[Puppet Users] Re: Variable not working in a define

2011-11-10 Thread imase
Oh man, I found the mistake.

It is in the template:

TOMCAT_VER="<%= scope.lookupvar('tcserver::params::instance_version')

should be:

TOMCAT_VER="<%= scope.lookupvar('version')%>"

Because it is called out of tcserver::instance.

Kind regards

On 10 Nov., 09:24, imase  wrote:
> Hello together,
> I have a define which was written by someone else and I am trying to
> extend it by the $version variable. My Module is called tcserver and
> it's a type of an apache tomcat. The package of tcserver will be
> deployed by an rpm via the module. After the installation there are
> two version of Tomcat which I would like to use. So I would like, that
> Application 1 is using Tomcat 6 and the other one 7. Here is the
> config of an example application:
>         tcserver::instance { 'jira':
>         httpport => '8080',
>         contextfile => 'jira_context.xml',
>         serverfile => 'jira_server.xml',
>         setenvfile => 'jira_setenv.sh',
>         service_enable => false,
>         version => '6.0.33.A.RELEASE',
>         }
> The define tcserver::instance looks like this:
> define tcserver::instance(
>     $httpport="${tcserver::params::instance_httpport}",
>     $contextfile="${tcserver::params::instance_contextfile}",
>     $setenvfile="${tcserver::params::instance_setenvfile}",
>     $serverfile="${tcserver::params::instance_serverfile}",
>     $version="${tcserver::params::instance_version}",
>     $service_enable=true,
>     $service_ensure='running'
>     ... (some more)
> )
> {
>     include jdk16
>     include tcserver
>     include tcserver::params
>     $instance_service_enable = "$service_enable"
>     $instance_service_ensure = "$service_ensure"
>     $instance_httpport = "$httpport"
>     $instance_serverfile = "$serverfile"
>     $instance_setenvfile = "$setenvfile"
>     $instance_version = "$version"
>     ... (some more)
>     file { "/etc/init.d/${instance_name}":
>         path    => "/etc/init.d/${instance_name}",
>         mode    => "755",
>         owner   => "root",
>         group   => "root",
>         ensure  => present,
>         require => Package["${tcserver::params::packagename}"],
>         content => template("tcserver/tcserver.erb"),
>     }
> }
> tcserver::params looks like this:
> ... (some more)
>     $instance_version = $tcserver_instance_version ? {
>         '' => "6.0.32.B.RELEASE",
>         default => "${tcserver_instance_version}",
>     }
> ... (some more)
> After the whole declaration I write it in an template and try to
> replace it:
> TOMCAT_VER="<%= scope.lookupvar('tcserver::params::instance_version')
> %>"
> After running puppet on the client I get the following in the
> templated file:
> Olthough this should be:
> What am I do wrong? Could you help me?
> Kind regards

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[Puppet Users] Variable not working in a define

2011-11-10 Thread imase
Hello together,

I have a define which was written by someone else and I am trying to
extend it by the $version variable. My Module is called tcserver and
it's a type of an apache tomcat. The package of tcserver will be
deployed by an rpm via the module. After the installation there are
two version of Tomcat which I would like to use. So I would like, that
Application 1 is using Tomcat 6 and the other one 7. Here is the
config of an example application:

tcserver::instance { 'jira':
httpport => '8080',
contextfile => 'jira_context.xml',
serverfile => 'jira_server.xml',
setenvfile => 'jira_setenv.sh',
service_enable => false,
version => '6.0.33.A.RELEASE',

The define tcserver::instance looks like this:

define tcserver::instance(
... (some more)


include jdk16
include tcserver
include tcserver::params

$instance_service_enable = "$service_enable"
$instance_service_ensure = "$service_ensure"
$instance_httpport = "$httpport"
$instance_serverfile = "$serverfile"
$instance_setenvfile = "$setenvfile"
$instance_version = "$version"
... (some more)

file { "/etc/init.d/${instance_name}":
path=> "/etc/init.d/${instance_name}",
mode=> "755",
owner   => "root",
group   => "root",
ensure  => present,
require => Package["${tcserver::params::packagename}"],
content => template("tcserver/tcserver.erb"),

tcserver::params looks like this:

... (some more)
$instance_version = $tcserver_instance_version ? {
'' => "6.0.32.B.RELEASE",
default => "${tcserver_instance_version}",
... (some more)

After the whole declaration I write it in an template and try to
replace it:

TOMCAT_VER="<%= scope.lookupvar('tcserver::params::instance_version')

After running puppet on the client I get the following in the
templated file:


Olthough this should be:


What am I do wrong? Could you help me?

