Re: [Puppet Users] Manage /etc/fstab option with Puppet and Augeas

2015-04-07 Thread Mitja Mihelič
Thanks to both posters, but I decided against using the native mount type. 
In part I wanted a bit of practice with Augeas and as Christopher wrote, 
remounting is not safe.

Well, I stuck with my module and ended up with something that is not the 
prettiest piece of code, but does the trick. No auto-remounts though!

define glusterfs::mount (
$server = ,
$volume = ,
$peers = ,
$mountpoint = /mnt/gluster,
$dump = 0,
$pass = 0,
$description = GlusterFS mount,
# native augeas nodes for fstab + input variables
# spec = $server:/$volume
# file = $mountpoint
# vmfstype = glusterfs
# opt = defaults,transport=tcp,backup-volfile-servers=$peers
# dump = 0
# passno = 0
# install augeas package as dependency for everything
package { 'augeas':
ensure   = present,
provider = yum

# create mountpoint
file { $mountpoint: 
ensure = directory,
owner   = root,
group   = root,
mode= '0755',

# fstab
augeas { gluster-fstab-add:
context = /files/etc/fstab,
changes = [
set #comment[last()+1] '$description',
set 01/spec '$server:/$volume',
set 01/file '$mountpoint',
set 01/vfstype 'glusterfs',
set 01/opt[1] 'defaults',
set 01/opt[2] 'transport',
set 01/opt[2]/value 'tcp',
set 01/opt[3] '_netdev',
set 01/opt[4] 'backup-volfile-servers',
set 01/opt[4]/value '$peers',
set 01/dump '$dump',
set 01/passno '$pass',
onlyif = [
match *[file = '$mountpoint'] size == 0,

augeas { gluster-fstab-set-peers:
context = /files/etc/fstab,
changes = [
set *[spec = '$server:/$volume'][file = '$mountpoint'][vfstype = 
'glusterfs']/opt[. = 'backup-volfile-servers']/value '$peers',
augeas { gluster-fstab-add-peers:
context = /files/etc/fstab,
changes = [
ins opt after *[spec = '$server:/$volume'][file = '$mountpoint'][vfstype = 
'glusterfs'][count(opt[. = 'backup-volfile-servers']) = 0]/opt[last()],
set *[spec = '$server:/$volume'][file = '$mountpoint'][vfstype = 
'glusterfs'][count(opt[. = 'backup-volfile-servers']) = 0]/opt[last()] 
set *[spec = '$server:/$volume'][file = '$mountpoint'][vfstype = 
'glusterfs'][count(opt[. = 'backup-volfile-servers']) = 
1]/opt[last()]/value '$peers', 
onlyif = [
match *[spec = '$server:/$volume'][file = '$mountpoint'][vfstype = 
'glusterfs'][opt = 'backup-volfile-servers'] size == 0,

augeas { gluster-fstab-set-transport:
context = /files/etc/fstab,
changes = [
set *[spec = '$server:/$volume'][file = '$mountpoint'][vfstype = 
'glusterfs']/opt[. = 'transport']/value 'tcp',
augeas { gluster-fstab-add-transport:
context = /files/etc/fstab,
changes = [
ins opt after *[spec = '$server:/$volume'][file = '$mountpoint'][vfstype = 
'glusterfs'][count(opt[. = 'transport']) = 0]/opt[last()],
set *[spec = '$server:/$volume'][file = '$mountpoint'][vfstype = 
'glusterfs'][count(opt[. = 'transport']) = 0]/opt[last()] transport,
set *[spec = '$server:/$volume'][file = '$mountpoint'][vfstype = 
'glusterfs'][count(opt[. = 'transport']) = 1]/opt[last()]/value 'tcp', 
onlyif = [
match *[spec = '$server:/$volume'][file = '$mountpoint'][vfstype = 
'glusterfs'][opt = 'transport'] size == 0,

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Re: [Puppet Users] Managing multiple files in a directory - permissions issue

2015-04-07 Thread Martin Alfke

On 07 Apr 2015, at 04:55, Dave Hunsinger wrote:

