I've a similar problem when I try to make a local copy of the
repository with mrepo from Dag Wiers.
My conf file for mrepo use the name vmware41 for the repository and
that's the content of the file :

name = VMWare Tools $release
release = 41
arch = i686 x86_64
vmware = http://packages.vmware.com/tools/esx/4.1latest/rhel5/$arch

when I launch the command it says:


vmware41-i686: Updating VMWare Tools 41
vmware41-i686: Mirror packages from 
to /var/mrepo/vmware41-i686/vmware
Execute: exec /usr/bin/lftp  -c '; mirror --ignore-time --ignore-size -
v -v -v -e -I *.rpm -X "openoffice*" -X "thunderbird*" -X "tetex*" -X
"/headers/" -X "/repodata/" -X "*.src.rpm" -X "/SRPMS/" -X "*-
debuginfo-*.rpm" -X "/debug/" 
mirror: File moved: 302 Moved Temporarily (/tools/esx/4.1latest/rhel5/
i686 -> /tools/esx/4.1latest/rhel5/i686/index.html)
mrepo: Mirroring failed for 
with message:
  Failed with return code: 256

and it doesn't download anything, naturally I'm using mrepo with
success to mirror a bunch of other repositories and I can also
manually download files from puppetlabs repo (even with that "strange"
Any Clues?

By the way I have to say that Puppet is a masterpiece of software like
few others keep on with that good job guys!

On Jun 16, 4:58 pm, Pheran <phe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi folks, I'm having a couple of problem with the puppetlabs base
> repo:
> First problem - puppet dashboard 1.1.1 is missing from the repo
> (latest there is 1.1.0).  This is pretty straightforward.
> My second problem is weirder.  I use the reposync utility (from the
> yum-utils RPM) to locally mirror yum repositories.  For some strange
> reason, when I reposync against puppetlabs, the mcollective 1.3.0
> version RPMs all end up being 0-length files, despite the fact that I
> can correctly download them manually.  This is very easy to test on
> any RedHat-style system with the puppetlabs repo, just try this:
> cd /var/tmp
> reposync -r puppetlabs
> You see things like:
> [puppetlabs: 5     of 48    ] Downloading
> mcollective-1.3.0-6.noarch.rpm
> Could not retrieve package mcollective-1.3.0-6.noarch. Error was
> failure: mcollective-1.3.0-6.noarch.rpm from puppetlabs: [Errno 256]
> No more mirrors to try.
> Is this an odd bug in reposync or is there something malformed in the
> puppetlabs repodata?  I'm using yum-utils-1.1.30-6.el6 on an RHEL6
> system.
> Thanks!

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