff|https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/2025/files]  h2. Pull Request Description   The...

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Jira (PUP-1049) Windows puppet service should log to the eventlog

2013-12-16 Thread redmine.exporter (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 redmine.exporter created an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1049

  Windows puppet service should log to the eventlog 

Issue Type:





 16/Dec/13 4:59 AM







The windows service code (daemon.rb) logs to a file, since that was implemented prior to eventlog support. Now that we have the latter, the daemon code should use it, e.g. 
pre require 'win32/eventlog' eventlog = Win32::EventLog.open(Application) eventlog.report_event( :source = Puppet, :event_type = Win32::EventLog::INFO, # or WARN, ERROR :event_id = 0x01, # or 0x02, 0x03 :data ="" the message ) eventlog.close /pre


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Jira (PUP-1047) augeas type - allow an 'if' statement in the minilanguage for changes

2013-12-16 Thread Dominic Cleal (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Dominic Cleal updated an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1047

  augeas type - allow an 'if' statement in the minilanguage for changes 

Change By:

 Dominic Cleal

Issue Type:

 Bug NewFeature


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Jira (PUP-1049) Windows puppet service should log to the eventlog

2013-12-16 Thread Glenn Sarti (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Glenn Sarti updated an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1049

  Windows puppet service should log to the eventlog 

Change By:

 Glenn Sarti

 Thewindowsservicecode(daemon.rb)logstoafile,sincethatwasimplementedpriortoeventlogsupport.Nowthatwehavethelatter,thedaemoncodeshoulduseit,e.g. pre {{monospaced}} require'win32/eventlog'eventlog=Win32::EventLog.open(Application)eventlog.report_event(:source=Puppet,:event_type=Win32::EventLog::INFO,#orWARN,ERROR:event_id=0x01,#or0x02,0x03:data=themessage)eventlog.close /pre {{monospaced}}  


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Jira (PUP-1050) ssh_authorized_key always changes from root to user on every run

2013-12-16 Thread redmine.exporter (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 redmine.exporter created an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1050

  ssh_authorized_key always changes from root to user on every run 

Issue Type:





 16/Dec/13 5:04 AM







I have this in my manifest:
 ssh_authorized_key  { test : user = root2, ensure = present, type = ssh-rsa, key =  snip ==; }
Whenever I run puppet it shows these notices:
 notice: /Stage[main]/Ssh/Ssh_authorized_key[test]/user: user changed 'root' to 'root2'
Is there anyway to suppress this notice? It shouldn't really be firing on each run.


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Jira (PUP-1049) Windows puppet service should log to the eventlog

2013-12-16 Thread Glenn Sarti (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Glenn Sarti updated an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1049

  Windows puppet service should log to the eventlog 

Change By:

 Glenn Sarti

 Thewindowsservicecode(daemon.rb)logstoafile,sincethatwasimplementedpriortoeventlogsupport.Nowthatwehavethelatter,thedaemoncodeshoulduseit,e.g.{ { quote} require'win32/eventlog'eventlog=Win32::EventLog.open(Application)eventlog.report_event(:source=Puppet,:event_type=Win32::EventLog::INFO,#orWARN,ERROR:event_id=0x01,#or0x02,0x03:data=themessage)eventlog.close {quote } } 


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Jira (PUP-1049) Windows puppet service should log to the eventlog

2013-12-16 Thread Glenn Sarti (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Glenn Sarti updated an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1049

  Windows puppet service should log to the eventlog 

Change By:

 Glenn Sarti

 Thewindowsservicecode(daemon.rb)logstoafile,sincethatwasimplementedpriortoeventlogsupport.Nowthatwehavethelatter,thedaemoncodeshoulduseit,e.g.{{ monospaced}} require'win32/eventlog'eventlog=Win32::EventLog.open(Application)eventlog.report_event(:source=Puppet,:event_type=Win32::EventLog::INFO,#orWARN,ERROR:event_id=0x01,#or0x02,0x03:data=themessage)eventlog.close {{monospaced }}


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Jira (PUP-1050) ssh_authorized_key always changes from root to user on every run