 Can somebody help me with what I'm doing wrong here? I want to copy all 
 sshkeys in the file resource of this puppet module to the machine:
 class sshkeys {
 file { '/etc/ssh/ssh.keys':
   ensure = directory,
   owner = 'root',
   group = 'root',
   source = puppet:///sshkeys,
   recurse = true,
   purge = true,

You need to change the source:

source = ‘puppet:///modules/sshkeys',

 Info: Applying configuration version '1428375139'
 Error: /Stage[main]/Sshkeys/File[/etc/ssh/ssh.keys]: Failed to generate 
 additional resources using 'eval_generate': Error 400 on SERVER: Not 
 authorized to call search on /file_metadata/development/sshkeys with 
 {:links=manage, :recurse=true, :checksum_type=md5}
 Error: /Stage[main]/Sshkeys/File[/etc/ssh/ssh.keys]: Could not evaluate: 
 Could not retrieve file metadata for puppet:///development/sshkeys: Error 400 
 on SERVER: Not authorized to call find on /file_metadata/development/sshkeys 
 with {:links=manage, :source_permissions=use}
 Wrapped exception:
 Error 400 on SERVER: Not authorized to call find on 
 /file_metadata/development/sshkeys with {:links=manage, 
 Notice: Finished catalog run in 1.15 seconds
 [root@lfmx-lin-stg01 daveh]#
 CallidusCloud HQ has moved. 
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Re: [Puppet Users] developing module for k5login

2015-04-07 Thread Martin Alfke

On 06 Apr 2015, at 17:35, Dhaval wrote:

 I am trying to develop puppet module for k5login entries .. now my question 
 is, how do i manage entries for multiple hierarchies ?
 currently when i try it, it picks up from where it finds entry first and 
 completes it, how do i get values so it creates an array from all hierachies 
 and then populates the k5login?
 i tried deeper merging and hiera_array, still not sure why it's not 
 working. anything special i need to do ?

Hi Dhaval,

it would be great if you can post the puppet code and your hiera data.
Otherwise people have to guess.



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Re: [Puppet Users] developing module for k5login

2015-04-07 Thread Dhaval
Hello, this is what it looks.


class k5login(
  $principles = hiera_array('k5login::principles', [])

  file { '.k5login':
ensure  = file,
path= '/root/.k5login',
owner   = 'root',
group   = 'root',
mode= '0644',
content = template('k5login/k5login.erb'),


  - hosts/%{hostname}
  - environments/%{::environment}
  - regions/%{datacenter}
  - global


  - user1/
  - user2/


Now when i do puppet run, i get user3 in k5login, what i want is user1, 
user2, and user2 all.


On Tuesday, 7 April 2015 12:46:54 UTC+5:30, Martin Alfke wrote:

 On 06 Apr 2015, at 17:35, Dhaval javascript: wrote: 

  I am trying to develop puppet module for k5login entries .. now my 
 question is, how do i manage entries for multiple hierarchies ? 
  currently when i try it, it picks up from where it finds entry first and 
 completes it, how do i get values so it creates an array from all 
 hierachies and then populates the k5login? 
  i tried deeper merging and hiera_array, still not sure why it's not 
 working. anything special i need to do ? 

 Hi Dhaval, 

 it would be great if you can post the puppet code and your hiera data. 
 Otherwise people have to guess. 



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[Puppet Users] Hiera with Redis

2015-04-07 Thread Dhaval

how do i add below to redis ?

'content'   : %admins ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
'priority'  : 10

I tried couple of things but not sure how to add array of hashes.


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[Puppet Users] collector in class with same name as tag causes all virtual resources of the type to be realized

2015-04-07 Thread Neil - Puppet List

I'm upgrading from 3.6 to 3.7 and have it a issue/bug

I'm using users/groups but to keep it short and something others can run
without the mess of users being made I've made up a file example

== modules/filegroups/manifests/matches.pp ===
class filegroups::matches {
  include files
  Files::Afile | tag == matches |
== modules/files/manifests/afile.pp ===
define files::afile {
  file { $title: ensure=present, content='hello', }
== modules/files/manifests/data.pp ===
class files::data {
  @files::afile { '/tmp/meanttobemade': tag=['matches'], }
  @files::afile { '/tmp/notmeanttobemade': tag=['doesnotmatch'], }
== modules/files/manifests/init.pp ===
class files {
  include files::data
== site.pp ===
node default {
  include filegroups::matches

makes both files

If I rename modules/filegroups/manifests/matches.pp
to  modules/filegroups/manifests/iwantmatches.pp (and change the first line)
or rename the tag I get the desired behaviour

Anyone else seen this? Is this a bug?

