Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Looking for solution on working configuration for new testing Puppet servers in existing environments

2012-04-19 Thread Luke Bigum

Hi Ken,

Your site and your practices (and the problems that go with it) are 
similar to our own. I've answered by describing what we think the way 
forward for Puppet is for us, hopefully you find it helpful and get some 
ideas :-)

I feel your pain when you say there are changes languishing in Dev for 
too long that get inadvertently pushed out to other environments. Once I 
accidentally rolled out a whole set of 'work in progress' changes that a 
colleague of mine was committing and pushing to one environment (we use 
Git) and I cut a new tag and pushed a whole heap of these unfinished 
changes to the next environment up the chain.

After this I realised our current model really wasn't going to work in 
the long run: this happened with only two Admins working on Puppet in 
the last week when we employ almost a dozen who could potentially make 
the same mistakes. While we're still stuck in this model now, we think 
the way forward for us is to take a page out of our Development Team's 
book and set up a fully fledged CI environment for Puppet. It would be 
even more awesome if our Developer's CI was also our CI - but 
considering they've got half a million unit tests and we've got zero, 
we've got a long way to go.

How this plays out practically is that all our admins commit into our 
Puppet repository and those changes start getting applied immediately to 
our Dev/CI servers and they start getting tested against immediately 
(hence the unit tests). Problems will always occur, but they will occur 
almost immediately and we'll have feedback to fix it.

In response to your reply to Trevor:

Can you explain how you see maintaining three slightly different 
environments with one Puppet Master and a firewall is more difficult 
than three individual Puppet Masters? You've already got all the 
differences written down in your existing manifests - different IP 
addresses for different services, different users/passwords, etc, maybe 
slightly different packages, or am I missing something?

Without knowing more about your site (so hopefully this suggestion is 
relevant), here's what I would do: I would slowly start to encourage 
people to separate out your data from your code using a shared 
repository. Take a look at Hiera if you haven't already, I'd recommend 
using it but other data sources would suffice as well.

So right now you've got your Dev data in your Dev modules, your Staging 
data in your Staging modules, etc. Take one of your modules (lets say 
DNS, it's easy), and put it's data (DNS server IP addresses) into a 
shared data store that each of your Dev, Staging and Prod Puppet Masters 
can access. Then change your Dev module to remove the data and pull it 
from the data store. Then do Staging, the same data store but different 
information, then finally Prod. If your three separate DNS modules don't 
look *exactly* the same now, you've done something wrong. Do that for 
every module and you've now got no reason not to run a single Puppet 
Master. The changes would take some time to do every module but if you 
encourage every admin to make a small step forward each change they 
make, eventually you'd get there.

What kind of changes are you making 5-10 times a day? The same changes 
for the same people? We have a situation here where our Developers 
sometimes need to change the configuration of our application every 
hour. Right now we don't manage those systems with Puppet because making 
that many changes of the same thing over and over is a monumental waste 
of our time.

I hack on Hiera a little bit to get some extra functionality from it, 
mainly the ability to tier my data sources. What I plan on doing is to 
have a low priority data store that's managed by Developers. Since all 
our modules will (eventually) look to the data stores to configure 
themselves, our Developers will be able to make their own system 
configuration changes. Our Admins control the modules (we write *how* 
it's done) and the higher priority data stores so we can override 
whatever the Developers enter if need be (we don't want a Developer 
changing the root password now). The Developers then trigger their own 
Puppet run and they've reconfigured the system using the same method 
(same Puppet modules) as Production so I don't have to worry about 
things being done differently in Dev.


On 18/04/12 21:08, Ken Lareau wrote:


Thank you for the response; I believe you got the idea pretty well and 
while your suggestion makes sense, it is something we definitely can't 
follow through with right now; our configuration is massive and 
complex and having to maintain three different yet similar sets of 
configuration would be difficult and reduce our response time to 
necessary user changes (of which we get anywhere from 5-10 a day).  
It's just not feasible without a complete reworking of how we do 
things right now, and not at the top of our priority lists.

