Jira (PUP-10888) Updated Puppet cert print command

2021-02-23 Thread Gheorghe Popescu (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Gheorghe Popescu assigned an issue to Gheorghe Popescu  



 Puppet /  PUP-10888  
  Updated Puppet cert print command   


Change By: 
 Gheorghe Popescu  
 Gheorghe Popescu  



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 This message was sent by Atlassian Jira (v8.5.2#805002-sha1:a66f935)  





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Jira (PDB-5027) Investigate factset update getting stuck in DataFileRead

2021-02-23 Thread Zachary Kent (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Zachary Kent commented on  PDB-5027  



  Re: Investigate factset update getting stuck in DataFileRead   


 Spoke with the FOSS person who reported the issue an got the results of the following query on their system where the update factset query was still stuck after ~9 days at that point.   
 select a.pid,  
   pg_blocking_pids(a.pid) as blocked_by,  
   a.query as blocked_query,  
   array_agg(l.mode) as mode,  
   array_agg(l.relation::regclass) as regclass,  
   array_agg(l.granted) as granted  
 from pg_stat_activity a join pg_locks l on a.pid = l.pid
 where cardinality(pg_blocking_pids(a.pid)) > 0  
 group by a.pid, a.query;
  Result gist In the results you can see that an update factset (pid:10624) and autovacuum.analyze (pid:13060) query are blocked waiting on locks from pid:4971 (the stuck query). You can see the start times of these and the two other oldest blocked update factset queries below (queries have been truncated):  
 pid   | 9471  

Jira (PDB-3159) I'd like to access the performance dashboard over https

2021-02-23 Thread Austin Blatt (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Austin Blatt updated an issue  



 PuppetDB /  PDB-3159  
  I'd like to access the performance dashboard over https   


Change By: 
 Austin Blatt  
Release Notes: 
Release Notes Summary: 
 dashboard can be accessed over https, in PE it can be accessed with an rbac token provided as a URL parameter  



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Jira (FACT-2946) VLAN interfaces not properly discovered

2021-02-23 Thread Ryan Bethke (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Ryan Bethke created an issue  



 Facter /  FACT-2946  
  VLAN interfaces not properly discovered   


Issue Type: 
 Facter 4  
 2021/02/23 9:31 AM  
 Ryan Bethke  


 In FreeBSD, it's standard practice to specify VLAN interfaces with a period separating the interface and VLAN.  (e.g.  igb1.5 specifies the igb1 network interface VLAN 5). However, Facter 4 is not picking these up as interfaces, and is instead assigning these attributes to the lo0 interface. In lib/facter/resolvers/networking.rb:   
 interfaces_data = Hash[*response.split(/^([A-Za-z0-9_]+): /)[1..-1]]
    adding a literal period "\." to the regex allows these interfaces to be properly identified.  
 interfaces_data = Hash[*response.split(/^([A-Za-z0-9_\.]+): /)[1..-1]]

Jira (PDB-5047) Bump versions, push directly, and tag (PuppetDB 7.3.0)

2021-02-23 Thread Eric Griswold (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Eric Griswold updated an issue  



 PuppetDB /  PDB-5047  
  Bump versions, push directly, and tag (PuppetDB 7.3.0)   


Change By: 
 Eric Griswold  
Epic Link: 



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Jira (PDB-5044) Merge-up, branch, and create pipelines (PuppetDB 7.3.0)

2021-02-23 Thread Eric Griswold (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Eric Griswold updated an issue  



 PuppetDB /  PDB-5044  
  Merge-up, branch, and create pipelines (PuppetDB 7.3.0)   


Change By: 
 Eric Griswold  
Epic Link: 



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Jira (PDB-5049) Update winston (PuppetDB 7.3.0)

2021-02-23 Thread Eric Griswold (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Eric Griswold created an issue  



 PuppetDB /  PDB-5049  
  Update winston (PuppetDB 7.3.0)   


Issue Type: 
 Austin Blatt  
 2021/02/23 9:12 AM  
Due Date: 
 Eric Griswold  


 (Initial planned release date: 2021-03-16) Update winston to make these tickets more accurate for next time.  



