Hi All

On the face of it this seems like it should be fairly simple.

Im using a shorewall module details of which can be found, according to the 
README, here 

I'm trying to create a shorewall hosts file, my module looks like:

class firewall::host{                                                       
  shorewall::host {"${interface_public}:":                        
    zone => 'net',                                                         
    order => 100;                                                           

where $interface_admin in this case = bond0.2

>From this I expect something like:

net bond0.2:

Howerver I instead get

change from net bond0.2: tcpflags,blacklist,norfc1918
 to net bond0.2: tcpflags,blacklist,norfc1918
 failed: No such file or directory - 

I suspect that the /0 being used for the CIDR notation is confusing the 
concat module and it thinks that 
"managed_file_hosts+100-bond0.2:" should be a directory when 
in fact it should not.

I attempted to escape the / with "\" but got a similar error:

change from net bond0.2:\/0 tcpflags,blacklist,norfc1918
 to net bond0.2:\/0 tcpflags,blacklist,norfc1918
 failed: No such file or directory - 

I expect that I am missing something glaringly obvious but any pointers 
would be appreciated.


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