I do appreciate the input, however.  Thank 

[Puppet Users] Re: Looking for solution on working configuration for new testing Puppet servers in existing environments

2012-04-18 Thread Eric Sorenson
Hi Ken, thanks for posting.  

It seems like you have introduced some tension between the security 
requirements (clients which are in a particular environment must not be 
able to retrieve other environments) and the need to have widespread 
testing with good coverage. From what I understand you've managed this now 
by having different CA certificates for each environment, but -- as it 
sounds like you realise -- that is pretty problematic.  I'd suggest you can 
end-run around a lot of this trouble by using an external node classifier 
to set and enforce client environment, so regardless of what the 
--environment string says from the client, each of the masters will 
consistently enforce policy.  You don't have to go all-in to node 
class/parameter assignment in the ENC because static configs are merged 
with the output. A prerequisite is that you need to have some source of 
truth which the ENCs can consult to determine the disposition of each node 
that connects, but that source-of-truth could be an access-controlled 
database (maybe you already have one?) that is, in general, going to be a 
better place to put business logic (which nodes should be able to access 
each environment, and even perhaps some of the conditional logic in your 
manifests) than Puppet itself.

This isn't without its own set of problems and might not be a panacea but I 
think would help a lot of your use case. Some relevant reading:

Hope this helps
 - Eric Sorenson - N37 17.255 W121 55.738  -  -

On Tuesday, April 17, 2012 7:34:43 PM UTC-7, Ken Lareau wrote:

 Hello folks, 

 After some conversation on #puppet on Freenode IRC, Eric Sorenson 
 requested I repost the information and question here, so I am doing so 
 and hopefully it will all make sense... 

 We currently have a well-established and relatively complex Puppet 
 setup in place at my company and I'm in the process of trying to 
 streamline changes as well as implement better testing to ensure 
 minimal disruption or issues when making those changes.  Some 
 information on the current situation: 

 - There are currently three environments: development, staging, 
 production.  These are controlled via the '--environment' setting for 
 puppet in each client.  All clients only belong to one environment and 
 do not move between them. 
 - We have a single Puppet configuration to manage all environments. 
 Various conditional statements based on environment, application type, 
 hostname, etc. control what each client receives for its 
 - There are separate servers for each environment for security reasons 
 (primarily sensitive information that can only exist in the production 
 - The Puppet configuration maintained via a Git repo, currently on a 
 single branch. 
 - Each person on the admin team checks out own copy of the repo, make 
 changes, commits the changes, then updates each environment on the 
 Puppet servers for the changes to take effect. 

 There are several issues with this process, unfortunately: 

 - Every so often a configuration mistake will adversely affect an 
 entire environment, and much of the time is only noticed _after_ the 
 changes are pushed out.  As a result, local changes tend to be made in 
 the development environment for testing and sometimes aren't committed 
 for a long time, leaving discrepancies between the environments which 
 can lead to other subtle issues. 
 - Less frequent but still occuring often enough, changes can still 
 have subtle issues which cause things to work in one environment and 
 break horribly in another; this is especially bad when the broken 
 environment is the production one. 
 - The configuration for a given type of client is complex enough that 
 to change a client to a different application type (what we primarily 
 key most of our configuration off of, followed by the environment) to 
 test against a server would require rebuilding the client, which is a 
 25-45 minute process; too slow for simple changes and even too slow 
 for all but the most complex changes, given how many changes we make 
 in a single day. 
 - We allow our users to create local VMs that the development Puppet 
 server can key off their names to create a given configuration, but 
 since the configuration for the various environments is shared in a 
 Puppet configuration, potential for users point their puppet agents to 
 the production environment is a concern (due to the sensitive 
 information there). 