2013-12-16 Thread JIRA
Title: Message Title


 Jrgen Weber commented on an issue

  Re: ssh_authorized_key always changes from root to user on every run 

I have this issue also.
Versions: facter 1.7.3-1puppetlabs1 Ruby module for collecting simple facts about a host operating system hiera 1.2.1-1puppetlabs1 A simple pluggable Hierarchical Database. puppet 3.3.2-1puppetlabs1 Centralized configuration management - agent startup and compatibility scripts puppet-common 3.3.2-1puppetlabs1 Centralized configuration management puppetlabs-release 1.0-7 Package to install Puppet Labs gpg key and apt repo ruby-rgen 0.6.5-1puppetlabs1 A framework supporting Model Driven Software Development (MDSD) vim-puppet 3.3.2-1puppetlabs1 syntax highlighting for puppet manifests in vim
and here are the logs: Mon Dec 16 12:56:32 + 2013 /Stage[main]/Profile_user/Profile_user::Usr[jweber]/Component_user::User[jweber]/Ssh_authorized_key[jweber]/key (notice): key changed 'insert pub key' Mon Dec 16 12:56:32 + 2013 /Stage[main]/Profile_user/Profile_user::Usr[jweber]/Component_user::User[jweber]/Ssh_authorized_key[jweber]/user (notice): user changed 'root' to 'jweber' Mon Dec 16 12:56:32 + 2013 /Stage[main]/Profile_user/Profile_user::Usr[jweber]/Component_user::User[jweber]/Ssh_authorized_key[jweber]/target (notice): target changed '/root/.ssh/authorized_keys' to '/home/jweber/.ssh/authorized_keys' Mon Dec 16 12:56:32 + 2013 /Stage[main]/Profile_user/Profile_user::Usr[jweber]/Component_user::User[jweber]/Ssh_authorized_key[jweber]/options (notice): undefined 'options' from 'no-port-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,command=echo 'Please login as the user \,ubuntu' Mon Dec 16 12:56:33 + 2013 Puppet (err): Puppet::Util::FileType::FileTypeFlat could not write /root/.ssh/authorized_keys: Permission denied - /root/.ssh/authorized_keys Mon Dec 16 12:56:33 + 2013 /Stage[main]/Profile_user/Profile_user::Usr[jweber]/Component_user::User[jweber]/Ssh_authorized_key[jweber] (err): Could not evaluate: Puppet::Util::FileType::FileTypeFlat could not write /root/.ssh/authorized_keys: Permission denied - /root/.ssh/authorized_keys Mon Dec 16 12:57:29 + 2013 Puppet (notice): Finished catalog run in 154.52 seconds
To understand our environment we all login as users with keys and then we sudo to root if necessary. To run puppet one users 'sudo su -' and then runs puppet. I explain this because I feel the issue is environment related. It looks like to me that it is attempting to update the current users home env settings (root) as the user that was logged in via ssh (jweber). So as you can see it fails with permission errors but I do not understand the why it is even trying to do this? Sometimes it does not happen when you run puppet manually on the command line (but other times you do) and I can not work out why it does or does not happen. You can see this in the agent logs consistently but then again, sometimes it doesn't so it consistently as well.
I am not sure if it is a puppet bug or something else but I started some searching and found this ticket. If you would like more information feel free to ask. Thanks


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Jira (PUP-1051) gem package provider is confused by platform components in version strings

2013-12-16 Thread redmine.exporter (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 redmine.exporter created an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1051

  gem package provider is confused by platform components in version strings 

Issue Type:





 16/Dec/13 5:15 AM







 package {'facter': ensure = latest, provider = 'gem', source = http://puppet:8808, }
 notice: /Stage[main]/Common_puppet::Hpux/Package[facter]/ensure: ensure changed '1.6.17' to '1.6.17 ruby'
This happens on every puppet run. 


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Jira (PUP-1050) ssh_authorized_key always changes from root to user on every run

2013-12-16 Thread JIRA
Title: Message Title


 Jrgen Weber commented on an issue

  Re: ssh_authorized_key always changes from root to user on every run 

I would like to add that the user above, changes as per the user that has logged in via ssh and attempts again to overwrite root. Thanks


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 Puppet /  PUP-1050

  ssh_authorized_key always changes from root to user on every run 

 I have this in my manifest:   ssh_authorized_key {  test :  user = root2,  ensure = present,  type = ssh-rsa,  key =  snip ==;  }   Whenever I run puppet it shows these notices:   notice: /Stage[main]/Ssh/Ssh_authorized_key[test]/user: user changed 'root' to 'root2'   Is there anyway to suppress t...

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Jira (PUP-1052) Allow logging of package type operations

2013-12-16 Thread redmine.exporter (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 redmine.exporter created an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1052

  Allow logging of package type operations 

Issue Type:

  New Feature




 16/Dec/13 5:24 AM







Currently, package type operations (at least with the apt provider) only log the failed command, but not the stdout/stderr of said command. It would be very helpful in debugging issues if the package type would log the output of called commands, at least when errors occur. Something similar to the log_output parameter of the exec type would be helpful.


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Jira (PUP-1053) Resource defaults and automatic tags are applied after collectors are evaluated

2013-12-16 Thread redmine.exporter (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 redmine.exporter created an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1053

  Resource defaults and automatic tags are applied after collectors are evaluated 

Issue Type:





 16/Dec/13 5:36 AM


 redmine customer





Resources (and virtual resources) are not having their classes declared tags correctly applied. (Add the specified tags to the containing class or definition. All contained objects will then acquire that tag, also. ref: http://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/latest/function.html#tag)
pre class foo { tag 'notworking' notify  { I'm untagged: }
 notify  { I'm tagged: tag = notworking }
} include foo Notify | tag == notworking |  { message = I am though } /pre  Results in:  pre mauve /home/jbooth  puppet tagmagic.pp notice: I am though notice: //foo/Notify[I'm tagged]/message: defined 'message' as 'I am though' notice: I'm untagged notice: //foo/Notify[I'm untagged]/message: defined 'message' as 'I'm untagged' /pre  You can change the 'tag == foo' and life doesn't get any better. The neither notify gets the message changed.  pre mauve /home/jbooth  tail -1 tagmagic.pp  Notify | tag == foo | { message = I am though }
mauve /home/jbooth  puppet tagmagic.pp notice: I'm untagged notice: //foo/Notify[I'm untagged]/message: defined 'message' as 'I'm untagged' notice: I'm tagged notice: //foo/Notify[I'm tagged]/message: defined 'message' as 'I'm tagged' /pre


Jira (PUP-1054) Services should support 'reload' in addition to 'restart'

2013-12-16 Thread redmine.exporter (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 redmine.exporter created an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1054

  Services should support 'reload' in addition to 'restart' 

Issue Type:

  New Feature




 16/Dec/13 5:37 AM







currently if a service needs kicking (e.g. a config file changed) you can notify the service, but this leads to a restart. It would be nice if a reload was done if the service was already running (although I suppose there are bound to be some services which require restarts for some files, reloads for others).
A reload would be far faster (shorter service interruption) and potentially more robust.
I'm looking at this since bind stop/start (I hadn't set hasrestart) on Debian etch can fail - it looks like stop command doesn't wait for bind to exit (I'll raise a bug with Debian about that)


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Jira (PUP-1055) invalid byte sequence with service provider upstart

2013-12-16 Thread redmine.exporter (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 redmine.exporter created an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1055

  invalid byte sequence with service provider upstart 

Issue Type:





 16/Dec/13 5:38 AM







I am sometimes getting invalid byte sequence in US-ASCII when using the Service type with the upstart provider. (I am not manually setting `provider = 'upstart'`, it is being set based on OS detection). The problem seems to randomly pop up, and then goes away on its own. I did manage to capture the output of `agent --trace` during one run when the issue occurred.
This is with Ubuntu 12.04.1 and ruby 1.9.3-p0
pre Error: /Stage[main]/Ipa::Client::Basic/Service[sssd]: Could not evaluate: invalid byte sequence in US-ASCII /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet/provider/service/upstart.rb:204:in `match' /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet/provider/service/upstart.rb:204:in `match' /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet/provider/service/upstart.rb:204:in `block in enabled_post_0_9_0?' /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet/provider/service/upstart.rb:203:in `each_line' /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet/provider/service/upstart.rb:203:in `enabled_post_0_9_0?' /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet/provider/service/upstart.rb:101:in `enabled?' /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet/type/service.rb:56:in `retrieve' /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet/type.rb:1027:in `block in retrieve' /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet/type.rb:1022:in `each' /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet/type.rb:1022:in `retrieve' /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet/type.rb:1041:in `retrieve_resource' /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet/transaction/resource_harness.rb:32:in `perform_changes' 

Jira (PUP-1056) puppet master should not trap SIGINT

2013-12-16 Thread redmine.exporter (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 redmine.exporter created an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1056

  puppet master should not trap SIGINT 

Issue Type:





 16/Dec/13 5:39 AM







Puppet master currently traps SIGINT. This causes problems with rack servers, especially unicorn.
Unicorn has it's own SIGINT trap and will shut down the worker processes when it receives it. However because puppet master is trapping SIGINT, unicorn doesn't get the signal, the worker processes are abandoned, and then die once they hit a timeout they have in them. Because the workers are also listening for connections, you cannot start unicorn back up until all the workers die (since it can't bind to the socket).
The offending code is here: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/blob/b3bcb6dd385a5a9bca88c56b0e454eac9ac33dcc/lib/puppet/application/master.rb#L142


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Jira (PUP-958) PR (2137): (#23316) Updated yum package provider to support :holdable feature by - fatmcgav

2013-12-16 Thread gepetto-bot (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 gepetto-bot commented on an issue

  Re: PR (2137): (#23316) Updated yum package provider to support :holdable feature by - fatmcgav 

fatmcgav commented:
@zaphod42 I've added a couple of initial test cases to check for method responses. 
I'm not sure how best to stub the 'yum versionlock' command call to test for the ':holdable' feature. 


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 Puppet /  PUP-958

  PR (2137): (#23316) Updated yum package provider to support :holdable feature by - fatmcgav 

 h2. (#23316) Updated yum package provider to support :holdable feature by  * Author: Gavin Williams fatmc...@gmail.com * Company:  * Github ID: [fatmcgav|https://github.com/fatmcgav] * [Pull Request 2137 Discussion|https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/2137] * [Pull Request 2137 File Diff|https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/2137/files]  h...

