[Puppet Users] Re: How to run shell script in new terminal using puppet.

2015-06-29 Thread jcbollinger

On Thursday, June 25, 2015 at 11:29:15 PM UTC-5, ayy...@orzota.com wrote:

 1. I am trying to run 3 shell scripts. In first shell scripts i added some 
 env variable in bashrc file and i sourced. 
 2. In second shell script contain that env variable. But that env variable 
 is not reflected in second shell script. Is it possible do fix this 

The nature of the problem is unclear to me.  You mention three shell 
scripts, but describe behavior and effects only for two, and even there I'm 
not sure I follow your description.  It is also unclear whether you expect 
the environment variable to be defined in all three scripts, or whether you 
expect it to NOT be defined in one or more of them.  Moreover, it is 
unclear just how you are inducing Puppet to run these scripts for you, and 
the details make a difference.

Supposing that you are using the Exec resource type and its 'shell' 
provider, you should expect the scripts to be run via /bin/sh, in 
non-interactive mode.  Note in particular that if your /bin/sh happens to 
be Bash, then that will result in different behavior than if the shell were 
launched under a different name, or if it was launched in interactive mode, 
as described in Bash's documentation.  In particular, when started in that 
way, bash will run in non-interactive POSIX mode, and among other things, 
that means it will not automatically read any startup files.  Of course, 
whatever script is presented to it may explicitly source whatever file you 
like (subject to any effective access controls that may be in place). Also, 
you may specify environment variables directly via the `Exec` resource 

You should also be aware that every program or script launched via an Exec 
runs in its own environment.  They inherit very little from the agent's own 
environment, and they can neither modify the agent's environment nor 
directly modify the environment that any other program or script will run 
in.  Some of those characteristics are intentional on Puppet's part, 
whereas others are simply incontrovertible characteristics of the overall 
operating system.


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[Puppet Users] Deploy Puppet modules through a Python script ?

2015-06-29 Thread yohann delafollye

I need to write a Python script that will be deployed on OpenStack 
instances, it will used to install and configure different softwares 
according some systems parameters.

So i want to deploy Puppet modules through my Python script, localy and 
Master-less, to automate installations after deploying instances.

My Puppet modules are ready and works fine with a Puppet Master. But i 
don’t know how to use them in my Python script to deploying all modules 
without PuppetMaster.

Is there a Python library able to do that ?
A tutorial could be welcome :)


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[Puppet Users] Concatenating files from server into a single file on the client

2015-06-29 Thread Sebastian Rettenberger

I am new to Puppet and I try to manage authorized_keys file on my servers 
with Puppet.
Up until now, we have cronjob that combines all the files in one directory 
and stores them in .ssh/authorized_keys on the servers.

Is something like this possible with Puppet as well? I have only found 
solutions for a fixed list of files. However, I would really like to keep 
this dynamic since the files change comparatively often.
In addition, the file on the client should only be updated if a ssh keys 
was added or deleted (but this is optional).

Thanks for any help,

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[Puppet Users] Re: help with ghoneycutt hosts on PE

2015-06-29 Thread jcbollinger

On Friday, June 26, 2015 at 7:26:49 PM UTC-5, Aaron Lager wrote:

 I'm evaluating PE and after the super simple success of the ntp example, I 
 thought I'd try out the /etc/hosts modules.
 I'm trying to add additional host entries, but all that happens is my 
 existing additional entries (including one for puppet) get removed from the 
 nodes host file.

 Here is my value for host_entries:

 There are no errors reported, that I'm aware of.  The documentation simply 
 says it's a Hash of host entries.
 I don't understand what I am doing wrong.

 Thanks for any help you can give.

I cannot say exactly what you're doing wrong, as I am uncertain what the 
/etc/hosts modules are, or why anyone would need more than one such 
module.  You clearly are not talking about the standard Host resource type, 
as it has no parameter named host_entries.

Inasmuch as the Host resource uses the hostname as its identifier, I 
suspect the wanted hash will have hostnames as keys.  I would not be 
surprised to hear that the expected form of the hash was something like 
this (YAML):

'ip': ''
'host_aliases': 'puppet'  # optional; may also be an array

That matches up with the underlying Host resource type 
https://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/stable/type.html#host, and it is 
the form that would be used with the standard create_resources() function 
This is all an educated guess, however, inasmuch as I don't know what 
module you are in fact using.  Any way around, I'm sure PL would appreciate 
feedback about the shortcomings of its documentation on this point.  They 
might pick it up from your post here, as several employees do participate, 
but you cannot rely on that.



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Re: [Puppet Users] Fresh Puppet PE 3.8 install error

2015-06-29 Thread Andrew Coggins
Fixed my issue. I fixed up the hosts file according to this 

I had puppet pointing to in the hosts file. Changing this to the 
private IP of the ec2 instance resolved the issue.

On Monday, June 29, 2015 at 11:40:02 AM UTC+10, Andrew Coggins wrote:

 The above steps fixed my installer issues on Ubuntu 14.04 running on a 
 VirtualBox VM, however moving to AWS and going through the steps again, I 
 can't successfully install puppet 3.8.1.

 The unusual thing is I don't see any issues logged in puppetserver.log and 
 telnet to localhost 8140 works. Any ideas?