 After discussion with a few coworkers, the following process was laid 
 out to try to implement to resolve these issues: 

 - Create separate branches for each of the environments and have only 
 the matching branch checked out on the primary Puppet servers; changes 
 will be merged into the various branches one at a time to prevent 

[Puppet Users] Re: Looking for solution on working configuration for new testing Puppet servers in existing environments

2012-04-18 Thread Trevor Smith
I'll take a stab at some of this.  Hopefully I'm correctly understanding 
your issue.

Am I correct in the following? :

You define 3 environments development, staging, and production.  These 
environments are defined as such in Puppet but they are also separate 
environments within your network, for the sake of clarity I'll call them 
zones from here out?  

Each zone has a Puppet Master server.

Each Puppet Master server has three environments defined development, 
staging, and production.  Each environment has the full git repository with 
the applicable branch checked out.

The clients in each zone connect to the Puppet Master in their zone and 
pull their configs from the corresponding environment.  So a 
staging_zone_client connects to staging_zone_master and pulls from the 

If that's correct then:

You already have three separate Puppet Masters so the environments are 
redundant.  As configured staging_zone_client can pull from 
production_environment using --environment.  One fix could be to define 
only the production environment on each zone's Puppet Master and check out 
the applicable branch in only the production environment.  As long as you 
never check out the production branch in development or staging then 
clients from those zones couldn't pull the settings for production zone as 
it's just not available.  As long as they cannot connect to the other 
zone's Puppet Master, preventable by network segmentation, certs etc...

Within each zone you could then define environments such as development and 
testing for conducting those activities within each zone.   So you'd have 
staging/dev and staging/test branches checked out in those environments.  I 
guess you could extend that and create environments for each admin within 
each zone that would allow the admin to use the --environment option for 
clients to test their work within a zone.  This would result in a lot of 
environments, and probably a lot of branches, but you wouldn't need a test 
Puppet Master for each admin.  

I'd think this would introduce the problem of making it difficult to reuse 
modules between zones as I'd think you'd end up basically managing three 
completely different branches.  Unless the sensitive data you're worried 
about is not being stored in your puppet repo and you have no issues 
merging changes made to the production branch into the development and 
testing branches, plus your admins will have a lot of different topic 
branches to deal with.  Long run you'd probably want to move zone specific 
settings out of your modules and use something like hiera so  you can 
standardize your modules across zones and just pull in the location 
settings using hiera.

Hope I understood your problems correctly and this is helpful..   

On Tuesday, April 17, 2012 10:34:43 PM UTC-4, Ken Lareau wrote:

 Hello folks, 

 After some conversation on #puppet on Freenode IRC, Eric Sorenson 
 requested I repost the information and question here, so I am doing so 
 and hopefully it will all make sense... 

 We currently have a well-established and relatively complex Puppet 
 setup in place at my company and I'm in the process of trying to 
 streamline changes as well as implement better testing to ensure 
 minimal disruption or issues when making those changes.  Some 
 information on the current situation: 

 - There are currently three environments: development, staging, 
 production.  These are controlled via the '--environment' setting for 
 puppet in each client.  All clients only belong to one environment and 
 do not move between them. 
 - We have a single Puppet configuration to manage all environments. 
 Various conditional statements based on environment, application type, 
 hostname, etc. control what each client receives for its 
 - There are separate servers for each environment for security reasons 
 (primarily sensitive information that can only exist in the production 
 - The Puppet configuration maintained via a Git repo, currently on a 
 single branch. 
 - Each person on the admin team checks out own copy of the repo, make 
 changes, commits the changes, then updates each environment on the 
 Puppet servers for the changes to take effect. 