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Jira (PDB-5045) Reconcile git commits, JIRA tickets, and versions (PuppetDB 7.3.0)

2021-02-23 Thread Eric Griswold (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Eric Griswold updated an issue  



 PuppetDB /  PDB-5045  
  Reconcile git commits, JIRA tickets, and versions (PuppetDB 7.3.0)   


Change By: 
 Eric Griswold  
Epic Link: 



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Jira (PDB-5046) Draft release notes (PuppetDB 7.3.0)

2021-02-23 Thread Eric Griswold (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Eric Griswold created an issue  



 PuppetDB /  PDB-5046  
  Draft release notes (PuppetDB 7.3.0)   


Issue Type: 
 Austin Blatt  
 2021/02/23 9:12 AM  
Due Date: 
 Eric Griswold  


 (Initial planned release date: 2021-03-16) 
Write release notes for the release based on the tickets found in the previous step. 
Check any tickets for a docs tab with desired information. 
The release notes go in puppetdb\/documentation\/release_notes.markdown. 
Request review from the docs team by pinging @clairecadman in the opened PR, at least one day before Ready to Ship 
The opened PR should be approved prior to a go\/no-go. Release notes must be ready before a go. 
Docs are built daily and at release time. If notes need to be published out of band ask in `#prod-docs`. 



Jira (PDB-5048) Check builds, promote to PE (PuppetDB 7.3.0)

2021-02-23 Thread Eric Griswold (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Eric Griswold created an issue  



 PuppetDB /  PDB-5048  
  Check builds, promote to PE (PuppetDB 7.3.0)   


Issue Type: 
 Austin Blatt  
 2021/02/23 9:12 AM  
Due Date: 
 Eric Griswold  


 (Initial planned release date: 2021-03-16) 
Check that all the builds are green. 
Choose the tab for your branch over at https://cinext-jenkinsmaster-enterprise-prod-1.delivery.puppetlabs.net/view/puppetdb/, then run the "manual promotion kickoff" job with the GIT_SHA set to the git tag version and PROMOTION_ENABLED set to TRUE. 
If a release branch has already been cut Rebuild the pacakge promotion job with the release branch set instead of master or 2018.1.x. 
Once it's promoted to the release branch checkout the release branch of enterprise-dist locally and verify that all platforms have the same tagged version of pe-puppetdb 
  bundle exec rake report:packages 
If there were any important dependency bumps, such as to fix a bug or CVE, verify that they were updated by navigating to the release and then to the pe-puppetdb package on [pebuildinfo|pebuildinfo.slice.puppetlabs.net/]. 

Jira (PDB-5047) Bump versions, push directly, and tag (PuppetDB 7.3.0)

2021-02-23 Thread Eric Griswold (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Eric Griswold created an issue  



 PuppetDB /  PDB-5047  
  Bump versions, push directly, and tag (PuppetDB 7.3.0)   


Issue Type: 
 Austin Blatt  
 2021/02/23 9:12 AM  
Due Date: 
 Eric Griswold  


 (Initial planned release date: 2021-03-16) (if you're making the first release off a new branch you may already have done some of this) 
Check that there aren't any essential updates to ezbake needed in this release and that the ezbake versions match between puppetdb and pe-puppetdb-extensions before pushing a non-snapshot version and tagging. 
Check that puppetdb and pe-puppetdb-extensions are on the same version of clj-parent, and that is the same clj-parent version that puppetserver will release with. 
 Disable automatic promotions: 
If a PE release branch has not been cut, disable automatic promotions on the branch(es) you are releasing from. This is done via a PR to ci-job-configs, see https://github.com/puppetlabs/ci-job-configs/pull/6324/files for an example. 
 Set the real version for release: 
Remove the -SNASPHOT portion of the verison in project.clj in puppetdb and push directly to the branch you're releasing. 

Jira (PDB-5045) Reconcile git commits, JIRA tickets, and versions (PuppetDB 7.3.0)

2021-02-23 Thread Eric Griswold (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Eric Griswold created an issue  



 PuppetDB /  PDB-5045  
  Reconcile git commits, JIRA tickets, and versions (PuppetDB 7.3.0)   


Issue Type: 
 Austin Blatt  
 2021/02/23 9:12 AM  
Due Date: 
 Eric Griswold  


 (Initial planned release date: 2021-03-16) Ensure all tickets referenced in the commit log have a the release's fixVersion, and ensure all tickets targeted at the release have a corresponding commit. You can do this manually by checking out the branches you will be releasing, ensuring they are in sync with the upstream puppetlabs repo and running the rake task  bundle install; bundle exec rake release:reconcile[NEXT_VER,LAST_VER] This assumes you have the puppetdb repo as the cwd and the pe repo at ../pe-puppetdb-extensions. These can be overridden by the PDB_PATH and PDB_PE_PATH environment variables. The rake task will explain any mismatches that exist between Jira and the repos and ask you to investigate any tickets that do not start with a PDB ticket, (maint), (docs), or (i18n)  



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Jira (PDB-5046) Draft release notes (PuppetDB 7.3.0)