 On Saturday, May 2, 2015 at 4:17:29 AM UTC+10, Martin Alfke wrote:

 I have created a blog posting with PE 3.8 installation issues and fixes 
 on Debian 6 and 7, CentOS 6 and 7, SLES 11 and 12, Ubuntu 12.04 and 14.10: 


 On 01 May 2015, at 19:58, Martin Alfke tux...@gmail.com wrote: 

  This package list also solves installation issue on Ubuntu 14.10 
  Many thanks, 
  On 01 May 2015, at 19:49, Jay Benner long...@gmail.com wrote: 
  Nailed it!  Not sure which package did the trick, but smooth sailing 
 after installing these. 
  On Thursday, April 30, 2015 at 5:21:20 PM UTC-7, Kamil Keski wrote: 
  Scratch 2.1.5 as the issue.  Quick lsof shows that everything is still 
 using the 1.9.1 binary pulled in the install.  Only other thing I installed 
 was the following packages as they are my default pulls for a ruby build. 
  zlib1g-dev build-essential libssl-dev libreadline-dev libyaml-dev 
 libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev 
  I'm not going any deeper than that on this one.  I'm tired of drudging 
 through .rb's and am leaving this as is. 
  Still, on a pure fresh Ubuntu 12.04 or 14.04 install there is a 
 dependency that the PE installer is not pulling down. 
  If you're a user and need a quick fix just install the above packages. 
  Puppet devs, if you can track down which and package that into the 
 installer that would be fantastic. 
  On Thursday, April 30, 2015 at 3:43:27 PM UTC-6, Kamil Keski wrote: 
  Going to answer my own question here as there is likely no way a fresh 
 install of PE 3.8 will succeed on Ubuntu 12.04 or 14.04.  Ruby comes 
 preinstalled with the distro's with a version of 1.9 (old for sure). 
  However this should be known.  I Installed 2.1.5, made global and the 
 installation of PE 3.8 succeeded. 
  I'd like to see the PE install updated to pull a version of Ruby that 
 it requires (who knows, 2.0 may be sufficient).  At minimum listing that 
 you have a minimum version of Ruby installed as a prerequisite. 
  On Thursday, April 30, 2015 at 12:50:27 PM UTC-6, Kamil Keski wrote: 
  Yes, I've added the temp path arg to the pe-puppetserver init as well. 
  No go. 
  Has anyone installed successfully from scratch using an ubuntu 12.04 
 or 14.04 distro?  Not an existing one, but a nice fresh build? 
  On Thursday, April 30, 2015 at 11:49:29 AM UTC-6, Martin Alfke wrote: 
  Hi Kamil, 
  have you tried setting the path attribute at the exec resource? 
  Puppet exec starts with an empty environment and you are using several 
 Unix commands without full path. 
  On Apr 30, 2015 7:29 PM, Kamil Keski ka...@inthetelling.com 
  Thanks for the reply Josh.  I worked through this and other posts I 
 found pointing to the tmp issue.  However I don't have /tmp or /usr/tmp 
 mounted, they are just dir's on the root mount. 
  # file system mount point   type  options   dump  pass 
  /dev/mapper/ITTPuppet--vg-root /   ext4   
  errors=remount-ro 0   1 
  # /boot was on /dev/sda1 during installation 
  UUID=89c2c14f-03a6-4f43-9935-25061c52e4f9 /boot   ext2   
  defaults0   2 
  /dev/mapper/ITTPuppet--vg-swap_1 noneswapsw   
0   0 
  /dev/fd0/media/floppy0  autorw,user,noauto,exec,utf8 0 
  Pretty vanilla stuff here, so noexecute should not be an issue in this 
 instance.  For good measure I tried creating a new dir (/usr/tmp) with 777 
 and defined -Djava.io.tmpdir=/usr/tmp globally via my /bashrc profile for 
 the user I'm running under and root.  Verified that was picked up via java 
  Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Djava.io.tmpdir=/usr/tmp 
  java version 1.6.0_35 
  OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.13.7) 
  OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 23.25-b01, mixed mode) 
  Still same behavior.  I don't see how anyone has worked through a 
 fresh install on Ubuntu at this point. 
  On Wednesday, April 29, 2015 at 4:03:13 PM UTC-6, Josh Cooper wrote: 
  On Wed, 

[Puppet Users] Puppet, ENC, Foreman, Hiera. Best way for coexistence?

2015-06-29 Thread Nicola V

We're considering to migrate away from node definitions to something more 
future proof, with the idea to introduce an ENC into our infrastructure. I 
found some discussions loosely touching the topic from a few years back, 
and I'd love to hear what would be the way to go now, in 2015.
Foreman is the tool that impressed us the most for the abundance of 
features, especially the inventory tracking and host deployment 
capabilities (the Discovery plugin is powerful).
At the same time Hiera seems to be gaining a lot of traction, being able to 
provide ENC capabilities and hierarchical parameters assignment, but 
obviously none of the asset tracking and deployment feats of Foreman.

The two can interoperate, from what I see, being different tools for 
different jobs. Yet, they seem to overlap a bit in their scope. Here's how 
I see them fit in the picture:

1. Foreman for host deployment, asset tracking, reporting, node 
classification (ENC) and parameter assignment. No Hiera
2. Foreman for host deployment, asset tracking, reporting, node 
classification (ENC). Hiera for parameter assignment. The popular 
roles/profiles paradigm would be implemented via Foreman's Config Groups 
(profiles) and Host Groups (roles). Hiera provides the parameters to the 
3. Foreman for host deployment, asset tracking and reporting. Hiera acts as 
an ENC and assigns roles and profiles via include. Parameters are provided 
by Hiera, too

Let's see the situation:
Option 1 is good for centralization: in essence, Foreman would be the only 
data store or source of truth about the infrastructure. I don't find 
the smart parameters/smart classes feature intuitive enough. I'm afraid it 
might prove non-scalable in the long run, and not so clear to debug, 
considering smart-matchers at class level have to be used (unless I got it 
completely wrong). Also, it's not immediately versionable.
Option 2 is a good trade off, but there would be two different places where 
to store information about nodes (roles/profiles in Foreman, params in 
Hiera). This might confuse people.
Option 3 might be the best: Foreman would complement Hiera and the 
infrastructure would be almost entirely versionable in case YAML or JSON 
files are used as a Hiera backend.

Any opinion in regard from the Foreman/Puppet community? It seems like 
there's many way to approach this and I'm quite confused.


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[Puppet Users] elegant way to hash a line in a file, if present

2015-06-29 Thread Cam Mac

I wanted to create a recipe for hashing a line in a file (I'd rather hash 
it than delete it), if the file is present and that particular line is 
present. I came up with a less than elegant solution and wondered whether
someone knows of a better way.