There is a matching old question at askpuppetlabs
that I've chipped in on the end off



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[Puppet Users] Re: Dependency problem for Puppet yum package

2015-04-07 Thread jcbollinger

On Monday, April 6, 2015 at 12:05:09 PM UTC-5, wrote:

 Hi all,

 I am trying to use puppet to downgrade my gdm package from 64 to 39, but 
 got package dependency problem:

 Here is my class:

 class gdmver39 {
   yumrepo { 'custom':
 baseurl = 'file:/home/admin/REPO/WS6.4',
 enabled = 1,

   package { gdm-libs: ensure = '2.30.4-39.el6', require = 
 Yumrepo[custom] }   
   package { gdm-plugin-fingerprint: ensure = '2.30.4-39.el6', require 
 = Yumrepo[custom] }
   package { gdm: ensure = '2.30.4-39.el6', require = Yumrepo[custom] 

 I think myabe i should add the parameter below to my 'gdm' line'?

   require Package['gdm-libs', 'gdm-plugin-fingerprint'] 

 How to tell puppet to handle the dependency automatically?

Supposing that you have RPM dependencies requiring exact version-release 
matches among those packages, it is unlikely that you can perform such a 
downgrade via those Package resources alone.  Puppet operates by 
transitioning one resource at a time from its initial state to its final 
state, and none of those packages can be transitioned independently,  in 
one step, from its current release to an earlier one.  Even to do it 
manually you would need either to remove some of those packages first, and 
then later install the desired version, or else use the yum shell to set up 
the whole thing as one transaction.

If there is only one release (i.e. 64) from which you wanted to downgrade, 
then it would be easier, but your class naming leads me to think that you 
want to downgrade from *any* later release that might be installed.  That's 
going to require you to determine exactly which version and release is 
installed prior to each run.  A custom fact would serve that purpose.  
Supposing you created such a custom fact as $::gdm_version_release, you 
should then be able to do this:

class gdmver39 {
  yumrepo { 'custom':
baseurl = 'file:/home/admin/REPO/WS6.4',
enabled = 1,

  if $::gdm_version_release and (versioncmp($::gdm_version_release, 
'2.30.4-39.el6')  0) {
package { gdm-${::gdm_version_release}: ensure = 'purged', before = 
Package['gdm-libs'] } 

  package { gdm-libs: ensure = '2.30.4-39.el6', require = Yumrepo[
custom] }   
  package { gdm: ensure = '2.30.4-39.el6', require = Package['gdm-libs'] 
  package { gdm-plugin-fingerprint: ensure = '2.30.4-39.el6', require = 
Package['gdm'] }

BE WARNED: ensuring a yum package 'purged' will remove not only that 
package, but also any others that depend on it.  In this case that 
intentionally includes gdm-plugin-fingerprint, but if I ran that on one of 
my systems it would also remove about three other packages as well.  The 
gdm and gdm-plugin-fingerprint would later be reinstalled, but nothing I 
presented ensures the same for the others.

If you want to avoid the mess surrounding package purging (as most sane 
people would), then you could replace it with an Exec that uses 'yum shell' 
to perform the downgrade.  That's messier in Puppet, but cleaner with 
respect to package management.  You'll want to work out the details for 
yourself to ensure they are right for your environment, but you would 
probably want to redirect a series of commands similar to this into yum 

downgrade gdm-2.30.4-39.el6
downgrade gdm-libs-2.30.4-39.el6
downgrade gdm-plugin-fingerprint-2.30.4-39.el6
ts run

In Puppet, such an Exec should be set up to require the appropriate repo.  
When it is needed, it may be used either instead of or before the package 

Note also that if you're not actually using fingerprint readers with any of 
these systems, and don't anticipate wanting to do so in the foreseeable 
future, then you could make this issue a little simpler by ensuring 
yum-plugin-fingerprint 'absent'.  I know it's installed by default in EL6, 
but most sites don't need it.  Personally, I avoid ever installing it in 
the first place.