 There are several issues with this process, unfortunately: 

 - Every so often a configuration mistake will adversely affect an 
 entire environment, and much of the time is only noticed _after_ the 
 changes are pushed out.  As a result, local changes tend to be made in 
 the development environment for testing and sometimes aren't committed 
 for a long time, leaving discrepancies between the environments which 
 can lead to other subtle issues. 
 - Less frequent but still occuring often enough, changes can still 
 have subtle issues which cause things to work in one environment and 
 break horribly in another; this is especially bad when the broken 
 environment is the production one. 
 - The configuration for a given 

Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Looking for solution on working configuration for new testing Puppet servers in existing environments

2012-04-18 Thread Ken Lareau

Thank you for the response, and yes, our current configuration and security
requirements have made things a bit difficult at the moment.  Fortunately
we do already have an ENC which does access an access-controlled database
and does have the environment information in it, though we still do pass
'--environment' due to this not working long ago... and looking at the
first issue ticket you mention, this could be a problem as our developers
are allowed to connect their own VMs to the development Puppet server but
can easily choose to point '--environment' to whatever they please.  In
actuality, they can do that now (and it would probably work), so the
problem is already there, though I would definitely not want to make it
worse. :)  Right now our ENC only has a minimal amount of information in
it, but the plan is to eventually populate it with more and reduce the
amount of work the Puppet configuration has to do itself, as you suggested

From the brief exchange on IRC this morning, the indication seems to be
moving to a single CA should be the follow-up to this, and I think this is
doable, though I'm still uncertain what the best path is to handle this.
Once that's done, I can then look into improving the security of our
systems (as in actually making it secure rather than what it really is
right now).

Thank you for your input.

- Ken Lareau

On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 7:56 AM, Eric Sorenson wrote:

 Hi Ken, thanks for posting.

 It seems like you have introduced some tension between the security
 requirements (clients which are in a particular environment must not be
 able to retrieve other environments) and the need to have widespread
 testing with good coverage. From what I understand you've managed this now
 by having different CA certificates for each environment, but -- as it
 sounds like you realise -- that is pretty problematic.  I'd suggest you can
 end-run around a lot of this trouble by using an external node classifier
 to set and enforce client environment, so regardless of what the
 --environment string says from the client, each of the masters will
 consistently enforce policy.  You don't have to go all-in to node
 class/parameter assignment in the ENC because static configs are merged
 with the output. A prerequisite is that you need to have some source of
 truth which the ENCs can consult to determine the disposition of each node
 that connects, but that source-of-truth could be an access-controlled
 database (maybe you already have one?) that is, in general, going to be a
 better place to put business logic (which nodes should be able to access
 each environment, and even perhaps some of the conditional logic in your
 manifests) than Puppet itself.

 This isn't without its own set of problems and might not be a panacea but
 I think would help a lot of your use case. Some relevant reading:

 Hope this helps
  - Eric Sorenson - N37 17.255 W121 55.738  -  -

 On Tuesday, April 17, 2012 7:34:43 PM UTC-7, Ken Lareau wrote:

 Hello folks,

 After some conversation on #puppet on Freenode IRC, Eric Sorenson
 requested I repost the information and question here, so I am doing so
 and hopefully it will all make sense...

 We currently have a well-established and relatively complex Puppet
 setup in place at my company and I'm in the process of trying to
 streamline changes as well as implement better testing to ensure
 minimal disruption or issues when making those changes.  Some
 information on the current situation:

 - There are currently three environments: development, staging,
 production.  These are controlled via the '--environment' setting for
 puppet in each client.  All clients only belong to one environment and
 do not move between them.
 - We have a single Puppet configuration to manage all environments.
 Various conditional statements based on environment, application type,
 hostname, etc. control what each client receives for its
 - There are separate servers for each environment for security reasons
 (primarily sensitive information that can only exist in the production
 - The Puppet configuration maintained via a Git repo, currently on a
 single branch.
 - Each person on the admin team checks out own copy of the repo, make
 changes, commits the changes, then updates each environment on the
 Puppet servers for the changes to take effect.