2021-02-23 Thread Eric Griswold (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Eric Griswold updated an issue  



 PuppetDB /  PDB-5046  
  Draft release notes (PuppetDB 7.3.0)   


Change By: 
 Eric Griswold  
Epic Link: 



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Jira (PDB-5048) Check builds, promote to PE (PuppetDB 7.3.0)

2021-02-23 Thread Eric Griswold (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Eric Griswold updated an issue  



 PuppetDB /  PDB-5048  
  Check builds, promote to PE (PuppetDB 7.3.0)   


Change By: 
 Eric Griswold  
Epic Link: 



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Jira (PDB-5049) Update winston (PuppetDB 7.3.0)

2021-02-23 Thread Eric Griswold (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Eric Griswold updated an issue  



 PuppetDB /  PDB-5049  
  Update winston (PuppetDB 7.3.0)   


Change By: 
 Eric Griswold  
Epic Link: 



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Jira (PDB-5044) Merge-up, branch, and create pipelines (PuppetDB 7.3.0)

2021-02-23 Thread Eric Griswold (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Eric Griswold created an issue  



 PuppetDB /  PDB-5044  
  Merge-up, branch, and create pipelines (PuppetDB 7.3.0)   


Issue Type: 
 Austin Blatt  
 2021/02/23 9:12 AM  
Due Date: 
 Eric Griswold  


 (Initial planned release date: 2021-03-16) Is the code ready for release? Check that the latest nightly ("Periodic") build was green. You only need to check the links that are relevant to the release that you're preparing (for example, doing a release that doesn't include LTS). 
master: https://cinext-jenkinsmaster-enterprise-prod-1.delivery.puppetlabs.net/view/puppetdb/view/master 
5.2.x: https://cinext-jenkinsmaster-enterprise-prod-1.delivery.puppetlabs.net/view/puppetdb/view/5.2.x/ 
pe-puppetdb-extensions travis builds: https://travis-ci.com/puppetlabs/pe-puppetdb-extensions/branches 
 Do merge-ups: 
Merge 5.2.x -> master 
 Important: Do this for both the core puppetdb repo and the pe-puppetdb-extensions repo! These should be submitted as PRs and merged after tests pass, if there's anything remotely interesting about the merges. If the merges are boring, then direct push is fine. Then, prepare the branch for release: 

Jira (PUP-10939) Communicate scope and timeline of next release (Puppet Platform 7.5.0)

2021-02-23 Thread Eric Griswold (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Eric Griswold created an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-10939  
  Communicate scope and timeline of next release (Puppet Platform 7.5.0)   


Issue Type: 
 Nirupama Mantha  
 2021/02/23 9:11 AM  
Due Date: 
 Eric Griswold  


 (Initial planned release date: 2021-03-16) 1) Create versions and filters for the release in in JIRA. Ensure that the filters are shared with the ‘All Employees’ group. 2) Create or update the Kanban board for the release series. Ensure that the underlying filter for the board includes issues from the release filter and add a quick filter to highlight just those issues. 3) Create Release tickets (in the Project Central project) for the Puppet Platform and puppet-agent releases, with sub-tasks for each milestone (e.g., “String Freeze”, “Stop Ship Line”, “Ready to Ship”, and “General Availability (GA)”. 4) Create release pages for the Puppet Platform and puppet-agent releases in Confluence, under the appropriate “Upcoming Releases” parent page. Make sure the pages reference the release filters, tickets, and Kanban board as needed. 5) Update the “Versions & Dependencies” pages for Puppet Platform and puppet-agent with dependency versions for releases. Format the release versions in italics and link them to their corresponding release pages. 6) Add events for the release milestone dates to Group-Platform Google calendar. Ensure the description for each event includes a link to the release page. 7) Send an email to stakeholders (e.g., puppet-...@googlegroups.com and discuss-platf...@puppet.com) outlining the scope and timeline for the release.  


Jira (PUP-10938) Update Confluence and JIRA based on release (Puppet Platform 7.5.0)

2021-02-23 Thread Eric Griswold (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Eric Griswold updated an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-10938  
  Update Confluence and JIRA based on release (Puppet Platform 7.5.0)   


Change By: 
 Eric Griswold  
Epic Link: 



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Jira (PUP-10936) Publish documentation and updates and release notes (Puppet Platform 7.5.0)

2021-02-23 Thread Eric Griswold (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Eric Griswold updated an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-10936  
  Publish documentation and updates and release notes (Puppet Platform 7.5.0)   


Change By: 
 Eric Griswold  
Epic Link: 