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Jira (PUP-480) Complete handling of undef/nil

2013-12-16 Thread Henrik Lindberg (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Henrik Lindberg commented on an issue

  Re: Complete handling of undef/nil 

PUP-1037 is from redmine. PUP-480 is about handling undefined in the future evaluator


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 Puppet /  PUP-480

  Complete handling of undef/nil 

 A decision needs to be made regarding handling of undef as nil.  There is agreement that it should be handled as a nil value everywhere except one case; when setting an attribute value.   Currently setting undef as an attribute value has the meaning do not set this attribute (as opposed to set this attribute to nil) - which has the effect of selectin...

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Jira (PUP-1039) Use in expressions when realizing virtual resources

2013-12-16 Thread Henrik Lindberg (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Henrik Lindberg updated an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1039

  Use in expressions when realizing virtual resources 

Change By:

 Henrik Lindberg


 DSLpuppetdb redmine


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Jira (PUP-1039) Use in expressions when realizing virtual resources

2013-12-16 Thread Henrik Lindberg (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Henrik Lindberg commented on an issue

  Re: Use in expressions when realizing virtual resources 

The restrictions in what can be used as query operators in virtual and exported queries is determined by the query API. The entire query mechanism needs an overhaul (including the backends / Puppet DB) in order to provide more flexibility (i.e. additional operators).
This also relates to issues with desire to do something with the result (as opposed to just realizing, or overriding parameter values) - functionality that also requires an overhaul. 


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 Puppet /  PUP-1039

  Use in expressions when realizing virtual resources 

 It would be nice if you could use the in _expression_ when realizing resources.  Currently the following fails:   pre  @group{ 'foo': ... }  @group{ 'bar': ... }  $grouplist=[ 'foo', 'bar' ]  Group | title in $grouplist |  /pre   However using realise it works:  pre  @group{ 'foo': ... }  @group{ 'bar': ... }  $grouplist=[ 'foo', 'bar' ]  realiz...

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Jira (PUP-1057) Remove 'collect' and 'select' iterative function stubs

2013-12-16 Thread Henrik Lindberg (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Henrik Lindberg created an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1057

  Remove 'collect' and 'select' iterative function stubs 

Issue Type:







 16/Dec/13 7:36 AM

Fix Versions:





 Henrik Lindberg

The functions 'select' and 'collect' are currently stubs that raise an error (to help those using the future parser from  3.5 migrate their code). In 4.0.0 those stubs should be removed.


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Jira (PDB-106) Report processor in puppetdb-terminus fails during catalogue compilation failures

2013-12-16 Thread Daniele Sluijters (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Daniele Sluijters updated an issue

 PuppetDB /  PDB-106

  Report processor in puppetdb-terminus fails during catalogue compilation failures 

Change By:

 Daniele Sluijters

 Samplecontent: pre {code} nodepuppetdb1.vm{somesyntaxerror} /pre {code} Whenthereportsubmittertriestosubmitsuchareport,weget: pre {{ Feb1819:15:31puppetdb1puppet-master[28878]:Reportprocessorfailed:undefinedmethod`[]'fornil:NilClass }}  /pre   Onthepuppetmaster...


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Jira (HI-115) hiera recursive guard

2013-12-16 Thread redmine.exporter (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 redmine.exporter created an issue

 Hiera /  HI-115

  hiera recursive guard 

Issue Type:



 Eric Sorenson


 16/Dec/13 7:48 AM







The recursive guard is activated if the same variable is referenced twice. For example:
global.yaml a: '% {b} - %{b}
hiera a /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/hiera/recursive_guard.rb:13:in `check': Detected in [b] (Hiera::InterpolationLoop)
Also the error message is not very informative.


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Jira (PUP-1058) puppet apply loading facts twice

2013-12-16 Thread redmine.exporter (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 redmine.exporter created an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1058

  puppet apply loading facts twice 

Issue Type:





 16/Dec/13 7:52 AM







given the site.pp with:
pre node default  { notice(Busy compiling catalog) }
and a module dir setup like:
pre % mkdir modules % puppet module install ripienaar-concat --modulepath=`pwd`/modules /pre
I have no config so its all defaults:
pre % puppet apply --configprint config /home/rip/.puppet/puppet.conf % cat /home/rip/.puppet/puppet.conf cat: /home/rip/.puppet/puppet.conf: No such file or directory /pre
Running puppet 3.0.0rc7 will load facts twice:
pre % puppet apply --modulepath=`pwd`/modules `pwd`/site.pp --verbose Info: Loading facts in /home/rip/temp/modules/concat/lib/facter/concat_basedir.rb Scope(Node[dev1.devco.net]): Compiling catalog Info: Loading facts in /home/rip/temp/modules/concat/lib/facter/concat_basedir.rb Info: Applying configuration version '1348574505' Finished catalog run in 0.17 seconds /pre
But puppet 2.7.17 with the same code does:
pre info: Loading facts in /home/rip/temp/modules/concat/lib/facter/concat_basedir.rb notice: Scope(Node[default]): Compiling catalog info: Applying configuration version '1348574599' info: Creating state file 