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[Puppet Users] Puppet module testing

2015-04-07 Thread Peter Berghold
Is there a definitive guide somewhere that would guide me as to how to
write Puppet module tests?  In particular I'm interested in learning how to
write a tasklist file.

I keep seeing mention of such but nothing that helps...

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[Puppet Users] Hiera variable interpolation on extra backend

2015-04-07 Thread Juan Sierra Pons

I have the hiera_yamlgpg backend up and running working like a charm with 
the following configuration:
:datadir: /etc/puppet/environments/%{::environment}/hieradata
:key_dir: /etc/puppet/keys # optional, defaults to ~/.gnupg
:fail_on_error: true # optional, defaults to false 

By business requirements I have been asked to use one or another private 
key depending a custom fact. So my hiera.yaml configuration file looks like 
:datadir: /etc/puppet/environments/%{::environment}/hieradata
:key_dir: /etc/puppet/keys/%{::custom_fact} # optional, defaults to 
:fail_on_error: true # optional, defaults to false 

The problem I am facing is that hiera is not interpolating the 
%{::custom_fact} on the :key_dir: line. The error I get is:

WARN: Tue Apr 07 15:41:17 +0200 2015: No usable keys found in 
/etc/puppet/keys/%{::custom_fact}/. Check :key_dir value in hiera.yaml is 
`decrypt_ciphertext': No usable keys found in 
/etc/puppet/keys/%{::custom_fact}/. Check :key_dir value in hiera.yaml is 
correct (Hiera::Backend::YamlgpgError) 

Puppetlabs' documentation [1] says  You can also interpolate variables 
into other settings, such as :datadir (in the YAML and JSON backends): 
which makes sense with the behavior I am getting (Sadly, it doesn't says 
anything about other variables :():
  * The %{::environment} variable on :datadir: line is interpolated
  * But %{::custom_fact} on :key_dir: is not.

Any Idea how to workaround this? 


Thank you for your time

Best regards

Juan Sierra Pons
Linux User Registered: #257202  
Web: Git:
GPG key = 0xA110F4FE
Key Fingerprint = DF53 7415 0936 244E 9B00  6E66 E934 3406 A110 F4FE

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[Puppet Users] Sort by IP in ERB (related to puppetlabs-haproxy and MODULES-1919)

2015-04-07 Thread Tom Limoncelli
The puppetlabs-haproxy module has a minor annoyance where by the
bind statements are sorted lexicographically instead of by IP
address.  (Full description here:

My attempt to fix this bug was to change the ERB template:

diff --git a/templates/fragments/_bind.erb b/templates/fragments/_bind.erb
index e60983a..a04d021 100644
--- a/templates/fragments/_bind.erb
+++ b/templates/fragments/_bind.erb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 % require 'ipaddr' -%
 %- if @bind -%
-%- do |address_port, bind_params| -%
+%- @bind.sort_by { |address_port, bind_params|
address_port.split('.').map{ |octet| octet.to_i} }.map do
|address_port, bind_params| -%
   bind %= address_port -% %= Array(bind_params).join( ) %
 %- end -%
 %- else -%

This works.  However, the results are slightly different on old
versions of Ruby.  If you look at the TravisCI output, you'll see
slightly different results for Ruby 1.8.7.  It looks like something
changed in Ruby 1.9.

I don't have a lot of deep Ruby knowledge. Can anyone suggest either a
way to fix the code or the test?


Email: t...@whatexit.orgWork:
Skype: YesThatTom

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Re: [Puppet Users] developing module for k5login

2015-04-07 Thread Dhaval
i changed variable name and it worked now.