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Jira (PUP-10935) Declare Ready to Ship (go/no-go) milestone (Puppet Platform 7.5.0)

2021-02-23 Thread Eric Griswold (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Eric Griswold updated an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-10935  
  Declare Ready to Ship (go/no-go) milestone (Puppet Platform 7.5.0)   


Change By: 
 Eric Griswold  
Epic Link: 



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Jira (PUP-10933) Prepare documentation updates and release notes (Puppet Platform 7.5.0)

2021-02-23 Thread Eric Griswold (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Eric Griswold created an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-10933  
  Prepare documentation updates and release notes (Puppet Platform 7.5.0)   


Issue Type: 
 Claire Cadman  
 2021/02/23 9:11 AM  
Due Date: 
 Eric Griswold  


 (Initial planned release date: 2021-03-16) Please post a link to the docs PR in the 'Publish Docs' ticket. For X and Y releases, ensure that the WEB team has prepared Drupal for the release.  



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Jira (PUP-10938) Update Confluence and JIRA based on release (Puppet Platform 7.5.0)

2021-02-23 Thread Eric Griswold (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Eric Griswold created an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-10938  
  Update Confluence and JIRA based on release (Puppet Platform 7.5.0)   


Issue Type: 
 Nirupama Mantha  
 2021/02/23 9:11 AM  
Due Date: 
 Eric Griswold  


 (Initial planned release date: 2021-03-16) 1) Update the release pages for Puppet Platform and puppet-agent in Confluence based on the release. Replace “Target Date” with “Release Date”, change language to past tense, and move the pages to the appropriate parent pages under “Current Releases”. 2) Update the “Versions & Dependencies pages for Puppet Platform and puppet-agent based on the release. Format the release versions in bold and move them to the appropriate tables under “Current Releases”. 3) Close any outstanding Milestone and Risk tickets for the Puppet Platform and puppet-agent releases. Be sure to update due dates for the Milestone tickets as needed to ensure they match the actual milestone dates. 4) Close the Release tickets for the Puppet Platform and puppet-agent releases. Be sure to update due dates for the tickets as needed to ensure they match the actual release date. 5) Close all tickets that have been resolved as part of the release. When using a bulk modify operation to transition the tickets to ‘Closed’ status in JIRA, be sure to select the appropriate resolution and disable notifications to avoid spamming watchers. 6) Make all tickets that were marked as Internal for the release public. When using bulk modify operation to change the value of the ‘level’ field for tickets to ‘None’ in JIRA, be sure to disable notifications to avoid spamming watchers. 7) Mark all versions that were shipped as part of the release as “released”. When doing so, be sure to update the 

Jira (PUP-10932) Declare Stop Ship Line (code complete) milestone (Puppet Platform 7.5.0)

2021-02-23 Thread Eric Griswold (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Eric Griswold updated an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-10932  
  Declare Stop Ship Line (code complete) milestone (Puppet Platform 7.5.0)   


Change By: 
 Eric Griswold  
Epic Link: 



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Jira (PUP-10933) Prepare documentation updates and release notes (Puppet Platform 7.5.0)

2021-02-23 Thread Eric Griswold (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Eric Griswold updated an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-10933  
  Prepare documentation updates and release notes (Puppet Platform 7.5.0)   


Change By: 
 Eric Griswold  
Epic Link: 



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 This message was sent by Atlassian Jira (v8.5.2#805002-sha1:a66f935)  





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Jira (PUP-10935) Declare Ready to Ship (go/no-go) milestone (Puppet Platform 7.5.0)

2021-02-23 Thread Eric Griswold (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Eric Griswold created an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-10935  
  Declare Ready to Ship (go/no-go) milestone (Puppet Platform 7.5.0)   


Issue Type: 
 Nirupama Mantha  
 2021/02/23 9:11 AM  
Due Date: 
 Eric Griswold  


 (Initial planned release date: 2021-03-16) 1) Ensure all prerequisite release tasks are complete. 2) Review the release Kanban board to ensure all tickets are resolved. 3) Ping release leads in #proj-puppet-releases Slack channel for go/no-go decision. 4) Send email indicating Ready To Ship milestone has been achieved.  



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Jira (PUP-10939) Communicate scope and timeline of next release (Puppet Platform 7.5.0)

2021-02-23 Thread Eric Griswold (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Eric Griswold updated an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-10939  
  Communicate scope and timeline of next release (Puppet Platform 7.5.0)   


Change By: 
 Eric Griswold  
Epic Link: 



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 This message was sent by Atlassian Jira (v8.5.2#805002-sha1:a66f935)  





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To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/puppet-bugs/JIRA.388518.1614100293000.149480.1614100320951%40Atlassian.JIRA.