Jira (PUP-1058) puppet apply loading facts twice

2013-12-16 Thread JIRA
Title: Message Title


 Erik Daln updated an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1058

  puppet apply loading facts twice 

Change By:

 Erik Daln

 giventhesite.ppwith: pre {code} nodedefault{notice(Busycompilingcatalog)} /pre {code} andamoduledirsetuplike: pre {code} %mkdirmodules%puppetmoduleinstallripienaar-concat--modulepath=`pwd`/modules /pre {code} Ihavenoconfigsoitsalldefaults: pre {code} %puppetapply--configprintconfig/home/rip/.puppet/puppet.conf%cat/home/rip/.puppet/puppet.confcat:/home/rip/.puppet/puppet.conf:Nosuchfileordirectory /pre {code} Runningpuppet3.0.0rc7willloadfactstwice: pre {code} %puppetapply--modulepath=`pwd`/modules`pwd`/site.pp--verboseInfo:Loadingfactsin/home/rip/temp/modules/concat/lib/facter/concat_basedir.rbScope(Node[dev1.devco.net]):CompilingcatalogInfo:Loadingfactsin/home/rip/temp/modules/concat/lib/facter/concat_basedir.rbInfo:Applyingconfigurationversion'1348574505'Finishedcatalogrunin0.17seconds /pre {code} Butpuppet2.7.17withthesamecodedoes: pre {code} info:Loadingfactsin/home/rip/temp/modules/concat/lib/facter/concat_basedir.rbnotice:Scope(Node[default]):Compilingcataloginfo:Applyingconfigurationversion'1348574599'info:Creatingstatefile/home/rip/.puppet/var/state/state.yamlnotice:Finishedcatalogrunin0.05seconds /pre {code} 


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Jira (PUP-1058) puppet apply loading facts twice

2013-12-16 Thread JIRA
Title: Message Title


 Erik Daln updated an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1058

  puppet apply loading facts twice 

Change By:

 Erik Daln

Affects Version/s:



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Jira (PUP-1059) PR (2162): (#16570) Don't load the node object again in configurer - dalen

2013-12-16 Thread gepetto-bot (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 gepetto-bot created an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1059

  PR (2162): (#16570) Don't load the node object again in configurer - dalen 

Issue Type:







 16/Dec/13 7:57 AM







(#16570) Don't load the node object again in configurer

Author: Erik Daln erik.gustav.da...@gmail.com

Company: Spotify

Github ID: dalen

Pull Request 2162 Discussion

Pull Request 2162 File Diff

Pull Request Description

Jira (HI-115) hiera recursive guard

2013-12-16 Thread Steve Traylen (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Steve Traylen updated an issue

 Hiera /  HI-115

  hiera recursive guard 

Change By:

 Steve Traylen

 Therecursiveguardisactivatedifthesamevariableisreferencedtwice.Forexample: {code} global.yamla:'%{b}-%{b}' {code}   hieraa {code} /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/hiera/recursive_guard.rb:13:in`check':Detectedin[b](Hiera::InterpolationLoop) {code} Alsotheerrormessageisnotveryinformative.


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Jira (PUP-1058) puppet apply loading facts twice

2013-12-16 Thread JIRA
Title: Message Title


 Erik Daln commented on an issue

  Re: puppet apply loading facts twice 



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 Puppet /  PUP-1058

  puppet apply loading facts twice 

 given the site.pp with:   {code}  node default {  notice(Busy compiling catalog)  }  {code}   and a module dir setup like:   {code}  % mkdir modules  % puppet module install ripienaar-concat --modulepath=`pwd`/modules  {code}   I have no config so its all defaults:   {code}  % puppet apply --configprint config  /home/rip/.puppet/puppet.conf  % ca...

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Jira (PDB-233) Don't reactivate nodes unless a new catalog is submitted.

2013-12-16 Thread redmine.exporter (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 redmine.exporter created an issue

 PuppetDB /  PDB-233

  Don't reactivate nodes unless a new catalog is submitted.  

Issue Type:

  New Feature




 16/Dec/13 8:37 AM







I recently had an issue with a node that created an exported resource that was missing a parameter (sshkey missing the 'key' value). This caused some errors on hosts collecting that resource (it also broke other sshkey resources, but that's another issue). I deactivated the node in puppetdb and all was well for a while. But this host was having other issues including catalog errors on subsequent runs. So the host was able to submit facts, clearing the deactivated timestamp from puppetdb, but was not able to submit a new catalog to fix the broken resource. Thus my problems started all over again.  Would it be possible to not reactivate a deactivated node unless a new catalog is successfully submitted? Does that make sense to do or am I off base in my analysis?