The file in question: /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/glamor.conf
The line in question (which needs to be commented):  Load  glamoregl

  exec { 'hash_glamor':
path= '/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin',
command = 'sed -i \'s/\(^\s*Load\s*\glamoregl\$\)/\#\1/\' 
onlyif = 'grep -E ^\s*Load\s*\glamoregl\$ 

I tried using the 'file_line' module:

  file_line { 'hash_glamor':
path  = '/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/glamor.conf',
line  = '#  Load  glamoregl',
match = 'Load  glamoregl',

but this returns an error if the file doesn't exist, and I couldn't find a 
way of adding a conditional that will check whether the file exists in the 
'file_line' module before it executes.

Augeas could be a possibility, but I couldn't see a way of doing it in a 
simple way.

Any suggestions welcome.



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[Puppet Users] Re: help with ghoneycutt hosts on PE

2015-06-29 Thread Aaron Lager
Okay, I have my first clue:
# /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/environments/production/modules/hosts/templates/

This file does not existnice!

On Monday, June 29, 2015 at 10:06:20 AM UTC-7, Aaron Lager wrote:

 @John, the host modules are for maintaining the /etc/hosts files.  On 
 windows it's located in %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
 ghoneycutt-hosts is the module I'm trying to use.

 I've tried with the hash both ways:

 The result is the same, the file is reverted back to :
 #   localhost AVC2-WUS1-APP01.AVC2-WUS1-CS1.d6.internal.cloudapp.net 

 # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
 ::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
 ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
 ff02::2 ip6-allrouters

 Is there a log file somewhere that might hint at what is going on?


 I cannot say exactly what you're doing wrong, as I am uncertain what 
 the /etc/hosts modules are, or why anyone would need more than one such 
 module.  You clearly are not talking about the standard Host resource type, 
 as it has no parameter named host_entries.

 Inasmuch as the Host resource uses the hostname as its identifier, I 
 suspect the wanted hash will have hostnames as keys.  I would not be 
 surprised to hear that the expected form of the hash was something like 
 this (YAML):

 'ip': ''
 'host_aliases': 'puppet'  # optional; may also be an array

 That matches up with the underlying Host resource type 
 https://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/stable/type.html#host, and it 
 is the form that would be used with the standard create_resources() 
 This is all an educated guess, however, inasmuch as I don't know what 
 module you are in fact using.  Any way around, I'm sure PL would appreciate 
 feedback about the shortcomings of its documentation on this point.  They 
 might pick it up from your post here, as several employees do participate, 
 but you cannot rely on that.



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Re: [Puppet Users] help with ghoneycutt hosts on PE

2015-06-29 Thread Aaron Lager
The purge_hosts parameter was not set, so should be default to false.  I 
now have it explicitly set to false, and I get the same behavior.
How can I figure out where the files are stored, so I can inspect the 
puppet file to see if there is something else that is set that PE isn't 
showing on via the dash board?


On Saturday, June 27, 2015 at 4:32:54 AM UTC-7, Johan De Wit wrote:


 Boolean to optionally purge unmanaged entries from hosts

- *Default*: false

 Check this parameter.  When set to true, yuo will have the behaviour you 

 more info : 

 On Fri, 2015-06-26 at 16:45 -0700, Aaron Lager wrote:

 I'm evaluating PE and after the super simple success of the ntp example, I 
 thought I'd try out the /etc/hosts modules.
 I'm trying to add additional host entries, but all that happens is my 
 existing additional entries (including one for puppet) get removed from the 
 nodes host file.

 Here is my value for host_entries:

 There are no errors reported, that I'm aware of.  The documentation simply 
 says it's a Hash of host entries.
 I don't understand what I am doing wrong.

 Thanks for any help you can give.


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 Johan De Wit

 Open Source Consultant

 Red Hat Certified Engineer  (805008667232363)
 Puppet Certified Professional 2013/2014/2015 (PCP006)
 Puppet Certified Instructor
 blog : http://johan.koewacht.net/

 Upcoming Trainings:

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[Puppet Users] puppetlabs-apache and mod_jk

2015-06-29 Thread Peter Berghold
Does the apache::vhost facility in puppetlabs-apache support mod_jk
redirects in some fashion I'm missing?

I'm about to use this module (along with a couple of others) to set up
Jenkins on a server of mine for purely research purposes...

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[Puppet Users] Re: help with ghoneycutt hosts on PE

2015-06-29 Thread Aaron Lager
@John, the host modules are for maintaining the /etc/hosts files.  On 
windows it's located in %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
ghoneycutt-hosts is the module I'm trying to use.

I've tried with the hash both ways:

The result is the same, the file is reverted back to :
#   localhost AVC2-WUS1-APP01.AVC2-WUS1-CS1.d6.internal.cloudapp.net 

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters

Is there a log file somewhere that might hint at what is going on?


 I cannot say exactly what you're doing wrong, as I am uncertain what the 
 /etc/hosts modules are, or why anyone would need more than one such 
 module.  You clearly are not talking about the standard Host resource type, 
 as it has no parameter named host_entries.

 Inasmuch as the Host resource uses the hostname as its identifier, I 
 suspect the wanted hash will have hostnames as keys.  I would not be 
 surprised to hear that the expected form of the hash was something like 
 this (YAML):

 'ip': ''
 'host_aliases': 'puppet'  # optional; may also be an array

 That matches up with the underlying Host resource type 
 https://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/stable/type.html#host, and it is 
 the form that would be used with the standard create_resources() function 
 This is all an educated guess, however, inasmuch as I don't know what 
 module you are in fact using.  Any way around, I'm sure PL would appreciate 
 feedback about the shortcomings of its documentation on this point.  They 
 might pick it up from your post here, as several employees do participate, 
 but you cannot rely on that.



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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Update Windows Tomcat using Puppet

2015-06-29 Thread Rob Reynolds
On Fri, Jun 26, 2015 at 1:57 AM, Mike A. mike.bren...@gmail.com wrote:

 If there's no way I can use Puppet to install/update Tomcat directly,
 should I use Chocolatey instead?