Jira (PUP-10937) Send release announcement (Puppet Platform 7.5.0)

2021-02-23 Thread Eric Griswold (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Eric Griswold created an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-10937  
  Send release announcement (Puppet Platform 7.5.0)   


Issue Type: 
 Jacklyn Kinsler  
 2021/02/23 9:11 AM  
Due Date: 
 Eric Griswold  


 (Initial planned release date: 2021-03-16) Once docs have finished building (check that all links resolve appropriately) from your puppet-product-updates account - 
Send the previously drafted announcement from the "prepare release announcement" ticket via BCC to puppet-us...@googlegroups.com, puppet-...@googlegroups.com, puppet-annou...@googlegroups.com, and internal-puppet-product-upda...@puppet.com. You must be a member of these groups in order to send. 
If this release has security implications, also send to puppet-security-annou...@googlegroups.com. 
Make a PSA on IRC and/or Slack, something along the lines of "PSA: Puppet Platform 7.5.0 is now available". 




Jira (PUP-10936) Publish documentation and updates and release notes (Puppet Platform 7.5.0)

2021-02-23 Thread Eric Griswold (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Eric Griswold created an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-10936  
  Publish documentation and updates and release notes (Puppet Platform 7.5.0)   


Issue Type: 
 Claire Cadman  
 2021/02/23 9:11 AM  
Due Date: 
 Eric Griswold  


 (Initial planned release date: 2021-03-16) Merge release notes and documentation updates as needed, build and publish the docs, and verify that the updated docs are live before the announcement goes out.  



 Add Comment  



Jira (PUP-10937) Send release announcement (Puppet Platform 7.5.0)

2021-02-23 Thread Eric Griswold (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Eric Griswold updated an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-10937  
  Send release announcement (Puppet Platform 7.5.0)   


Change By: 
 Eric Griswold  
Epic Link: 



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To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/puppet-bugs/JIRA.388516.1614100285000.149476.1614100320804%40Atlassian.JIRA.

Jira (PUP-10932) Declare Stop Ship Line (code complete) milestone (Puppet Platform 7.5.0)

2021-02-23 Thread Eric Griswold (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Eric Griswold created an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-10932  
  Declare Stop Ship Line (code complete) milestone (Puppet Platform 7.5.0)   


Issue Type: 
 Nirupama Mantha  
 2021/02/23 9:11 AM  
Due Date: 
 Eric Griswold  


 (Initial planned release date: 2021-03-16) 1) Send an email reminder ahead of time about the upcoming Stop Ship milestone date. 2) Review tickets on the release Kanban board to ensure all code changes have landed. Flag any related issues that are not yet Ready for CI. 3) Ensure all tickets have release notes, if needed. Add comments to issues without release notes, asking the author of the PR to add them or indicate that they aren’t needed. 4) Follow up with the Engineering lead for each component (e.g., in Slack) to confirm current state and obtain a forecast for when all code will be in a build. 5) Send email indicating that the Stop Ship milestone has been achieved.  



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Jira (PUP-10934) Prepare release announcement (Puppet Platform 7.5.0)

2021-02-23 Thread Eric Griswold (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Eric Griswold created an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-10934  
  Prepare release announcement (Puppet Platform 7.5.0)   


Issue Type: 
 Claire Cadman  
 2021/02/23 9:11 AM  
Due Date: 
 Eric Griswold  


 (Initial planned release date: 2021-03-16) Draft the release announcement using the guidance provided here. Paste the text of the announcement in a comment on this ticket and ping Claire Cadman for review and any important hyperlinks. If there are any links, it would be most helpful for the sender if they were already hyperlinked to the display text, so only a copy+paste to Gmail is necessary.  



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Jira (PUP-10934) Prepare release announcement (Puppet Platform 7.5.0)

2021-02-23 Thread Eric Griswold (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Eric Griswold updated an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-10934  
  Prepare release announcement (Puppet Platform 7.5.0)   


Change By: 
 Eric Griswold  
Epic Link: 



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To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/puppet-bugs/JIRA.388511.1614100267000.149470.1614100320540%40Atlassian.JIRA.