On Tuesday, 7 April 2015 15:46:54 UTC+5:45, Dhaval wrote:

 Hello, this is what it looks.


 class k5login(
   $principles = hiera_array('k5login::principles', [])

   file { '.k5login':
 ensure  = file,
 path= '/root/.k5login',
 owner   = 'root',
 group   = 'root',
 mode= '0644',
 content = template('k5login/k5login.erb'),


   - hosts/%{hostname}
   - environments/%{::environment}
   - regions/%{datacenter}
   - global


   - user1/
   - user2/


 Now when i do puppet run, i get user3 in k5login, what i want is user1, 
 user2, and user2 all.


 On Tuesday, 7 April 2015 12:46:54 UTC+5:30, Martin Alfke wrote:

 On 06 Apr 2015, at 17:35, Dhaval wrote: 

  I am trying to develop puppet module for k5login entries .. now my 
 question is, how do i manage entries for multiple hierarchies ? 
  currently when i try it, it picks up from where it finds entry first 
 and completes it, how do i get values so it creates an array from all 
 hierachies and then populates the k5login? 
  i tried deeper merging and hiera_array, still not sure why it's not 
 working. anything special i need to do ? 

 Hi Dhaval, 

 it would be great if you can post the puppet code and your hiera data. 
 Otherwise people have to guess. 



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[Puppet Users] Re: Using puppet for the configuration of a custom appliance

2015-04-07 Thread varun umesh
Hello Lupin-

Thank you for the update! Could you point me for any article, so that i can 
take a look at how exactly it could be done.



On Monday, 6 April 2015 20:38:29 UTC-7, wrote:

 On Tuesday, April 7, 2015 at 8:09:41 AM UTC+12, varun umesh wrote:

 I am planning to use puppet for the configuration of a custom network 
 appliance. My main problem is i am unable to install puppet on the 
 appliance, as it is not supported. I have access to the rest api's exposed 
 by the appliance. So can i use puppet to make the rest api calls and try to 
 do the configurations as and when a parameter changes? Could anybody 
 suggest me a good way to handle this problem?



 You can use a slave node ( which you can install Puppet and attached the 
 module ), your module will do the call to ReST API of your appliance.


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[Puppet Users] Classifying nodes with PE results in 303

2015-04-07 Thread Henk-Jan Castermans
I'm trying to classify a new node using the commandline just as explained 

I've seen the youtube demo that just runs fab, but for some reason my 
puppet-setup is failing, which is not really nice.

root@nodemanager:~# puppet node classify  --insecure  --node-group=test 
--enc-auth-user=console --enc-auth-passwd=Welcome001 --enc-port=443 mywebsvr01

Notice: Contacting to classify mywebsvr01
Warning: List nodes ... Failed
Warning: Server responded with a 303 status
Error: Could not: List nodes, got 303 expected 200
Error: Try 'puppet help node classify' for usage

When I check the pe-httpd-log I see the request coming in /nodes.json but I 
see also the 303 linked to it.

The user console is authorized for PE-console but for some reason is not 

How do I get my access-credentials right to make this work? Can anyone give 
me a hint. I'm pretty new at this, so I'm a bit overwhelmed by all 


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Re: [Puppet Users] facter: unordered hashes lead to changes

2015-04-07 Thread Christopher Wood
Sounds like this is set to true (over here I set it to false everywhere to take 
advantage of the non-string facts):

On Tue, Apr 07, 2015 at 01:56:43PM -0400, Guy Matz wrote:
Hi!  I'm seeing the following at the end of my puppet run:

--- /etc/mcollective/facts.yaml 2015-04-07 15:51:25.243758139 +
+++ /tmp/puppet-file20150407-6557-wl0qx7-0      2015-04-07
17:51:34.770285890 +
@@ -57,15 +57,15 @@
   operatingsystem: CentOS
   operatingsystemmajrelease: 6
   operatingsystemrelease: 6.6
-  os: familyRedHatreleasemajor6full6.6minor6nameCentOS
+  os: familyRedHatnameCentOSreleasefull6.6major6minor6
   osfamily: RedHat
-  partitions:

+  partitions:

os, partitions and a few others change each run . . .  checking a single
fact shows that facter is returning an unordered has which changes on each
$ facter os
{name=CentOS, family=RedHat, release={full=6.6,
minor=6, major=6}}
$ facter os
{family=RedHat, name=CentOS, release={full=6.6,
major=6, minor=6}}
I don't remember this ever happening before . . .  what's up with that!? 
Anyone know, off the top of their head, what might be causing this?
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[Puppet Users] facter: unordered hashes lead to changes