 There are several issues with this process, unfortunately:

 - Every so often a configuration mistake will adversely affect an
 entire environment, and much of the time is only noticed _after_ the
 changes are pushed out.  As a result, local changes tend to be made in
 the development environment for testing and sometimes aren't committed
 for a long time, leaving discrepancies between the environments which
 can lead 

Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Looking for solution on working configuration for new testing Puppet servers in existing environments

2012-04-18 Thread Ken Lareau

Thank you for the response; I believe you got the idea pretty well and
while your suggestion makes sense, it is something we definitely can't
follow through with right now; our configuration is massive and complex and
having to maintain three different yet similar sets of configuration would
be difficult and reduce our response time to necessary user changes (of
which we get anywhere from 5-10 a day).  It's just not feasible without a
complete reworking of how we do things right now, and not at the top of our
priority lists.

I do appreciate the input, however.  Thank you.

- Ken Lareau

On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 12:28 PM, Trevor Smith

 I'll take a stab at some of this.  Hopefully I'm correctly understanding
 your issue.

 Am I correct in the following? :

 You define 3 environments development, staging, and production.  These
 environments are defined as such in Puppet but they are also separate
 environments within your network, for the sake of clarity I'll call them
 zones from here out?

 Each zone has a Puppet Master server.

 Each Puppet Master server has three environments defined development,
 staging, and production.  Each environment has the full git repository with
 the applicable branch checked out.

 The clients in each zone connect to the Puppet Master in their zone and
 pull their configs from the corresponding environment.  So a
 staging_zone_client connects to staging_zone_master and pulls from the

 If that's correct then:

 You already have three separate Puppet Masters so the environments are
 redundant.  As configured staging_zone_client can pull from
 production_environment using --environment.  One fix could be to define
 only the production environment on each zone's Puppet Master and check out
 the applicable branch in only the production environment.  As long as you
 never check out the production branch in development or staging then
 clients from those zones couldn't pull the settings for production zone as
 it's just not available.  As long as they cannot connect to the other
 zone's Puppet Master, preventable by network segmentation, certs etc...

 Within each zone you could then define environments such as development
 and testing for conducting those activities within each zone.   So you'd
 have staging/dev and staging/test branches checked out in those
 environments.  I guess you could extend that and create environments for
 each admin within each zone that would allow the admin to use the
 --environment option for clients to test their work within a zone.  This
 would result in a lot of environments, and probably a lot of branches, but
 you wouldn't need a test Puppet Master for each admin.

 I'd think this would introduce the problem of making it difficult to reuse
 modules between zones as I'd think you'd end up basically managing three
 completely different branches.  Unless the sensitive data you're worried
 about is not being stored in your puppet repo and you have no issues
 merging changes made to the production branch into the development and
 testing branches, plus your admins will have a lot of different topic
 branches to deal with.  Long run you'd probably want to move zone specific
 settings out of your modules and use something like hiera so  you can
 standardize your modules across zones and just pull in the location
 settings using hiera.

 Hope I understood your problems correctly and this is helpful..

 On Tuesday, April 17, 2012 10:34:43 PM UTC-4, Ken Lareau wrote:

 Hello folks,

 After some conversation on #puppet on Freenode IRC, Eric Sorenson
 requested I repost the information and question here, so I am doing so
 and hopefully it will all make sense...

 We currently have a well-established and relatively complex Puppet
 setup in place at my company and I'm in the process of trying to
 streamline changes as well as implement better testing to ensure
 minimal disruption or issues when making those changes.  Some
 information on the current situation:

 - There are currently three environments: development, staging,
 production.  These are controlled via the '--environment' setting for
 puppet in each client.  All clients only belong to one environment and
 do not move between them.
 - We have a single Puppet configuration to manage all environments.
 Various conditional statements based on environment, application type,
 hostname, etc. control what each client receives for its
 - There are separate servers for each environment for security reasons
 (primarily sensitive information that can only exist in the production
 - The Puppet configuration maintained via a Git repo, currently on a
 single branch.
 - Each person on the admin team checks out own copy of the repo, make
 changes, commits the changes, then updates each environment on the
 Puppet servers for the changes to take effect.

 There are several issues with this process, unfortunately:

 - Every