Jira (PUP-10931) Prepare JIRA and Confluence for release (Puppet Platform 7.5.0)

2021-02-23 Thread Eric Griswold (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Eric Griswold created an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-10931  
  Prepare JIRA and Confluence for release (Puppet Platform 7.5.0)   


Issue Type: 
 Nirupama Mantha  
 2021/02/23 9:10 AM  
Due Date: 
 Eric Griswold  


 (Initial planned release date: 2021-03-16) 1) Ensure “Versions & Dependencies” pages for Puppet Platform and puppet-agent are up to date in Confluence. Reach out to teams as needed to confirm that the fix versions listed are those that we intend to ship with the release. 2) Ensure release leads for Puppet Platform and puppet-agent are correct and update the invitiation for the release retrospective to include them. Reach out to teams as needed to confirm lead assignments. 3) For each component project of Puppet Platform and puppet-agent, ensure there is a next version if needed. Often this will be the next Z in an X.Y.Z series. However, if we are jumping to a new X or Y release that skips an existing Z version in JIRA, make sure those tickets are reassigned to the correct fix version, and the unneeded version is deleted. For example, if we have tickets with a fix version of 4.3.3, but we’re going from 4.3.2 to 4.4.0, then we need to reassign the tickets assigned to 4.3.3 and delete the 4.3.2 version from JIRA. 4) Create public filters for inclusion in the release notes and/or announcement. These allow easy tracking as new bugs come in for a particular version and allow everyone to see the list of changes in a release. Include links to the filters as a comment on this issue before resolving it. 5) Update the “master” filters for Puppet Platform 7.5.0 and puppet-agent 7.5.0 to reference the “Fixed in” filters created above. 6) Update the community feedback filter for Puppet Platform X.y to 

Jira (PUP-10931) Prepare JIRA and Confluence for release (Puppet Platform 7.5.0)

2021-02-23 Thread Eric Griswold (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Eric Griswold updated an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-10931  
  Prepare JIRA and Confluence for release (Puppet Platform 7.5.0)   


Change By: 
 Eric Griswold  
Epic Link: 



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 This message was sent by Atlassian Jira (v8.5.2#805002-sha1:a66f935)  





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To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/puppet-bugs/JIRA.388508.1614100257000.149462.1614100260204%40Atlassian.JIRA.

Jira (PUP-10930) Puppet Platform 7.5.0 Release - 2021-03-16

2021-02-23 Thread Eric Griswold (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Eric Griswold created an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-10930  
  Puppet Platform 7.5.0 Release - 2021-03-16


Issue Type: 
 Nirupama Mantha  
 2021/02/23 9:10 AM  
Due Date: 
 Eric Griswold  


 Puppet Platform 7.5.0 Release - 2021-03-16  



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 This message was sent by Atlassian Jira (v8.5.2#805002-sha1:a66f935)  


Jira (FACT-2945) Windows: Facter 4.0.x gem install fails due to long path

2021-02-23 Thread Sanjay Tripathi (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Sanjay Tripathi updated an issue  



 Facter /  FACT-2945  
  Windows: Facter 4.0.x gem install fails due to long path   


Change By: 
 Sanjay Tripathi  
 Critical Blocker  



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To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/puppet-bugs/JIRA.388375.1614027855000.149408.1614098580192%40Atlassian.JIRA.

Jira (FACT-2945) Windows: Facter 4.0.x gem install fails due to long path

2021-02-23 Thread Sanjay Tripathi (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Sanjay Tripathi commented on  FACT-2945  



  Re: Windows: Facter 4.0.x gem install fails due to long path   


 Hello, Windows can handle long paths if the path is prefixed with "\\?\". How can we add that prefix in this situation? The Facter gem add this prefix when it installs the gem. Or can you please specify the particular rubygem which needs to handle this prefix, so that we can create a bug against that rubygem?  



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Jira (FACT-2944) During Puppet 7 upgrade from Puppet 6, Puppet Server create another certname

2021-02-23 Thread Mihai Buzgau (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Mihai Buzgau updated an issue  



 Facter /  FACT-2944  
  During Puppet 7 upgrade from Puppet 6, Puppet Server create another certname   


Change By: 
 Mihai Buzgau  
 NW - 2021-03-17  



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 This message was sent by Atlassian Jira (v8.5.2#805002-sha1:a66f935)  





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Jira (FACT-2944) During Puppet 7 upgrade from Puppet 6, Puppet Server create another certname

2021-02-23 Thread Mihai Buzgau (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Mihai Buzgau updated an issue  



 Facter /  FACT-2944  
  During Puppet 7 upgrade from Puppet 6, Puppet Server create another certname   


Change By: 
 Mihai Buzgau  
 Night's Watch  



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 This message was sent by Atlassian Jira (v8.5.2#805002-sha1:a66f935)  





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To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/puppet-bugs/JIRA.387583.1613309929000.149367.1614096840104%40Atlassian.JIRA.