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Jira (PUP-939) add support for enumerable type(s) in all iterative functions

2013-12-16 Thread Henrik Lindberg (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Henrik Lindberg assigned an issue to Henrik Lindberg

 Puppet /  PUP-939

  add support for enumerable type(s) in all iterative functions 

Change By:

 Henrik Lindberg




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Jira (PUP-939) add support for enumerable type(s) in all iterative functions

2013-12-16 Thread Henrik Lindberg (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Henrik Lindberg updated an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-939

  add support for enumerable type(s) in all iterative functions 

Change By:

 Henrik Lindberg




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Jira (PUP-939) add support for enumerable type(s) in all iterative functions

2013-12-16 Thread Henrik Lindberg (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Henrik Lindberg assigned an issue to Henrik Lindberg

 Puppet /  PUP-939

  add support for enumerable type(s) in all iterative functions 

Change By:

 Henrik Lindberg




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Jira (PUP-868) Deprecate Unusable Certificate Faces

2013-12-16 Thread Andrew Parker (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Andrew Parker commented on an issue

  Re: Deprecate Unusable Certificate Faces 

Turns out that certificate is used by people to download the certificates from the master when they still want some communication (such as reports), but are using puppet apply.


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 Puppet /  PUP-868

  Deprecate Unusable Certificate Faces 

 The culprits:  * ca  * certificate_request  * certificate_revocation_list   These faces are generally unusable and confusing. We need to deprecate them and make it clear that the user is really just looking for the cert subcommand.

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Jira (PUP-868) Deprecate Unusable Certificate Faces

2013-12-16 Thread Andrew Parker (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Andrew Parker updated an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-868

  Deprecate Unusable Certificate Faces 

Change By:

 Andrew Parker

 Theculprits:*ca* certificate* certificate_request*certificate_revocation_listThesefacesaregenerallyunusableandconfusing.Weneedtodeprecatethemandmakeitclearthattheuserisreallyjustlookingforthecertsubcommand.


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Jira (PUP-1060) enablerepo and disablerepo for yum type

2013-12-16 Thread redmine.exporter (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 redmine.exporter created an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1060

  enablerepo and disablerepo for yum type 

Issue Type:

  New Feature




 16/Dec/13 9:45 AM


 redmine customer





it would be nice to be able to enable a disabled repo for the installation on one package.
for example installing facter from EPEL.
something like;
pre package  { facter: ensure = installed, enablerepo = [ epel, epel-testing ]; }


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Jira (PUP-1061) Install multiple package within a single call to the package manager

2013-12-16 Thread redmine.exporter (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 redmine.exporter created an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1061

  Install multiple package within a single call to the package manager 

Issue Type:

  New Feature




 16/Dec/13 9:46 AM


 redmine customer





During the configuration applying process the package manager is called for each package installation. It is possible to reduce the number of calls to the package manager by gathering package installation and delayed some package installation. Naturally, this modification should not break the dependency graph.


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Jira (FACT-150) Facter timeouts reap all subprocesses thus confusing Puppet

2013-12-16 Thread redmine.exporter (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 redmine.exporter created an issue

 Facter /  FACT-150

  Facter timeouts reap all subprocesses thus confusing Puppet 

Issue Type:



 Eric Sorenson


 16/Dec/13 9:52 AM







It is no longer possible to have puppet install packages via yum/rpm if the network interface is not bound to an IP address. Our use case requires using puppet in the non-daemon mode and this is possible for us because the system will have all necessary manifests and other necessary files locally. This worked just fine with 0.24.6 on Fedora 10, but began failing upon the upgrade to 0.24.8.
See the attachments for failure messages and a code diff that seems to have introduced the regression. If I revert this one change, things work nicely once again. Looks like a very simple fix if it weren't for the ominous looking comment in the code. 


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Jira (PUP-1062) Add virtualenv support to the pip package provider

2013-12-16 Thread redmine.exporter (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 redmine.exporter created an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1062

  Add virtualenv support to the pip package provider 

Issue Type:

  New Feature




 16/Dec/13 10:02 AM







Now that #6527 is merged into master, it is possible to easily add support for virtualenvs and fully complete #3572.
A `virtualenv` argument could be added to the `package` type in order to instrument `pip` to install the requested package into the given virtualenv directory.
For example:
 package  { my-python-package: ensure = latest, provider = pip, virtualenv = /path/to/virtualenv }
The content of the virtualenv parameter will be passed directly to the `--environment` parameter of the `pip install` command
Some references:



Jira (PUP-1062) Add virtualenv support to the pip package provider

2013-12-16 Thread Jason Antman (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Jason Antman assigned an issue to Jason Antman

 Puppet /  PUP-1062

  Add virtualenv support to the pip package provider 

Change By:

 Jason Antman




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Jira (PUP-397) Manage both 32 and 64-bit windows applications

2013-12-16 Thread Michelle Johansen (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Michelle Johansen updated an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-397

  Manage both 32 and 64-bit windows applications 

Change By:

 Michelle Johansen




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Jira (PUP-397) Manage both 32 and 64-bit windows applications

2013-12-16 Thread Michelle Johansen (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Michelle Johansen updated an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-397

  Manage both 32 and 64-bit windows applications 

Change By:

 Michelle Johansen




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Jira (PUP-1063) Add Shinken extra atrributes to Nagios types