2015-04-07 Thread Guy Matz
Hi!  I'm seeing the following at the end of my puppet run:

--- /etc/mcollective/facts.yaml 2015-04-07 15:51:25.243758139 +
+++ /tmp/puppet-file20150407-6557-wl0qx7-0  2015-04-07
17:51:34.770285890 +
@@ -57,15 +57,15 @@
   operatingsystem: CentOS
   operatingsystemmajrelease: 6
   operatingsystemrelease: 6.6
-  os: familyRedHatreleasemajor6full6.6minor6nameCentOS
+  os: familyRedHatnameCentOSreleasefull6.6major6minor6
   osfamily: RedHat
-  partitions:
+  partitions:

os, partitions and a few others change each run . . .  checking a single
fact shows that facter is returning an unordered has which changes on each
$ facter os
{name=CentOS, family=RedHat, release={full=6.6,
minor=6, major=6}}
$ facter os
{family=RedHat, name=CentOS, release={full=6.6,
major=6, minor=6}}

I don't remember this ever happening before . . .  what's up with that!?
Anyone know, off the top of their head, what might be causing this?


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[Puppet Users] Re: Best approach to creating wrapper classes

2015-04-07 Thread Scott Jaffa

On Thursday, April 2, 2015 at 7:37:31 PM UTC-4, Christopher Wood wrote:

 You might be interested in this thread:!topic/puppet-users/nmVQQA6G-f8 


On Friday, April 3, 2015 at 9:15:00 AM UTC-4, jcbollinger wrote:

 On Thursday, April 2, 2015 at 4:02:30 PM UTC-5, Scott Jaffa wrote:


 I'm working in an environment where certain parameters need to be 
 enforced per security requirements..  

 The ways we've identified to do this are:

 1)  Put the specific settings in the profile:
 Advantages:  Utilize stock roles and profiles pattern, plenty of 
 documentation and guides online.
 Disadvantage:  The settings are part of the profile and thus two groups 
 need to share ownership of the same module.  Reduces flexibility or speed 
 due to additional enforcement needed by shared ownership.

 2)  Modify the modules themselves.
 Advantages:  Configuration is part of the module.
 Disadvantages:  We are now maintaining all custom modules.  

 3)  Extend roles and profiles to add an additional layer between existing 
 profiles and the modules.
 The workflow would be:
 Role (business layer)  Profile (technology layer)  Security (security 
 layer)  Module.  
 Advantages:  Engineering configuration and security configuration are 
 seperated, with security configuration enforced.
 Disadvantages:  Need a way to present most options up to the profiles 
 layer for parameterization, while enforcing a few options.

 We'd prefer to go with option 3.  Does this make sense?

 I'm having trouble understanding how you propose to factor out security 
 considerations from the technology to which they apply.  Is this just about 
 ownership of data, or do there need to be *bona fide* security-specific 
 resources?  If the former, then what do you need that you cannot achieve 
 via a security-specific level in your Hiera hierarchy?  If the latter, then 
 how would making the security classes responsible for declaring 
 component-level classes (per option 3) achieve the separation of concerns 
 you claim as an advantage?


 If so, some tips on how to go about this would be appreciated.  Does it 
 make sense for the security module to inherit the base module in this case? 
  It would look something like this (but actually work :) )
 class sec_profile::ssh inherits ::ssh {  
 $server_options = { 'Protocol' = '2', 'Ciphers' = 
 'aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr', 'PermitRootLogin' = 'no', 
 'ClientAliveInterval' = '900', 'PermitEmptyPasswords' = 'no', 
 'PasswordAuthentication' = 'no', 'Port' = [22], } }

 If you are contemplating class inheritance for the purpose of greater 
 freedom in applying resource property overrides, then maybe they would be 
 useful to you.  If you have an idea that they would do anything else for 
 you, then put it out of your mind -- class inheritance doesn't work that 
 way (whatever way that happens to be).  Note, however, that often you can 
 perform resource overrides without class inheritance, that often it is 
 better to modify the external data from which modules draw property values 
 than to override property values after the fact, and that class inheritance 
 creates a very tight coupling that is probably better avoided if it crosses 
 module boundaries.