Jira (PUP-10928) Puppet falls back to non-rich data if there is binary data in the catalog

2021-02-23 Thread Mihai Buzgau (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Mihai Buzgau updated an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-10928  
  Puppet falls back to non-rich data if there is binary data in the catalog   


Change By: 
 Mihai Buzgau  
 Night's Watch  



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 This message was sent by Atlassian Jira (v8.5.2#805002-sha1:a66f935)  





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To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/puppet-bugs/JIRA.388074.1613713885000.149359.1614096000175%40Atlassian.JIRA.

Jira (PUP-10929) Syntax error in previously valid puppet code due to removal of application orchestration keywords

2021-02-23 Thread Mihai Buzgau (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Mihai Buzgau updated an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-10929  
  Syntax error in previously valid puppet code due to removal of application orchestration keywords   


Change By: 
 Mihai Buzgau  
 NW - 2021-03-17  



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 This message was sent by Atlassian Jira (v8.5.2#805002-sha1:a66f935)  





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Jira (PUP-10929) Syntax error in previously valid puppet code due to removal of application orchestration keywords

2021-02-23 Thread Mihai Buzgau (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Mihai Buzgau updated an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-10929  
  Syntax error in previously valid puppet code due to removal of application orchestration keywords   


Change By: 
 Mihai Buzgau  
 Night's Watch  



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 This message was sent by Atlassian Jira (v8.5.2#805002-sha1:a66f935)  





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Jira (FACT-2943) Fix os.name detection of AlmaLinux

2021-02-23 Thread Mihai Buzgau (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Mihai Buzgau updated an issue  



 Facter /  FACT-2943  
  Fix os.name detection of AlmaLinux   


Change By: 
 Mihai Buzgau  



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 This message was sent by Atlassian Jira (v8.5.2#805002-sha1:a66f935)  





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To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/puppet-bugs/JIRA.387803.1613568551000.149308.1614094140196%40Atlassian.JIRA.

Jira (FACT-2943) Fix os.name detection of AlmaLinux

2021-02-23 Thread Mihai Buzgau (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Mihai Buzgau updated an issue  



 Facter /  FACT-2943  
  Fix os.name detection of AlmaLinux   


Change By: 
 Mihai Buzgau  
 Triaged tickets  



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 This message was sent by Atlassian Jira (v8.5.2#805002-sha1:a66f935)  





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To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/puppet-bugs/JIRA.387803.1613568551000.149309.1614094140239%40Atlassian.JIRA.

Jira (FACT-2943) Fix os.name detection of AlmaLinux

2021-02-23 Thread Mihai Buzgau (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Mihai Buzgau updated an issue  



 Facter /  FACT-2943  
  Fix os.name detection of AlmaLinux   


Change By: 
 Mihai Buzgau  
 Night's Watch  



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 This message was sent by Atlassian Jira (v8.5.2#805002-sha1:a66f935)  





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Jira (FACT-2943) Fix os.name detection of AlmaLinux

2021-02-23 Thread Mihai Buzgau (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Mihai Buzgau commented on  FACT-2943  



  Re: Fix os.name detection of AlmaLinux   


 Hi Christoph Schug thank you for your contribution! We're actively working on making our CLA bot available. I'll let you know once this is up and running.  



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Jira (FACT-2943) Fix os.name detection of AlmaLinux

2021-02-23 Thread Mihai Buzgau (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Mihai Buzgau updated an issue  



 Facter /  FACT-2943  
  Fix os.name detection of AlmaLinux   


Change By: 
 Mihai Buzgau  
 Triaged tickets NW - 2021-03-17  



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 This message was sent by Atlassian Jira (v8.5.2#805002-sha1:a66f935)  





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Jira (PUP-10924) `module install` can't unpack modules with long paths because of minitar bug

2021-02-23 Thread Mihai Buzgau (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Mihai Buzgau updated an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-10924  
  `module install` can't unpack modules with long paths because of minitar bug   


Change By: 
 Mihai Buzgau  
 Night's Watch  



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 This message was sent by Atlassian Jira (v8.5.2#805002-sha1:a66f935)  





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To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/puppet-bugs/JIRA.387906.1613638812000.149289.1614093780032%40Atlassian.JIRA.

Jira (PUP-10925) Default timeout not respected for Windows services

2021-02-23 Thread Mihai Buzgau (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Mihai Buzgau updated an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-10925  
  Default timeout not respected for Windows services   


Change By: 
 Mihai Buzgau  
 ready for triage Triaged tickets  



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To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/puppet-bugs/JIRA.387947.1613664109000.149270.1614093480035%40Atlassian.JIRA.