You can use Puppet to upgrade Tomcat directly. You've probably already come
across puppetlabs-tomcat[1] and realized it isn't quite set up for Windows.
You've probably also noticed that none of the tomcat modules on the forge
advertise working with Windows[2]. It seems one could look at the steps
required to update tomcat and create a module that will do so, or
contribute back to puppetlabs-tomcat the Windows requirements.

[1] https://forge.puppetlabs.com/puppetlabs/tomcat
[2] https://forge.puppetlabs.com/tags/tomcat?utf-8=%E2%9C%93os=windows

 How reliable is Chocolatey in a production server?

Depending on your methodology, reliable. Provided you:

   - Create your own packages that
   - Vendor the installers somewhere in your network and
   - You host your own internal chocolatey repository[3]

The most important thing in here is production usage != community feed (

You can start with a copy of the package, then adjust the urls to your
internal ones - see https://chocolatey.org/packages/Tomcat#files and take a
look at the scripts. Download the zip files to a CIFS share or embed them
in the package itself. Then adjust the links in the package itself.

The package itself has a download link on the left, you can download the
nupkg and rename to .zip and treat it as a regular zipped file. Then when
you are ready, just use choco pack to repack the files into a nupkg and
push it up to your internal repository.

[3] https://github.com/chocolatey/choco/wiki/How-To-Host-Feed

 Anyone have any experience?

 On Thursday, June 25, 2015 at 8:47:26 PM UTC+8, Mike A. wrote:


 I'm new in using Puppet but I was able to install the server and several

 Almost all of our servers are running Windows 2008 with Tomcat 7
 installed. I would like to know if it's possible to update the installed
 tomcat to version 8 using Puppet.

 If someone can point me to a tutorial on how to do it, I would greatly
 appreciate it.


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Rob Reynolds
Developer, Puppet Labs

*PuppetConf 2015 http://2015.puppetconf.com/ is coming to Portland,
Oregon! Join us October 5-9.*
*Register now to take advantage of the Early Adopter discount
*—**save $349!*

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Announce: Puppet Agent 1.2, Facter 3, Puppet 4.2, Hiera 3

2015-06-29 Thread Daniel Urist
Are there up-to-date instructions for how to install from the apt repos for

On Fri, Jun 26, 2015 at 12:13 PM, Eric Sorenson 
eric.soren...@puppetlabs.com wrote:

 Last night we rolled a patch release which includes a fix for FACT-1055, a
 regression which inadvertently broke backward compatibility for external
 that are not pluginsync'ed from modules:

 The new AIO bundle (puppet-agent-1.2.1) is available in all of the Puppet
 Collection 1 repositories.

 I also neglected to mention in the original announcement that we now have
 package repositories for Debian Jessie and Mac OS X Mavericks (10.9) and
 Yosemite (10.10) and these OSes will be part of the regular release
 going forward.

 On Wed, 24 Jun 2015, Eric Sorenson wrote:

  There's a new All-in-One Puppet Agent release available! This release
 new versions of several component projects and is downloadable now
 through the Puppet Collection 1 repository.

 * Puppet 4.2 includes several features and bug fixes, and officially
   Windows 2003. Release notes here:
 * Facter 3, the rewritten C++-based facter, is now the baseline Facter
   implementation. Read more here:
 * Hiera 3 is included, which contains a change to the default
   hierarchy and datadir location. This is technically a semver break, so
   a new major version. The gory details:

 Get installation instructions and read about Puppet Collections, our
 Linux-distribution-style repositories for Puppet related projects, here:

 Eric Sorenson - eric.soren...@puppetlabs.com - freenode #puppet: eric0
 puppet platform // coffee // techno // bicycles

 Eric Sorenson - eric.soren...@puppetlabs.com - freenode #puppet: eric0
 puppet platform // coffee // techno // bicycles

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: PL policy toward fixing known bugs in PE 3.8.x

2015-06-29 Thread Eric Sorenson

On Fri, 26 Jun 2015, Vince Skahan wrote:

yup - appreciate the responselet me know if you want me to open a
ticket to get this into the next 3.8.x (via my work email).

Yep, that's definitely the way to go. https://support.puppetlabs.com/

Eric Sorenson - eric.soren...@puppetlabs.com - freenode #puppet: eric0
puppet platform // coffee // techno // bicycles

Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Announce: Puppet Agent 1.2, Facter 3, Puppet 4.2, Hiera 3

2015-06-29 Thread Michael Stahnke
On Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 10:33 AM, Daniel Urist dur...@ucar.edu wrote:

 Are there up-to-date instructions for how to install from the apt repos
 for jessie?

Install http://apt.puppetlabs.com/puppetlabs-release-pc1-jessie.deb and
then use apt-get to install puppet-agent. That should be about it.

 On Fri, Jun 26, 2015 at 12:13 PM, Eric Sorenson 
 eric.soren...@puppetlabs.com wrote:

 Last night we rolled a patch release which includes a fix for FACT-1055, a
 regression which inadvertently broke backward compatibility for external
 that are not pluginsync'ed from modules:

 The new AIO bundle (puppet-agent-1.2.1) is available in all of the Puppet
 Collection 1 repositories.

 I also neglected to mention in the original announcement that we now have
 package repositories for Debian Jessie and Mac OS X Mavericks (10.9) and
 Yosemite (10.10) and these OSes will be part of the regular release
 going forward.

 On Wed, 24 Jun 2015, Eric Sorenson wrote:

  There's a new All-in-One Puppet Agent release available! This release
 new versions of several component projects and is downloadable now
 through the Puppet Collection 1 repository.

