[Puppet Users] Re: Massive Import/Include

2012-10-05 Thread pierre-emmanuel degand
As regards your 3 proposals :

   - "that it would probably all need to go into one YAML file" => it will 
   be the same than insert all my config in the manifest.pp, and it's not 
   interesting to me
   - "you could put it in an hiera data store" => i don't know this method 
   - "You could write a custom function that reads the directory" => i 
   think it's the better choice
Thanks for answering. 

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[Puppet Users] Re: Massive Import/Include

2012-09-28 Thread pierre-emmanuel degand
my module bind : 
- init.pp :
class bind {
include bind::install
include bind::service

-install.pp :
class bind::install (
$packages = $bind::params::server_packages
) inherits bind::params {
 package { $packages : 
ensure => present,

file { "/etc/bind/zones":
ensure  => "directory",
owner   => "root",
group   => "root",
mode=> 0755,

file { "/etc/bind/named.conf.local":
owner => "root",
group => "root",
mode => 0644,
source => "puppet:///modules/bind/named.conf.local",


service.pp :
class bind::service (
$service = $bind::params::server_services
) inherits bind::params {
 service { $service :
enable => true,
ensure   => running,
hasrestart => true,
hasstatus  => true,

params.pp :
class bind::params {
 $server_packages = ["bind9"]
$server_services = "bind9"

config.pp (the one i use to configure each domain) :
define bind::config ($dns_server = $fqdn,
$type_ip = "A",
$ip_serv = '',
$type_ip2 = $type_ip,
$ip_serv2 = $ip_serv,
$ip_mx1 = "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx",
$domain_mx1 = $domain,
$type_mx1 = "A",
$ip_mx2 = "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx",
$domain_mx2 = $domain_mx1,
$type_mx2 = "A",
$ip_ns1 = "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx",
$type_ns1 = "A",
$ip_ns2 = "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx",
$type_ns2 = "A",
$ip_ns3 = "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx",
$type_ns3 = "A",
$www = "true"

include bind
 file { "/etc/bind/zones/${domain}.db":
content => template("bind/zone.db.erb"),
owner => "root",
group => "root",
mode => 0644,

And for each domainX_conf.pp :
class conf_bind::bind_domain_fr {
 bind::config { "domain.fr":
   domain => "domain.fr",
   ip_serv => "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx",
   sub_domain => ["domain.fr. IN MX 20 mx2.ovh.net.",
"domain.fr. IN MX 10 mx1.ovh.net.",
"domain.fr. IN MX 100 mxb.ovh.net.",
"domain.fr. IN TXT \"v=spf1 
ip4:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx ip4:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -all\"",
"subdomain1 IN A xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx",
"subdomain2 IN A xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx",
"pop3 IN CNAME ns0.ovh.net.",

At the beginning, all the configuration was in the node.pp, but i had too 
much ligns so i split all the configuration like that...

"Then in the module's init.pp you would have:

class conf_bind {
  include 'conf_bind::bind::domain1_conf'
  include 'conf_bind::bind::domain2_conf'
  # ...
  include 'conf_bind::bind::domain200_conf'
}" ==> it's what i want to avoid :s

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[Puppet Users] Massive Import/Include

2012-09-28 Thread pierre-emmanuel degand
Hi, I try to include or import a lot of configuration files in a node, but 
it doesn't work :/

I create a module to configure bind, but i have a lot of domains to 
configure in the node of my server, so i decided to create an other module 
just to register my configuration with 1 file per domain (i have around 200 
domains, so arount 200 files...). 

My tree (for the configuration module) : 








Init.pp :
class conf_bind {

I tried " import 'bind/*.pp' " , but it worked only once on my VM... The 
only solution i have now it's to include my domain*_conf one by one, but 
i'll be very long...

If someone got an idea :) thanks




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[Puppet Users] Puppet gets stuck + CRON

2012-07-16 Thread pierre-emmanuel degand

I use Cron to avoid puppet to get stuck with this command : /bin/echo "" | 
/bin/nc localhost 8139
But I get this error : /USR/SBIN/CRON[11065]: (CRON) error (grandchild 
#11068 failed with exit status 1)

At the beginning, i launched : echo "" | nc localhost 8139, but I read that 
we have to put the path with the lastest cron version. 

sudo uname -a
Linux #.com #2 SMP Thu Aug 25 
16:40:22 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux

If someone get an idea :)

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Re: [Puppet Users] Node not find

2012-07-09 Thread pierre-emmanuel degand

> *
>> *
>> It's save in vpsX.ovh.net.pp in puppet/manifests/nodes and in my 
>> site.pp i include 
> did you mean import?

yes sorry, it's an import

i don't know what happens because this morning i had tried and it works... 

thanks for answering :)

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[Puppet Users] Node not find

2012-07-06 Thread pierre-emmanuel degand
Hi, my new server doesn't find his node *whereas i did the same for my 
others servers and it works on them*. My key is generated and signed by my 
master (i had had to add my puppetmaster in /etc/hosts).

My node : 

*node 'vpsX.ovh.net' {
It's save in vpsX.ovh.net.pp in puppet/manifests/nodes and in my 
site.pp i include nodes/* .

When i use : puppet agent --test, i got this error : 
*err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: 
Could not find default node or by name with 'vpsX.ovh.net, 
vpsX.ovh, vpsX' on node vpsX.ovh.net*
*warning: Not using cache on failed catalog*
*err: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run*
Any help would be appreciated :)*

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