Kind regards

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[Puppet Users] Re: Puppet Module Confusions

2011-07-05 Thread imase
Hey Luke,

thank you for your reply. The module tcserver is almost default from
example42. The module RAD is fully new written by me. I confirmed that
the module tcserver does not include the module rad. Also the general
does not include rad. I checked the classes.txt File when the
confusions happend again and found on the puppet master (also
troubles, see above) some rad classes. After I change something and
deployed again with capistrano, the classes rad in the .txt-file were
away. But after the next time deploying it they were back again.

Here my nodes:

# Management servers
node 'v00401' inherits basenode {
$puppet_server_local = true
$puppet_allow = [ "" ]
$puppet_nodetool = "dashboard"
$puppet_externalnodes = "no"
$dashboard_db = "mysql"
$puppet_storeconfigs = "yes"
$puppet_storeconfigs_thin = "yes"
$puppet_db = ""
$puppet_db_server = ""
$puppet_db_user = ""
$puppet_db_password = ""
$puppet_passenger = "no"
$dashboard_monitor_port = "3000"
$dashboard_monitor_url_pattern = "success"

$rsyslog_use_loganalyzer = "yes"
$rsyslog_loganalyzer_url = "http://download.adiscon.com/
$rsyslog_loganalyzer_dirname = "loganalyzer-3.0.4"
$rsyslog_db = "mysql"
$rsyslog_db_name = "Syslog"
$rsyslog_db_server = ""
$rsyslog_db_user = ""
$rsyslog_db_password = ""
$syslog_server_local = true

$nagios_check_external_commands = "no"

$documentroot_real = "/var/www/html"

$puppi_server_local = true

include dashboard

include general

node 'v00404' inherits basenode {
import "webapps.pp"

include mysql::client

tcserver::instance { 'crowd':
  httpport => '8080',
  service_enable => true,

include crowd

apache::vhost { 'v00404':
  priority => '20',
  port => '80',
  docroot => '/var/www/html',
  template => 'puppet4set/virtualhosts/crowd.conf.erb',

include general

# WAS-Nodes
node 'v00408' inherits basenode {
include rad
$puppet_environment = "production"
$installtype = "admin"

include general

node 'v00407' inherits basenode {
include rad
$puppet_environment = "integration"
$installtype = "admin"

include general

and my site.pp

# Example42 common module has to be explicitely imported
# (contains defines used by other modules that won't autoload)
import "common"

# Baselines classes include modules that have to be applied to all
# import "baselines/*.pp"

# The layout of your Infrastructure may be defined here
import "infrastructures/*.pp"

# On a medium/big sized infrastructure it makes sense to provide a
role for each node.
import "role/*.pp"

# Nodes definitions are here
import "nodes/*.pp"

# Training Nodes definitions are here
import "training/*.pp"

# General settings for standard types
Exec { path => "/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin" }

Best regards


On Jul 4, 5:10 pm, Luke Bigum  wrote:
> On Jul 4, 3:48 pm, imase  wrote:
> > Hello together,
> > I have problems with my Puppet installation. I use example42 Modules
> > as the base of my own Modules for automated deployment of Rational
> > Application Developer.
> > One of my Nodes is an tomcat server with the following includes
> > include mysql::client
> > include tcserver
> > include general
> > An other Node is a client for Rational Application developer with
> > following Includes
> > include rad
> > include general
> > Now, if i run puppet on the puppet master and tomcat server I get some
> > overlaps with the rad class. It looks like this:
> > PuppetMaster:
> > rad::reqdir/File[/opt/software]/ensure: created
> > ...
> > These are Directories only for rad class, but not for the others.
> Looks like your Tomcat v00404.sbb.ch node is somehow getting a
> "include rad", which is causing the duplicate Package clash in the
> "tcserver" module, confirm this by running the following on the
> v00404.sbb.ch node:
> grep rad /var/lib/puppet/classes.txt
> Is the "rad" module something you wrote yourself? Does "general"
> include "rad"? Can you post your node definitions (site.pp / node.pp).
> It's not a bug, basically you're going to hav

[Puppet Users] Puppet Module Confusions

2011-07-04 Thread imase
Hello together,

I have problems with my Puppet installation. I use example42 Modules
as the base of my own Modules for automated deployment of Rational
Application Developer.

Now I have overlaps between the modules. As example. I run Puppet on
the Puppetmaster. He has included the following classes as the node

include dashboard
include general

One of my Nodes is an tomcat server with the following includes

include mysql::client
include tcserver
include general

An other Node is a client for Rational Application developer with
following Includes

include rad
include general

Now, if i run puppet on the puppet master and tomcat server I get some
overlaps with the rad class. It looks like this:


rad::reqdir/File[/opt/software]/ensure: created
These are Directories only for rad class, but not for the others.

err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on
SERVER: Duplicate definition: Package[redhat-lsb] is already defined
in file /var/data/puppet/environments/production/puppet4set/modules/
rad/manifests/reqpkg.pp at line 44; cannot redefine at /var/data/
init.pp:33 on node v00404.sbb.ch

Is there maybe a bug in version 2.6.9?



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