 * Puppet 4.2 includes several features and bug fixes, and officially
   Windows 2003. Release notes here:
 * Facter 3, the rewritten C++-based facter, is now the baseline Facter
   implementation. Read more here:
 * Hiera 3 is included, which contains a change to the default
   hierarchy and datadir location. This is technically a semver break, so
   a new major version. The gory details:

 Get installation instructions and read about Puppet Collections, our
 Linux-distribution-style repositories for Puppet related projects, here:

 Eric Sorenson - eric.soren...@puppetlabs.com - freenode #puppet: eric0
 puppet platform // coffee // techno // bicycles

 Eric Sorenson - eric.soren...@puppetlabs.com - freenode #puppet: eric0
 puppet platform // coffee // techno // bicycles

 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
 Puppet Users group.
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 email to puppet-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
 To view this discussion on the web visit

 For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Announce: Puppet Agent 1.2, Facter 3, Puppet 4.2, Hiera 3

2015-06-29 Thread Melissa Stone
On Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 11:27 AM, Michael Stahnke stah...@puppetlabs.com

 On Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 10:33 AM, Daniel Urist dur...@ucar.edu wrote:

 Are there up-to-date instructions for how to install from the apt repos
 for jessie?

 Install http://apt.puppetlabs.com/puppetlabs-release-pc1-jessie.deb and
 then use apt-get to install puppet-agent. That should be about it.

There's currently an issue with the jessie release package because we have
yet to ship any packages that have sources. Follow
https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/browse/PUP-4792 for details.

 On Fri, Jun 26, 2015 at 12:13 PM, Eric Sorenson 
 eric.soren...@puppetlabs.com wrote:

 Last night we rolled a patch release which includes a fix for FACT-1055,
 regression which inadvertently broke backward compatibility for external
 that are not pluginsync'ed from modules:

 The new AIO bundle (puppet-agent-1.2.1) is available in all of the Puppet
 Collection 1 repositories.

 I also neglected to mention in the original announcement that we now have
 package repositories for Debian Jessie and Mac OS X Mavericks (10.9) and
 Yosemite (10.10) and these OSes will be part of the regular release
 going forward.

 On Wed, 24 Jun 2015, Eric Sorenson wrote:

  There's a new All-in-One Puppet Agent release available! This release
 new versions of several component projects and is downloadable now
 through the Puppet Collection 1 repository.

 * Puppet 4.2 includes several features and bug fixes, and officially
   Windows 2003. Release notes here:
 * Facter 3, the rewritten C++-based facter, is now the baseline Facter
   implementation. Read more here:
 * Hiera 3 is included, which contains a change to the default
   hierarchy and datadir location. This is technically a semver break,
 so it's
   a new major version. The gory details:

 Get installation instructions and read about Puppet Collections, our
 Linux-distribution-style repositories for Puppet related projects, here:

 Eric Sorenson - eric.soren...@puppetlabs.com - freenode #puppet: eric0
 puppet platform // coffee // techno // bicycles

 Eric Sorenson - eric.soren...@puppetlabs.com - freenode #puppet: eric0
 puppet platform // coffee // techno // bicycles

 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
 Puppet Users group.
 To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
 email to puppet-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
 To view this discussion on the web visit

 For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.

 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
 Puppet Users group.
 To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
 email to puppet-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
 To view this discussion on the web visit

 For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.

Melissa Stone
Release Engineer, Puppet Labs

*PuppetConf 2015 http://2015.puppetconf.com/ is coming to Portland,
Oregon! Join us October 5-9.*
*Register now to take advantage of the Early Adopter discount
*—**save $349!*

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[Puppet Users] Re: [announce] puppetlabs-concat 2.0.x release deletion

2015-06-29 Thread Alex Dreyer

On Monday, June 29, 2015 at 12:55:44 AM UTC-7, Alex Harvey wrote:

 I'm not exactly sure what's going on here but Puppet Forge seems to be 
 still advertising the versions 2.0.0 and 2.0.1

 From librarian-puppet install --verbose
 [Librarian] Resolving puppetlabs-concat ( 2.0.0) 
 [Librarian] Checking manifests 
 [Librarian] Module puppetlabs-concat found versions: 2.0.1, 2.0.0, 1.2.3, 
 1.2.2, 1.2.1, 1.2.0, 1.1.2, 1.1.1, 1.1.0, 1.1.0-rc1, 1.0.4, 1.0.3, 1.0.2, 
 1.0.1, 1.0.0, 1.0.0-rc1

 It is necessary at the moment to explicitly request a version of  2.0.0 
 in Puppetfile.

It looks like librarian wasn't checking to see if a release was deleted. It 
appears to be fixed already 

 Looks like Nan Liu had the same problem here

 Is this something that will be fixed up soon?

 On Saturday, June 13, 2015 at 4:57:20 AM UTC+10, Bryan Jen wrote:

 FYI The puppetlabs-concat 2.0.0 and 2.0.1 releases have been deleted from 
 the Forge. If you're using either of those versions, please downgrade to 
 1.2.3 as soon as possible. We have also reverted the puppetlabs-concat 
 github master to 1.2.3, if you would like to continue using 2.x or 
 contribute to 2.x, there is a development branch named 2.0.x to 
 contribute to.

 On Thursday, June 11, 2015 at 3:02:06 PM UTC-7, Bryan Jen wrote:

 If you aren’t using puppetlabs-concat or are still using the 
 puppetlabs-concat module with version 1.x you don’t need to continue 
 reading. But, if you’re using puppetlabs-concat 2.0.x...

 tl;dr - we have uncovered an issue in the Puppet core that impacts the 
 puppetlabs-concat 2.0.x series and are deleting those releases from the 
 forge. Please downgrade your environments to use puppetlabs-concat 1.2.x. 

 We recently reworked the puppetlabs-concat module to transition from an 
 exec running a ruby script to concatenate files together to a native type 
 (hooray!). This gave us vast performance improvements, but with the way the 
 type was implemented we ended up running into a Puppet bug (
 that we can’t effectively work around with the existing code. Due to 
 this, we’re pulling the 2.0.x release series. The Puppet bug was causing us 
 to not properly propagate notify and subscribe metaparameters triggered by 
 changes in puppetlabs-concat resources. This means that, for example, 
 services subscribing to concat resources will not get restarted when the 
 configuration file is updated.

 To mitigate these issues, the puppetlabs-concat 2.0.x releases will be 
 deleted from the forge. They will still be available for download but will 
 not be installable using the PMT. We are still hoping to rework 
 puppetlabs-concat to use a native type, however we don’t have a firm 
 timeline for when that work will happen.

