Hi group,

we want to manage our authorized_keys with puppet and are trying
ssh_authorized_keys. Everything works as expected, but if ~/.ssh/
authorized_keys contains en empty line, puppet raises an error and
generate a complete new file:

debug: Prefetching parsed resources for ssh_authorized_key
err: Could not prefetch ssh_authorized_key provider 'parsed': Could
not parse line "" at /root/.ssh/authorized_keys:3

If the line contains a blank, it works. How can we change this
behaviour? We've looked into /usr/lib64/ruby/vendor_ruby/1.8/puppet/
provider/ssh_authorized_key/parsed.rb but I believe the match
statement is correct:

text_line :blank, :match => /^\s+/

It seems that puppet fails before any matching is done, but I'm not
familar with ruby and puppet development.

We are using puppet 2.6.12 on SLES11.

Thanks in advance and greetings, Maurice

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