2013-12-16 Thread redmine.exporter (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 redmine.exporter created an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1063

  Add Shinken extra atrributes to Nagios types 

Issue Type:

  New Feature




 16/Dec/13 10:24 AM







Shinken is a new player in the monitoring solutions, written in python it is a very promising software. Is is compatible with Nagios config, and thus quite easily configurable via Puppet.
It also has some specific attributes that are not present in Puppet's Nagios native types. I did a pull request which adds them:


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Jira (PUP-1064) Puppet master fails with 'stack level too deep' error when storeconfigs = true with rails stack 3.1.0

2013-12-16 Thread redmine.exporter (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 redmine.exporter created an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1064

  Puppet master fails with 'stack level too deep' error when storeconfigs = true with rails stack 3.1.0 

Issue Type:





 16/Dec/13 10:24 AM


 redmine customer





Out of nowhere, a known-working Puppet stack build script started to fail. The tell-tale error is 'stack level too deep' which from other historical bug reports always seems related to Ruby directly. After many hours of digging around, I checked for updated gem versions on the system. There was an update to rails 3.1.0 (and activerecord, etc.) which apparently is breaking the Puppet master when working with storeconfigs = true. Disabling storeconfigs immediately works as expected again.
When reverting from rails and friends 3.1.0 to 3.0.10, Puppet again works as expected.
I don't have any insight into where exactly this is all failing, only the version which is causing the issue and the condition to emulate it.
This was only tested again Puppet 2.7.3 using the gem install with both webrick and Apache+Passenger.
Attached is a debug output.


Jira (PUP-1065) API call to return list of available environments

2013-12-16 Thread redmine.exporter (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 redmine.exporter created an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1065

  API call to return list of available environments 

Issue Type:

  New Feature




 16/Dec/13 10:25 AM







Usage: Would like to make an API call as a validation to an ENC to return a list of valid environments:
Story: Bob has an ENC in a web interface and wants to add a node to an environment. He sets the environment setting to testing but has no idea until he runs the ENC if the testing environment exists. Instead he'd like his web interface to query the Puppet master and return a list of valid environments so he can validate that the testing environment exists.


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Jira (PUP-1066) yum repos should be ensurable.

2013-12-16 Thread redmine.exporter (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 redmine.exporter created an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1066

  yum repos should be ensurable. 

Issue Type:

  New Feature




 16/Dec/13 10:27 AM


 redmine customer





This should be done so that we can solve:
 #949 - yumrepo should support removal of repository
 #1023 - yumrepo option to purge unmanaged repos


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Jira (PUP-1067) Custom Object Variables support for Nagios

2013-12-16 Thread redmine.exporter (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 redmine.exporter created an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1067

  Custom Object Variables support for Nagios 

Issue Type:

  New Feature




 16/Dec/13 10:29 AM







With the release of nagios3 custom object variables has been supported but there is no way to use them within puppet, please see http://nagios.sourceforge.net/docs/3_0/customobjectvars.html. 


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Jira (PUP-1051) gem package provider is confused by platform components in version strings

2013-12-16 Thread JIRA
Title: Message Title


 Pedro Crte-Real commented on an issue

  Re: gem package provider is confused by platform components in version strings 

The move to JIRA doesn't seem to have imported the comments. One of the comments has a simple patch to fix this. Could anyone please commit this or tell me what else needs to be done to get this committed?


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 Puppet /  PUP-1051

  gem package provider is confused by platform components in version strings 

 Using:   package{'facter':  ensure = latest,  provider = 'gem',  source = http://puppet:8808,  }   Produces:notice: /Stage[main]/Common_puppet::Hpux/Package[facter]/ensure: ensure changed '1.6.17' to '1.6.17 ruby'   This happens on every puppet run. 

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Jira (PUP-1069) Implement feature :upgradeable for OpenBSD package provider

2013-12-16 Thread redmine.exporter (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 redmine.exporter created an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1069

  Implement feature :upgradeable for OpenBSD package provider 

Issue Type:

  New Feature




 16/Dec/13 10:34 AM







It's currently not possible to use ensure = latest on OpenBSD. The code itself works correct in my testing, however I'm having some issues with getting spec tests to pass and I'd appreciate some help with that as it appears to return the version for the bash fixture, and not the new (or old) version of tcsh.


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Jira (FACT-151) Structured data should be supported

2013-12-16 Thread redmine.exporter (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 redmine.exporter created an issue

 Facter /  FACT-151

  Structured data should be supported 

Issue Type:

  New Feature


 Eric Sorenson


 16/Dec/13 10:34 AM







Facter currently only supports a flat result list, and it should instead support structured data - basically, a hash of hashes and arrays.
This should probably be able to be represented in two ways - either a hash of hashes/arrays, or namespaces. That is, this: pre {:top = {:middle = {:bottom = value}}} /pre Could also be represented as: pre top::middle::bottom = value /pre
We could optionally have a converter that s/::/_/g for backward compatibility, which should be both trivial and unnecessary, but there should definitely be some kind of backward compatibility mode for callers who can't deal with structured data.