 Bryan Jen
 Modules Software Engineer

 *PuppetConf 2015 http://2015.puppetconf.com/ is coming to Portland, 
 Oregon! Join us October 5-9.*
 *Register now to take advantage of the Early Adopter discount 
 *—**save $349!*

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For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.

[Puppet Users] Re: help with ghoneycutt hosts on PE

2015-06-29 Thread Aaron Lager
So I started over from scratch, and now I get the following error on the 
 sudo puppet agent --test
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Info: Retrieving plugin
Info: Loading facts
Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: 
can't convert Array into Hash at 
on node

line 149 is
146   if $host_entries != undef {
147 $host_entries_real = delete($host_entries,$::fqdn)
148 validate_hash($host_entries_real)
149 create_resources(host,$host_entries_real)
150   }

What is wrong with my syntax?


On Friday, June 26, 2015 at 5:26:49 PM UTC-7, Aaron Lager wrote:

 I'm evaluating PE and after the super simple success of the ntp example, I 
 thought I'd try out the /etc/hosts modules.
 I'm trying to add additional host entries, but all that happens is my 
 existing additional entries (including one for puppet) get removed from the 
 nodes host file.

 Here is my value for host_entries:

 There are no errors reported, that I'm aware of.  The documentation simply 
 says it's a Hash of host entries.
 I don't understand what I am doing wrong.

 Thanks for any help you can give.


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[Puppet Users] Re: Command Exceeded Timeout on Basic Shell Commands

2015-06-29 Thread Franck
In case anyone is interested, we figured out what was causing this issue. 

Being that we run a Ruby on Rails application and naturally Puppet runs on 
Ruby as well, we actually load TC Malloc memory allocator for our 
application.  By running one of the applying configuration processes in 
gstack, we were able to discover that it was getting stuck on 

The version of TC Malloc we were running that caused this issue was 4.2.0 
but since upgrading to latest 4.2.6 we have not experienced another 
occurrence of this issue.  

On Monday, June 15, 2015 at 10:12:03 PM UTC-4, Franck wrote:

 We've been experiencing a lot of Command exceeded timeouts on basic 
 shell commands using the exec type for tasks that should execute fairly 

 Jun 15 15:45:44 host1 puppet-agent[57648]: 
 (/Stage[main]/Timezone::Utc/Exec[/bin/rm -f /etc/localtime  /bin/ln -s 
 /usr/share/zoneinfo/UTC /etc/localtime]) Command exceeded timeout
 Jun 10 21:15:24 host1 puppet-agent[57081]: 
 vmware-uninstall-tools.pl]/onlyif) Check /usr/bin/test -f /usr/bin/
 vmware-uninstall-tools.pl exceeded timeout
 Jun 10 23:56:02 host1 puppet-agent[40286]: 
 (/Stage[main]/Open-vm-tools::Package/Exec[/usr/bin/yum install -y 
 open-vm-tools.x86_64]/unless) Check /bin/rpm -q open-vm-tools exceeded 

 All these commands can be run locally to the host and return fairly 
 quickly, but when puppet executes them they time out. Extending the timeout 
 is an option but ridiculous since default is 300 seconds and none of these 
 commands should take 5 minutes or more to return.  

 Some of the things observed is that this only affects CentOS 6.x hosts as 
 we also have Ubuntu 14.x hosts and they do not experience these problems. 
  Also, we've played around with different versions of the puppet agent 
 along with different versions of Ruby and none of them had any effect as 
 this condition persists regardless.  Also, this does not seem to affect all 
 of our CentOS 6.x hosts but only certain ones -- randomly.  Running puppet 
 agent in debug mode does not seem to uncover what's going on as it just 
 hangs when it gets to the exec.

 It's very annoying and actually dangerous in some cases as the puppet 
 agent will continue spawning multiple applying configuration processes 
 which will cause hosts to swap memory as each takes up more and more memory 
 and in some instances will hose them entirely.  
 We've had to remove these manifests that cause these conditions in the 
 interim but right now we have a lot of hosts we need to manage with puppet 
 so we need to be able to use this.

 Basic info on the hosts in question:

- Puppet: 3.7.5
- Ruby: 2.1.2
- CentOS 6.6

 Anyone have any ideas as to what could be causing this?


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to puppet-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
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Re: [Puppet Users] puppetlabs-apache module: anyway to define default parameters for every vhost

2015-06-29 Thread Angel L. Mateo

El 25/06/15 a las 12:47, UK_beginner escribió:

I'm using the puppetlabs-apache module (currently v1.5.0) and I'm
looking for a way to be able to define some default values for every
virtual host. For example, it would be good to set ServerAdmin to
'x...@yy.com' as a default, allowing overrides only when necessary.

Can anyone suggest a way to do this?

Use hiera and define those values in a common yaml.

Angel L. Mateo Martínez
Sección de Telemática
Área de Tecnologías de la Información
y las Comunicaciones Aplicadas (ATICA)
Tfo: 868887590
Fax: 86337

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For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.

Re: [Puppet Users] puppet agent won't start

2015-06-29 Thread Adaryl Wakefield
Grep output:
puppet-agent/trusty,now 1.2.1-1trusty amd64 [installed]
puppetlabs-release-pc1/trusty,now 0.9.2-1trusty all [installed]

I got the same output you did. After checking the services, they appear to
be up and running. The issue I'm having now and that I posted about in
another thread is that I'm supposed to run:
sudo /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet cert list to sign the certificates, but
when I run that code, I get nothing back indicating that there are no
outstanding cert request. From that, it would seem to suggest that the
agents aren't contacting the master.


On Sun, Jun 28, 2015 at 7:53 PM, Daniel Dreier d...@puppetlabs.com wrote:

 I hope this doesn't sound pedantic, but when you say you get the same
 output do you mean you got the same output as I did, or the same error
 output as you originally posted about?