Jira (FACT-2945) Windows: Facter 4.0.x gem install fails due to long path

2021-02-23 Thread Mihai Buzgau (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Mihai Buzgau commented on  FACT-2945  



  Re: Windows: Facter 4.0.x gem install fails due to long path   


 Hi Sanjay Tripathi the long path is a limitation of Windows/ruby gem application. There is nothing we can do on our side.  



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Jira (PDB-5042) Add option to execute queries with EXPLAIN ANALYZE to PuppetDBServer TK query method

2021-02-23 Thread Bogdan Irimie (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Bogdan Irimie updated an issue  



 PuppetDB /  PDB-5042  
  Add option to execute queries with EXPLAIN ANALYZE to PuppetDBServer TK query method   


Change By: 
 Bogdan Irimie  
 HA Ghost  



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 This message was sent by Atlassian Jira (v8.5.2#805002-sha1:a66f935)  





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Jira (PDB-5043) Collect common PDB queries used in PE console pages

2021-02-23 Thread Bogdan Irimie (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Bogdan Irimie updated an issue  



 PuppetDB /  PDB-5043  
  Collect common PDB queries used in PE console pages


Change By: 
 Bogdan Irimie  
 HA Ghost  



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 This message was sent by Atlassian Jira (v8.5.2#805002-sha1:a66f935)  





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Jira (PDB-4764) Provide a way to configure Postgres authentication via certs

2021-02-23 Thread Bogdan Irimie (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Bogdan Irimie updated an issue  



 PuppetDB /  PDB-4764  
  Provide a way to configure Postgres authentication via certs   


Change By: 
 Bogdan Irimie  



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 This message was sent by Atlassian Jira (v8.5.2#805002-sha1:a66f935)  





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Jira (PDB-5023) Replace deprecated dujour check-for-updates!

2021-02-23 Thread Bogdan Irimie (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Bogdan Irimie updated an issue  



 PuppetDB /  PDB-5023  
  Replace deprecated dujour check-for-updates!   


Change By: 
 Bogdan Irimie  
 HA Ghost  



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 This message was sent by Atlassian Jira (v8.5.2#805002-sha1:a66f935)  





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Jira (PDB-3211) Collect/expose metrics on vacuum stats

2021-02-23 Thread Bogdan Irimie (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Bogdan Irimie updated an issue  



 PuppetDB /  PDB-3211  
  Collect/expose metrics on vacuum stats   


Change By: 
 Bogdan Irimie  



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 This message was sent by Atlassian Jira (v8.5.2#805002-sha1:a66f935)  





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Jira (FACT-1383) Azure Instance Metadata

2021-02-23 Thread Luchian Nemes (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Luchian Nemes assigned an issue to Luchian Nemes  



 Facter /  FACT-1383  
  Azure Instance Metadata   


Change By: 
 Luchian Nemes  
 Luchian Nemes  



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 This message was sent by Atlassian Jira (v8.5.2#805002-sha1:a66f935)  





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Jira (FACT-1383) Azure Instance Metadata

2021-02-23 Thread zendesk.jira (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 zendesk.jira updated an issue  



 Facter /  FACT-1383  
  Azure Instance Metadata   


Change By: 
Zendesk Ticket Count: 
Zendesk Ticket IDs: 



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Jira (PUP-10899) Retrieve SID for users under 'APPLICATION PACKAGE AUTHORITY'

2021-02-23 Thread Luchian Nemes (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Luchian Nemes commented on  PUP-10899  



  Re: Retrieve SID for users under 'APPLICATION PACKAGE AUTHORITY'   


 Also opened https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-acl/pull/231  



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Jira (PUP-10929) Syntax error in previously valid puppet code due to removal of application orchestration keywords

2021-02-23 Thread Gabriel Nagy (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Gabriel Nagy updated an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-10929  
  Syntax error in previously valid puppet code due to removal of application orchestration keywords   


Change By: 
 Gabriel Nagy  



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Jira (PUP-10898) Get fully qualified current domain user name

2021-02-23 Thread Luchian Nemes (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Luchian Nemes assigned an issue to Luchian Nemes  



 Puppet /  PUP-10898  
  Get fully qualified current domain user name   


Change By: 
 Luchian Nemes  
 Luchian Nemes  



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Jira (FACT-2940) puppet facts diff shows inconsistent networking values on macOS

2021-02-23 Thread Dorin Pleava (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Dorin Pleava assigned an issue to Dorin Pleava  



 Facter /  FACT-2940  
  puppet facts diff shows inconsistent networking values on macOS   


Change By: 
 Dorin Pleava  
 Dorin Pleava  



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