 Yes, the goal is strictly to provide flexibility in parameters.  I think 
this is a case where inheritance can make sense, but, particularly as an 
end goal is the public release of these modules, I'd like to make sure they 
are designed correctly, or at least today's definition of correctly.


 If not, can you suggest a good approach to present the base module 
 options to the profile?  We'd like to to allow parameterization / hiera 
 lookups at the profile layer, preferrably without having to reimplement 
 each option in the security layer.

 It would help if you presented a representative example of what you're 
 trying to configure, and explained the challenge you face with respect to 
 that.  What you've presented so far is too abstract for me to offer any 
 specific advice.



The goal here is to build security hardening into the Puppet configuration 
stack while still allowing flexibility for environment configuration, as, 
for example, it is reasonable to turn off one or more hardening settings. 
 Ideally, any module released would allow one to select their hardening 
standard, whether CIS, STIG, or other.

Conceptually this would extend the roles and profiles pattern.  In 
particular, profiles exist to define technology stacks.  This likely will 
result in multiple profiles calling the same module.   The idea is to 
inject another layer above the modules, which have a 1:1 correlation with 
the modules.  This wrapper module would provide an expose the specific 
configuration options required for security hardening, while allowing the 
calling profile to pass through environment parameters, as is done today.
To continue with the SSH example (pardon 

[Puppet Users] Generating firewall rules without connection tracking.

2015-04-07 Thread Tom Limoncelli
The puppetlabs-firewall module has a provider called firewall{} which
builds a rule.  I've written a wrapper that either calls it (without
any changes) or, if track = false, generates an equivalent set of
rules that does not use the Linux firewall connection tracking
mechanism.  This is useful if you are a high-volume web site and
connection tracking has become a resource hog.

When track = false, four rules are generated instead:

1. the raw table, chain=PREROUTING, same source and destination, jump=NOTRACK.
2. the raw table, chain=OUTPUT, swap the source and destination, jump=NOTRACK.
3. the filter table, chain=INPUT, same source and destination.
4. the filter table, chain=OUTPUT, swap the source and destination.

NOTE: However if this is an OUTPUT rule, swap the chain in 1 and 2,
and 3 and 4. If you are using ipsets, reverse them in rules 2 and 4.
(Easy to remember, right?)

You can generate these 4 rules by hand, but it is error prone...
especially if you are making many such rules.

My employer (Stack Exchange, Inc.) has graciously me permission to
open source it:



Email: t...@whatexit.orgWork:
Skype: YesThatTom

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Re: [Puppet Users] facter: unordered hashes lead to changes

2015-04-07 Thread Guy Matz
Ahhh!!   The version of facter on my new servers is 2.4 . .   old servers
have 1.7 . . .anyone know how to get facter 2.x to stringify facts?
I've tried adding 'stringify_facts = true' to my puppet.conf, but that did
not change behaviour . . .

On Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 2:08 PM, Christopher Wood

 Sounds like this is set to true (over here I set it to false everywhere to
 take advantage of the non-string facts):

 On Tue, Apr 07, 2015 at 01:56:43PM -0400, Guy Matz wrote:
 Hi!  I'm seeing the following at the end of my puppet run:
 --- /etc/mcollective/facts.yaml 2015-04-07 15:51:25.243758139 +
 +++ /tmp/puppet-file20150407-6557-wl0qx7-0  2015-04-07
 17:51:34.770285890 +
 @@ -57,15 +57,15 @@
operatingsystem: CentOS
operatingsystemmajrelease: 6
operatingsystemrelease: 6.6
 -  os: familyRedHatreleasemajor6full6.6minor6nameCentOS
 +  os: familyRedHatnameCentOSreleasefull6.6major6minor6
osfamily: RedHat
 -  partitions:
 +  partitions:
 os, partitions and a few others change each run . . .  checking a
 fact shows that facter is returning an unordered has which changes on
 $ facter os
 {name=CentOS, family=RedHat, release={full=6.6,
 minor=6, major=6}}
 $ facter os
 {family=RedHat, name=CentOS, release={full=6.6,
 major=6, minor=6}}
 I don't remember this ever happening before . . .  what's up with
 Anyone know, off the top of their head, what might be causing this?
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[Puppet Users] Re: collector in class with same name as tag causes all virtual resources of the type to be realized

