The last issue I had was missing init.d scripts and the removed 
"puppetmaster" in favor of "puppet master".   I upgraded back to 3.0, 
uninstalled the old versions to avoid conflict.  Puppet master starts, but 
the client is choking on this error:

Oct  1 16:55:46 central puppet-agent[26980]: Could not autoload 
puppet/indirector/certificate/rest: Invalid duration format '"900 # 15 
mins"' for parameter: runinterval
Oct  1 16:55:46 central puppet-agent[26980]: Could not prepare for 
execution: Could not autoload puppet/indirector/certificate/rest: Invalid 
duration format '"900 # 15 mins"' for parameter: runinterval

Here's the code to rest.rb

>> require 'puppet/ssl/certificate'
> require 'puppet/indirector/rest'
>> class Puppet::SSL::Certificate::Rest < Puppet::Indirector::REST
>   desc "Find and save certificates over HTTP via REST."
>>   use_server_setting(:ca_server)
>   use_port_setting(:ca_port)
>   use_srv_service(:ca)
>>   def find(request)
>     return nil unless result = super
> = request.key unless == request.key
>     result
>   end

I have a very simple setup.  Here is my puppet.conf:

> vardir = /var/lib/puppet
>> logdir = /var/log/puppet
>> rundir = /var/run/puppet
>> ssldir = $vardir/ssl
>> [agent]
> classfile = $vardir/classes.txt
>> localconfig = $vardir/localconfig
>> runinterval = 900 # 15 mins
> syslogfacility = local4
> report = true
> listen = true
>> [master]
> syslogfacility = local4
> modulepath = /etc/puppet/modules:/usr/share/puppet/modules
> report = true

So I am guessing the "runinterval = 900" is triggering the problem.  But as 
I recall, this was set in the default puppet.conf file that was shipped.


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