 Also, could you please run apt --installed list | grep puppet and
 copy-paste the output, just to confirm which puppet packages you ended up

 That said, I'm stumped. The only advice I can give is to start from a
 known, clean environment, and script 100% of the setup needed to reproduce
 the problem, in order to make it feasible for somebody on this list to see
 the problem first-hand. That may be as easy as installing vagrant and
 converting part of your bash history from the old box into a setup shell
 script to run on the vagrant environment.

 On Sun, Jun 28, 2015 at 4:46 PM, adaryl.l.wakefi...@gmail.com wrote:

   When I run your commands, I get the same out put. There are a few
 difference between what you wrote and my initial work.
 1. sudo apt-get install puppet-agent –y —I didn’t use the –y
 2. It asked me to install puppet-common which I did.
 3. I changed the configuration settings in /etc/puppet/puppet.conf so
 that, in the main section, I have a line server=[master hostname]
 4. I went back through my command history and discovered that I tried to
 apt-get install before I apt-get update. I had to go back and update then I
 apt-get install again.
 5. I’m logged in as root and I don’t use sudo in my commands.

 Those are the only differences.

 Adaryl Bob Wakefield, MBA
 Mass Street Analytics, LLC
 Twitter: @BobLovesData

  *From:* Daniel Dreier d...@puppetlabs.com
 *Sent:* Sunday, June 28, 2015 6:29 PM
 *To:* puppet-users@googlegroups.com
 *Subject:* Re: [Puppet Users] puppet agent won't start

  Here are the steps I've taken to try and reproduce the issue you're

 vagrant init ubuntu/trusty64
 vagrant ssh
 wget http://apt.puppetlabs.com/puppetlabs-release-pc1-trusty.deb
 sudo dpkg -i puppetlabs-release-pc1-trusty.deb
 sudo apt-get update
 sudo apt-get install puppet-agent -y
  sudo /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet resource service puppet ensure=running

 When I run it, I get the following output:

 Notice: /Service[puppet]/ensure: ensure changed 'stopped' to 'running'
 service { 'puppet':
   ensure = 'running',
   enable = 'true',

 I'd encourage you to try out vagrant to simplify troubleshooting -- it
 really is just a matter of installing virtualbox, vagrant, and running
 vagrant init ubuntu/trusty64, vagrant up and vagrant ssh and you're
 in a VM. It'll save hours compared to reprovisioning bare metal hardware.

 Can you suggest any major configuration differences we might have between
 the plain-vanilla ubuntu 14.04 vagrant environment and what you're running?

 On Sun, Jun 28, 2015 at 4:00 PM, adaryl.l.wakefi...@gmail.com wrote:

   Unfortunately I’m not sophisticated enough to use Vagrant top of
 which I’m not installing in a VM. I’m using a cluster of 3 bare metal
 machines running Ubuntu 14.4. I’ve followed every step prescribed to the
 letter in this link:

 What other information can I pass along?

 Adaryl Bob Wakefield, MBA
 Mass Street Analytics, LLC
 Twitter: @BobLovesData

  *From:* Daniel Dreier d...@puppetlabs.com
 *Sent:* Sunday, June 28, 2015 5:52 PM
 *To:* puppet-users@googlegroups.com
 *Subject:* Re: [Puppet Users] puppet agent won't start

On Sun, Jun 28, 2015 at 3:15 PM, adaryl.l.wakefi...@gmail.com

   When I go to start my puppet agent using:
 sudo /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet resource service puppet ensure=running

 I get:

 sh: 0: getcwd() failed: No such file or directory

 When I try again, I discover that the /opt directory has magically
 disappeared. Any ideas?

 I'd have an easier time trying to reproduce the problem if you include
 information on what platform you're running on, what version of puppet you
 installed, and any other setup steps you may have taken. Ideally, if you
 can reproduce this consistently via a shell script in a vagrant environment
 it'll be much easier to troubleshoot and you'll get faster feedback.

  Daniel Dreier
 Technical Operations Engineer
 GPG: BA4379FD

[Puppet Users] Re: API call to certificate_request deletes the request

2015-06-29 Thread Josh Cooper

On Sunday, June 28, 2015 at 10:49:21 AM UTC-7, Mikhail Simin wrote:

 I'm using Puppet 3.7.3 and I observe this strange behavior when using the 
 API to sign a certificate:

 == /var/log/apache.log ==
 Jun 28 17:18:07.00 prod-puppetca apache: prod-puppetca:8140 
 - - [28/Jun/2015:17:18:03 +] PUT 
 /production/certificate_request/prod-clientbox HTTP/1.1 200 1582 - 
 python-requests/2.7.0 CPython/2.7.6 Linux/3.13.0-46-generic

 == /var/log/daemon.log ==
 Jun 28 17:18:03.00 prod-puppetca puppet-master[27451]: prod-clientbox 
 has a waiting certificate request
 Jun 28 17:18:07.00 prod-puppetca puppet-master[27451]: Signed 
 certificate request for prod-clientbox
 Jun 28 17:18:07.00 prod-puppetca puppet-master[27451]: Removing file 
 Puppet::SSL::CertificateRequest prod-clientbox at 

 For some reason a single PUT call to `certificate_request/` signs the CSR 
 and then also removes it!

 Under normal circumstances (when the CSR does not get removed) I have a 
 follow up API call for `certificate_status/` with 
 {desired_state:signed} passed in. However when the CSR is removed, this 
 no longer works because puppet refuses with the following message: 

 Cannot sign for host prod-clientbox without a certificate request

 Why does the CSR get removed with the same API call that uploads it?

It sounds like you have autosign[1] enabled. Check /etc/puppet/puppet.conf 
or in the script that starts your CA.