2015-04-07 Thread Neil - Puppet List
Here is a similar example using notify

== site.pp ==
node default {
  include noticegroups::matches
== modules/noticegroups/manifests/matches.pp ==
class noticegroups::matches {
  include notices
  Notices::Anotice | tag == matches |
== modules/notices/manifests/anotice.pp ==
define notices::anotice {
  notify { $title: }
== modules/notices/manifests/data.pp ==
class notices::data {
  @notices::anotice { 'meant to be made': tag=['matches'], }
  @notices::anotice { 'NOT meant to be made': tag=['doesnotmatch'], }
== modules/notices/manifests/init.pp ==
class notices {
  include notices::data

with that I get the behaviour I expect in puppet 3.6 and broken in 3.7

if I change class noticegroups::matches to noticegroups::iwantmatches then
only the resource I want gets realized

this just seems like 3.7 broke something to me

On 7 April 2015 at 11:34, Neil - Puppet List wrote:


 I'm upgrading from 3.6 to 3.7 and have it a issue/bug

 I'm using users/groups but to keep it short and something others can run
 without the mess of users being made I've made up a file example

 == modules/filegroups/manifests/matches.pp ===
 class filegroups::matches {
   include files
   Files::Afile | tag == matches |
 == modules/files/manifests/afile.pp ===
 define files::afile {
   file { $title: ensure=present, content='hello', }
 == modules/files/manifests/data.pp ===
 class files::data {
   @files::afile { '/tmp/meanttobemade': tag=['matches'], }
   @files::afile { '/tmp/notmeanttobemade': tag=['doesnotmatch'], }
 == modules/files/manifests/init.pp ===
 class files {
   include files::data
 == site.pp ===
 node default {
   include filegroups::matches

 makes both files

 If I rename modules/filegroups/manifests/matches.pp
 to  modules/filegroups/manifests/iwantmatches.pp (and change the first line)
 or rename the tag I get the desired behaviour

 Anyone else seen this? Is this a bug?

 There is a matching old question at askpuppetlabs
 that I've chipped in on the end off



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[Puppet Users] Notice: Puppet Provider for Chocolatey - New Bits, New Location

2015-04-07 Thread Rob Reynolds
To help resolve some recent confusion, I am sending out this notice that
was also sent out to the chocolatey users list.

The Puppet provider for Chocolatey is now at

   - This provider supports both the old PowerShell client (0.9.8 and
   below) and the new compiled choco client (0.9.9+).
   - The work that was done fixed a range of issues - (note that some
   of these may still be issues if you are on 0.9.8 and below).
   - We'll update the old rismoney/chocolatey to point to the new module
   soon and deprecate it fully.

Rob Reynolds
Developer, Puppet Labs

*PuppetConf 2015 is coming to Portland,
Oregon! Join us October 5-9.*
*Register now to take advantage of the Early Adopter discount
*--**save $349!*

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[Puppet Users] Announce: PuppetDB 2.3.3 is now available!

2015-04-07 Thread Russell Mull
PuppetDB 2.3.3 - April 7, 2015

PuppetDB 2.3.3 Downloads

Available in native package format in the release repositories at: and

For information on how to enable the Puppet Labs repos, see:

Binary tarball:


Please report feedback via the Puppet Labs tickets site, using an affected
PuppetDB version of 2.3.3:


Puppet module:

PuppetDB 2.3.3 Release Notes

PuppetDB 2.3.3 is a backwards-compatible bugfix release that adds support
for Puppet 4 on Debian and Ubuntu platforms.

For more details, consult the release notes here:


Matthaus Owens, Rob Browning

Matthaus Owens (1):
  84ffce5 (PDB-1389) Add puppet-agent option for debian dependencies

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