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Jira (PUP-1068) Puppet master can't submit reports to an HTTP server using basic auth

2013-12-16 Thread redmine.exporter (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 redmine.exporter created an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1068

  Puppet master can't submit reports to an HTTP server using basic auth 

Issue Type:





 16/Dec/13 10:33 AM







If you turn on HTTP basic auth in Puppet Dashboard's vhost config, Puppet is unable to communicate with it. Setting a `reporturl` of (for example) http://puppet:puppet@localhost:3000/reports will not cause puppet to authenticate itself to Dashboard. 
The ENC script doesn't work either; see issue #5126. The approach in Matt and my patch in comment 7 could probably be dropped into lib/reports/http.rb.


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Jira (PUP-847) Manage security descriptor owner group

2013-12-16 Thread Eric Sorenson (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Eric Sorenson updated an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-847

  Manage security descriptor owner  group 

Change By:

 Eric Sorenson

Fix Version/s:



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Jira (PUP-845) Create a windows provider

2013-12-16 Thread Eric Sorenson (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Eric Sorenson updated an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-845

  Create a windows provider 

Change By:

 Eric Sorenson

Fix Version/s:



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Jira (PUP-848) Manage security descriptor protected field

2013-12-16 Thread Eric Sorenson (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Eric Sorenson updated an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-848

  Manage security descriptor protected field 

Change By:

 Eric Sorenson

Fix Version/s:



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Jira (PUP-846) Manage inheritance

2013-12-16 Thread Eric Sorenson (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Eric Sorenson updated an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-846

  Manage inheritance 

Change By:

 Eric Sorenson

Fix Version/s:



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Jira (PUP-844) Create basic acl type

2013-12-16 Thread Eric Sorenson (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Eric Sorenson updated an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-844

  Create basic acl type 

Change By:

 Eric Sorenson

Fix Version/s:



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Jira (PUP-854) Publish module to the forge

2013-12-16 Thread Eric Sorenson (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Eric Sorenson updated an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-854

  Publish module to the forge 

Change By:

 Eric Sorenson

Fix Version/s:



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Jira (PUP-851) Manage propagation

2013-12-16 Thread Eric Sorenson (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Eric Sorenson updated an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-851

  Manage propagation 

Change By:

 Eric Sorenson

Fix Version/s:



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Jira (PUP-852) Create acl defined type

2013-12-16 Thread Eric Sorenson (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Eric Sorenson updated an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-852

  Create acl defined type 

Change By:

 Eric Sorenson

Fix Version/s:



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Jira (PUP-781) sun package provider should not run pkginfo -l

2013-12-16 Thread Mike Andrewjeski (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Mike Andrewjeski commented on an issue

  Re: sun package provider should not run pkginfo -l 

makes tremendous sense for people running solaris.


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 Puppet /  PUP-781

  sun package provider should not run pkginfo -l 

 On Solaris, `pkginfo -l` is a heavyweight operation.   Currently, the sun package provider uses `pkginfo -l` to get a list of all installed packages, which it uses presumably for prefetch functionaltiy, and then uses that information to decide how to manage packages (Install, remove, etc.)   Given that many Solaris boxes are older hardware, and that thi...

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Jira (PUP-1070) puppetd doesn't always cleanup lockfile properly

2013-12-16 Thread redmine.exporter (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 redmine.exporter created an issue

 Puppet /  PUP-1070

  puppetd doesn't always cleanup lockfile properly 

Issue Type:





 16/Dec/13 10:39 AM


 redmine customer





ok I had the patch #2661 now running for some weeks and I had nearly no problems anymore. However from time to time (maybe once,twice a week) a random client doesn't remove its lockfile (@/var/lib/puppet/state/puppetdlock@), hence future runs fail. I assume this might still happen due to a uncatched exception (as in #2261), however the problem is a) hard or nearly impossible to reproduce and b) it occurs really by random. The only thing I can see in the logs:
pre Nov 30 19:27:41 foobar puppetd[26228]: Finished catalog run in 98.79 seconds Nov 30 20:00:02 foobar puppetd[3000]: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 502 on SERVER: html^M headtitle502 Bad Gateway/title/head^M body bgcolor=white^M centerh1502 Bad Gateway/h1/center^M hrcenternginx/0.6.39/center^M /body^M /html^M Nov 30 20:00:03 foobar puppetd[3000]: Using cached catalog Nov 30 20:00:03 foobar puppetd[3000]: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run Nov 30 20:00:04 foobar puppetd[12169]: Run of Puppet configuration client already in progress; skipping Nov 30 20:30:04 foobar puppetd[21230]: Run of Puppet configuration client already in progress; skipping /pre
as I run puppetd by cron twice an hour with --splay I assume that the run between 19:30 and 20:00 got delayed till 20:00. At this time (20:00) a puppetmaster restart happens and due to that the 502 occured. This was the run of pid 3000, the next run (pid 12169) failed, this 

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