[1] https://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/latest/configuration.html#autosign

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[Puppet Users] Re: [announce] puppetlabs-concat 2.0.x release deletion

2015-06-29 Thread Alex Harvey
I'm not exactly sure what's going on here but Puppet Forge seems to be 
still advertising the versions 2.0.0 and 2.0.1

From librarian-puppet install --verbose
[Librarian] Resolving puppetlabs-concat ( 2.0.0) 
[Librarian] Checking manifests 
[Librarian] Module puppetlabs-concat found versions: 2.0.1, 2.0.0, 1.2.3, 
1.2.2, 1.2.1, 1.2.0, 1.1.2, 1.1.1, 1.1.0, 1.1.0-rc1, 1.0.4, 1.0.3, 1.0.2, 
1.0.1, 1.0.0, 1.0.0-rc1

It is necessary at the moment to explicitly request a version of  2.0.0 in 

Looks like Nan Liu had the same problem here

Is this something that will be fixed up soon?

On Saturday, June 13, 2015 at 4:57:20 AM UTC+10, Bryan Jen wrote:

 FYI The puppetlabs-concat 2.0.0 and 2.0.1 releases have been deleted from 
 the Forge. If you're using either of those versions, please downgrade to 
 1.2.3 as soon as possible. We have also reverted the puppetlabs-concat 
 github master to 1.2.3, if you would like to continue using 2.x or 
 contribute to 2.x, there is a development branch named 2.0.x to 
 contribute to.

 On Thursday, June 11, 2015 at 3:02:06 PM UTC-7, Bryan Jen wrote:

 If you aren’t using puppetlabs-concat or are still using the 
 puppetlabs-concat module with version 1.x you don’t need to continue 
 reading. But, if you’re using puppetlabs-concat 2.0.x...

 tl;dr - we have uncovered an issue in the Puppet core that impacts the 
 puppetlabs-concat 2.0.x series and are deleting those releases from the 
 forge. Please downgrade your environments to use puppetlabs-concat 1.2.x. 

 We recently reworked the puppetlabs-concat module to transition from an 
 exec running a ruby script to concatenate files together to a native type 
 (hooray!). This gave us vast performance improvements, but with the way the 
 type was implemented we ended up running into a Puppet bug (
 that we can’t effectively work around with the existing code. Due to 
 this, we’re pulling the 2.0.x release series. The Puppet bug was causing us 
 to not properly propagate notify and subscribe metaparameters triggered by 
 changes in puppetlabs-concat resources. This means that, for example, 
 services subscribing to concat resources will not get restarted when the 
 configuration file is updated.

 To mitigate these issues, the puppetlabs-concat 2.0.x releases will be 
 deleted from the forge. They will still be available for download but will 
 not be installable using the PMT. We are still hoping to rework 
 puppetlabs-concat to use a native type, however we don’t have a firm 
 timeline for when that work will happen.

 Bryan Jen
 *brya...@puppetlabs.com javascript:*
 Modules Software Engineer

 *PuppetConf 2015 http://2015.puppetconf.com/ is coming to Portland, 
 Oregon! Join us October 5-9.*
 *Register now to take advantage of the Early Adopter discount 
 *—**save $349!*

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For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.

[Puppet Users] Re: [announce] puppetlabs-concat 2.0.x release deletion

2015-06-29 Thread Alex Harvey
Ah, thanks very much for clearing that up.

On Tuesday, June 30, 2015 at 5:50:04 AM UTC+10, Alex Dreyer wrote:

 On Monday, June 29, 2015 at 12:55:44 AM UTC-7, Alex Harvey wrote:

 I'm not exactly sure what's going on here but Puppet Forge seems to be 
 still advertising the versions 2.0.0 and 2.0.1

 From librarian-puppet install --verbose
 [Librarian] Resolving puppetlabs-concat ( 2.0.0) 
 [Librarian] Checking manifests 
 [Librarian] Module puppetlabs-concat found versions: 2.0.1, 2.0.0, 1.2.3, 
 1.2.2, 1.2.1, 1.2.0, 1.1.2, 1.1.1, 1.1.0, 1.1.0-rc1, 1.0.4, 1.0.3, 1.0.2, 
 1.0.1, 1.0.0, 1.0.0-rc1

 It is necessary at the moment to explicitly request a version of  2.0.0 
 in Puppetfile.

 It looks like librarian wasn't checking to see if a release was deleted. 
 It appears to be fixed already in 

 Looks like Nan Liu had the same problem here

 Is this something that will be fixed up soon?

 On Saturday, June 13, 2015 at 4:57:20 AM UTC+10, Bryan Jen wrote:

 FYI The puppetlabs-concat 2.0.0 and 2.0.1 releases have been deleted 
 from the Forge. If you're using either of those versions, please downgrade 
 to 1.2.3 as soon as possible. We have also reverted the puppetlabs-concat 
 github master to 1.2.3, if you would like to continue using 2.x or 
 contribute to 2.x, there is a development branch named 2.0.x to 
 contribute to.

 On Thursday, June 11, 2015 at 3:02:06 PM UTC-7, Bryan Jen wrote:

 If you aren’t using puppetlabs-concat or are still using the 
 puppetlabs-concat module with version 1.x you don’t need to continue 
 reading. But, if you’re using puppetlabs-concat 2.0.x...

 tl;dr - we have uncovered an issue in the Puppet core that impacts the 
 puppetlabs-concat 2.0.x series and are deleting those releases from the 
 forge. Please downgrade your environments to use puppetlabs-concat 1.2.x. 

 We recently reworked the puppetlabs-concat module to transition from an 
 exec running a ruby script to concatenate files together to a native type 
 (hooray!). This gave us vast performance improvements, but with the way 
 type was implemented we ended up running into a Puppet bug (
 that we can’t effectively work around with the existing code. Due to 
 this, we’re pulling the 2.0.x release series. The Puppet bug was causing 
 to not properly propagate notify and subscribe metaparameters triggered by 
 changes in puppetlabs-concat resources. This means that, for example, 
 services subscribing to concat resources will not get restarted when the 
 configuration file is updated.

 To mitigate these issues, the puppetlabs-concat 2.0.x releases will be 
 deleted from the forge. They will still be available for download but will 
 not be installable using the PMT. We are still hoping to rework 
 puppetlabs-concat to use a native type, however we don’t have a firm 
 timeline for when that work will happen.

 Bryan Jen
 Modules Software Engineer

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 Oregon! Join us October 5-9.*
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